Topic: Deadline


Date: 2006-06-22 13:36 EST
Amaltea is sitting at her desk, reviewing the copy for the next issue of The Oracle. She frowns, stands and opens the door to her office to step outside.

"Who's covering the lottery story? There are rummors that it's being rigged. Why don't I have an article about this?" She puts her hands on her waist waiting for answer. But before any of them can reply she points at Gavilean.

"You! I have articles! But no photos! Where have you been?!" She quickly shakes her head and raises a hand. "And don't even give me the honeymoon excuse! I want photos and I want them now!" She then asks to the person closest to her. "Why is the gossip section so small? This is RhyDin!! Gods!! I know there is more gossip out there to print!!!" She exclaims throwing her arms up in the air then letting them fall to the sides.

Amaltea looks around at the rest of them. "Why is everyone standing around? We have a deadline! I don't pay you to stare!" She then turns on her heel and goes back to her office.


Date: 2006-06-22 13:53 EST
Gavilean sighs leaves the vacinity of the water cooler where he was flirting with Physhra Pink and Sharon Gossip. He crushes his paper water cup and tosses it in the waste can, then goes into Amal's office.

"But, Chief! I can't help it!!

"Des hid my camera on the honeymoon!

"I don't know why she would do such a thing. Just a few photos of Des stepping out of the shower, and she got so upset. In fact, I think her words were something like, 'Do that again, mister, and the camera is goin' where the sun don't shine.'

"Of course, I didn't understand the problem at the time since I have a really nice flash unit."

Grins a little sheepishly rubbing his butt, "I do now!!!"

He picks up a spare camera from a chair in her office.

"Okay, Chief, you'll have your pictures. No worries. Ol' Gavilean 'the face behind the lens' Starfare will have them for you in no time."

Hurries out of the office where he sees the new cub reporter and photographer, Eren Page, hanging around, not knowing what to do with himself.

"Eren! Come with me. I'll show you how to get some good pictures."

Eren smiled, picked up his camera and followed Gav out of the Oracle building.

Tera Destre

Date: 2006-06-24 18:18 EST
Des had just finished writing an article about the double challenge in the Annex when the Editor came out of her office nearby and began speaking. Navy blue glanced in her direction as a brow arched and her head tilted to the side. ?Whoa the lottery being rigged ain?t good.? She shook her head and pointed to the numerous papers scattered all over her desk in several different jumbled up messes.

?Try my Boy Toy. He outta be good at something like that Boss. I got these there sports I gotta get straightened out. I know ya ain?t got no gossip from me but I got that covered now.? A wicked little grin slips into place as she shoves her chair back a bit from her desk and spins in it to face the redhead.

?I done made a trip up to the Star?s End Bar at the spaceport. I used to work up there and I still know a few people there and well I got me a contact that set me up with some equipment to help me out with this here reporting job I have now. I done bugged the Inn, the Great Hall, and the Alley. I will be gettin? ya some gossip, Boss.?

Just how much the reporter wasn?t sure as she didn?t really know how to work the high-tech equipment she had bought. She had just put a bunch of the tiny little recorders here and there around different places in the hopes of catching something, anything, to please Amal and her need for gossip in The Oracle gossip section.