Topic: Violent Wyvern Attacks

Aurthur Shimmerscale

Date: 2006-07-18 12:31 EST
::Aurthur entered the building cautiously. He had no idea where he was suppost to go, because he had never been there before. But he had to warn everyone about the wyverns. There attacks were getting more and more violent and common. He didnt want any more innocents to be hurt, the word had to be spread!::

Tera Destre

Date: 2006-07-19 12:56 EST
Des was for once busily writing up articles for the next edition when she caught a glimpse of something from the corner of her eye that looked familiar. Curious as ever she turned her head to get a better look and discovered her friend's Mate had come to The Oracle building but was standing looking very uncertain.

She couldn't have that! She hopped to her feet and with a warm smile on her face she strolled over to him. "Aurthur Darlin'! Howdy! What brings ya to the paper on this grand and glorious day? I hope Icer and the little ones are all doing okay."

Aurthur Shimmerscale

Date: 2006-07-19 16:57 EST
::Smiling as he heard a familiar voice, Aurthur turned around and bowed his head to his friend Tera:: Tera, tis good to see you. It has been some time since i saw you last, actually. Icer and the children are all doing very well, and Icewing is just as much of a clawful as ever. ::He laughed:: And Now that Icewing is a prince, he runs around in his cape, being a super hero......but that is a story for another time. ::His smile slowly faded.:: I came to the paper to report what could become a very serious problem. As you know, there have been wyvern attacks as of late. But i came to spread the word of these attacks, as they have been becoming more frequent and more violent. My wife, her father, myself, and the royal guard Matthew and his wyvern Kronos have all been attacked and wounded. It seems that these creatures are becoming more and more brave, and venturing closer and closer to the Inn.

Tera Destre

Date: 2006-07-19 21:52 EST
Des was smiling and laughing as Aurthur caught her up on news of the family. She could just picture Icewing running around in a cape pretending to be a super hero.

The little dragon had been the terror of the common room when a hatchling. He had constantly been getting away from his parents and pouncing unsuspecting patron's feet and legs. Then there was the time when his grandfather had given him the chocolate and the other time when he had gotten stuck in the crevice and Aurthur was too big to get him out.

Oh she had so many good memories of the Mated Dragon couple and their children. She had missed seeing Aurthur and the children in the Inn since he had been gone and she had been busy lately.

The smile quickly faded though as his tale turned to the real reason he had come which wasn't to catch up on all the news of their families and friends but was to report something that was obviously becoming a serious threat to those that visited the Inn and even to those that lived nearby it by the sound of things.

"Darlin' this doesn't sound very good at all. How often are these things attacking now? Are they attacking anyone and everyone or do they seem to have certain targets they like in particular? Here come over by my desk. I got paper and pens there so I can write all this down. Ain't nobody gonna bother ya here. Everyone is welcome here at The Oracle building Darlin'."

Another warm smile to him and she turned to lead the way shoving tables and chairs out of his way as she went. He was a rather large dragon after all.

Aurthur Shimmerscale

Date: 2006-07-20 08:05 EST
Thank you Tera, i appriciate you going through such trouble for me, moving furniture and the what not. I am sure it will be a hastle for those who clean up later. ::Aurthur followed her into the office and sat down near the desk on his haunches, curling his tail about his body to try and take up as little space as possible. He gave the office a quick look over, something every dragon did when they were in a new environment.::

They wyverns are attacking anyone and anything that comes anywhere near what they consider their territory. And from what i have found, they consider alot of this area their territory. My wife and I seem to be the favorite of their targets, and there was even an attempt to take our home. Thankfully, Icer's sister took care of that threat and kept the children safe. We are taking steps to solve the problem, though. Icer and I go on regular wyvern hunts, so do not be surprised if you see us wounded in the near future. Also, Matthew Spade is helping us as well, using his wyvern Kronos and arrows laced with DragonsBane.
However, there is something that i do not understand. Wyverns are usually stupid creatures who react only on instinct. These wyverns are very smart, as if they are being bred and trained by someone. They are very skilled in combat, and combat formations. I was almost killed once by one of these formations. Anyone coming to, or leaving from the Inn must use extreme precautions. Wyverns can be very stealthy, and i dont want to see anyone hurt or killed by them. ::Finally, Aurthur took a breath.:: It is my hope that this report of this matter will help avoid any such incidents.

