Topic: Meetings

Luna Eva

Date: 2009-04-02 13:34 EST
"Here's what I hate: I hate that after more than a decade of this, I still wake up some mornings and the first thought on my mind is when am I gonna score?

"I hate thinking I can control it, like almost convincing myself that I can handle taking just one pill to ease the pain. I say to myself, I've been so good, so in control. And I'd be taking it for real reasons, for actual physical pain. Just until the ache stopped. I deserve to feel better. Don't I deserve to feel better?

"But even worse than that, is when I'm feeling good. I mean, I had a really great weekend with the guy I'm seeing. But it's like, I just keep thinking back you know? My brain goes there and I don't know why and I don't know how to stop it. I start thinking about how good it felt to have sex when I was using. And I think I should explain it to him, so he knows, and then maybe if we did a hit together, we could enjoy it just once, and then we'd stop because even if I'm not strong, he's strong.

"God, how sick is that? I mean, at this point can I even blame it on a chemical dependency? Cause I think it's just me. It's just me. I'm just sick. I get one good thing - no, I get one amazing thing and I want to blow it on one cheap freaking score, and I want to drag him into it, the one good thing that I've got.

"And you know what I said to him the other night? I said, I said the worst things I've ever done I've done sober. That's such unbelievable bull. Like I'm trying not to take responsibility for the crap I did while I was high. I mean, I probably don't even remember half of it. Seriously, how would I remember?

"I did it all. Me. I did it. I don't know why I have to keep repeating that to myself. I don't know why I keep forgetting that. I'm the one responsible. I made those choices.

"So, yeah, I've been thinking about it more. You know, how to lift some. Some of the pain medication that I picked up for him. Stashing it, and trying to figure out what I'd need to do to get away with it, right? Like when I'd take it, and how much I could take without tipping him off. I think about where I could hide it. I think about it a lot. You know, it's like I'm formulating a plan.

"I haven't told that many people here that I'm recovering. But like... everyone I've told... sometimes I feel like they look at me like they think I'm just an inch away from using again. It's the junkie look, you know? Like they've gotta keep an eye on me. Make sure I'm keeping in line, and wondering if I'm using again.

"He never gives me that look.

"Maybe he should though. I mean, just listen to me. Maybe he's the one who's wrong.

"I don't want to lie to him. I don't want to be a liar. I mean, I'm a junkie, right? I'm a good liar. But I don't want to be one for him. Are secrets lies? Because he already knows I have secrets. How do I know what secrets to keep? If I want to keep a secret from him, does that make me a liar?

"Anyhow, so I'm here now. I'm telling you guys. I hate freaking talking at these things. I freaking hate it. But I'm here. I just keep coming here. So maybe tomorrow when I wake up I won't think about when I'm gonna score. Don't know what I'm gonna do tomorrow."

Luna Eva

Date: 2009-05-28 15:05 EST
"Eva, you haven't said much tonight. Is there something on your mind? Something you'd like to share with the group?"


Luna Eva

Date: 2009-09-24 15:16 EST
"I just... I wonder sometimes... if the things that happened to me, the bad things, if they hadn't happened... would I still have become a user?

"I mean, not like in a destiny sort of way. I believe in self-determination, I think we all have to, I mean... everyone in this group has to take responsibility for their choices, right? So we can't believe in fate or predestination. Our addictions may be out of our control but the choices that led us here were ours...

"No, what I mean is, would I still have chosen drugs? Was that path a part of my genetic makeup? Regardless of any... any traumatic experiences? Was addiction a part of my personality, determined from birth, like... a sense of humor, or my... my affinity for math?

"I'm not trying to say it wasn't my choice... I know that it was, I know that it was my responsibility... but did it like... did it need a trigger?

"In this room... there isn't always like a thing, like one thing, that you could point to and say, 'Oh, that drove him to it.' Maybe sometimes people just make mistakes. Sometimes they just spiral.

"I guess it's not important, I guess it doesn't matter why it happened. In the end we're all here. And the past can't be erased.

"I just keep thinking... if I knew... if I knew that my addiction had nothing to do with what happened to me... well... maybe I'd stop excusing every craving, every temptation as a reaction to the bad time I'm having.

"I want to stop that. I want to stop excusing the cravings. Cause some day... some day it's going to happen again. I can feel it. That happiness is just a breath away from... from...

"And if it does... if it happens again... I'm going to lose myself, I'm going to lose myself, I know that I can't stop myself and there will be nothing to stop me.

"Maybe I already have. Maybe I'm already lost. I don't know. I don't know."

Luna Eva

Date: 2009-11-04 19:11 EST
"It's easy to focus on the negative. I wake up some mornings and I don't know what day it is. Each day just seems to run into the next without change. I'm awake and I'm asleep, and sometimes it doesn't seem to matter which.

"I like the patterns though, the rhythm, the familiarity. But it's easy to get lost in that. Especially when there's fear. The fear is comforting in its own strange way. I guess... I guess I'm starting to learn to live with it. Like a lingering cough. You know, the kind you just can't shake, the constant tickle in the back of your throat. Familiar. Expected.

