Topic: Burden

Luna Eva

Date: 2009-06-11 15:21 EST
Listen...we have something to talk about.

"Eva, Mason. Good afternoon. Please. Come in."

Mason smiled slightly at the greeting. "Hey."

"Hey, Lucien." Eva smiled politely. "Thanks for seeing us."

So....if something happens....I mean, if I get*t. I hate to put this burden on you, babe. But...I have no other family, you're the only one I have and if I get sick, someone has to make decisions...

"I wasn't sure if..." Eva looked across at Lucien. "If you'd need to speak to Mason in private... before... before we got started."

Lucien looked to Mason, then back to Eva. "There is no need for me to discuss anything individually with either of you, unless that is something you require of me."

"No. I don't have anything private. Everything can be talked about in front of Eva. She is part of this."

It's called a medical proxy... it's a legal document... you basically... you know... sign it... and then I can... Is that what you want?

"My medical records are under a different name than mine." Mason glanced between Eva and Lucien.

"Records in Rhydin?"

"Yeah. At Rhydin Medical Center."

Lucien set the notepad aside on the arm of the chair and ran a hand thoughtfully over his chin. "How long ago was that?"

"Recently. Within the last few months. I've had several visits there and did so under an alias."

We'll need to talk about what you want.

Lucien nodded then turned his attention to Eva. "There is another name on record in Rhydin?"

"No, not on record. But... the one I'm using doesn't match my birth certificate... but... look, I mean... if I can leave that name out of this... I think that would be better."

"If it isn't on an official record, that's fine. Is there another name or alias you have used here?"

Eva shook her head, and then looked at Mason. "Is that alright? I just thought... it might be safer."

"Of course it is, babe." Mason looked back towards Lucky. "I don't want people looking into her."

I don't want to be a burden. I don't want you saddled with taking care of a brain dead vegetable.

And... and if there was brain activity? I mean, not minimal, but just... if you were in a coma?

"To what extent did you want the proxy to cover?"

"She has all the rights as family would if I'm incapacitated. You know, make decisions for me and stuff."

Mason... do you trust me? It's okay if you're not sure, I'll understand.

Of course I do.

I'll do the right thing.

"Full powers then." Lucien noted that with a nod. "And the duration? Indefinitely?"

Eva looked at Mason, then back at Lucien. She said nothing.


I'm sorry, kitten.

Don't, baby, don't. I would... I would do anything for you... don't be sorry... please don't be sorry...

"And I assume you do not want an alternate listed."

"Alternate, what?"

"An alternate agent. Sometimes more than one name is listed."

Eva nodded to Mason, her eyes shining in the bright light. "In case something happens to me. Someone else."

"No, there isn't anyone else I trust like that."

I just don't want you to have to...I mean... you know, you go on and stuff. If I have anything, it's yours. I wish there was more to give you.

"Listen. Do I need a will too?"

Lucien started to speak, then stopped at Mason's query. "You don't need to have a will, but it is always a good thing to have one in place."

"I don't have a lot. Just a ring and a locket that are worth some money. But I want to make sure they go to Eva."

"If you would like, I can draw up a will for you as well."


Her eyes shifted to the window.

That's not... That's not gonna happen, you're not leaving me... okay... we're gonna fix it... you're not leaving me, okay?

"Eva? You still sure this is okay?" Mason looked over at her now.

I don't want to go away. And I'm going to fight like the devil not to, you hear me?

"Yeah. I'm sure." She looked at Mason, and worked up a small smile.

I'm just taking care of the what ifs, so it's easier for you.

Her hand was given a squeeze. "But you know, this is just a precaution. Nothing is going to happen."

Shh... I've got you babe...

She nodded. "I know. Just a precaution."

I've got you...

Lucky Duck

Date: 2009-06-26 03:44 EST
The late afternoon sun streamed into the room around the Barrister who stood at the window and washed the office in a warm tint. In the hushed silence, Lucien watched the denizens out on the streets. The skies above held onto its airy azure hue, but shadows were already cast upon their passing faces, concealing their features.

However no light was needed to read their emotions. More was often revealed within the shades of shadows. Volumes spoken in the breath of silence. A myriad of emotions conveyed in a glance. He watched how they carried their bodies, studied the subtle turn of features, observed the measure of their stride.

It was plain to see...

In how her face lit up when he entered the room. In how his rage subsided at her brushed touch. How he lifted her up with a laugh. And how she anchored him with a smile.

He turned from the window at the knock on his door and saw Gwyr open it for Eva and Mason. Lucien moved from the window to greet Doctor and Wolf and led them to his desk where the document lay.

There was much that had been said without a single word. The weight of matters shared in a muted breath, a shift of gaze to the window, a squeeze of a hand....were laid out impersonally in black and white.

"It is as you asked," he assured quietly, indicating the cold details on paper.



I, Mason Harrigan, aka Robert St Clair, residing at #1301 Wyvern Way, Apt C., Rhydin, appoint as my Health Care Agent: Eva Luna of #1301 Wyvern Way, Apt C., Rhydin.

