Topic: Sheep's clothing

Jolyon Gardiner

Date: 2009-10-16 18:29 EST
vellum - : a fine-grained unsplit lambskin, kidskin, or calfskin prepared especially for writing on or for binding books

At the acceptance of his invitation to meet, Jolyon had tried his best to be prepared. He had arrived earlier that day, quite the habit these days, and had even been greeted by name by one of the library keepers. His notes and personal books had been set upon a table near the back of the library. Throughout the day he had continued his research, building up or tearing down theories, and keeping with him the texts he felt most pertinent. The scruff of beard was returning from lack of shaving, but there was liveliness to his movements and one would say the shadows beneath his eyes not quite so dark. The cough, however, remained and disturbed the library's silence every so often. He sat there, studied on with nervous anticipation for the meeting.

Mason glanced over his shoulder as they walked. The usual vigil of their surroundings. When he wasn't keeping watch he was sneaking peeks at Eva. Their joined hands were tucked into the pocket of his leather peacoat, it brought their shoulders brushing against each other. His voice was quiet, a hint of nerves in his tone, ?Thanks for coming with me babe.? A few moments later he made a confession. ?Why does it feel like I'm going to the doctors??

Eva squeezed his hand in his pocket, and replied quietly, ?Cause you're not sure what he's going to say...? She took a breath, her eyes tired as she looked up the steps that led to the broad doorway of RhyDin's library. ?It'll be alright... knowing is better than not knowing. Come on...? Gentle urging of her body as she started climbing the stairs.

Notebook pages flipped back and forth with one hand, the other did much the same with a book directly in front of him. It was a good thing the library was virtually empty at that hour, for no one would have been able to share table space with him. The wood was almost entirely concealed by the array of research. Something tickled his throat, nerves likely, and he coughed into his shoulder.

Mason climbed with Eva. He cast another glance back as he pulled the big door open for her and followed her in. Mason was never what one could call a regular at the library. Behavior harkened back to childhood visits. He walked with Eva quietly towards the desk. His voice was barely above a whisper. ?Excuse me....we're supposed to meet someone here.?

The library keeper looked confused, and then a knowing smile, she pointed down a long pathway between the towering stacks to her right with an additional gesture of her fingers crooking to the right once again.

Mason offered a smile. ?Thanks, Ercie.? Name picked up from a sign at the desk, he glanced aside to Eva and led her off in the direction the librarian had indicated.

The place smelled like dust and furniture polish to Eva. RhyDin was so different than Star's End... the library there had a metal detector and lockers where you had to check your weapons. Eva's gun remained comfortably tucked at her back beneath her leather jacket.

"Oh, right there, blast it all, stupid fellow you are." He murmured and corrected a notation with a vigorous slash of his pencil across the notes and the new notes jotted just above in atrociously small symbols. The pencil end tapped repeatedly against his forehead as he read on through the book in hand.

They made the right turn as instructed and Mason leaned towards Eva. ?There.? He nodded his head to the sight of Jolyon behind a table of papers and books and talking to himself.

Jolyon Gardiner

Date: 2009-10-16 18:31 EST
Jolyon reached for his pocket watch and clicked it open. "I do hope that keeper remembers I said someone was going to meet me..." and he looked towards the main pathway just as they arrived. "Oh, excellent, excellent." He stood to greet them.

?Jesus Christ..,? whispered softly under her breath at the sight of Jolyon and all of his books and notes. She took a deep breath and worked up a smile, keeping her voice low as befits a library setting. ?Evening Jolyon.?

Mason couldn't help but chuckle as Jolyon stood up. ?Hey.?

"Evening, evening." He motioned to seats and started to pull some of the books closer. A flash of a sheepish smile, somewhat embarrassed by the wall of texts his gathered. A pointed look to Mason, "How are you feeling?" Then a nod to Eva, "Both of you."

Mason pulled a chair out for Eva. She took the offered seat, declining to answer Jolyon due to recent events, simply offering a nod to Mason with a quiet, ?Thank you.?

?Doing alright. You?? Mason shrugged out of his coat and sat down in the other chair. The peacoat across his lap. Reading upside down, Eva let her eyes skim over the texts Jolyon had selected.

Looking down at his books, mostly mythologies on tricksters, but there are a few on paintings, art work, and some criticisms of a book called The Portrait of Dorian Grey as well as the book itself. He glanced to the chair, he looked at them, and felt a bit lost. He rather liked to move while he was thinking, but, no, that would certainly not make them feel better if he were to do that. He sat, half on and half off the chair to be precise. "Doing well, thank you.