"But I'm trying not to focus on it. I'm trying to focus on the... the good things. Because there are good things... even when life is... when life is... there are good things.

"Every day... a thousand tiny miracles.

"A grassy field covered in morning frost. The scent of freshly brewed coffee. The change of the seasons... the turning leaves, and chilly autumn winds. The deep, comforting quiet of night. The sound of wagon wheels on cobblestones. The way it feels to have... to have someone's hand to hold... just when I need it. A thousand tiny miracles.

"I'm grateful for those things. I'm... I'm humbled by them. So... there is beauty in the face of fear... there is... there is joy. I just need to hold onto that. I'm just gonna hold onto that."

Luna Eva

Date: 2010-06-17 19:59 EST
"I haven't thought about using in a long time. I mean... not seriously anyhow. Not planning like I used to do. Or... or thinking about it when I wake up. Well, that's not true. I have the thought, but it doesn't stick. It just melts. Instantly. Like snow on a warm day.

"I wish... I wish I could call it a victory or something, but it's not. It's not a victory. I think, more than anything, I'm just... just really distracted. Tired. And distracted. I don't crave a high cause I don't have time to think about it. How would I work a high into my schedule?

"It's funny that I think about it that way cause I used to get high because of my busy schedule. You know? I mean... I did it to cope. It got me through the day.

"But now... now it just seems like another distraction. So... so, maybe that is a victory... maybe it is. I don't know.

"My partner... my boyfriend... he worries about being a burden sometimes. He's not well, and... and he's gotten hurt a lot in the last year... but... it's not... it's not his health that's a burden. It's his happiness. I don't know how to be responsible for his happiness. But I feel like I am. I mean... how can I be responsible for his happiness, when I can barely manage my own.

"I've never been happy. But I feel like I'm supposed to be happy now. Happy so I can make sure he's happy. Like how... how when he compliments me, I have to try to react the right way. I'm not good at that, you know?

"I hide from him still. I know I do. I hide and I lie. And I don't know how to stop. I don't know if I want to stop.

"Isn't it enough that I'm not using. Can't he just say 'thank you for being sober' and leave me alone? I mean, I'm gonna screw up. I'm screwing up now. I haven't been to a meeting in a long time. I lied about it at first, and then... and then now there are other things... but don't you think when you... when you date a junkie, you should just... just be thankful for sobriety and forgive everything else?

"That's all I want right now... that's all I want. Cause maybe it's not a victory. And maybe I'll always be a liar. But I'm freaking sober, and sometimes I think that should be enough."

Luna Eva

Date: 2010-10-17 19:05 EST
"I know, I mean... I know this is stupid. I keep... I keep telling myself that. All the damn time. I keep telling myself. I mean... I'm just remembering it wrong. Like... like filtering out the bad stuff... and only remembering the good stuff.

"It's just... I mean... the world was so much brighter when I was high.

"Everything seems dull now. The seasons come and go, and... there's the sky, and the sun, and sunsets and the sea, and everything I feel... everything I feel... it's all just so... dull.

"It's ironic I think... cause, I was using to dull the pain, you know? I wanted to be numb. And I think I was numb. But... but the world looked so different... so... so beautiful.

"The lights flashed and burned, and sounds... laughter like... like trumpets... sirens so loud you could almost see their trail... and music... pounding hard... it was like... like it set my heart to a different beat... and every touch, every touch was like an icy fire. Everything tilted and whirled blurring into one big... mess of color. And... and I could feel everything... and I could feel nothing... everything and nothing all at the same time.

"Or maybe... maybe I just felt only the things I wanted to.

"Now it's all gray. Safe and gray. I love someone... and I am loved... but there's no... no heat to it... it's... safe.

"I know that's good for me. Isn't that what I've always wanted? Stability? Partnership? You know... the things that normal people trade for.

"I love him. I do, I swear. It's just...

"It's just... it makes me feel lonely sometimes. Like... like he'll never entirely understand me. Like I'll never be enough for him... like I'll always be... always be holding something back.

"I want... I want him to hurt me. I want him to hurt me so I can feel something. So I don't have to feel so guilty... for feeling so lonely. For feeling so dull.

"And I just wish someone would explain to me why I need to feel pain, why I need to be hurt, to feel... to feel worthy of love."

Luna Eva

Date: 2011-03-03 22:53 EST
"So, I have this toothache.

"I know it's not a big deal. I mean... it's just... it's probably nothing, right? It's probably nothing. It's nothing.

"But it's... it's... I mean... I don't want to deal with it. I just... I don't want to deal with it. Cause what if it's not nothing? What if it's something?

"I know there are options. I mean... if it's minor I can still get some pain relief, right? You know, like a local... Novocaine. Lidocaine. Whatever.

"But what if it... what if it's serious? What if... what if...? Hell.

"I could ask my partner to go with me... he would go if I asked. I know he would. And I don't know why I'm afraid to ask him. I should just ask him. I should ask him.

