Topic: The Sea Damsel

Nicole Piave

Date: 2007-04-26 02:03 EST
Nicole had found her way about most of Rhydin when she came upon the build. She looked to it. They had places like that back home. Where they wrote for the local paper, this place looked to be the same. Now with a dark brow raised she walked through the doors and inside, on another odd adventure.

Bright lavender hues took in the office building, the desks and the smell of paper and other things floated about this new place. Now she wondered what as this place called, and what all did they do here. Was it like those places back at home where papers were made and written? It seemed like it.

"Hmm.." She looked around some more idly walking down the way pasta few desks, surly to be noted by someone sooner or later.

Some one was bound to see her, hard to miss. Tall,long dark hair slightly tanned skin,looking not from Rhydin at all. Those bright lavender hues looking over every detail of each desk she wawalked past. Looking sort of lost in fact.

Nicole Piave

Date: 2007-04-27 02:23 EST
Walking on now, she bumbed carelessy in one of the desks. Shaking it nearlt sending a frmaed picture tot he ground but it stopped and flated back up she looked about to se eif anyone had seen that.

"Dear me that was close." A deep breath then.But now she was lost,looking around to find her way back out,she'd weaved around so much that now she coudlnt see the door.It was as if fate ahd led her to this place. Perhaps ehre she could learn more about Rhydin,perhaps find some way to be known by those here,so not to feel so out of place.

Tera Destre

Date: 2007-05-08 22:02 EST
Des came out of Amal's office with her ears ringing. It would seem that something was wrong with the printing presses and houses were going to be dropping all over the place. The cowgirl Queen was planning on getting out of Dodge while the getting was still good however so she was hot on the move. She snatched up a pad of paper from her desk and a pen without looking where she was headed.

It was imperative she get out of the building before the Boss reached for her wand and set to having what could only be something the likes of which Des was certain had never been seen before in RhyDin. In the process of her attempted escape from certain and sure murderous rage perhaps on the part of one of her Employers she came up short when she almost ran right over a lovely stranger that was apparently wandering aimlessly in the line of fire.

"Hey there! Yup you that I ain't met yet lady. Ya might wanna come on outside with me cause I'm thinking it ain't gonna be safe in here for too much longer. Ya look a little lost and I'd be happy to help ya out but ya aint gonna get me to stay in here with ya cause there is gonna be big trouble about some printing presses that got some problems so if ya wanna live then ya best be comin' on with me and make it fast like cause I am far to young to die!"

She motioned toward the door for Nicole and even headed on over to hold it open for her. "I know this wonderful little coffee shop if ya drink coffee. Oh and my name is Des who would ya be by the way?"

Nicole Piave

Date: 2007-05-09 00:37 EST
::Nicoles Bright hues looked tot he woman who spoke with her, she was running out of the offive. Nicole had no idea she wa sin the line of fire. She moved then joining Des on the way out the building in haste::

::Out of that office building she stepped:: "Nicole Piave"::She smiled to Des:: "A pleasure to meet ye,coffee?" ::Nicole had heard of it in the few days she'd been in Rhydin:: "Sure" :Another dazling smile::

Tera Destre

Date: 2007-05-09 21:01 EST
Des smiled happily to Nicole as she headed out the door at her urgings. She was right thankful to be getting out of the building in one piece. She breathed a sigh of relief when the door closed behind them and motioned toward the street that she had practically worn a path into the cobblestones themselves. It was the way to the coffee shop where she went to get the caf? mochas that she so loved and now was convinced she couldn?t live without.

?I am pleased to meet ya Nicole. Ya just come on along with me and I?ll introduce ya to pure heaven on earth for certain sure. My husband, Gavilean, in case ya ain?t met him yet that is his name and believe me ya will know ?em if ya see ?em cause he is the most handsome man in this here whole town is the one that showed me where this coffee shop is over by the Marketplace. We can just run over there and visit some if ya would like. Have ya been here long? Do ya know many people yet? I know just about everyone I do believe cause I also tend bar over at the Inn ya see and have for the longest time.?

She finally stopped talking long enough to actually take a breath and let her companion get a word in edge-wise as she turned and started off intent on getting that delicious treat.

Nicole Piave

Date: 2007-05-10 00:38 EST
Nicole smiled walking along side des step for step towards that coffee shop. " I have not had the pleasure of meeting your husband,I do nae thing so at least.Coffee sounds very good, I havent had it very much." Walking on gazing about with thsoe lavender hues, " I havent been here too long a week I think,washed up on the shoreline, I have met many patrons at the inn. Ye tend bar at the red dragon inn? tis where I have met most everyne so far. Fine palce nice rooms." Walking on enjoying the small talk on the way to that shop