"Right then, won't be wasting your time, precious thing it is, damn nuisance, too, which is partly why I asked you to meet me here. So, right, how much do you want to know or shall I cut right to my current theories and see if you can help me refine or toss them out, what?" A shuffle of a few notes one way and then another.

Mason glanced at the spread of papers and books before looking to Jolyon again. He glanced at Eva. ?Uhmm..,? then back to Jolyon. ?Why don't we go with current theories??

Eva remained quiet, her eyes moving between the two. She leaned forward, unzipping her leather jacket and then leaning left and right before sliding it off. A quick drape over the back of her chair, and her attention was back on Jolyon, hand extended beneath the table towards Mason, searching for his.

A nod, he flipped a notebook page one way and then the other. There were a few theories. It was difficult to decide which one. "Right then, so first, the whole premise of the Muse. I must ask, has this Muse worked with other mediums than paintings? Words, poetry, dance?"

Mason found Eva's hand, thankfully before he had to answer the question. ?Paintings. All I know are paintings. I haven't seen anything else.?

"Hmm, so I thought. Well then, that completely tosses out any relationship or ties to the Greek or Roman Muses. Excellent, getting somewhere now, aren't we? So, Muse is an affectation or one that I have yet to find any information on, which is not exactly unexpected in this world, but..." realizing he is rambling, he gets back on topic. "So, it comes down to this. I need more time, your time is unknown, and we need to buy more. Here is my theory. The Muse works with paintings, effecting others -- are you familiar with the story the Portrait of Dorian Gray?"

Mason nodded slowly. ?It's been a while. Read it as a kid.?

?Something about a guy who never wants to grow old, right?? Reaching back to her own high school education, Eva frowned, looking at Jolyon. ?The painting ages for him??

"Among other things. It takes the vices, the harms he does to himself and to others and all show on the painting while he stays young, healthy, and impervious." An uncertain wobble of his head. "Of course when the painting is destroyed it all comes back upon him. However, this theory is based on the premise only. If we could in some way divert the Muse's effect upon you by creating a counterfeit. I have no idea if it would work."

Mason started to frown slightly. ?The things that are in her paintings happened.?

Eva nodded in agreement with Mason. ?I feel like... like it's inverted... like... the things that happen in the painting happen... in... in real life...?? A look towards Mason... does she have that right? Mason nodded to Eva. He agreed with what she was saying and he didn't mind her speaking freely.

At Mason's frown, he halted his explanation of why he thinks it might work. "Even the Red Riding Hood one? I found that actually rather cryptic myself. Several explanations for it. Then again, if I understand correctly the painter was only inspired by a Muse and could have no relationship at all to the matter at hand." There was no allegation or seeking of explanation. He flipped a page in his notebook, ready to dismiss it and move to the next theory.

His eyes widened at hearing Jolyon. ?What??

Jolyon Gardiner

Date: 2009-10-16 18:34 EST
Blinking up from his notes, "Hmm?" One to the other, "Oh, well, I was not exactly thinking that we would be duplicating this Muse's work, just diverting this particular effect on Mason, or have I misunderstood its source?"

Eva's brow arched. ?Jolyon, perhaps you could slow down a little??

"Oh, yes, quite so, I am sorry. I do let my mind sort of run out at times. I do apologize."

?What painting are you talking about?? Mason looked at Eva. How could Jolyon know?

A nod in agreement with Mason's question, Eva turned to look at Jolyon for the answer.

"Oh..oh that." Now not so certain he should have mentioned it. He thought certainly they would have known of it. Nausea flipped his stomach quite like his first dig of a mummy. "Hmm, well, at the auction?" Looking to either for recognition that there was an art auction.

Not so much recognition as alarm in her eyes. ?What auction??

Mason had seen a flyer but as soon as he saw the word art he had not read further. He nodded with Eva's question. ?There was an auction...of his work??

"I say, I thought I was bad not getting out of the books and what. The art auction some weeks ago now. Several pieces of artwork and sculpture up for silent auction to benefit several charities. Two paintings I believe a...Silas?..." not sure about the name and he looked through his notes for it, "Well from this fellow were up. A twist on the Red Riding Hood tale was one of them." He studied their looks and sat back, folding hands behind his head. "I think I have made a bad sort of error in judgment here. Saying I am sorry just does not seem to cover it, does it?"

