Topic: Zodiac offers assistance.


Date: 2007-12-26 07:31 EST
::This could be found in a black envelope, nice and neat on the front desk, if it was attempted to be stolen it would only return to this spot until the right people read it::

This is what I think of the so called Ravager and his useless letter. I hope it helps. Catch this bastard. He has no class and deserves the worst you can give to him. There is nothing more boring than an uncreative serial killer, I hope this helps! Oh, dont worry about looking at this for evidence against me, you will not find any.

"To the Cattle of Rhydin and any wouldbe heroes and fools, I the so called Ravager as ravaged your rotten city for sometime now, and i have had much fun doing it.

This is the Zodiac telling you what I think of this, my pale imitation. I had stolen a view of this letter, I hope I am some help catching this thing. As you will see in this first sentence it is written as if he is telling a story this indicates that he intended for this to spoken out loud by the reader. The fact that he calls the people of the city cattle, it means he could be reptilian in nature, seeing all mammals as simple cattle is a common theme for saurians and ones who believe they are higher up on the food chain. The fact that he called this city rotten makes me believe he feels trapped here in this city. His Title the ravager was created not by him, but the media. It is surprising he would take such an uncreative title, this leads me to believe he is of low intelligence.

Just so you know its me, i placed painted Eye symbols at several of my victims' homes, a detail left out by the Authorities, such as the pathetic Watch is in this place.

He feels the need to be vindicated, he needs to know what he is doing is making a difference and noticed. He capitalized the A in authorities, why. I believe he is trying to tell us he actually fearful of them and gives them respect, even if he does not realize it. Notice how he does not treat himself with the same respect most of the time, proper nouns describing him are mistreated, a representation of his state of mind. The eye symbol may not mean anything at all. You should consult your expert symbolists on this, but chances are it is misleading in the end. And again notice he capitalized Watch, meaning he is fearful of authority and shows them respect with out realizing it.

To date i have murdered at least 70 fools, cattle all, and how sweet they tasted. Their sceams were most satisfying to my ears.

"Screams" Is spelled incorrectly and again he treats himself with less respect than he says. He also used the number 70, this shows that he is also lazy and does not pay attention to all of his details, go over the crime scenes again with a mage, bring a werewolf in to catch any scents or to notice any details.

As for that little bombing of those two apartment buildings, last week in the Marketplace, during the pathetic YuleTide market, that was my doing too. But that was not so fun. So i made up for it during the Winter Solstice.

It is obvious he has had a most terrible childhood, he hates the holidays, but more obvious he hates what they stand for. He can not stand people together being happy, because he himself has been denied happiness. This is most likely a secret pain however that he hides deep inside. His constant need for fun means life bores him. This guy is a drama queen and seems to surround himself, he has this horrible need to be the center of attention, but he has the need to defeat the weak, not because they are weak, but because they accomplished what he could not. To be happy. He admits this stuff freely, but I do not believe he is intelligent enough to construct a bomb of anykind. I am guessing that this guy is not working alone, but he is doing all of the heavy work.

And now of course while you cattle celebrate this sad and pointless hoilday of what you call Christmas ot YuleTide, opening your gifts, which many will really not be happy with, and have dinner with family and friends, which will end up in a fight anyways, remeber there is a wolf among the sheep, a lion among the cattle, preying on you, and tearing you apart. So have fun, while you can, and you may never know, you might get a visitor, though you wont like the visit."

This is the longest sentence in history apparently. At this point he is helpless to his rage and you can almost hear his senseless ranting. Again he berates the happiness and the eventual violence that family drama brings. He is reliving his childhood. He spelled remember wrong. This could be in his haste and anger he messed up, or it could be a clue that once again this is one of low intelligence. His over use of the comma is even worse than mine is, I at least proofread my stuff alittle bit. He claims to be a hunter, but I wonder if he realizes his examples result to the strong hunting the weak, this is by no means challenging. We are dealing with a faceless coward here who has no consept of what it means to hunt anything. He calls him self a visitor, looking deeper into this I am guessing that he himself is a new comer to this town because even though he lives here, he does not claim to belong here. That makes all the difference.

signed the Ravager

He once again takes the name given to him, not creative enough to come up with his own title.

