Topic: Scene19: Nightmare [ Graphic nature. ]

Toby Aradam

Date: 2010-07-24 00:25 EST
Afternoon, July 23rd..

He woke up inhaling deeply, trying to move only to realize one of his arms was still asleep. He was warm..hugging someone.. Oh..

He grinned, rolling slowly onto his back..rubbing at his face with his good hand. Sunlight streamed in through the open curtains, fading when little clouds must have passed in front of it. He pushed up from the bed to sit up, swing his legs over its edge. His stomach felt hollow..

He turned to look over his shoulder. Her face..was still a little splotchy.. He had been trying to imagine, lately, what it would be like to live his entire life with the feeling..of having no parents.. It wouldn't be that bad if he didn't know what happened to them..if they were just not there.. If they weren't, he wouldn't have to think about them..

But having them, and then have them being taken away.. It was sort of different.. He rubbed at his left shoulder as he stood. Families..were kind of overrated anyway.. He wasn't a kid anymore.. He sort of..didn't need one.. He could live his own life..

He gathered the edges of the fuzzy blanket, draping it back over Katt's sleeping form. He brushed some of it softly over cheek to dry it, leaving a kiss on her forehead before straightening.

He needed to eat something..


He stumbled down the stairs to the main level of the condo, yawning..shaking his head. He was halfway through a turn into the kitchen when he heard rapid, urgent knocking on the front door. He blinked..staring at it.

It happened again.

He stepped in that direction instead, frowning softly as he undid the locks as quietly as he could.

"Special delivery for a..a Katt and Toby?" the voice called from the other side of the door. He blinked, drawing it open. The figure on the other side was dressed like a traveler; lots of dark brown leather underneath a cloak that was the color of tree bark. Their face was shadowed with a hood, save for their mouth and jaw. It wasn't a girl..

" Uh, okay.."

"Yup~ Real special, if you'd just step outside, please?" The figure moved aside, gesturing out to the front stoop. Toby stepped forward slowly, a frown already hardening his mouth.

This..wasn't how it was supposed to work.. He'd delivered enough things to have an idea.. The person wasn't even carrying anything..

There was crushing pressure on his throat a moment later..something hard against his back. The person.. He choked, prying at the vice grip on his neck with one hand, shoving his other elbow back..up into the ribs of the man holding him.

He'd been wrong.. It wasn't was hard, hurt like and sounded like metal.

"Aaall these months and you've barely changed, eh, Toby..?, you like being called Tobias now, don't you?" the man snickered against his ear. He lurched against the feeling, despite the pain his neck..squirming in irritation. He curled his left hand, swung it around at the face he could still feel hovering over his shoulder..grunting in satisfaction at the contact. It wasn't much of a punch.. He had to do it harder..or get loose..

How did he know that..? Katt..wouldn't tell anybody..

He sputtered feeling the man's fingers shove the scarf out of the way, dig into his skin..into tendons and muscle. His mouth dropped open, tried to release a strangled yell.

"If you try anything like that again, anything at all..I will forget you and go upstairs..and disembowel my dog faced woman. We wouldn't want that now, would we..? No~" The man..giggled..

He sagged in his grip. His chest felt full of ice, it was spreading through him. He stared straight ahead, through the narrowing dark tunnel of encroaching unconsciousness.


"That's a good boy. Of course we wouldn't want that..not until the opportune moment. Fortunately, or unfortunately for you, that moment isn't going to be for a while. Let's go."

"MMPH!!" His eyes rolled back in his something smashed into the back of his skull. He thought he heard a crack.. He hoped he was wrong..

Darkness took out the world in front of him.

Toby Aradam

Date: 2010-07-24 03:47 EST
Evening, July 23rd..

"Good morning~"

A voice.. Whose was it..? Light, happy..

Please..let it be a really, really bad dream..

His head rocked to the side..he felt something metal cut into his face. It had felt like a punch, but..he couldn't tell. He coughed..his throat hurt too much. Tears sprung to his eyes, dripped down to his jaw. Don't swallow, don't swallow..

He pulled at his arms, tried to get his hands to his neck. It much.. He wheezed, weakly tugging at..shackles..?

"Ahh, that's better!! When someone says 'Good morning.', what do we say~?"

Shackles.. His feet too.. There was a wall at his back. Standing up straight took a lot of pressure off of his chest. Had he been..hanging by them..? It smelled like blood where he was.. He didn't know if any of it was his..

He raised his head, staring at a wavering dark figure in front of him. There was just enough light coming through dingy windows to see..the cloak was gone.. He knew..that face..

His eyes blinked gold and he sagged at the sudden, intense feeling of nausea. Bile fought its way up from his stomach, burning his rapidly healing throat. He spat it at Tylor..coughed, shuddering through heaves that emptied him of water, soda..and much needed air.

Why didn't he think to do it sooner..? Use yoki..see who it was.. Why didn't he try harder to get away..? Was he really this weak..

"I said," Tylor began, closing the distance between them with one long stride. The hard soles of his boots clacked on the stone floor. He felt something jab into his stomach..above his navel, a little to the left. He gurgled a surprised sound. The things wiggled.. Fingers.. "What do we say?"

"Hungh..ngh.. F-f*ck you!!" he screamed up into Tylor's sneering face.

Tylor giggled, his fingers curling beneath Toby's flesh..tearing free with a yank. He grit his teeth and screamed, thrashing against the chains binding him to the wall. They rattled..squeaked.. Maybe he wasn't trying hard enough, they weren't giving..

"No, that's not what we say, but who can expect any more from the Organization's failure?" He sounded amused. Toby hissed, fighting his stomach.. He had to calm down, he couldn't throw up again.. He had to think..look around, get.. If he went back, Tylor would only follow..

He knew everything.. He knew where Katt was.. He was going to go back..

"Thaaat's the face I've been wanting to see. All that faked determination and rage doesn't look good on you~ The fear, panic, those are the things that make your face hilarious," he giggled, smoothing his bloodstained fingers down across Toby's cheek..too hard. There were claws instead of nails.

"STOP!!" Down his jaw, neck. The scarf got torn free, the collar of his t shirt ripping. Chest..down to his waist.. Crimson bubbled forth, running down him in thin, warm rivers..coating Tylor's hand. He could heal, and he knew this pain..but it didn't mean that it didn't hurt..that he couldn't feel it down to his core.

He didn't have any breath left to yell. He had to focus.. Heal..

"The little boy's trying to fix himself, well..let's just see who's faster. The experienced? Or the mistake.."

His stomach caved in around the hand that was plunged through it. He couldn't even try to breathe anymore. Pain lanced throughout him, he went rigid, muscles twitching in attempts to move..get away.

The hand twisted, curled inside of him. Everything in his torso..gored, leaking..

"I want to see how well you think you can control yourself. You don't know how long I've been looking forward to this. We're gonna have so much fun together, getting to know each other~"

"Gnugh.." blood dribbled freely from his mouth. He whimpered when the hand was pulled free. Something of his ribs.. Tylor had done it..on purpose..

"Disgusting. You're lucky you don't sate my appetite, otherwise.." Excited giggles sounded from far away. Tylor's copper smelling hand passed roughly all over his face..smearing blood like warpaint. "Can't have it given away just yet. Despair makes even the ugliest mugs beautiful, don't you think?"

He..had to..heal..himself.. Thinking hurt, his brain felt like it was clenching..having to deal with too much pain at once.. But he this..

He could..

"Don't die, Tobias~"

He could be annoyed..later..


The colorful scarf remarkably stayed clean during the trip back to the condos..where Tylor folded it neatly, and left it pinched between the front door and its frame. Snickering, he turned on his heel..and drew the hood of his cloak back up into place with a scarlet streaked hand.

Toby Aradam

Date: 2010-07-24 09:13 EST
Early morning, June 24th..

"I'm not going anywhere.. Something would have to make me..and I mean really make me..

"I won't leave you forever.. When I do, I'll tell you where I'm going.. You'll always be able to find me.. I promise..

"Nothing will happen.. And if it does..I'll find a way to wait, and stay alive..until you can find me.. Like I did for you.."

He coughed, twitching against the shackles. The smallest movements sent pain exploding through him, dragging his throbbing head out of a shallow sleep.