Don't panic, don't panic, don't panic. Her voice calm and even, her grip on Mason's hand tight. ?Was it a painting of Mason??

His jaw ticked. Hold of Eva's hand tightening

Little late in the game to hedge words, one slight nod and he spoke, "There was a strong likeness, yes."

Mason muttered, ?F*ck.?

Follow-up question fast on its heels. ?Who bought it??

"Rena was the winning bidder."

Eva released a breath she had apparently been holding, she looked over at Mason as he asked, ?Rena saw it? She won it?? He was shaking his head. If he wasn't holding onto Eva's hand he would have been up and pacing by now. ?Everything...everything in the painting was real. It happened.?

"The painting only showed an after, not a before. You found the woman?" Quite methodical, but not writing anything down. The sick feeling was there, but not for fear on his part.

Surprised again, he stared at Jolyon. ?What woman??

Eva looked from Mason to Jolyon, but the question didn't quite make sense to her. Truth be told, she didn't know what the painting was.

"In the painting."

There was a woman in Mason's painting? This was news to her. She turned to look at Mason.

Mason looked down at the table of notes and books. His eyes fixed on a scribble. Quietly, he spoke. ?I don't know that painting. Mine was...mine was just me.? Wait, Jolyon had said Little Red Riding Hood. ?The hair? Ripped apart??

"Yes, just so." Eventually, as he answered their questions and watched their expressions, he would learn a little more that might help him.

Eva looked at Mason, then back to Jolyon. Color drained from her face, but her expression remained the same - measured interest. She would not react in front of Jolyon, she would not, she would not.

Her voice a whisper, she turned to look at Mason. ?Was she in your painting?

He couldn't look at Eva. He shook his head slightly. ?But I was in that painting, Joly...with the dead woman??

?Maybe you could describe it, Jolyon.? A breath, watching him.

"It might help if you saw the painting, but yes, you were walking away looking back toward her."

Mason felt like he was going to be sick, and his words remained quiet. ?Blood...blood smeared everywhere.? He had seen that or something like it. Eva had had to hold and comfort him after those dreams.

For a moment, Eva said nothing, then she looked at Jolyon. ?I don't think that's the one... at least... not the one that has any power over Mason.?

The look was one Jolyon had seen before on student's faces when bones broke and ancient faces were frozen in rigors of fear. He remained silent for a time. Something was going on inside the man and between the couple, and he need not intrude upon it.

His free hand rubbed at his chest. ?No, it's not the one of me.? He took a deep, deep breath.

"Right then, so, if this other painting has power of him, do you not think we can try to have a painting remove or at least slow down that power? At least give it a go. I need more time. I will find something to help you, but the information is too little." Jolyon grit his teeth against the desperation he heard in his own voice. Nothing done before seemed this important. His brother saved lives. His sister saved lives. He worked with the dead...until now.

Jolyon Gardiner

Date: 2009-10-16 19:15 EST
Eva looked at Jolyon for a long time, then glanced towards Mason, before looking back. ?Jolyon... have you been sleeping??

"As needed," which was the truth given plain and honestly.

?Excuse me.? Mason gave Eva's hand a squeeze before he let go and got up from his chair. He walked off, in search of a bathroom before he threw-up.

Eva's brow furrowed as she watched Mason, frowning, then lowered her head and pushed a hand through her hair. ?It's a lot... for him.?

"I am sorry, Eva, I truly am. I wish there was more I could do than bring more trouble to your doorstep." Rubbing his mouth with an ink stained hand, he looked over his notes again.

?No... Jolyon... neither of us think that.? Her eyes held on him as he looked at his notes. ?Even if there are no answers... maybe we could at least... you know... start asking the right questions.?

"Time. Time, time, time..." He drew out his pocketwatch and slammed it on the table. "I need more of it. Rena and I spoke earlier this week. Beyond the thoughts of tricksters -- which I think this so called Muse is for no Muse or like Muse I have read has a vindictive nature such as this one -- I need to get more time and the only way I can think to do that is somehow divert the effect to something harmless. I just...can't find anything else. Of course, the heart of my questions are why Mason?" The ramble stopped and he inhaled and held it. It was to dangerous to breath out for a moment lest he say something else. It was time for thoughtfulness, not spouting theories. Eventually, the breath is slowly released.

Eva's brow furrowed. ?There will be enough time. There will. We just need to do whatever it is. We need to start. But there will be enough time for whatever we do.? Trying to convince herself of it, as she looked at him intently.