Tera Destre

Date: 2006-07-21 23:15 EST
Des tilted her head to the side as the pen flew over the paper almost as quickly as he spoke each word was written. She had to agree these didn't sound like any Wyvern she had heard of in the past and that was indeed cause for concern as well as caution.

"Darlin' do ya have any idea of anyone that might have a reason to bred and train these things to attack people and others? Do ya think that they might be after you in particular since a whole formation came after ya specifically? Oh! Maybe do ya think that they could be breeding them to take out dragons in particular because of the rage problem thing?"

Aurthur Shimmerscale

Date: 2006-07-22 07:11 EST
::Aurthur thought on that long and hard, tapping his jaw as his tail tapped out a rythm on the floor:: I believe that the wyverns may in fact be controlled by someone to take out Myself and my family specifically, but as i said, wyverns are not very intelligent. They can only be controlled so far, so while we are the main targets, they also see anyone around the Inn as a potential target and or meal. Also, wyverns are distant cousins of dragons, so they are just as susceptable to the rage as we are. I am betting that the wyverns are being bred with the rage, and or the darkness, intentionally to make them more violent and powerful.

If only I had some idea of the person behind it, and the reason why they are targeting my family and myself. I will fight tooth and claw to protect everyone of this Inn from the menace, and so will my wife. She hates the wyvern just as much, if not more so than I do. Perhaps if we can catch one of these wyvern, we can learn a great deal from it. Like why they are being bred, and why they are attacking us. It may also give us the chance to find a cure for the rage problem.

Tera Destre

Date: 2006-07-22 19:41 EST
The cowgirl Queen perked right up at the mention of the need to trap one of the wyvern. Navy blue eyes sparkling with a bloodthirsty little gleam as she looked over to the large dragon sitting on his haunches beside her desk.

"Darlin' I do believe we should be planning ourselves a little huntin' party! I know just the thing that we are needin' here too. Brian has this great big old rope with a cow bell on it that we could attach like to a big tree limb like a snare type thingy and then when one of them there wyvern's walked or flew by it CLANG!!!"

She clapped her hands really loud and jerked forward suddenly toward Aurthur's snout as she hollered that last word for emphasis. "That rope would catch onto 'em and that bell would be ringin' and we could track 'em and capture 'em slick as could ever be! What do ya think of that Darlin'?"

Aurthur Shimmerscale

Date: 2006-07-23 08:38 EST
::Aurthur laughed at his friend's eagerness, and nodded:: It sounds like a good plan to me, but there is just one problem. Wyverns lack the front limbs, having just hind legs and wings. But their talons are just as sharp as mine are, and a rope could easily be cut through. And they may be able to bite through it as well. Now, perhaps we could magically enhance the rope, and I think we have ourselves a top notch wyvern trap. And of course, Icer and I will be more than eager to help.

Tera Destre

Date: 2006-07-29 06:01 EST
Des grinned to Aurthur and made a negating motion with one hand to him as he mentioned the need to magic the rope. "Not to worry Darlin' because The Oracle here has a person that does that magic stuff right on staff and he has just been waitin' for something to do. I am right sure that Selo would love to help us out with this here trappin' thing."

She stood up and glanced around the office then yelled as loud as she could hoping to be heard above the noise. "Selo Darlin'! I think I got something that is right up your alley over here!"

Then she sat back down and looked back to her large dragon friend. "If he is here he will come on over and I will introduce y'all and we can see if he won't help us with this here trappin' of the wyvern and he may even have an idea or two about how to go about this stuff. Have ya got any other information that ya can think of that might help us?"

