Topic: Here comes the kitchen help!


Date: 2007-03-31 09:57 EST
It had been an odd morning when Lyndra woke up and realized the month of March was now officially on its last day. She'd meant to make a trip down to the oracle and inquire about a monthly submission.

She flew threw her morning routine, cutting corners where she could ... no fancy breakfast today, it was a quick batch of oatmeal served with whole grain toast. Finding the recipies she'd set aside earlier only proved what a messy secretary she'd make, they simply just weren't there and so she had to dig through the piles of recipies to find a suitable substitute. She wanted to bring sOmething down today.

It seemed everyone else was in a hurry, almost being run into by a boy on his way out of the oracle building. And as she wandered around the reception room, gazing at some of the displays, she thought she saw a familiar Dark figure lurking about the place. But the receptionist diverted her attention adn she approached the desk with recipe in hand, setting it on the desk.

"Hi, I'm Lyndra... from the Ravensheart Academy. I don't suppose this could get into April's edition? I just haven't noticed anything like this in there before. So... Well... anyway, I wanted to talk to someone bout maybe doing this on a monthly basis. Who's available today? Or when can I come back to speak with whom?"

She hadn't yet seen the notice about hiring and so.. she hadn't even written any article to go along with the recipies.


Date: 2007-03-31 16:45 EST
The receptionist gives her a bored look that says I hate this job. When she's about to open her mouth to speak Amaltea walks in the door. The bored look disappears from the girl's face and is replaced by an I'm busy as heck look.

Amaltea looks at Lyndra and takes the recipes from her hands. "You selling or what? Oh! Recipes!"

She looks them over quickly and nods. "You are hired! Susan, set her up. After you are done here go upstairs and find a desk."

Amaltea walks up the stairs still talking "Deadline is today! We have work to do, people!! Where is that photographer?!"


Date: 2007-03-31 22:33 EST
The look on the receptionists face nearly had her heart sinking. Lyndra was so sure the woman was going to throw those recipes right back at her that she braced herself to catch them. But the demeanor changed and she realized why as the footsteps came up from behind her with a flurry, the voice seemed to match those furiously quick steps.

"Oh, uh ..."

She was speechless as she watched the woman go upstairs.

"Who was that?"

"ThAt was non other then Amaltea thu-Darelir, a.k.a. Chief Trouble Maker of the Oracle. Now, I need your name, your address..." several questions were tossed her direction from Susan in a rather monotone voice.

"Lyndra, Ravensheart Academy but I don't know the address..."

"I'll look it up for you. What was your last name? Ravensheart?"

"I..uh... don't have one." She felt her cheeks grow hot with embarassment.

"You don't have one?" Susan's look was a cross between the annoyed and the disbelieving.

Lyndra shook her head. "Long story, but no... no last name, yet."

"Okay, that'll keep you from getting writers pun intended. Now sign here, here, here, here and here.. in triplicate."

She didn't know what she was signing, but they were all signed Lyndra.

Before she knew it, she was climbing up the stairs and meandering around, looking for an open desk. Of course, there was one back in the corner with a very small window. The desk was turned facing away from it. She spent the next hour turning it around to face the window, using a cantrip to clean off the dust around it and making a nametag to place atop her new desk. -." *Chef Lyndra*