Topic: Note Left On Front Door. Vanion

Vanion Shadowcast

Date: 2006-07-05 07:01 EST
*someone had left another note tacked onto the front door to the building in the time Des & Dimitri had been talking, before disappearing without a trace*

Where: On the Streets, just outside the Temple of Divine Light, in the Old Temple District
When: August First, to Celebrate the Ascension Moon
What: A festival of the likes Rhy'Din has never seen!
VIP Guests: Any night- creature of this city who feels the burden of Racism.
RIP Guests: Those who breathe air out of necessity.

((Cross-posted from RDI Playables. This will be an open-Ended RP-Event, hosted by myself - promising a few suprises and perhaps some fun. This event is designed to bridge the far past, recent past, and upcoming SLs of Vanion Shadowcast/others together. Please PM me if you believe you will be coming to this open-event, and remember that the purpose will be the furthering of a large-arcing storyline and not general chat or typical chatroom chaos.
AIM Chatroom: "RDI Acension Moon"))

Tera Destre

Date: 2006-07-07 01:18 EST
Des smiled to Dimitri and nodded as he stood to leave then blinked as he stood at the door to the building cursing. She hopped to her feet and ran to the door to see what was wrong. Navy blue eyes fell on the note and she too began to curse loud and long in Elvish right along with him as she ripped it off the front door and shredded it into tiny little pieces.

The cowgirl Queen dropped the pieces onto the floor then stomped on them with her boots for good measure all the while still cussing up a storm now in both common and Elvish at random as well as a few other languages she had picked up over the years from tending bar in the Red Dragon Inn and at the Star?s End Bar too.

Des was an equal opportunity cusser at the moment and didn?t care who understood what language she was talking in nor who understood what she was saying about the person who had left the invitation on the door of The Oracle office building.

She may have been a little bit upset.


Date: 2006-07-07 01:36 EST
He came up behind his sexy wife and put his arms around her. He could tell that she was really agitated. In fact, anyone within a mile of the Oracle building could have detected the agitation.

"What's wrong, love. Have the town's idiots been using their crayons again?" He looked at the shredded pieces of paper all over the floor.

Tera Destre

Date: 2006-07-07 01:54 EST
?Lyin? pyro! Big party Babe! In the Old Temple District! You?re gonna wanna go and get pictures I just know it!? Des turned and flung herself into her husband?s arms and wrapped her own around him then laid her cheek to his chest.

?He is wantin? to kill everybody that breathes Babe. It said so right there on that note and don?t be worrying about me destroyin? evidence because there is one over on the cork board in the Arena I bet too I can steal or you can. I ain?t looked yet but ya know if he put one here he put one there too. Heck I bet they is all over town by now. I seen his thing about the Overlord Grant and it mentioned a festival just like this here note did.?

She had to pause but it was for a shuddering breath as she was very upset because this would make great news but it wasn?t going to be good for the citizens of RhyDin at all from what she personally knew of this note writer.


Date: 2006-07-07 02:07 EST
He held his wife and smiled. "Don't you worry, darlin. I'll get some good pictures."

He stroked her back, feeling her soft, chestnut hair.

"You never know what could happen. All those poor discriminated against citizens could find themselves locked in the temple and have that awful fire starter come by again - whoever that might be." He gave Des a wink. "What a shame that would be."


Date: 2006-07-07 14:18 EST
"Well I better open my schedule. I know Im going." Dimitri rubbed his eyes and looked up at the ceiling.

Tera Destre

Date: 2006-07-11 16:23 EST
Cradled in strong arms that she knew would never allow any harm to come to her Her Majesty couldn?t help but chuckle quietly to His Majesty?s words. ?I hear ya Babe. Ya know I am goin? with ya so don?t even try and talk me outta this. Where you go I go.?

Then she heard Dimitri and peeked over to him with a shake of her head. ?The very best thing that you could do would be to stay as far away from this festival as ya can get Darlin?. Take that lady friend of yours that I have been seeing ya in the Inn with and leave town on a vacation get away that is just for two.?