Aurthur Shimmerscale

Date: 2006-07-29 07:04 EST
::again Aurthur tapped his jaw, deep in thought. He was one that thought things over carefully before awnsering, especially in a situation like this one, where people could be hurt. When he did finally speak, it was slowly, and he picked his words carefully.::

I can think of nothing more about the wyverns at this time, but i do have a few tips on how to bring them down, and a good hint on how to lure them. You see, wyverns lack front arms that we dragons have, so they cannot reach out and grab you. So their chest is a vulnerable area. And their wings are just like ours. If damaged, they cannot fly. So if they were shot at, they would dare not use their wings to protect themselves. Their neck links are tender, and suseptible to projectiles such as knives, arrows, or spears. So to aim for their wings, chest, or neck would raise the chance of taking a wyvern down, or at least wounding it so one can escape, greatly.

As for luring the wyverns, wyverns are highly attracted to a fruit known as DragonFruit. I dont know if it is in abundance in this region, but wyverns can scent it for miles, and will target in on it like they would a lone and defenseless hatchling. Unfortunately, that is all i have in the ways of information at this point. I was in err for waiting this long to bring word of it to spread, but i thought that perhaps Icer and I could take care of it ourselves.....But we do have help now, and at least the good people will be warned.


Date: 2006-08-18 00:03 EST
The door just opened itself as it usually did when he came around. As he was walking to Des' office he was pointing at the furniture and fixing it but fixing just right so Authur could leave when he must. When he got to the office he saw them still talking. " I can make as much dragonfruit as you like. And for the rope, I can fly on top of one of them and then fly it to my home where it can not leave unless I let it for further study of it. And as for your troublemaker with the wyverns I think I know who is behind it. He once asked me to aid him controlling wyverns but I turned him down and destroyed his castle. I fear he may be angry with me and doesn't know what I look like. That may be why he is attacking all the people walking out or in the inn. Did I miss any other part of your conversation? Oh, that reminds me. Can you give this to the young ones?" He held hovering above his hand a large bag full of sweets.

Aurthur Shimmerscale

Date: 2006-08-19 21:47 EST
::He laughed and took the bag of sweets:: I will give it to them in moderation. Icewing is hard enough to control when he gets sweets in him, i would rather not go through the whole clutch being hyper. ::He quickly turned serious again.:: There wasnt a whole lot of the conversation that you missed that was of too much importance, rather than me informing Tera here of all that has happened thus far. The warning has been adequately given, though the attacks seem to be getting more frequent and violent. I believe that i can capture a wyvern, as i did so not long ago as a gift for my wifes dinner.


Date: 2006-08-20 00:39 EST
" I actually have five at my home already. Lionheart helped me catch a few. I used the rope while he used his hands."

Tera Destre

Date: 2006-08-25 21:53 EST
Des blinked as she listened to Selo and Aurther talking for a few minutes as she was totally caught off guard by what the mage had so casually said. Could it possibly be so very simple to find out who was behind the Wyvern?s suddenly strange behavior in attacking in battle formations. Their possibly enhanced genetics even or mental control being used on them by someone out to get her dragon friends.

Finally she relaxed that thinking all of her questions wasn?t going to get them answered not to mention she had introductions to be making and was just being plain rude leaving the two talking with each other while she sat at her desk blinking back and forth between them in surprise.

?Ack I?m sorry y?all. Aurthur this here is Selo he works here at The Oracle in our Mage department that I was telling ya about. Selo this here is a dear friend of mine Authur mate to the lovely Icer and father to a whole bunch of absolutely adorable little dragons.?, she grinned as she added that last.

The reporter turned her gaze back to Selo inquisitively as she spoke next. ?Who was it that asked ya about helping them to control the Wyvern that ya turned down? Ya got a name or at least a description so we can see about puttin? a stop to this menace Darlin???


Date: 2006-08-26 12:09 EST
" I remember the name all to well. His name is Seldic Cron. He knew I was a better mage than him. He had a pet wyvern he raised from a little thing and it grew up to posses magical powers. It is the king of the wyverns."
He looked towards Aurthur. " I have heard alot about you from both Icer and Lionheart. I also met the trouble maker Icewing and Lionheart has met your adopted daughter Liena Hope."