When Mason returned he was flushed. One hand was clenched into a fist at his side. Most likely to prevent him from rubbing at his chest. He glanced at them both as he took his seat again. He had caught just what Eva was saying on his return.

"Yes, of course. You're right." Jolyon was trying to convince himself as well.

?There are some things you don't know, Jolyon,? Mason quietly began.

Eva looked up at Mason. There was no possible world in which she could smile at Mason right now, but her eyes looked to him with the support she offered, hand reaching up for him, if he was ready. His hand was cold and clammy but he needed her touch. Her hand was taken as soon as it was offered.

A slow nod to Mason. That much he had gathered, but still he would not ask. The man may not be ready to share, but Jolyon watched him openly.

He took a breath. ?She has...she can pull us out of the paintings. To do her bidding. I was...originally I was sent to hunt someone for her.? Mason was staring at the scribble of notes again.

Eva let Mason offer what he was prepared to offer, falling quiet, letting the men speak.

Jolyon sat back once more, elbow on the arm of the chair and his inky left hand moving back and forth over his mouth as he took in the information to store in his mind and not on paper. Some things were not meant to be indelible.

?Something is different though. These others she pulls out, they aren't flesh and blood. They are paint. The look alive but they aren't. They are sh*t hard to kill. Eva and I managed to kill one a few days ago. It wasn't easy and we were able to do it by breaking his stick.? He realized how crazy all of this sounded.

A slow nod, he took it in, all the information he could grasp. It was imagined, pictured in his mind's eye, analyzed, turned about, reached back to and he slowly spoke. "You were a painting come to life given flesh and blood?" The question Jolyon asked was devoid of skepticism, pure desire to understand.

Jolyon Gardiner

Date: 2009-10-16 19:16 EST
In a way, Eva wished she wouldn't hear the answer to Jolyon's question. She knew what she believed the answer to be, but the terror in her gut, the terror of her nightmares was that she was wrong.

?I was alive. I was a living human being. I was posed and painted and died. I was in a frame on a wall. She pulled me out...made me real again. I don't know how. I can't remember it all...It's just there at the fringe...I...? He had a theory of his own of a way to go back there but he had made a promise not to try it for now.

A nod as he adjusted the fit of the puzzle piece. A rebirth. That added a great deal more indeed and he sat forward, arms folding on the table. He glanced to Eva, but his attention on Mason.

?There is this thing...this pull.? He searched for the right words. ?It's a string knotted in the pit of your stomach that reaches out..reaches to the painting..and sometimes it it is trying to reel you back in.?

Another nod, impossible to keep his fingers away from his bottom lip where it glided back and forth. Eyes narrowed, furrow between brows, illumination often cast aside some questions and built others up. This was no different, but he was getting direction and information. It was his worst addiction.

Eva's greatest fear bubbled to the forefront of her thoughts, but it remained unspoken as she held onto Mason's hand.

?Sometimes.. when I wake.. I don't know...? He looked aside at Eva. ?I don't know where I am, if I'm real.? She knew those wild eyed moments of his.

The frown deepened. Disconcerting worry, he looked to Eva because Mason did. What would her face reveal? Worry? Resolve? What was it he saw there?

Above all, it was compassion that was in her eyes. The fear she felt was deeply hidden with Mason so exposed, but her body was stiff and very still. Then there was indeed resolve as she spoke to Mason. ?I know you're real.?

"I must concur on that part." Jolyon did not forget earlier times of their meetings. The animosity between Mason and others, and his own foolishly stepping between at times. He nodded, prompted Mason to continue, needing all and everything the man was willing to divulge.

?Pinocchio,? Mason quietly spoke as he looked back to Jolyon. ?We hold our death in our hands. Like a weapon.? Lirssa. ?Jolyon, have you seen Lirssa? Is she okay?? -Derailed from the subject in a fashion that brought a brighter spark of interest from Eva as she turned her attention to Jolyon.

The change of topic took him a moment. "Hm? Sorry? Oh," he shrugged, sharing part of his thoughts required to make a coherent answer though most were still drawing up new theories, possibilities, questions. "I have not seen her very recently. Earlier this week I saw her only briefly to pause the lessons I teach. I simply have not had time to devote to preparing proper lesson plans. She looked...dirtier, but I suppose that is to be expected."

?Expected? So you know she's on the streets??

Eva frowned, looked down

"I do." Jolyon nodded and reached to close some books. "She will not accept a place in my residence as she says it is too far. I cannot deny her the truth of that, plus something about she'd only owe me more." A mild wave of his hand only half understanding that part.

