Topic: Zodiac Letter 1


Date: 2006-08-04 08:11 EST
::This letter came in the mail, the envelope had strange yet apparently meaningless symbols on it, and it was deep red in color, it was delivered apparently by hand, but nobody would have seen how it got there it was slipped under the door::

This is the Zodiac

Hello, Im happy that you could read this letter. Those four. they Were an Abomination of life and had to be destroyed. WHY! I will tell u why.. I will explain everything I will. They were temple dwellers, relgious scum that tried to oppress the free will of the average rhydinian. I will not stand for such simple minded oppresssion. I will destroy every single one of them.

The walls that speak to me, they know how to kill, they teach me how to make the oppressive ones suffer. I listen to the wall....dont disrepsect the wall, the wall is your friend, it told me what I should do.

Children are sinnful demons, I will free the world of their threat, I will skin them all alive and be respected as the GOD...I so am a God. You are not a are nothing. Stop Lieing or more people will die.

Ever since I met my friend in the wal I will life has been so much clearer. I understand everything, the black mass of genius thoughts tells me everything I need to know....I need to kill people so I can have slaves in the after life...You can stop me....can you stop something that doesnt exist? Can you see the things that can kill you before they strike?

You keep talking, looking at me, you call me a monster. You are the real monster and I will liberate the world of real monsters. My friend will help me. My friend will save me from your pathetic Wrath.

The Black mass knows everything, I am a Teacher of death, are you willing to have another lesson in pain?


The Zodiac.


::The letter had mispellings and it did have some dried blood on paper itself, as if to prove the letter was authentic, there were four even squares of human skin "Glued" with blood to the paper, one from each of the victims::


Date: 2006-08-08 13:49 EST
She reads the letter over and over, committing it to her memory. "This sick person needs to be removed from the streets," she muttered to herself as she walked out the door of the Oracle, off to learn all she could.

Tera Destre

Date: 2006-08-09 13:56 EST
Des watched Wyh inquisitively as she read a letter several times then left the building. Unable to stand it she hopped to her feet and picked up the letter herself. The more she read the higher her slender brows rose until they were almost buried in her hairline.

?Oh my goodness. I hope she isn?t going after them all by herself.? She glanced toward the door where her fellow reporter had disappeared into the streets of town then back into the room where people were rushing here and there all busy as could be.

Des snagged a pin from the box on the table and tacked the note up on the bulletin board then took a deep breath. Someone had to help because this sounded dangerous.

She then turned and shoved the door open then took off heading down the street in search of Wyh, hoping to catch up with her before she caught up with this Zodiac thing.


Date: 2006-08-11 03:53 EST
Gavilean wondered what all the excitment was about.

He read the letter and laughed. "I think this sick person needs to learn grammar and how to spell. I think I'll send the Rhy'Din school bus to his house and bring him to the School for the Literary Challenged. I would bet that once he knows how to spell that his self image would improve and we'll see the kinder, gentler side of the Zodiac."

Gav picked up his camera and headed off to catch up with his wife.