Topic: Searching


Date: 2006-11-08 15:10 EST
::Shea had wandered most of the night getting little sleep, thoughts that were on her mind made her smile. a brighter smile than had been seen in days, she wandere din to the building, down through the corridors, she ahd been here before inside this building, long ago reading that wanted poster, now she retruned, hoping to find Des, Gav or one of the other reporters at large she knew. Did she have news perhaps, a story to tell. Yes it was high time she was more well known ehre in rhydin, for she intended to stay. At least for a while. ::

"anyone at home?" ::she would pasue there, jade hues looked around for a famialr face.::


Date: 2006-11-08 15:42 EST
She wasn't exactly the most useful Oracle reporter, she hadn't even set up a desk yet. She had been spoiled by being a Forsaken Blade and Tara's Second in Command--she never had to do anything! Well, except try and trap helpless Paladins with nets but that was hardly work, was it?

When Shea entered the Oracle's office she was sitting on some poor intern's desk, admiring her new manicure and just looking pretty. Life was tough for the Empress, wasn't it?

She smiled when she saw Shea and waved to her. Jewell hopped off the intern's desk--and scattering papers all over the place--and walked towards the latest arrival in the busy office, "What's going on, chica?"


Date: 2006-11-08 23:35 EST
"Jewell I had no idea you worked for the oracle...I was half expecting to see Des here. ":; she noted jewells, pretty nails, and smiled:; "I was hoping to speak to someone that might be able to help me, perhaps you could?"

:;Shea had gone there for a few reaons, in point of fact she was there for a purpose so-to-speak.... or at least shea figured it was worth a shot.:;

"I have news, or something to that manner."

:;she paused a moment::

i"t has come to my attention that I have been here in rhydin for some time now, I have made many friends.. yet I still fel as though my duty calls me to let the people of rhydin, know who I am... so I have come to tell news, a story. So that perhaps after I have told it that it might run in the beloved paper, for all to read. That way perhpas I shall feel even more at home here, what do you think Jewell?. Tis my story worth hearing?"


Date: 2006-11-09 14:13 EST
Jewell listened politely to Shea as she spoke, genuinely interested in what she had to say. She wasn't exactly a go-getter at the Oracle, out running around searching for stories like some of the other reporters, and was fairly elated that a story had walking right up to her!

When Shea branched off, asking for her opinion, Jewell flashed her a bright smile, "I think telling your story is a wonderful idea! You'll be letting everyone know, all at once, a little bit about you so not only will you feel more at home but everyone will be more comfortable having you around--you know? Most people don't like strangers but if you tell everyone about yourself then you won't be a stranger at all." Jewell tapped her chin as she chittered away, a real grin forming.

"I like it!" Reaching over onto that poor intern's desk, and rescattering all the papers he just put in order again, she grabbed a new notebook and pen before turning back to Shea. "How do you want to do this? I can just sit and listen or we can do a question and answer type thing...or maybe you already have something written up and I can just prepare it for the paper?"


Date: 2006-11-10 00:28 EST
:;a bright smile, as she watched her, and her smile on,ly brightened as she heard, that she liked her idea...:; "Oh good I am glad you approve." ":;a double nod, Jewell had hit it on the nose that was exactly shea's thinking::

"Yes exactly, that way I am not a stranger, and not only will I feel welcomed even more so, but then people can apporch me with out fear of anything." ::::a moments pasue as she pondered how exactly she would handle this:;

"perhaps start with questions, and I'll answer and if anything needs a story or deeper answers then I shall do that" ::a nod, shea then found a chair, this might take awhile, she settled in; there near the desk, sitting across from Jewell.::

"So ask away, feel free to ask anything, no question is to personal..., my life is an open book."

::shea smiled, tucking back those long strands of dark blue hair, awaiting the first question::