Topic: strange man outside.


Date: 2006-12-22 14:47 EST
A shadowy figure floated through the walls of the oracle carrying a soul. He stopped right outside laughing loudly "puny mortals you are not prepared!" With that he vanished.

Tera Destre

Date: 2006-12-24 01:42 EST
The cowgirl Queen was sitting at her desk writing up an article from notes she had taken when a chill went down her spine. She glanced up and looked around the newsroom trying to locate the source of the ominous feeling. A strange sight met her gaze or at least a strange one for The Oracle office building.

There was something floating around and it had a hold of something too. This could be news happening right here in the office! Des hopped to her feet with yell and pointed wildly at the floating figure. "Stop right there! I may be mortal but ya are news and I wanna talk to ya!"

Her eyes narrowed as the figure vanished without another word, especially without answering her. She humphed loudly at what she took as a personal afront. Not prepared was she? She would show that shadowy figure just how prepared she was.

They obviously didn't know just who they were dealing with when they came into The Oracle building. She would have to make sure that all the rest of the staff were on the lookout for this unknown entity as they had ways of forcing people, or things, to talk.

Des turned on her heel and headed for Amal's office. "Amal! Where is that wand of yours!? I need to be borrowing it as we got us a live one somewhere in town!"


Date: 2006-12-24 11:01 EST
Amal gives Tera a suspicious look.

"You've been wanting my wand for the longest time. Why should I just give it to you?"


Date: 2006-12-24 12:20 EST
Gavilean was passing by and overheard the conversation.

"Yeah, Amal, she's always asking for my wand too."

Grins and runs off to his desk to write up some stories.

Tera Destre

Date: 2006-12-29 03:15 EST
Des laughed as she heard Gav but returned Amal's look with one that was clearly full of honest need. "I just wanna borrow it to zap that shadowy thing that passed through here to make it drop that thing that it was holdin' so I can get it away from it and see what it is that's all!"

She thought for a moment with her head tilted to one side and a finger tapping her lips. "Unless ya wanna come with and do the zappin' part? Or maybe I could find Wyh and she could zap them with some of her ice and get that thing so we could see it up close."