Topic: A quick visit...


Date: 2007-04-02 21:49 EST
A tall dark with his arms folded behind him pushed himself through the doors to the office of the oracle. He approached what was, he assumed, the receptionists desk. The chill in the air drifted along the ground. He smilled politely to the seemling distracted receptionist. "Excuse me, my dear." He said darkly. "I'm looking for Sharon. Sharon Gossip." The dark auburn eyes reviewed the girl a moment.

Sharon Gossip

Date: 2007-04-03 12:39 EST
The receptionist barely had time to glance the Lord?s way before poking a finger towards a desk in the middle of the large room full of many desks.

?That?s her desk, sir, but she?s not in right now.? The receptionist chirped lightly before returning to her other duties and leaving him on his own.

Should he desire to investigate further he will find the desk pointed out to him is meticulous and organized. The In-Box is full and an image of her family in a standing frame; her mama and papa, she and all seven of her brothers, (all with red hair) grace her desk with a simple touch of hominess. Another notable difference is a clipboard that hangs from a chain, (magically secured), from one side of her desk. Above the hanging clipboard is a small sign which reads: ?Tips, messages, leads? Under that line is written: ?Anonymous tips invited?, under which an arrow points down to the clipboard. A pen is also secured for easy access.

There are a few scattered sticky notes taped to the desk blotter: ?Meeting at 5pm Courthouse?, ?Lucien Mallorek, Barrister reschedule?, ?Merchants Interviews, must have?, ?Mafia ties: include Count?, a grocery list, (mostly vegetables), an unlabeled address somewhere in the WestEnd with a notation about water, and ?Red Dragon, Wednesday night?.

The drawers are magically locked, coded not only by word but vocal tone, (spell courtesy of Mad Madame Mim, a local dockside mage.)

There is no sign whatsoever of our intrepid heroine however as she is off sniffing out news! Won?t that please her editor Amaltea!!!


Date: 2007-04-03 12:46 EST
The form nodded and headed to her desk indicated by the receptionist. He reviewed the desk quietly, being very pointed in his research of the female. He made note of her schedule - Very nice of her to leave it out for everyone to see. The note regarding Wed night was noted mentally with a dark smirk. He reached out, placing his hand flat upon her desk, extending his arm fully, as if he was leaning against the desk. He closed his eyes briefly.

After a moment, he straightned, his finger tapping her desk quietly, the dark smirk still on his lips as he turned and walked out of the office, his arms folding behind him. The dark chill in the air pulled behind him as he left.