Topic: Tyranacus' desk thingamabobble.


Date: 2006-08-16 03:48 EST
It'd been forever since he visited his office (or wherever his desk's at...'>.>), and he decided he'd head to the oracle building again. He arrived at his desk, in his human form. At least he fit in here like that. He started dusting things off, and once done, sat down. His shadowclone from when he was still new at this was gone now, and he groaned, taking his glasses off and rubbing his eyes. He'd actually have to -work- now. After making sure everything was neat and tidy (scary imagining Ty to be a neat freak, eh?), he just sat there. Aaand got bored after twelve seconds. He decided to leave after scribbling something on his desk with a pen. And away he went, to do whatever it is he does when away from the inn and such. If anyone visited his desk, he'd know with the weird rune thing he'd drawn. He did leave something else there too. A folded note addressed to 'Ty S.' . Probably bait in case anyone decided to snoop around in there (his desk is where he keeps some secrets). Along with a small stack of bizness cards that read "Ty, guardian dragon and gossip/news reporter." Written rather scratchily and unpublished. Woohoo, he's got plans.

((OOC: I'm half asleep at the time of my typing this up. So, forgive if it's messed up or whatever, but I'm still kinda new at forum posting. Plus the tired. XP))