He he was by himself. The air always felt different when that was the case.. He didn't feel anything either, no nausea.. It had taken several, agonizing grunts of effort to even get a subtle burn of yoki started. He sighed heavily, leaning his weight against the shackles as, little by little, the pain began to fade.

He had to fight.. He had to get out of here, or..if he couldn't..just stay alive.. Live..until she figured it out..

He sniffed, growling..swinging his hands back against the hard wall behind him. The shackles banged into the bricks, sent shock waves up the nerves in his arms.

He could do it himself. He would do it himself.. He had to keep Tylor's attention focused on him..if he switched it. If that had already happened..

Panic seized his chest, freezing his lungs. Had this..all been just to get him out of the way..? So he wouldn't be able to do anything to stop..

He yanked on the shackles, grunting..not caring that the movement was counteracting his healing. He felt the hole in his gut tear, the score marks down his torso stung. New blood flowed, warm, staining what was left of his clothes a dark, but vivid, red.

"Mmph.." It started hurting too much..he couldn't keep it up.. He sunk down to his knees, his arms stretched to their limit above his head. Moisture spilled over onto his face, rinsing pale tracks into the crimson smears already there.

He shouldn't be crying.. He should be..focusing.. But it wasn't that bad when you were scared, right..? He didn't want that to be the last time he ever saw her..or his friends.. He hadn't even seen his friends in a while..

He didn't want them to get hurt too..

At least..he'd said those four little words before things got too bad..

Katt Batten

Date: 2010-07-24 20:12 EST
.: July 23rd - Afternoon :.

So..why would you think any of this would be a lie..?

I just..can't....Me..having someone so important as...

You just can't believe it..? What, that your mom was this big person in Unity, and you would've been too..? Why not.. Who told you that..?

I've always been told I wasn't anything to anyone. Not worth being loved. Never would be loved..I meant nothing ..Just 'something' to be used and disposed of when done with..

By the same people who said stuff, and useless, and bitch, and whore, slave..mistake..terrible, idiot... I really wish I could just..go inside your head..and shove all of that crap out sometimes... Tell me what you *think* you are.. Not what you've heard from other people.. What do you think..? Tell me.. Forget about all that stupid sh*t everyone's told you.. What..*who* do you think you are..

I don't..know anymore..So much has changed. I am..just me..I guess?

You've lived this whole time thinking that you just..thrown out.. Then you learn that you weren't.. I thought you'd be happy about it.. 'Cause your mom didn't hate you, she loved you and tried to protect you..and she'd *still* be doing that.. happy. I's really hard to change how I've always been taught to view myself. To think noone ever really loved me. I guess..I am a little scared too?"

You've not been *taught* that, you've been *told* that. By people that didn't give a sh*t about you to begin with. Why should their opinions matter to you? And why would you be scared..?

I'm..n..not use to being loved... I..It's..stupid..

You could've told me what you haven't yet right there. Instead, you want to say something about how terrible you supposedly are. That's just great.

You have no it feels to be treated like you are worthless and told you would never be loved. By anyone. To think that you are nothing. You ask what I am scared of? I'm scared to be happy! I mean really be happy. Because what if it's true. What if I am not suppose to be happy or loved? You say I am her child and she would of loved me. How do you know? I'm so freaking screwed up that for all you know she'd disown me. I'm scared..of losing you too. I mean ..I know you say you aren't going to leave but I's hard! It's hard to turn around completely from stuff that has happened for so long! But I'm trying. I.. I really am..

No, I don't, but it's not like I haven't seen it happen. Parents love their kids, that's just how it is. Sure, they do sh*t that makes you question it, but in the end, they're *right there* protecting you from a town full of people that want to kick your ass. You've gone through *all* of this crap, and you're still here. And you're not some horrible person despite all of it. How in the hell am I supposed to believe all the things you tell me when *this* is what you think of yourself. I might as well go back to doing whatever I was doing when I came back to the stupid city if you don't feel like you deserve anything you've got now. The worst part is..I can't even talk you out of it. Because I've done the same thing. It's not my place, and I can't help you. But *now*..right now, now that things have changed..*everything* you say makes me feel better about it. That I'm not this..*thing*.. I hoped that I could do the same thing for you.

I said I was g..getting better..You are the m...m..main..r..reason.

But you're not.. Or else, I'm just not seeing it..or haven't seen what you used to be like before we were friends.

The fact that I believe you love me and you say -that-. What? You don't think I believe you about that? And th-that my friends want me around. That I might actually be important to s..someone..

That's.. Then if you believe us..why do you still think like this..? Me..feeling the way I do..that shatters all those stupid things that everyone else has told you already.. The fact that you actually *have* friends.. Bad people don't have that kind of stuff.. And I've been telling you this forever, you're *not* a bad person.

Because it's all I've ..known..but I said I am trying. I am getting better. I am trying..I am..I really am. It's just hard to break from chains that have bound you for so long..

I'm not faking it, you know.. Even back when we first met.. And everyone you know now, all the friends you have Unity..You've lived on your own longer than you've been a slave, Katt..

Longer then I've been a slave..When you are a slave you forget what time is. It leaves damage that even once you aren't anymore it's hard to erase. I thought I was making progress but obviously..I was wrong..

Then you've just got to re-learn what time is.. You got slaved when you were ten and passed around until you were free..for six years.. That's *it*.

She had really thought she had been doing better. Being.. Normal. It was a lot of work trying to come back from an impression that had been set so firmly into her since childhood. To believe she was worth something. To believe she could love and be loved. That she was..important. Her conversation with Toby had left her rather depressed. She really had thought it.. Thought she was living..right.

It was just hard to accept that her mother loved her. A figure she didn't know. A figure that was so important to the Empire. Her ...apparent homelands. Until he had showed her, quite literally, how he felt about her, it had been hard to believe he loved her like he said he did.

It was just very hard to change in an instant.

The depression was something she was having trouble shaking. She was trying to keep him from knowing that though. Smiling her best smile. She was still..very happy. That was what counted, right?

Waking up was an ever slow process and she felt something tickle at her face. It was soft and smelled so familiar. She smiled and started to sink down into the blanket. She knew, without even have to look, that he wasn't there. The room simply felt empty without him. Peeking over the edge of the blanket she searched for his pillow to find ..

Well that as strange..There was no note. Slowly sitting up she peered curiously at the pillow. Slowly shifting out of the bed she nudged the blanket aside and started rooting around. note.

Shrugging she made her way to the bathroom to freshen up. He wasn't in there. One place down. Maybe he left a note somewhere else in the condo.

Making her way downstairs slowly she blinked lazily at Mez who was zipping across the floor. Considering she bowled into the kitchen and there wasn't a fuss..He wasn't in the kitchen. That caused a frown. She moved to the doorway to find..nothing on the fridge.

"Hrm. He didn't leave a note." Normally..that might of worried her. But he told her..he wouldn't leave her forever. He promised. She held that promise close and dear. She trusted him. She could trust him with that.

Maybe it was some game of hide and seek?

She chuckled quietly at that and shook her head. To leave the condo was the next step. Moving to the door she blinked when she opened the door and found...

"Toby's scarf.." mumbling to noone particular. Why was it there? Leaning to pick it up she carefully unfolded it and draped it over her shoulder. Immediately it touched her nose. She blinked.

She knew that scent far too well..

...Toby's blood...

Alarms went off almost instantly. This scent was more then just a little cut. This was..if it hadn't been for the spell she was almost sure that it would of been drenched in vital. Fear flooded her and she was quick to step out, the door slammed closed.

She started her search on the city....

Katt Batten

Date: 2010-07-24 20:40 EST
.: July 23rd - Late Evening :.

The usual spots were searched and some not so usual. She asked people. Noone saw him. She told herself not to worry. He could take care of himself..


Crossing the steps of the porch she stopped at the window, fingers curling helplessly to the edge as she peered in. She hoped he had been there but amongst the small crowd she did not see that vibrant ginger.

Her stomach dropped..

He was..not there. Now..She was worried.

"Toby...Where are you.." She murmured to the night air as she turned and leaned onto the railing of the inn. She waited there, like she did every single place she had visited. At least for a number of minutes. Then she pulled away and stepped into the pouring rain.

He had to be somewhere..

He promised...

