Topic: Dianthe's Story

Lydia Qudamah

Date: 2005-11-05 01:03 EST
Approximately five years ago....

"You've been grieving the Admiral's departure for weeks now, Dianthe."

"Is that what you think I'm doing?" the girl asked, her face turned toward the sea, a cool evening breeze stirring the long silken mane of dark hair that fell to her waist.? She'd locked herself away in the guest quarters since the day he'd left, unwilling to part with the memory of him just yet, though she knew they'd come for her eventually, to return her to her studies, her training, her life.? It had only been a month since the Admiral's departure, though to Dianthe, it had seemed like a lifetime.

"I know it is," the man replied, setting his hands upon the girl's shoulders and turning her gently to face him.? "You love him, yes?"? He watched as her face revealed her heart, golden brown eyes pooling with tears, and he sighed.? Ever since the Admiral's arrival, he'd anticipated this, knew it was inevitable, and yet, it was not easy for him to witness his daughter's pain.

"Oh, Father," the girl cried, burying her face against his white robed chest.? "I fear I shall never see him again."

The man sighed again as he took his daughter in his arms, stroking the long mane of dark hair with a hand.? Despite several wives and mistresses, she was his only child, and her happiness and welfare had always been his utmost concern.? "I believe you made quite an impression on the good Admiral, Dianthe.? I am quite certain you will see him again."

The girl lifted her golden eyes to regard him, her face wet with tears, hope stirring in her heart.? "How can you be so sure?"

He gently brushed the tears from her face.? Despite her training, she was still very young, barely sixteen years.? It wrenched his heart to see her this way, and yet, he knew it was for the best.? "You must trust me, Dianthe," he answered her softly.

"I do, but...."

"He loves you in his own way. He just doesn't know it yet."

"What shall I do, Father?? I miss him so."

"Continue your training, and when you are through, I will send for the good Admiral."

"But what if he doesn't come?? What if...."

The man laid a finger to his daughter's lips to quiet her doubts.? "I would have you live with hope in your heart, not despair.? You must trust the gods to guide you, Dianthe, and to keep the Admiral safe."

The girl nodded obediently, though her heart was aching.? "I shall try, Father.? I promise."

Lysander smiled down at his only daughter and folded her protectively in his arms to hold her close.? "You must do more than try, daughter, and I shall pray the gods have mercy on us both."

Lydia Qudamah

Date: 2005-11-05 01:04 EST
Years passed, and as the girl grew to womanhood, her love for the good Admiral never waned. He wrote sometimes -- letters that spoke of his life at sea -- and she cherished them, missing him all the more and longing for the day when he'd return at last, just as her father had promised. She often read between the lines of his letters -- between the tales of adventure and battle -- of how he missed the warm, quiet nights they'd spent together so long ago, and though her days were spent in earnest, her nights were spent dreaming of her dashing, dark-haired Admiral.

Years passed, and the girl grew in both knowledge and beauty, until the day came at last when her father sent word to the good Admiral that his daughter was ready -- she was a child no more, and he had become an old man. It was time for her to acquire a new guardian -- one who would love and protect her, just as he had. And there was another to consider.

But as fate would have it, they had no way of knowing that while the letter was making its way to the Admiral's hands, those who had sent it had come under attack from the very enemy he'd fought so long and hard to protect them from....

Approximately five months ago....

"Stay as quiet as you can, and don't come out until you're certain they've gone."

The girl looked up at her mother with tears in her eyes, "But Mama...."

Dianthe laid a finger to the child's lips. She could hear men shouting and pounding on the doors of her chambers and knew it wouldn't be long before they broke through. "Stay here with Lyssa. You'll be safe here. They won't find you here."

"Mistress, please...." the woman named Lyssa started to protest. Despite her fear, it was her duty to protect those in her care, not the other way around, but her mistress would hear none of it.

"There's no time to argue now, Lyssa. They saw me. They know I'm here, but they don't know about you or Cassandra." She looked back at the child and pressed a small bound volume into her hands. "Your father will come for you. When he does, give him this. It explains everything. And remember, I will always love you."

Dianthe brushed a protective kiss against her daughter's forehead and then she was gone, leaving the weeping pair unsure if they'd ever see her again.

Lydia Qudamah

Date: 2005-11-11 00:18 EST
For the first time in her life, Dianthe was glad for the sword-training she'd been given, however unlikely it had seemed at the time that she might need it. The sword had been made especially for her -- it was light but sharp, and it wasn't long before she'd bloodied it for the first time.

At first, they had laughed at her -- a mere girl in a nightdress brandishing a blade. They had found her good sport and had promised to go easy on her if she'd only put the blade aside, but the laughter had quickly ended after the first of them had fallen.

Much to her enemy's dismay, the blade did its work again and again, until only one of them remained standing, but its wielder was growing weary. Back and forth, the two blades clashed -- slicing and thrusting, lunging and parrying. Only once did his blade meet with her flesh, and she fell back gasping with the pain of it, but pain was the one thing Dianthe was not afraid of, and it only steeled her resolve.

"Come, girl, set aside your blade. I'm no match for you," her opponent told her as they stood facing one another, blades at the ready.

There was a crimson stain growing at Dianthe's right shoulder, but she ignored the pain. "I would rather die than submit to one such as you," she retorted defiantly between clenched teeth.

"I would rather you did not," he replied, driving her forcefully back with his sword and knocking the blade at last from her hand. "It would be a pity to kill one as lovely as yourself," he said as he pressed the tip of his blade to her throat, his eyes roaming briefly over her scantily-clad form.

"What do you want of me?" she asked lifting her chin, keenly aware of the cold steel at her throat.

"For the moment, nothing but your surrender," he said as he stepped closer, the blade pressed precariously against her flesh. "Do you choose life or death, girl? What shall it be?"

Dianthe swallowed hard. Her heart was racing with mingled fear and hatred. She was too proud to surrender, yet surrender meant life, and life meant a chance for retribution. She felt herself trembling and knew he must sense her fear. "Life is always more desirable than death," she answered quietly.

His lips curved into a wry smile at her response. He was not unattractive -- tall and broad-shouldered with long yellow hair and blue-gray eyes -- but he was not the Admiral, and she felt nothing for him but hatred.

"Well said," he replied, as he withdrew the blade from her throat and gestured with it to a chest of drawers. "Go find something more suitable to wear. You won't get twenty paces without being ravished in that. And don't try anything. I may not feel so generous the next time."

Lydia Qudamah

Date: 2005-11-11 13:12 EST
Dianthe had remembered the Admiral's advice and had learned to wield a sword. Much to the enemy's surprise, she had spilled more than a little of their blood before they had taken her, but in the end, it hadn't matter. They'd forced her to watch helplessly as they'd killed her father, along with any others they'd deemed worthless.

As for herself, she had been taken captive, along with some others to be sold as slaves once they reached the mainland. One like her, they'd said, would fetch an extraordinary price, and orders had been issued to insure her safe passage.

One might consider bondage a better fate than death, and Dianthe knew she would do what she must to survive, but she would never forget those she loved. No matter what happened, their memory would burn forever in her heart. She could only hope that one day the good Admiral would find her, and then she'd have both her freedom and her revenge.