Topic: To Mrs. Tera Starfare, RE: the Wedding Announcement


Date: 2007-09-04 17:31 EST
Dear Mrs. Tera Starfare

On behalf of myself and my lovely fiance, Ms. Miko Barton, we would like to thankyou for your very pleasent article on our engagement. Miko was extremly overjoyed when i proposed to her. So i would personally like thank you and the Oracle for the article, and both you and your husband are more welcomed to come and visit anytime, within reason to my Embassy the Obsidian Halls in the Southwestern quarter of the city. And also i would extend to you and your husband Gavilean, a personal Royal invitation to the Imperial Wedding and Coranation ceremony on Athas at my Imperial Palace, as honored guests. Thankyou and have a good day, ma'am.