Eva looked at Mason, a long lingering look

Mason nodded and looked at Eva. ?Yeah. She's very adamant about making her own way.? He looked back towards Jolyon. ?The other night..I went to poke her. Just a joke. But when I touched her..This thing...power, whatever it is, it almost went off. She got a jolt, but not a bad one. She said she didn't see anything. It had never done that before.?

He froze a moment. Mason did something to Lirssa? A look aside as if the floor might tell him something. "Are you saying...what kind of jolt?"

?I don't know what to call it. It's..Well, like the Irish we killed. He was bludgeoned to death with his stick. That's how he was posed. When he would use the touch you would see, feel, hear, smell...everything of that moment.?

?It's like living it.? Eva gave a knowing look to Jolyon.

Mason added quietly, ?Dying by it.? Eva nodded to Mason's adjustment. Took a breath in and released it.

His free hand did lift to rub over his chest. ?That's what being in the frame is...over and over and over, like a loop. Endless dying.?

"By the...." Jolyon leaned forward. "Mason, are you saying that the Muse can work through you to harm people?" Too many concerns made what he was hearing nonsensical and he needed to slow down his own thoughts to really hear what Mason and Eva were saying. "Wait," he paused and lifted a hand, finally mind processing what they said. ?No, I see. I believe I understand."

Jolyon Gardiner

Date: 2009-10-16 19:18 EST
Mason?s jaw ticked again. One of his fears. Mason looked at Jolyon to see what he would make of it. Eva?s hand shifted in Mason's, fingers weaving with his, a reminder that she was there. Her eyes held on Jolyon

He pieced it together with what Mason had said before. His rebirth. Yes, that, of course, there's the tie there. And there's Lirssa. He looked to Mason and tried to reassure him. "I would say a good bit of luck you had there. I am not exactly sure what is going on with Lirssa, but I have a feeling things could have been much worse. Would you like me to speak with her?"

?I just...I didn't mean to hurt her. I'm worried about her. The touches...they can really f*ck you up.? Mason squeezed Eva's hand.

"I understand," a sober nod. "She is usually out at the duels, and I will look for her there. I know of one of the foster homes, and I will see if they might know where she is as well. I am sure she is fine, Mason. The girl is one tough thing." Trying to reassure the man.

He nodded but he was still worried about the girl. That reminded him of something else. ?I know another that they painted that is still alive. This woman, Blue. She's..,? he looked at Eva as he tried to find a way to describe Blue.

She took a breath, looking from Mason to Jolyon. ?She has a shy, quiet, but sweet nature. Friendly with Eless and many others at the inn. I haven't seen her or her girlfriend for some time.

A thoughtful nod, head bobbed like a cork on a lake. "Could there be others do you think? Would the Muse have a reason to?"

Mason added. ?She's kind of crazy. Like...she isn't in touch with reality.? Would he wind up like that? That question left unasked. ?I think she was a mistake. I don't think she was supposed to survive.?

A shaky breath inhaled then released, eyes shifting down to the notes and books on the table.

"Then perhaps before the painted ones you have fought. The error." Did that mean there might be doubt in the Muse? A slow shake of his head, no he would not start second guessing. "Tell me then, Mason, this painting she made, this rebirth into a form she could control, you broke from it and she is harming you or is the harm in and of itself part of that rebirth?"

He looked at Eva and let go of her hand. His hands went to open his flannel shirt and roll up the thermal shirt beneath it. On his chest was a tattoo. Black tribal rendering of a wolf symbol over his heart. ?I didn't have this when I died. She put it me.?

Eva was quiet, letting Mason offer what he was willing to offer. Her shoulder moved suddenly, a brief flinch of her brow, but still she said nothing.

"By the..." Jolyon looked hard upon it, studying the lines, the work, mind shuffling through symbols he had studied. "So, there you are, damn tricky thing. The mark. The ownership. It's..." he paused and curbed his enthusiasm. Briefly and intensely reminded why he did so poorly in society. A more sober nod, he cleared his throat. He looked to Mason with both brows raised to question if there was more he might need to know. The night had been enlightening so far and his mind was afire with new avenues of research to find the answers.

Ownership. That word cut deep because of the truth of it. He tried to push that thought aside. ?When she is too near, I can't move...she can make me move. Like a f*cking puppet.?