Promised he wouldn't leave...

.: July 24rth - Early morning :.

Sluggishly she stepped up to the condo, tears mingled with rain streamed steadily down her cheeks. She didn't like being worried. She went in to check if he came while she was away.


She retreated back outside and sat on the front steps, knees drawn to her chest. She didn't care it was raining.

She was going to wait right there. He was going to come back..he was..

He promised!

Toby Aradam

Date: 2010-07-25 05:55 EST
Afternoon, June 24th..

The sound of a woman's shriek and crying startled him. He jerked aside with a rattle of metal chains, falling right back where he started. On his right, far down the wall..white light was spilling into the huge building. A door.. He was this close to the door..?

Shadows blocked it..a figure was shoved. It screamed. The woman. Blond..

"Thank god.." he muttered, hanging his head for a moment, then leaning it back into the wall. He flinched, hearing Tylor's hard, methodically slow footfalls. The door swung inward with a loud squeal and banged shut.

"Y-y-you said that if I c-c-came with you family--!!"

"Oh yes, yes, all in good time!!" his giggles echoed throughout the huge building. Toby was amazed he could hear anything above the woman's wheezing sobs. "But for now, I want you to meet someone~ Up you get.." The woman gagged, crying out at as she was dragged along the floor by a fistful of her hair..and thrown so forcefully before Toby that she didn't move. His numb fingers curled into fists. He gulped down a mixture of blood and saliva. His eyes flicked up to Tylor, slowly narrowing.

"That just won't do," Tylor muttered softly, a smile curling his upper lip. He stepped on the young woman's right elbow, applying pressure..until she shifted, groaned..whined and squirmed to get away. "Let's get up and greet our other dinner guest, shall we? Toby, why don't you say hello? Break the ice, don't be such an awkward waste of space."

"What are you doing.. NGH!!" His head swung around to the right..his neck popped, when he tried to open his mouth again, it ached..and wouldn't. Something was wrong with his jaw.. Tylor's hand had closed once more around his throat..hauling him up like he didn't weigh any more than a piece of paper. He met the wall hard, sending painful jolts into his busted jaw and the nearly healed hole still in his gut.

"Still lacking manners, how awful," Tylor smiled cheerfully, half a foot away from his face. He couldn't even move his mouth to wad up anything to spit.. "There's a dagger on his right leg, would you be a dear and grab it for me?"

The more he thrashed, the tighter the hold on his throat became, cutting off the air to his lungs..trapping blood in his head. His eyes and jaw throbbed, burning as he forced yoki to surge quicker through his system. The feeling of new muscle growing..of bone being forced and snapped back into place..made him twitch.

His pant leg was being cautiously drawn up. He growled and kicked his leg out sideways. The woman squeaked and sobbed in pain. He could see her cowering out of the corner of his eye.

"Now, now, that's not very nice," Tylor gently grunted the last word, his free hand burying to the wrist in the half sealed hole in the center of Toby's gut. He screamed through the pain in his jaw, his hands clawing at air. The woman's yells joined his own. Tylor's laughter reached his ears somewhere in there.

"I won't ask again~" He felt his knife pulled free of his legs, saw its tip glinting in the dim light.

"D-don't..! Don't..t-touch.."

"Stab him."


"Or I will kill you and kill your family anyway. You know the terms of our arrangement~" Tylor threw his neck from his grasp and stepped back, wrenching his hand free of Toby's gut for the second time. He looked..interested..

Toby drooped in his bindings, his arms stretched painfully..making it hard to draw much needed deep breaths. Blood oozed from his clenched teeth. He gurgled, fighting the urge to just..hang, sleep..wait until later..


Tylor merely grinned. The woman stood, the shining dagger clutched in her shaking hands. He couldn't see her, could barely hear her sobs and hiccups.

The moments seemed to drag on forever. He was waiting for it.. He didn't know why he was nervous.. He'd been stabbed..several times..

"I-I!! I'm s-sorry!!"

He flinched, sending another wave of howling pain through his body.

But the cold pinch of the dagger didn't come. Instead, the sound of tearing flesh..a meaty thunk. The woman's decapitated head laid on its side, her eyes and mouth wide in shock. A second later, her body crumpled on top of it..hiding her face. Blood spilled from her neck. The skin..looked ripped.

What was left of his stomach crawled up into his throat. He gagged, spitting streams of blood and bile down his front..gasping in vain for air that wasn't getting into his lungs.

"Just kidding. Really, I just wanted to see if she was capable of it. Guess not. Humans. And you know, the more I thought about it," Tylor bent down, worked the knife free of the woman's loose grasp, "the more I realized that I should be the one that gets to do this."

He felt steel slide in between his ribs. He choked out a yell..wheezing shallow breaths in and out. He could feel the length of the dagger poking around during every one.

"And this."

Again..higher this time. Tylor was working up his right side..

"And this. Because, you see Tobias, I'm pretty miffed with you." He jerked weakly at the sound of his name..feeling the cold pinch of the blade now in his left side. "You took something that didn't belong to you, and stealing.. Tsktsk. Especially from me. That mutt was mine."

"NGH!! AH!!" That one..had been too close to his heart.. He had to.. He couldn't go to sleep.. He had to fix it.. Even..if he wanted to, could see the darkness creeping in from the corners of his eyes.

Tylor wrenched the dagger free of his ribs and he went limp, his head lurching around as the vial and chain were yanked free.

"She'll be mine again, you'll see. And you will see. 'Cause I plan to bring her here~ So you can't die until then, you hear?" Tylor giggled, his hard footfalls the only indication he was leaving. Toby hung in his bindings, shackles biting painfully into his skin.

He pursed his quivering lips..refusing to think of anything else but healing. He hadn't eaten anything in a while..and had thrown up everything that was in his stomach..twice.

That woman.. What was Tylor going to do with her..leave her there..? He forced his eyes to close so he wouldn't have to look down.

But that made it stay awake..

Katt Batten

Date: 2010-07-25 16:51 EST
Mayu Tsuzuki's and Tylor's player. Thanks!! ]

.: July 24th - Late Evening :.

The search was starting to worry her. The rain had died down and eventually ended. She waited it out. It was okay. It was a warm rain but she was still soaked. Where was he?

She entered the condo to change and leave note just in case he returned while she was out searching for him. She wasn't going to return till she found him. She refused to return without him...

Walking the streets she trailed back through many of the hot spots that they normally visited. Some of the not so normal. The church. The bridge. Even to Mayu's apartment. Maybe he was just..hanging out. Maybe she was just fretting herself silly.

It had only been a day..

How long had it been since they had been apart for that long?

It was chanced luck that she found Mayu at the inn. Alone but ever cheerful. A little light of happiness in a state of sadness. It always amazed her how Mayu's attitude swayed her own. Even in her worry Mayu managed to get her to smile without even trying.

Mayu brought up a valued point. One that Katt found herself very unproud of. Maybe she had bitten Toby in her sleep. But if she had..she must of really hurt him to spill that much blood. No ..wonder why he fled from her. There was an ache of dread that filled her. She could only hope..that wasn't the case.

The inn grew too crowded for the likes of them and at a suggestion she stole Mayu into the evening air for a drink at Ichi's. She paid of course. The least she could do for the sisterly figure! As they chitchatted Katt found out that Mayu had a new friend. That made her happy to hear. Mayu needed more good friends and from what Mayu spoke of this new friend, it was someone she would 'approve of'. Which meant it was someone who wasn't going to maim or take advantage of Mayu. That made her even more happier.

It came apparent to her, by Mayu's words, that she was not hiding her worry for Toby's absence as well as she thought she was. She was a bit surprised where the conversation lead again. She didn't think that Mayu really remembered that she was part vampire and that she drank, oft enough, from Toby.

Did it pain her? Yes. But it was a pain she was most familiar with. One she was use to and able to handle. It was almost welcomed in a certain way. It meant being able to be close to him. In a way...connected...

Some time after both of them had gotten their drink, the serving girl reappeared and set a slender, shiny box down hard on the counter between them. "This was left for you by someone in a cloak, and I'll have you know that I'm not a member of the postal service, so if this happens again, ohhh..." She bustled away without another word.