"I've been trying to... trying to be more honest with him. About, you know, my problem. It's hard for me. I mean... I don't want to him to think of me like that. I don't want him to think about all these problems. I want him to think of me as... as strong... and... and clean.

"I don't want him to have to hold my hand at the dentist. I don't want him to have to see me explain to the dentist why I can't take pain medication. I don't want... I don't want him to see the look the dentist is gonna give me when I tell him. I mean... you know that look, right? That... that, 'oh you're a junkie,' look. I don't want him to see that.

"I trust him, though. I mean... I trust him. Even if... even if he does see that... I know... I know I'm supposed to share my problems with him. I know we're supposed to share.

"So... so I guess I can share.

"Cause I just... I really need him to hold my hand."

Luna Eva

Date: 2012-01-16 19:47 EST
?I still dream about my dad sometimes. The other night I dreamt that... that he was waiting for me when I got home from work. He was just... just sitting on the front stoop of my apartment building. Smiling. Like... like he?d never left... like he?d never been gone. His long legs all stretched out in front of him... his... his hair catching the wind.

When I got close... when I realized it was actually him, I... I started to cry. And I?m... I?m sobbing in my dream, you know? I?m just sobbing. And I ask him why he left, I ask him why he left all of us... why he left me.

But I?m crying so hard and... it feels so good to cry. It feels so good to cry. And in my dream my dad... you know... he?s just holding me... the way he used to when I was a kid. Trying to soothe me.

When I woke up it was my boyfriend soothing me... I mean... it was my partner, holding me in bed. I guess I?d been crying in my sleep.

But when I woke up that good feeling... that... that satisfaction from having a good cry, you know? That satisfaction was gone. Just like my dad. Just... you know.... gone.

It wasn?t my dad?s fault that he got old... that he got sick. I... I couldn?t expect my dad to stay with me forever. Parents die. That?s what they do. So I shouldn?t have been asking him why he left. I shouldn?t have asked that.

I should have asked him to forgive me. I don?t know why... even in my dreams, you know... I don?t know why I still don?t know how to say ?I?m sorry.?

Just once I wish I could make things right with my dad. But I guess that?s gone.?

Luna Eva

Date: 2012-12-02 03:33 EST
?I feel so damaged. I mean... that?s what we are, right? We?re damaged? It?s just... I feel like I should be protecting him... and if I were to do that, wouldn?t I be keeping him away from me? Wouldn?t I be protecting him from me?

?I hurt people. That?s what I do. And when I?m not.... when I?m not hurting the people in my life, the people who dare to care for me... then I?m hurting myself. I?m tearing myself to pieces.

?When I lie in bed at night, the few minutes that I?m alone, when he?s.... when he?s in the bathroom or getting a glass of water... I think... I think maybe this is.... maybe this is my natural state... you know... being alone. Maybe I?m supposed to be alone.

?Maybe this was all just too much for me to dream. That I could find someone. That I could have someone. Maybe it was too much.

?And then he comes back in the room and he turns off the light and he gets into bed beside me. And he pulls me close and... oh god... it?s almost unbearable...

?That he might stay with me... forever... it?s almost as terrifying as losing him.


?Even when I?m with him I?m alone.?

Luna Eva

Date: 2014-03-08 16:09 EST
?I really... I really hate talking at these things.

?It's not... not because I don't want you guys to know what's going on with me or something. It's just, I don't know.

?It's not like I have cravings anymore. Not like I used to anyhow.

?Alright... sometimes, sometimes I have cravings. But it's not all-consuming the way it used to be. It doesn't... it doesn't wake me up at night, or drive my day, or... anything.

?I'm just not sure what this meeting is supposed to do for me anymore. I mean, yeah, I've got stuff I worry about. I worry about, about my man, and my friends, and my patients. I worry about all of that.

?But I don't feel... I don't feel thin anymore. I used to feel so thin. Like all it would take is a... a strong wind to blow me down, you know? And then, when it was like that, I needed to be here, I needed... this.

?What if I don't need this anymore? When am I going to know?

?Can't I just... can't I stop thinking of myself as an addict at some point? Can't I be other things. A woman, a doctor, a wife? When do I get to be those things before an addict?

?I don't know. I just... I don't want to be an addict anymore.?

Luna Eva

Date: 2015-07-02 14:21 EST
?I had to go to Star's End recently. Nothing important. Errand.

?It was weird though. I mean, I haven't thought about using in... in a long time now. So long, I can't even remember.

?But as soon as I step into Star's End, as soon as I breathe that air, and hear the noise of the port, it's like... it's like it all comes back to me. All of those old habits. The old friends. The old places.

?The alley where I used to score. The club where I used to go dancing. The bar where I met my dealer. All those memories. Just being there.

?And I swear, it almost felt like I wanted it again.

?I know that this is one of the hardest things for people to do. But I had to... I had to start my life over to get where I am now. I had to sever ties. And for a long time that new life... it felt so empty... so... so dead. Without the high, you know? It was like I was dead without the high.

?But now my life is alive again.

?I don't want it anymore.

?I don't want it.

?So I guess... I guess this is what fifteen years of sobriety feels like.?