My Agent shall have the authority to make all health care decisions for me, including decisions about life-sustaining treatment, without any limitations, if I am unable to make health care decisions myself, including but not limited to:

1. Request, review, and receive any information, verbal or written, regarding my physical or mental health, including, but not limited to, medical and hospital records;
2. Execute on my behalf any releases or other documents that may be required in order to obtain this information;
3. Consent to the disclosure of this information.

My Agent's authority becomes effective if my attending physician determines that I lack the capacity to make or to communicate health care decisions. My Agent is then to have the same authority to make health care decisions as I would if I had the capacity to make them and has the power and authority to execute on my behalf all necessary documents including but not limited to the following:

1. Documents titled or purporting to be a "Refusal to Permit Treatment" and "Leaving Hospital Against Medical Advice";
2. Any necessary waiver or release from liability required by a hospital or physician.

I direct my Agent to make health care decisions based on my Agent's assessment of my personal wishes. If my personal wishes are unknown, my Agent is to make health care decisions based on my Agent's assessment of my best interests. Copies of this Health Care Proxy shall have the same force and effect as the original and may be given to other health care providers.

The authority of my Agent exists indefinitely from its date of execution.

The original copy of this Medical Power of Attorney is located at #1301 Wyvern Way, Apt C., Rhydin.
Signed copies of this Medical Power of Attorney have been filed with the following individuals and institutions:
- Rhydin Medical Center
- Offices of Lucien Viktor Mallorek, Esq.

(signature here)

WITNESS STATEMENT: I, the undersigned, each witnessed the signing of this Health Care Proxy by the Principal and state that the Principal is of age, of sound mind and under no constraint or undue influence. As witness, I am not is named as the Health Care Agent or Alternate Agent in this document.

In our presence, on this 10th day of June, 2009

Lucien Viktor Mallorek
(signature of witness here)
Lucien Viktor Mallorek, Esq.
Spiegel, Mallorek and Colling, P.C.
666 Grand Avenue, Suite 13
Central County, Rhydin

Statement of Health Care Agent:

Health Care Agent: I have been named by the Principal as the Principal's Health Care Agent by this Health Care Proxy. I have read this document carefully, and have personally discussed with the Principal his health care wishes at a time of possible incapacity. I know the Principal and accept this appointment freely. I am not an operator, administrator or employee of a hospital, clinic, nursing home, rest home, Soldiers Home or other health facility where the Principal is presently a patient or resident or has applied for admission. Or if I am a person so described, I am also related to the Principal by blood, marriage, or adoption. If called upon and to the best of my ability, I will try to carry out the Principal's wishes.

(signature of Health Care Agent here)

Luna Eva

Date: 2009-06-28 14:23 EST
Eva's pen scratched above the line, ink uneven in the loops of her signature. Eva Luna. She returned the pen to the table and wiped the sweat from her palms on her pants. The setting sun cast uneven light across the white pages of the document, broken by the water glass in an array of color, faint leafy shadows swaying with the outside breeze.

There was no magic in the signing of her name. No lightning strike of purpose. She felt no other-worldly power holding her to the promise. The document bound her by law, not by soul.

The weight she felt was hers. Hers alone. Because there was only them. Eva and Mason. Their names, one above the other, on a piece of paper.

The promise she was making was more than the one set forth in the document. Yes, she would be the guardian of Mason's wishes. But that wouldn't be enough.

She would protect him when he could not protect himself. She would fight for his life when he couldn't fight any more. And if death could not be denied, she would keep the darkness at bay, so that he was holding her hand and looking into her eyes when it came calling.


Date: 2009-06-28 16:36 EST
Watching, he is always watching. An accusation in words and look that had been cast at him before. Like a portrait on a wall whose eyes seemed to follow you around the room.

Mason was watching Eva.

The scratching of pen to paper echoing in his ears. It sounded like nails scratching on canvas. The muscles in his chest tightened.The usual dull ache flaring into pain that caused a hitch of breath.

He didn't want to be a burden. To linger and Eva be left with the chore of seeing to his care. She would do it, he knew that. She would continue on and at the end of the day she would sit in his room among the machines that kept him alive. A dutiful vigil. Mason didn't want to burden her with that, but was this alternative an easier burden?

Pen poised on the paper. It was his turn. Mason Harrigan. Done. Two women now held his life in their hands. The Muse had taken her hold of him by force. Mason's eyes lifted and found Eva again. To Eli he was giving the power freely.

He had told Eva before that she was far stronger than she gave herself credit for. What right did he have to test that by asking her to do this?

When the time comes... no... if... he had to think if. If the time comes and Eva has to make the decision, would she know it is an act of mercy, or in the bowels of night will she blame herself for ending his life?

Mason set the pen down, his hand going to rub at his aching chest. He had just signed his life away, or he had signed Eva's soul to her own devils.

I'm sorry, kitten.