"I wouldn't hurt Toby. Not from that. I mean we've done it so many times." She frowned a bit and sat back. "He even made me take a lot one time. He was really sleepy afterwards. It's something new. I-" She blinked and looked at the box then over after the serving girl. Someone in a cloak.. She glanced down to the box again then looked over to Mayu. "Uh.."

Hardly a beat was missed between her and that lemon soda, gulping down the liquid to the point that the ice collapsed inward on itself; no longer suspended in the saucy sweetness. A meek glance was given to Katt, then the box. She had to swallow before she could manage to say much of anything at all. "...I really d-don't know anybody in this c-city... gotta be for you."

"I guess.." Nudging the smoothie away she curled her arm to the shiny box. It was shiny. She liked shiny. Maybe it was left by Toby and he was just having a really silly streak? "Oh so what am I?" She playfully peeked her tongue out between her lips at Mayu for that comment, fingers working to pry open the box.

Nestled on crumpled, black satin, the mythril dagger..stained in crimson that appeared half dried..glittered in the light of the drink shop. The vial and chain were wrapped delicately around it from hilt to tip, the former empty of its usual bright blue glow.

Mayu lurched backward on her stool as she began to stretch, unawares that the stool itself didn't come with any kind of support. She nearly toppled over backward, catching herself at the bare last second with a reflexive grab of the counter itself. She pretended as though the whole scheme didn't take place.

Katt's eyes slowly grew wide and she stared at the dagger. Well if that didn't just send her alarms into full swing. Her stomach tightened and she forced herself to touch the dagger then gently work the chain from the blade. There was absolutely no color to her skin save for the red forming to her eyes. "Hhh.." She glanced quickly to Mayu due to the movement. She waited till she was sure Mayu was not going to fall...Even if the world felt very slow at the moment.

The girl's attention idly fixated on the offered box, unable to connect the various dots that littered the page she was currently on. The dagger was given a moment's worth of a glance, then up to Katt. Her reaction wasn't so unsettling that the lemon soda could be returned to in peace. "W-What's up w-with the box?" she queried.

Katt clenched the vial tightly as it was once freed. "Th..This is..Toby's blood. Toby's vial..T..Toby's.." Her eyes went back to the dagger, her lips sealing to stop them from quivering. "Mayu...Toby's in danger.."

The glass was nudged away to request a refill; providing a sidelong glance to her friend. "W-What makes y-you sa-say he's in d-danger...?" No, Katt's response didn't immediately have her screaming bloody murder. In fact, it only enhanced Mayu's level of confusion.

"This is the dagger that I made for him. It..and his other dagger...He rarely goes anywhere without them. And it's covered in his blood." Then Katt held out the vial, staring at the empty thing. That just sent her mind whirling. "His vial of elixir...these..things never really leave his person. And they are ..covered in his blood.."

Mayu shied away a touch when the vial was offered out for her to either claim, or merely look at. The mentioning of essence was bad enough, let alone seeing it or getting it smeared all over her polished hands. A grim flattening of her lips conveyed her disapproval. "...and how w-would so-somebody know to send you th-these things? Or kn-know you're here?" She rose to her feet, sliding effortlessly through the drapes to return to the common ground. That mail lady was sought after without hesitation. "...where'd that woman go? Who delivers a package and doesn't ask for a signature, or som-something like that... such a primitive place..."

Katt Batten

Date: 2010-07-25 16:53 EST
Mayu Tsuzuki's and Tylor's player. Thanks!! ]

One hard footfall, then another away from the fountain in the middle of the square..before the figure's arms stretched out in front of him, fingers stretching still..way over their limit, like vines. They rocketed toward the small girl who'd foolishly stepped out into the open..attempting to wrap about her person and fling her a great distance away.

Reactions weren't possible when somebody wasn't made aware of the actions making place. Appendages from unknown unlocations were capable of curling about her as though she was a doll to be toyed with. Before her reflexes could legitimately prepare herself for what was her fate, she was lobbed like a loose football. Although, the intended distance was cut short when she caught the edge of a stall; snapping it clean in two with her lithe figure. She was snagged by the wooden frame only several yards away, a self-made curtain left in limbo.

Who indeed. Tossing the chain around her neck the box was shoved away after the knife was collected and tucked into the band of her shorts. Bloody or not, it was going to remain close. "H-Hey Mayu. Wait up!" It was a little late. By the time the curtain had been pushed aside she witnessed Mayu's form flying and she yanked heavily onto the curtain, as if it would give her more speed to rush to the smaller female's side. "Mayu!"

A smile cut across his mouth..not one of the figure's usual cheerful expressions, but one that looked like a knife. It waited, then snickered quietly to itself. Nothing happened.. So much for that protection. The figure wondered what else it could do, vine whip fingers shrinking back to its hand at it watched. The girl probably tasted divine..

The sizable crack her frame made with the wooden stall she was now tangled up with implied enough that Mayu was most likely out cold. The girl was entirely limp and unmoving, save for that swiveling from where her cotton shirt was caught, a direct opposite of her often lively nature, would be the evidence and sheer confirmation.

The movement caught Katt's eyes and she glanced off after the slithering digits. First thing that came to mind.. Yoma..Jaw twitching she cautiously continued towards Mayu and dislodge her from what was left of the stall. Vitals were the first thing she checked as she eased Mayu to the ground. A eye remained on the figure far off. Every muscle coiled, attempting to ready herself for any attacks while taking care of the fallen Mayu.

"That was a special delivery, if there ever was one." The figure snickered, hands folding behind its back. It continued toward the two like it hadn't just flung a young girl across the market. "Gives me so many ideas for later."

Vitals were accounted for, in part thanks to what stablized her health to begin with. A failed heart beat with the strength of an ox, and Mayu's breathing was subdued to the point that it resembled somebody who was well-rested. Granted, splinters that shredded the backside of her attire were lodged like a porcupine's quills within creamy flesh; but nothing that was trickling blood.

Crap crap crap! Where was Toby. Someone needed to steal off with Mayu! Already this ..thing..showed that it had reach. Clenching her jaw Katt gently settled Mayu down on her side, that way the backside didn't get impaled more. "Come on Mayu. Wake up.." She blinked hearing those words. Her hands drew from Mayu and she quickly stood, whipping around to the figure. "You..You left that box for me?" The dagger was taken hold of and she quickly stepped away from Mayu that way she didn't get caught up more in things. "Who the *hell* are you and why are you hurting my loved ones?!"

"I did~" The figure didn't miss it. She was trying to place distance.. There wasn't a half second between when the figure was standing in one place..then kneeling beside the fallen girl. The figure's shadowy features raised, smile still in place..its right hand curled and poised like a talon at the ready. "Who the hell are you to think you can stop me? You can't do *anything*.."

"AH! Get away from her!!" Katt growled out. The ground groaned as she bounced, pushing from her spot rapidly to throw a fist at the figure's face. She didn't care who it was now. It needed to stay away from Mayu. Needed to give back Toby!

A muffled sound of protest crawled from the tight confines of Mayu's throat, eyes shifting to vague slits that were heavy with water. Even though she was littered with mechanicals that processed every last blood cell, it couldn't nullify agony. And she was greatly crippled by that. "T... T-Th-That... h-hurt..." she weakly informed Katt, who was so near. As if it needed to be stated upfront. Did she realize the guy was there yet? Not in the slightest.

"Oh no, you'd best do better than that!" The figure's head snapped back in time to be replaced by its left hand..trying to curl about Katt's and get a tight, bone strangling hold before an attempt at firing her back toward the fountain the figure had just left. "Am I the only one that's done growing up? Seems so~"

Katt grunted as she was thrown back but managed to kick the air. A cracking sound rippled the air as she thrusted enough to pitch herself around and she landed much like a cat a few feet away. That voice. Why the hell was it familiar. Lowering a bit more she released a soft throaty sound. "Get away from her." Plainly didn't want to hear his crap.

"No." Simple, to the point answer. An almost serene smile was gifted to her, now several feet away. The figure's right hand surged down toward Mayu's midsection, claws extended..seeking to pierce and slash, wanting to feel the warmth of life coating his fingers. Sixteen times in one day wasn't nearly enough..

