Topic: Another letter from the Ravager


Date: 2008-01-04 18:39 EST
This letter appeared on Tera Starfare's desk, by magic, a simple letter, not in any envelope, however the parchment this was written on may have looked to be skin of somekind, and the ink, possibly blood. It read

"Did you miss me love? you and all the other cattle? i am sorry for my absence, i have been away for a few days, but i am back, and with a vengence. Once again this playground i do play in, and enjoy very much. The sin, the corruption, the foulness of this city is a sweet nectre i partake. The cattle who prey and scream to their false gods, i do relish as sweet music. And their flesh is very tender, yes i do eat the flesh of my victims, the heads i take as trophies for my Deity, he who is the one true primordial power. I'll give you that much at least, a few generous crumbs to fatten yourself on. And prehaps i will grace you and yours with a visit, but not yet. I have need for your services, reporter and wife, i know well you are married, and i have seen you at the Inn, i frequent it much. But you do not know it is me.

Publish my letters i send to the Oracle. The first letter i sent is harmless, i just have a taste for black. Not that that will help you or the fools at the watch or your weakling for a governor, as many wear black in this city. If you publish my letters, i may not attack one of the governor canidates, then again i might. I leave the life of one of the canidates for that weak figurehead posisition in your hands. Ta Ta

Your friend in pain, The Ravager"

Tera Destre

Date: 2008-01-05 02:03 EST
The cowgirl Queen took one look at the new letter that wasn't in an envelope on her desk and the first thing that registered was someone other than her beloved husband was calling her by an endearment, namely love. It might be said that her week may not have been the best week she had ever had. There had been some mighty strange things happen in the Inn while she was being bouncer and the new deadline for the paper was looming pretty close. Not to mention she was again going around with Royal Guards all the time and the number of Guards had been increased at the Westridge Embassy (better known as her home, the mansion on Lakeshore Dr.).

This might not seem like much to most but for Des this wasn't the best of circumstances for her to be finding a letter with an endearment starting it off by an unknown personage let alone as she read further a few threats thrown into the pot to stir that temper of hers just a tad bit more and on top of all that this one calling themselves The Ravager then decided to threaten her personally and claim to have been watching her on the sly.

To say the cowgirl was unhappy was a gross understatement of a very real fact. For a brief moment in time, when she tried to clear the red from her vision and failed, she almost felt sorry for the poor cuss that had gone to all the trouble to skin and bleed out someone to write her this endearment holding and threat filled letter.

It was true she could care less about whatever Governor runner this here idjit wanted to go after. They had threatened her personally at some point down the road and by golly they were going to find out just what being in the middle of a hornet's nest felt like or at the very least what one riled up and hotter than a firecracker on the fourth of July Des was like.

There was a saying for a very good reason and obviously someone had forgot to tell this here person that saying. Don't Mess With Des!

Des began writting letters. Each one said the same thing.

Dear <insert appropriate title and name here>,

It has come to my attention that someone calling themselves "The Ravager" has apparently been watching me covertly with ill intent while going about the city murdering people. They have now threatened an unspecified person running for Governor and at least myself if not my family. I would appreciate any assistance or insight that you might be able to lend in this matter. I can be reached with information at The Oracle, the Inn, or home.

I hope that you and your family are doing well!
Take care!
Lady Tera Starfare of Westridge

Talomar Longden

Date: 2008-01-05 16:10 EST
One of the letters that Tera Starfare had sent out had reached the desk of Count Talomar Longden. Two things caught his eye, the first being that someone was threatening the reporter. The second was that the same person was going to murder a gubernatorial candidate. While that in itself didn?t particularly bother him, there was a slight possibility that it could be the one candidate he might chose to support.

The Count spoke to his Valet, Charles Dukette, ?Charles, I need to go to the Oracle office for a while. I?ll be back later.?

Talomar Longden

Date: 2008-01-05 16:19 EST
The Count appeared in the doorway of the Oracle and was past Becky?s desk before she could look up from her nails. He went up the stairs to the desk of Tera Starfare.

?Good day, Tera. It?s so nice to see you again although I?m disturbed that some individual has the audacity to threaten you. May I see that letter??

He took the letter and read it. As usual, his expression remained impassive. ?May I borrow a pen and a piece of paper, please?? He took what was offered and wrote the following.


First, you are to immediately cease using the term ?cattle? for anything other than four-legged bovines. That term was coined long ago by my wife, Tara Rynieyn, when she was secretary to Lord Brutin. You do NOT have permission to use it. Try to use that little pea brain of yours to come up with something original for a change. I doubt that you can.

Second, your activities in this city merely demonstrate that you have the mind of an infant. Your pitiful displays of destruction against our society remind us all of a baby who cries to get its mother?s attention. Or of a toddler who tosses a toy from a playpen hoping someone will notice. Or of some child who sits in the middle of an aisle in a store, crying to get attention and to be picked up. As you have already experienced, it?s not going to get you attention. You will be ignored and ostracized just as those who have gone before you who tried the same methods. The names of those whom you are so reminiscent of are no longer with us. Keep this up and you will soon join them. Senseless murders for the sake of attention grabbing demonstrate that you are nothing more than a boring child with nothing to offer our city.

Third, don?t bother Tera or anyone else at this newspaper again. They have better things to do than to read letters that demonstrate third grade writing skills and silly prattle.

Fourth, your letters will not appear in the Oracle because I?m about to destroy them. I?m sorry but the Oracle does not have a feature section titled, ?Contributions from Illiterate Idiots.?


He calmly folded the letter and sealed it and handed it back to Tera for her to mail back to the Ravager. "Let me know if he bothers you anymore, and if any further letters are sent to you, forward them to me. I'll give them personal attention." Talomar smiled sweetly to the reporter. He then held up the Ravager's letter and it burst into flames and drifted to the floor in little flakes of ash.

"Good day, Tera."

The Count turned and left, disappearing before he reached the bottom of the stairs.

Tera Destre

Date: 2008-01-05 18:21 EST
Des looked up from basically avoiding work again upon hearing the Count's voice. She was surprised to see him in the office building in person but also happy to know that he would come himself after she had written to him about the newest mangey coyote to threaten her. Her smile was bright and welcoming for him. "Howdy Tal. I'm right pleased to see ya today. Here is the letter that I done got that I wrote to ya about."

She guessed she really shouldn't be surprised since the last time she had been personally threatened with death by someone Talomar had become one of her personal Bodyguards and that arrangement still stood to some degree as needed but it had been a long time since it had been needed. No one bothered her anymore and she liked it that way, a lot.

Life went along nice and comfy with her family and friends and she was blissfully happy. No more having to scrap and fight and no more nasty mood swings. Nope, life was better than it had been in more years than she could count and now this.

When asked she handed over the writing impliments and remained quietly watching the Master Vampire Lord. She took the sealed letter with a nod of understanding to all his instructions and smiled to him. "Thank ya and ya take care now!"

After Talomar had left she put his letter in her outbox then glanced around the office area to see if anyone was looking. She decided the coast was clear so used the toe of her boot in an attempt to hide the evidence by scuffing the ashes beneath her desk where they hopefully couldn't be seen. Des then went about her business of sipping cafe mocha and pretending to work as though nothing out the ordinary had happened.