The temptation to reassert his proposal too near, too fixed in his mind, he rubbed his hands hard over the scruff of his cheek. "I ask you, are you certain you think trying to construct a counterfeit painting of you will not work? Perhaps a mage and artists, surely in this varied place of people there is a mage who is also an artist could draw you....paint you... imbue the work as in the Golden Key to divert if not all, nor likely would it break a sealed construct," he winced at his own words, "to lessen the effect the Muse carries?"

Eva looked from Jolyon to Mason, a deep frown furrowing her brow::

?You want me to let some mage paint me into another portrait?? That is how he heard what Jolyon had said. His body tense. The muscles straining to keep him from bolting out of his chair and out the door.

He saw the tension in the man, heard the reasonable doubt and skepticism in letting someone else grasp a part of him, but he nodded. "Yes. The symbolic part of you." A nod to where the tattoo rested. "I know it is a great deal to ask, and I will only ask it once. The decision you speak will set it aside forever. I will find other ways," damn determined to, "but it will take time."

?Joly...I don't know. I don't know if it will work and I don't know if I could do it. You don't know what it's like...? He took a slow breath.

Eva looked at Jolyon, a plead for understanding, her eyes on his face. She wouldn't push Mason into this. She'd just got him to even talk to Lucien about it.

"No, you are right. I don't know what it is like, but I do understand. You have told me a great deal, and I respect how difficult that must have been. But each bit helps me that more to help you. I will not pursue that possibility any longer. I will," he smiled and repeated, "I will find something else."

Mason sighed and spoke a quiet aside to Eva, ?I'm sorry.?

She looked over at Mason, a gentle squeeze of his hand. She smiled softly and shook her head. ?Nothing to be sorry for.?

It was one of those nods. The kind that said Okay, but really meant that he still thought there was something to be sorry for.

Jolyon selected a few of the books that still had pertinent information. "Who all knows of this? It would help me think out possibilities if I had others to confer with. Rena knows some at least I should think, considering her interest in acquiring that painting. I will refrain from telling Lirssa, but I would recommend you keep your distance from her in light of the past encounter." He realized it might have sounded like a warning, and he hastened to add a smile.

She kept her eyes on Mason a moment longer, trying to reassure, before finally looking towards Jolyon.

Mason looked across at Jolyon when he warned him off of Lirssa. ?Yeah. Uhmm. Rena knows some, Eless. Blue and Mac. I haven't talked to many about it.?

"Eless does? That is good fortune. Excellent, excellent, though I do not see her much, yes that will be helpful, both she and Rena, as I lack any practical understanding of magic at all." With a sigh soaked with regret, he looked to the couple. "I fear after all this time, I have not much more to offer you. The other theories are without merit in light of the information, but I do have direction now. I will keep working on it."

?I don't want you getting sick over this, Jolyon. You need to sleep sometimes.?

Eva took a breath, looked at Mason, then back at Jolyon. ?I... I hadn't realized...? She glanced at Mason again, abandoning that approach, and then looked back to Jolyon and quietly said, ?Thank you.?

"Oh, no, I will sleep. I am just grateful you have not given up on me." The disappointment of his other dismissal sent a tremor through him, but it only slightly diminished the smile.

?No,? Mason was quick to answer, ?I..we appreciate it. More than I can say. But, as your friend...? He shrugged. He looked at Eva. Nodding again when she thanked Jolyon.

?I am no use to you dead, Mason. I will keep myself in good enough health. Thank you both for meeting with me. I do realize it was a little short notice, but I wanted to share something with you before the harvest took up more of my time in the coming days."

Eva got to her feet, and reached across the table, her entire body leaning across the sea of books and notes, to gently set her free hand down on his shoulder. ?Try to enjoy the season, Jolyon.?

Mason fidgeted with his coat. He was in need of fresh air. He stood up and put on his coat as he watched Eva and Jolyon. He started to reach his hand across for a shake but stopped himself. Second guessing himself. The hand got shoved into a pocket. ?Yes...I hope you have a good harvest.?

At the touch of friendship, Jolyon smiled and nodded. "I will. I know it may be difficult, but I do hope you both might attend the harvest party at the vineyard. And you both are always welcome to visit if you need days of fresher air." A lopsided smile. "I have a few more things I want to find here. I wish you both the best."

Eva nodded with a soft smile, then turned to retrieve her jacket, pulling it on, and stepping beside Mason, hand extended towards his once more.

?Thanks, Joly. Appreciate that.? He did take Eva's hand. Fingers weaving with hers. ?Don't stay too late.?

A nod in reply, Jolyon moved down the lane of shelves.