Katt Batten

Date: 2010-07-25 16:54 EST
Mayu Tsuzuki's and Tylor's player. Thanks!! ]

The prone girl hadn't an opportunity to react; susceptible to what desired to have its way with her. Eyes lowered, closing tight which spilt the amassing tears like waterfalls. Was that it? Intense pressure overwhelmed her when she felt a build-up of foreign sources tear through her figure as though she were being split in half. However...

A reaction was underway; and not one that was involving claws or rupturing of Mayu's flesh. A swelling of fragmented energies expelled from her like a nuclear reaction, flaring outward. The surge of energies wholly consumed her person, and came with enough of a burst that it could theoretically propell any nearby forces away from the focal point like it were ragdolls in a turbine. In the wake of such a supernatural phenomenon stood a rush of cardinal rubies and glistening ocean greens. Unscathed by the hardships of an evening that intended to remain peaceful. Undisturbed by the threats of evildoers and angst. Stern argent lamps that mirrored the flowing attire regarded that which intended to impale it and become another notch on the ol' belt. "Just what in the #$%^&* you think you're doing, you idiot?" Imbecile.

Blown from his kneeling position, hand ripped free of young flesh.. The figure sneered as it rolled, end over end across the cobblestones..expertly rising to its full height a great distance from where it originally started. Its crimson stained hand lifted to his now unmasked face. Brown hair fluttered around boyish features, silver eyes regarding the changed figure before him as his tongue lovingly cleaned his hand.

Gloved digits were taut along Phantasneko's star rod, joints popping with the intensity of her frustration over the incidents unfolding before her, previously, veiled eyes. Unnatural ears of a feral origin swieveled as if spying Katt for the first time; tail unraveling from her waist to wriggle behind her in feigned excitement. "It would seem another threatens the stability of Truth and Love along these parts, wouldn't you say?!" Her attention fell onto those boyish good looks, bountiful energy in her garden of mirth renewed at the release of tempered spiritual energies. The star rod was passed between tense hands, brandishing it at the charmer. She awaited his reactions.

"I would say you're a lot tastier than I'd realized, Mayu." He giggled, his tongue working around his mouth like an animal's would. "This will do very nicely~ Still here, still able to feed..guess that protection didn't last too long."

The rod angled downward toward the cobblestone that supported her light frame, lips creasing into disdain. It contorted an otherwise attractive visage. "Don't compare me to that dimwitted five year old, man-thing. I advise you to leave these premises willingly and quietly. I don't like resorting to violence!"

"That's too bad.." His voice was soft, almost too much silk. "Because I do so *love* resorting to violence. You wear red nicely, I'd like to see you bleed it this time. We'll put on a great show~ Isn't that right, Katt..?" He aimed another sickeningly gentle smile in her direction. "Wouldn't you think so? I know someone else who bleeds beautifully.."

Phantasneko tutted audibly, the rod arching from side to side in a scolding manner. "How I despise your kind. Since you have this thing for love, allow me to introduce you to the ground. It'll be your living quarters!" The rod was expelled from her hands purposefully, lobbing it skyward. In the time it took for the blunt, decorative weapon to do a full rotation and manage to be caught within the same hand, several layers of thin, pinpointed rectangles of an illuminative golden hue spanned about her body, encompassing the most of her figure as though she were being swarmed by their presence. Lashing the air with the star end of her weapon, she angled it the boyish one's way, unleashing several waves of those golden squares. Their trajectory was precise and without trickery; intent on finding their source hastily and certainly.

Katt was stunned, she wasn't sure by Phanta or by the fact...She suddenly felt rather sick all of a sudden. "(vsw) Y-You.." Her jaw twitchd, dancing with an arrangement of emotions. He had Toby..He hurt..Toby..hurt Mayu. She twitched heavily and tears began to crawl down her cheeks. He was suppose to be dead. She watched Phantas' attack and immediately sprung forward, bidding the shadows to her in order to spring herself faster towards Mayu. She needed to get her out of there! Away from that....bastard!

Tylor stepped forward, calmly, his boots echoing loudly..joining the sounds of several loud, metallic screeches. The little golden papers landed and sank into the leather looking armor he coated himself with..burning like fires in his torso. By the way he was moving, it would seem that the intended marks hadn't been reached.

Phantasneko eyes flickered the briefest shade of ocean the second he drank in her attack as though it were nothing more than a splashing of water. Swirls of golden increased in their cyclone of motion about her figure; reacting heavily to her emotions as though it was their source of existence. "...the hell kind of creature are you? You're nothing like that boy-toy of this woman's!"

Katt bolted away from Tylor and that golden papers. She blinked finding Mayu..gone? "Hahhh.." She skidded and turned on her heels, the shadows melting for her. Glaring at Tylor she hissed. "Where is-" Choke. Blink. Stares over at Phantas. "Toby is not my boy toy!" She snapped and glanced back to Tylor. Shit. Both she didn't give a damn for but Phantas a way..helping. "Where is Toby Tylor?! And what did you do with Mayu?!"

"Creature. I rather like the sound of that. You ruined my armor, by the way." His chin lifted, light glinting in silver eyes as he smiled at the both of them. At Katt's question, he lifted his right hand..sliding the flat of his tongue along his palm, catching crimson that he'd missed. He couldn't resist.. "I ate her. And she was delicious..I can see why you tried to protect her from me. But, as you can see, all that you did is worthless now." He hadn't ceased his forward movements, still striding calmly toward them like he had all the time in the world. "Just like you, isn't that funny~?"

Phantasneko went along with Tylor's claim. The business of the girl was none of hers, save the fact that it would mean her demise. Swirling the rod in a complete rotation, she plucked a swirly golden card from the massive lineup that created a blurry shielding. As though the air eveloping her was as dense as a desk, she slammed it before her with an audible slap. Spell Card: Flower Fields of Paradise, the secondary voice announced for the magical girl, aiming the starry end of her rod toward Tylor, the intended of her attack. Pinpointing from his immediate vicinity, as though it were the focal point of eruption, spiritual essences began to spring from beneath the cobblestone, as though they were now caught within a lapse of time, seeing Spring blossom in full swing. Those flowers, however, shared what their master expected of them. Ethereal petals shed from their stems like razors, becoming deadly projectile weapons in the blink of an eye. And like bullets from a rifle, lashed out with the intent to maim.

"Hha..." Twitch. Ate her? Dread began to crawl up her spine and she stared at Tylor like she didn't quite believe him. He killed..Mayu. No..Her hands clenched. No. Clenching her teeth she snarled and she started forward, stopping only because she wasnt in the mood to be skewered by the attack upon Tylor. The shadows began to ink up, crawling and overtaking her. Shelling. Stepping forward she quickly sped forward. She wanted badly.

Tylor visibly shuddered, darting back a few steps. Metal screamed along his arms as it was poked through by what appeared to be stone scales. He lifted his hands as if in a welcome gesture, tiny, crafted knives firing forward to meet the flower petals on their way to him. His eyes narrowed as he watched the little explosions of stone and bright color..missing several, but hitting several more. Those knives that hadn't been stopped continued on their path toward the teal haired girl who'd began the attack. Through it all, he smiled, even as abrasions appeared and leaked on his face and hands. Eyes flickering gold, they sewed themselves back together immediately afterward. His cloak rippled behind him in tatters, falling away to his heels.

It was almost deranged; the way that Phantasneko could summon the power to wisk leaves from trees, or tear down the walls of reality and invite the spiritual realm access to this part of existence. Yet, in the same breath, she was entirely helpless against something so simple and plain as a knife. She hadn't a moment's worth of time to consider direction before it plunged into the flesh of a shoulder, and out the opposing end. Skin shred like paper, crimson like her dress projecting from either end of the rupture like vomit. She recoiled from the impact, dropping down from her proud posture to soak in the physical assault that she was nigh prepared for. Other than that tearing sound that followed the impact, none other were made. Thankfully, it was the first one that allowed her ease of passage from the tunneling of many others that could have very easily bore through her like she were a dart board.

He was distracted. Fine enough. Katt came blurring out from the shadows behind him, wickedly curved sword in her left hand. Just like the black coating that framed her this sword was also black, pulsing along lines of crimson as if life was within it. The blade sliced through the air, attempting for the side of Tylor.