P.S." To anyone who is going to examine this letter, don't waste your breath, i am no fool, i used some minor alteration magic to write this letter, both the ink and the paper are common, and i don't have fingerprints. As for trying to find out who bought this, i am a shapeshifter, i'll give any fool of a hero who cares to try and find me, that much. I would never buy supplies of this nature in my true form. And as there are a myriad of shapeshifters, both natrual and those who magic to shapeshift, good luck. So bye bye for now, and happy hunting."

This part is the most interesting part of the entire letter. He tells you not to waste your time, but I would suggest you do it anyway. He does not have fingerprints, all mammals have finger prints. Saurians would not have this quality. He is a shapeshifter, and he would never buy any supplies in his true form, I believe he cannot accomplish this because his physical state does not allow him to do it, that and it would look very funny. Since this is the case I believe we are looking for a rather pathetic dragon who spends most of his time in his humanoid form. I believe that this lizard has such rage issues because he was violated in some way when he was a child. He is a sociopathic individual and since he is a dragon he is very powerful, and come to think of it the eye symbol reminds me of a summoner I killed once, they had one kinda like it.

So look for an advanced summoner, draconic in nature. I am guessing he surrounds himself with family so he can create the illusion for himself. Money is no object to this one. Look for large dontations from mysterious people, this is most likely our killer. Chances are you found no hair or other details because there was none to find. He could have budding pedophilac tendencies and he may spend time with children and try to console them more than he should. Also he will never back down, and he will always try to accomplish his goal, or get the last word or try to be the center of attention in most situation. He will use his powers liberally and with out consern. I would suggest to bring an anti magic device with you.

Hey Des,

Sorry I did not ask permission to get this letter in the first place. I kinda had to steal a glance at it with methods I can not talk about here. I am a monster I wont deny that, but the one thing I can not stand is people, or as I believe in this case a Dragon trying to imitate me like this. Behind every weak and cowardly man there is an equally encouraging and very smart and rage filled woman. This is pure speculation but I very much believe that the "Ravager" Is a male, and less than that a pawn of somebody who is much smarter. There is no way he could have known how to build the bombs with the force necessary to do that damage at all.


Tera Destre

Date: 2007-12-26 13:29 EST
Des strolled into The Oracle office building humming a little tune to herself as she closed the door behind her and made absolutely certain not to glance at that no count, good for nothing receptionist of theirs, Becky, this morning. She was in a good mood today and didn?t want to get annoyed first thing. It wasn?t hard for her to ignore just about anything or anyone. She had lots of practice from tending bar at the Red Dragon Inn. Sometimes a girl just had to move on down the bar when declarations were made of a nature she didn?t want to hear!

But she did notice on the desk there a black envelope. This one didn?t have any kind of ribbon around it though nor did she see a card along with it. Very strange she thought to herself to not fancy it up a bit but then there was those that were evil and nasty that didn?t take the time to pretty things up any about their evil and nastiness she had learned over the years. Evil and nasty could be just plain evil and nasty.

It appeared the one that had decided to send this here black envelope was maybe even down on their luck and couldn?t afford any ribbon or a plain card to go with their letter. She certainly would never know for sure because she had a family now that needed her and she wasn?t about to get involved in anything that remotely looked evil and nasty.

Off she went to her desk to write the second letter for the second day in a row. Out came the RhyDin Package Service packet and her faithful tweezers because she knew from experience that in order to be completely safe a person had best not even so much as let the merest hint of skin even barely brush up against something black that could have come from evil and nasty!

Into the packet went her letter and the black envelope, the packet was sealed and she returned her tweezers to her desk drawer, which by the way her tweezers did come from that there Mad Madam Mim?s shop and did have a guarantee for her money back if they didn?t work properly and there should be some kind of lingering trace of something left on them after they had been used.

The cowgirl Queen turned right on back around and headed back home to send off this packet just like she had the first.

The letter read:

Dear Fire,

There must be a sale or something going on on black envelopes. At least I hope ya will write me back soon or come to see me and tell me that is all these here two showing up two days in a row mean. I do hate to bother ya but I do have my family to think about now and ya really are the best person for the job if this black means really what black tends to mean.

Please get in touch with me soon as I?m not sure how many more black envelopes may show up if something isn?t done.