"I forgot.. I was going to trickle these to you over a few days, but since I'm here, I figure..what the hell?" Once more, metal screeched and Katt's blow got a grunt that sounded more satisfied than pained. The fingers of his right hand grew and formed black skewers around two small objects that he held tightly. His left hand attempted to wrap about the blade and rip it from his his right flew toward the murky figure that was Katt, fingers test just what that black stuff was.

Sickly greens consumed Phantasneko's able hand, digits seeping into the hole along her shoulder that left her more like a doughnut than a spiritual maiden. So long as another would deter attention, so soon could she mend the pouring of blood like she were a representation of Niagara Falls. When tissue was entirely reconstructed, and bloodflow found itself back on track, she pulled herself up to her feet. The sticky aroma of bronze and iron wasn't so easily washed away; but it was pieced from her mind until more pressing matters were accounted for. At her distance, and with Katt so close, nothing immediate could be formulated. But it allowed her to prepare and calculate a more direct, obliterating technique. The golden swarm of cards eased from their flow, their essences pulled from and returned to her person so as to not allow their powers to be wasted. She became still and calm; allowing herself to not be interrupted or to drown her focus in mindless dribble.

Katt grinned when he gripped the blade and she quickly shifted her wrist, the blade's structure changing, branching out as if alive. The living shadowy 'metal' attempted to curl itself around and up his arm, piecing inward like a pin cushion. Hard. The structure of whatever it was just that armored her was just that. As if he had just struck a her in her altian form with armor. She tried to tear through his hand and possibly his arm before pulling back. "Why. Why couldn't you of just stayed dead?!"

"Ah, someone seems to have picked up a few new tricks. Maybe I was too quick to judge..we should have played more~ " Pain registered as nothing more than a narrowing of silver eyes. His fist drawn back, he spun into the direction she was cutting out of his arm, seemingly ruined fingers of that hand shooting out at the speed she was for each limb, and one for her try and wrap around, swing her up into the air..and then back down for a crash landing.

Katt Batten

Date: 2010-07-25 16:57 EST
Mayu Tsuzuki's and Tylor's player. Thanks!! ]

"Give them back to me." Katt hissed at Tylor, not actually seeming to hear his words. Even as she felt the fingers coiling about her she concentrated that blade until the hilt was no longer in her hand and the shadowy metal attempted to coated his own arm, grinding away like it was a blender and his arm some meat to munch on. She grunted out as she met the ground but even that landing didn't stop her from struggling in attempts to get free. She would get free. She would. And she'd be back on him like a mad woman. He was going to freaking die for killing Mayu. Was going to die for stealing and hurting Toby. Was going to die for being alive again! Damn him!

Essences of Phantasneko's training were like drops of sweat along the valley of exposed flesh, absorbed by several cards that were pinched between her fingers. It was in thanks for the single attack that attached the two that she could align to his presence. All things were bound to the otherworldly existence; and she intended to be the key to his lock. Violently, the various cards she carried shifted into a prismatic effect, coloring the expanse of calligraphy that resembled runic passages until each were wholly shaded a ruby sheen. The ace in the hole came swiftly, but it was evident this was much different from any of the others she had drawn research on. Although slow at first, she started to move with intention toward the pair that were engaged, hoping that their locked conflict would give her the necessary timing. By several yards, she'd broken into a full-fledged run, tearing through the spiritual plane every several moments so as to maintain a carried momentum.

Tylor's hand stayed locked, well after the limb had been separated from his living snakes, binding, wrapping..cutting off blood and air. He hissed, growling angrily as he whipped around at the sound of footfalls nearer to him than he'd last heard. Purple blood sprayed from the empty socket on his left. He sidestepped minimally, barely altering his as to attempt a dangerously quick and hard roundhouse kick at the incoming, smaller girl.

Spell Card: Duplex Danmaku, the secondary, methodical voice announced for the girl immediately as she tore from the spiritual realm. Cards spilled from her like she'd forgotten to close the lid where the very most of them were contained, scattering the ground, and whisked into the air following the pattering of heeled boots as they struck out a rhythm across cobblestone. Those several ofuda cards were clutched between digits like it were a matter of life or death she keep them within her grasp, up to the very moment that his leg found itself within inches of her being. Rather than attempt to dodge the incoming attack that was much related to a freight train in power, she brought her arms about the leg and shifted herself with the momentum, deciding to carry herself with the momentum. It allowed her the necessary time to slap those cards that she had been holding onto onto his leg; baiting his existence as though she were a killer bee, and those cards were now her aroma. Who knew a single knife could become the result of such attacks? Following the grapple, and the position she would be in that would only find herself being crushed, she shoved herself free from his person. She hit the ground roughly, sickening thuds that filled the air with sputtering coughs and shrill cries of dispair.

Katt's head jerked side to side, bucking in attempt to get at least her hand free. It was around the neckguard, sliding around her neck. Legs flexed straight, stiffening as she attempted to suck in a breath. It wasn't fair. She tried hard to concentrate on the armor but it was hard to when you were more concerned with breathing.

Tylor spun with the girl, tightly frowning at the lack of contact he was looking for. The thumb of his only hand pinned the two items to his palm..four fingers extending, black skewers shooting out at the now dropped, exposed body of the small girl at the same time that an explosion of metal sounded..shining leathery appendages wrapping him in a tar dark dome, a ward to those colorful cards that were left, several having already breached the defense and marring his flesh. Golden eyes were thin as slits as he waited through the onslaught against his wings.

Phantasneko had no defensive capabilities against anything that was prone to lash out at her, and was subsequently struck down a second time by projectiles launched her direction. But her assault was already in the making, and that was all she intended to have happen. It was all or nothing; her soul patched into the only thing she could muster ideas over, given the circumstances. The one that she was housed within hadn't extreme training... it left her vulnerable and incapable. So was the wheel of fate. Cards that were twirling within the air like loose decorations, and those that were still scattered across the ground like rubbish slowly began to churn various different colors, lighting up the sky that would make Christmas envious. They were tangibly different than earlier, as well; showing signs of hardening and become larger in preceived size. Thick like boulders, lightning quick like the beating wings of a humming bird. Whirling with a distinct sound that filled the air in a sharp buzz, like an electric razor that was left on, they started to seek out the intended target; their homing beacon the various cards that Phan slapped onto the presence of Tylor moments prior. They, much like the Flower Fields of Paradise spell card, showed signs of being capable of maiming, as cobblestone where zounds of those littered cards were ebbed with gashes and cracks from their rigorous, turbulant spin. One by one, then by the tens, they started to home in on the boyish one.

The dim light within his dark bubble hadn't faded, and seemed to be emanating from his leg. He noticed it at the same time as a rougher sensation began to pelt his defenses. Rocks, by the feel of it, denting in fine bones that he forced to mend quickly in time to spring high into the sky..a wide, but slightly lopsided now, wingspan cut across the night. And the intent of her attack became clear as those multicolored rocks followed him up. An aerial backflip was performed at the same time an other thick, serpentine appendage extended from his tailbone, as dark as his wings..with an attempt to grapple the fallen, teal haired girl and hoist her up..and fling her into the oncoming colors that were swiftly following him.

Katt needed to get out of this. Curling her hand she tried to pull the metal of the sleek gauntlet. The metal seemed to waver and blur at one moment, and then snap into focus the next. The gauntlet melted, inking down her arm it began to reform into that of a kris. The blade of the weapon etched with intricate runes, each rendered illegible because of the odd blurring effect of the metal. Each branded mark did pulse with incardadine light. Still gasping for breath she attempted to slice into the 'vine' that wrapped at her wrist. Slicing clean through it she hurried in the attempt to slice the one away from her neck as well. As much as she didn't want to help Phan she rolled over and with all her might sent that blade singing through the air and for Tylor's back. The moment that blade left her hand she was prying away the rest of her binds away.

Phantasneko was powerless, a gnat between the fingers of an annoyed giant. Her figure was slithered about, invaded against her will, and thrown to the pack of wolves as though she were their dinner. At the victim of her own attack. Or, was she? Whirling much like the many cards that were at her disposal, she was flung through the most of the cascading shards of her spiritual essence; entirely devoid of a scratch by their presences. Their interest was not with the one that empowered their existence, but the one that they were originally intended for. As if in angst for his failed attempt, they tore slits through the plane of mortality, slicing through the drapes of their flimsy world and disappating into the void that claimed them. Only, of course, to shift back ahead of the one that sought to elude them. Above him, below him. They carried no limit to their want; passionately eager for his blood like lovesick fools.

Tylor grunted, and looked several inches of blade sticking through his chest. The surprise of the hit that he hadn't known was coming made his form drop toward the ground. He smashed the heel of his hand against the blade point..trying to force it back out the way it came. At the same time as he was overcome by those colorful globes he'd sought to avoid. Dark figure illuminated, then an explosion of massive sounding proportions as contact after contact was made.

Phantasneko was dragged across splintered cobblestone, twisting so as to face the direction of the one they were under fire from, fingers splaying over crimson pools to shield them from the colorful workings of fire that erupted as a direct result of her Danmaku. Quills of ebony were finally given a moment of attention, either arm impaled like a ham served at dinner. They couldn't remain her focus, and struggled to find the necessary balance to make it back up to her feet another time following the ragdoll exercise she took up.

Katt raised slowly after unwrapping herself from the rather disturbing bonds. Kicking away the fingers she glanced over to Phantas. More of the armor was absorbed away as she looked back to Tylor. The neckguard and pauldrons ebbed into the sleek chestplate, the excess metal swimming it's way down her arms to reshape and take on claw like appearance. Kittah had a new pair of shiny claws and by the look in her eyes..she wasn't afraid to use them.

The light show finally started to fade, frigid looking lightning dancing throughout as the last of the boulders hit their marks with thuds. Prismatic colors momentarily fired into the sky, destroyed cobblestones hovering about his slowly rising frame. Tylor looked like he had seen better days, stained from head to toe in purple, but the glare he gave across the expanse of ground between he and Phant suggested he could very well be unaware of it. He kept the look, even as ten skewered vines erupted in a circle about the smaller girl..attempting to create a momentary, inky prison before sharpened ends turned inward..stabbing at already stabbed flesh. If holds were affirmed..she would find her body on a lightning fast crash course with the ground before her..several times.

Phantasneko stumbled backwards, only to find herself being knocked forward against her own accord. Was pinball a necessary thing for a magical girl to experience in her lifetime? A flickering of fields began to sprout from about her person as though something more concrete was taking shape about her figure and shielding her from the various blows that would have skewered her flesh and left her as a kebab. Those fragments, translucent but a potent shell, flickered in response to each strike until she were taken, against her will, within the constant assault of demonic tendrils. Those supernatural lashings left her incapable of fending for herself, let alone understanding what was transpiring, until she could feel the physical plane of stone beneath her. It was much more real than she realized it was; and it numbed her senses almost immediately. No shell could protect her from the mortal coil that she often traversed. That repeated action jostled her like a rollercoaster ride...

Katt Batten

Date: 2010-07-25 16:58 EST
Mayu Tsuzuki's and Tylor's player. Thanks!! ]

...and following one sharp, unmistakable impact, that which channeled her own supernatural energies, a mere headband that were decorated with a pair of kitten-like ears, were thrown from her person. Teeming spiritual energies expired; leaving her as much a mortal as the commoners from which she originated from. Even one brash impact left Mayu bleeding profusely, spilling crimson pools beneath her in thick, sticky puddles.

Since someone was preoccupied Katt eagerly took the chance to cut ground separating her from Tylor. Silent and swiftly she swept up behind him, leaping up with intentions to jump his back and send the wickedly curved talons into his shoulders, just close enough to his neck not to kill him. She needed him alive to find where Toby was!

"That was a lot more fun than I thought! You held out on me, Katt." His voice only slightly strained from the claws in his shoulders. He sneered at the satisfying feeling of each skewer being pulled from Mayu's slight body..shrinking back through the ground that they'd dug through and settle as toes of taloned feet that almost resembled goat legs. For a moment. "You're all very, very lucky that I already have a target in mind..who wanted you to have these." He held out his right hand and dropped the smokey ring, and golden hoop earring to the dirt beneath him. Both were stained with blood, the latter with flesh suggesting it was torn free of an ear.

Canines peeked past her lips when Katt saw the two precious items and she growled inhumanly. "Where is he!" Claws curved in, attempting to yank at the muscle structure. She was so wanting to just yank her hardest. Her motions stopped seeing. Mayu. She was..Blink. Phantas was Mayu? That explained the likeness.

"You should your fallen friend there." A strategic pause, or the chance to catch breath that was already short in coming. He frowned darkly, locking his knees..attempting to not rely on the hold that he was now stuck in to keep himself on his feet. His single arm hung limp at his side, the tries to lift it for an even remote shove at getting free registering as contractions of muscle and soft twitches. He took advantage of the fact that he was standing still, working his mind and pulse back down to a calm that matched his expression. It was not an ordinary altercation by a long shot, and one that he had not prepared for in the slightest.

Katt snarled and yanked, hard, on the muscles she was currently attached to. "Where is he?! He better damn well be alive or so help me..." She dislodged the claws and kicked off of him hard, shifting in the air to land gracefully in front of the falling Mayu. Her hands shot aside, shaking off the coating of purple blood from her claws. She glared at him, hatred never flared so wildly in those eyes. "Why? Why did you take him? Why not just come after me again?"

Tylor grunted forcefully, and again when he was kicked, falling like a wad of meat ready for the butcher's slab. His balance was off. He rolled onto his front, pushing at the ground with his only arm and it shook with the effort of lifting his weight. Through it all, he was able to giggle. "Because..he was the only one left out..of the pact. But now..that is clearly not the case. The pact is no existence. And even so, he is the one that means the most to you. It'd be..a shame to waste the opputunity.."

Katt's jaw twitched at his words and she dipped low. He was weak. She could kill him now! But..Toby..Her head jerked and she looked away from him. "Tch. Coward.." She stepped forward, calmly claiming up the earring and ring from the ground. As she raised she glared pointedly at him. "Why..Why hurt those I care for? You realize doing that will not make me return to you."

He got his feet under him, slowly rose for the second time..though it didn't seem as graceful as the first. His body belied the cheerful expression he gave Katt. "Whoever said I wanted you to come back..of your own free will? Then I would lose the joy..of taking you from those you've just gained. And don't worry..I'll make sure your the last thing he sees." Giggling. Black, torn up wings shot out from his back and swung down, propeling him like a bullet up into the sky. He flew in the opposite direction of where he had stationed his captured mistake..a quick, but clumsy bird. His right hand closed over the open socket of his shoulder as it no doubt looked like he fled the scene. If asked, he would claim the other parties' luck.

Katt's fingers curled to the two items, fisting them tightly against her chest. She watched the direction he fled but slowly a look of dread began to escape across her features. She ..could think about it later. She needed to get Mayu taken care of. After all...Toby would never forgive her. Tucking the two items away she turned towards the fallen Mayu. Tears began to work down her cheeks as she knelt down and collected her gently into her arms. "I swear.." She sniffed quietly and drew up. Shadows melted away from her, leaving her tired. She started towards the condos, a few steps ceased and she looked towards the direction of the church. Nodding meekly to herself she turned and started that way instead. Tylor..couldn't..stand on holy grounds..right? She could take care of Mayu better there...right?

Katt Batten

Date: 2010-07-25 17:42 EST
.: July 25th - Early Morning :.

After collecting the neko ears and tucking the band to her shorts she collected Mayu and after much struggling with where to bring her, she eventually brought the bleeding girl to the church she had visited maybe a handful of times.

The travel was far too long for her liking and she found herself coated in Mayu's vitals as she worked up the steps of the grand building. The doors were shoved open with a shoulder and she stumbled when the weight of the doors were no longer under her. Several steps were taken in while pupiless greens looked around wildly. Searching..

"Katt?" There was a soft, gentle voice beckoning for her attention. Both eyes jerked towards the black haired woman staring at her a few feet away. Her green-gray eyes drew wide at the look Katt gave her. Almost like a wild animal.

"I need a room to tend her wounds." Katt's voice drew thin from her lips, vibrating like an angry hiss.

The young nun, who Katt had only spoken with on maybe three occasions, quickly nod of her head. She gestured Katt on and she was followed with haste.

Once the door was opened the nun was nudged away and the room was quickly entered into. Anything that was in the way was quickly shoved aside until she was able to set Mayu down. The wood quickly pulled free from the smaller female's flesh. She didn't want to give herself too much time to think just yet. "Bandages!" Her voice barked demandingly. "Bandages, water, towels, and ointments. Be quick!"

The nun jumped at the demand, eye remaining ever wide. She understood Katt's rush and quickly turned to do as requested. By the time the last of the wood had been removed a large pot of water had been set next to the bed. Several sorts of salves. Towels were yanked from hand before they were even placed down, wounds quickly staunched. She worked with care and haste to make sure the wounds were properly coated with the numbing salve and sanitized bandages.

Towards the end the rush was slowly leaving her and she was coming down from her place. There was nothing but worry but she couldn't give into it just yet. "I am sorry, Sister Isabella."

"There is no need to apologize, Katt. Is there anything else I can get for you?" The Sister smiled to her but it went unseen.

Hands were finally finished with their task and both hands dove into the water to clean them. "A pitcher of cold water and a glass for when she wakes."

"What about y-"

"Don't.." Katt cut the nun off and slowly turned her head to peer at the dark haired woman with a very sad expression. "Please..don't ask me that... Just.....go.."

The Sister nodded and left the room with haste.

Settling Mayu under the blankets and into a more comfortable position she was tucked in. Once that was done she moved to the wall, back flat to it. Drawing her thighs to her chest she slowly lowered her head onto her dirty knees.

And she started to cry.

He hurt Mayu...Who was Phantas? How was that possible?

I know someone else who bleeds beautifully..

Her head jerked when his voice filled her mind and her fingers crawled up in her hair. He had Toby. He was hurting Toby..Because of her. To make her suffer. And it was working.

I ate her. And she was delicious..I can see why you tried to protect her from me. But, as you can see, all that you did is worthless now.

She shook her head and curled her fingers into her skull. Mayu got hurt because of her. *Everything* she did to protect her ..failed..

Just like you, isn't that funny?


She *was*...worthless...

But not matter how worthless she was she was going to at least save Toby. She was not going to let Tylor take his life. She refused to allow it. She would not let him kill anyone close to her..

Even if it costed her own life. That was fine. If she could kill him and save Toby, protect Mayu from him again..

She was going to save him...Or die trying..

That was the last thought she managed before falling into some much needed sleep. Right there against the wall all balled up.

Toby Aradam

Date: 2010-07-26 02:35 EST
Evening, June 24th..

Dingy yellow light turned the backs of his eyelids old lightbulbs.. The smell of blood was something that he'd gotten used to, but now it was mixed with garbage..sounds of tearing flesh and snapping bone.

Dried blood and tears had formed a crust on his eyes..he groaned as he forced them open.

It was the first time he'd actually been able to see where he was.. A huge warehouse.. It was bigger than any he had ever seen. The lights were high up in the ceiling, flickering.

He wasn't the only one here..

He felt cold fear crawl all over him for the umpteenth time. Goosebumps rose under all the blood. There were One sat on its haunches, its hands and face half buried in the gut of the decapitated woman several feet in front of him. The ground was streaked with red. She'd been..dragged.. Toby shuddered, jerking his eyes away.

Pairs of shackles lined the walls..everywhere..the cement floor in front of each was stained and streaked with crimson, some rustier than others. Some shackles were filled.. Naked, dead Humans..being fed from and clawed at. Some only had pieces arm here, half of a leg there.

The center of the vast floor was filled with corpses. He could see white bones and several tufts of colored hair. It was..a dump..

There was no safe place to look..

What the hell was this..? They..were acting like he wasn't there..wasn't alive.. Or wasn't food..

He should just be thankful for that..

A..feeding ground.. Or somewhere for them to stay..? Was this where all the Yoma were coming to..? That meant it was Tylor doing it.. He'd been here for this long..?

He shook his head sharply, grunting..pulling himself roughly to his feet. The chains rattled, pressure taken off of his wrists and arms.

How much time had he lost..? How long had he been in here.. It felt like a week..

He stared down at the ground as he started steadily forcing yoki into his system..beyond feeling the burn in his eyes and throat. The small, feeding Yoma in front of him paused, looking up..entrails sewn between its yellow teeth, dripping gore and still attached to the body on the ground.

"I'm not food. Back off." He shuddered as the wounds in his ribs filled themselves in, the latent ones down his face, neck and torso..and his half broken jaw numbing. The sores on his wrists closed..the shackles didn't sting anymore.

He could just ignore the rest of it. He'd done enough panicking and crying.

The Yoma in front of him reached up, grabbing the ropes of guts and yanking them free of its teeth with a disgusting rip. It laughed..its mouth hung open, stained in fresh blood that dripped down its chin and throat.

He couldn't see his own skin go white. He stared the Yoma right in the face, pulling at the shackles..making them clank. The muscles of his arms bulged. He relaxed..tried yanking again. He could have mistaken that slight give..

"If you touch me, I'll f*cking kill you." He kicked his legs, pulling the chains taught there, leaning his weight against them. The Yoma stumbled forward, cackling. Its breath smelled like trash.

"DON'T!!" He pitched to his left as the Yoma's bestial hands gripped his face and side. "DON'T!!" The one word exploded from his throat. He tried to ignore the fact that he was getting more queasy by the second. The other Yoma in the room..they were getting closer..

He screamed as teeth buried into the crook of his right shoulder, locking together..pulling. His hands curled into fists, he wrenched at the chains on his arms with all his might. His right arm came free first..he wasted no time in finding the dagger still at his back and sinking it into the thick, muscled neck that was near him. The Yoma screeched..its head reeled back, taking flesh and muscle with it. Pain shuddered down into his fingertips, making it hard to keep a grip on the knife.

He twisted the blade like a screw, slicing through as much meat as he could..before hauling back and burying his freed fist straight into the wound. The Yoma flew backward, landing with wet, slapping thumps.

Toby breathed heavily, pawing at the chain on his left arm. The bolts holding it in the wall whined as they were forced out. He fell to his hands and knees, his chest blood staining his already dirty white skin.

It wasn't over yet.. The room was filled with the angry roars of the Yoma that were left.

He fought to lift his one charged straight for him.

Toby Aradam

Date: 2010-07-26 09:03 EST
"AH!!" He curled into a ball, his arms crossing over his head and the back of his neck. The wall above him erupted in a loud crack. Several stone bits rained down on him, falling into the wound in his shoulder that he was trying to concentrate on healing.

"Now, now~ There'll be none of that! Gosh, I leave you alone for a couple hours and this is what you do?"

Hard footfalls..

He cringed at every one, biting down on his mouth to keep it closed. He would not throw up again. He could have swam in the yoki that was being released..

The Yoma gurgled out something that was probably words. He couldn't understand it, but just figured it apology..or something.. Because it started backing off..

"Someone got free, I see."

He shouldn't have paused, or panicked..that wasn't how he was going to get out of here..

He threw his arms from his head, staring darkly up through his matted bangs..golden cat's eyes meeting silver ones.

"What did you do.." Tylor had come back by himself.. But he didn't know if the warehouse had any spare rooms, if..she was somewhere else..

"I don't think I'm required to answer that. Now," Tylor began, taking a step forward. Toby's hand tightened around his dagger..he swung his left arm around in an arc. The fat chain attached to his wrist flew toward Tylor's legs, wrapping around his right ankle.

He felt satisfied for the moment that he felt Tylor's balance waver..

But then there was awkward, mind numbing pain.

"I'm stronger than you, Tobias. I've eaten today. Have you?"

"GUH!!" Tylor hauled his leg back, taking Toby's arm with it. He gagged on a sound of surprise that was almost as loud as the pop that echoed from his shoulder. He landed on his left sent a shockwave through his arm. He couldn't move his fingers..

"Idiot." There was another yank..the dislocated joint of his shoulder stretching too far. He cried out, tears springing to his eyes. His other hand curled hard around his dagger..but he grabbed for the chain anyway, pulling at it of only to get it free.

"Oh, no. I rather like this. I wonder just how much your skin could take before it rips." The shackle cut into his hand as Tylor pulled the chain taught, shuffled back.. The bindings around his ankles kept Toby held fast to the wall. Wrenched from two separate directions.. He was..being stretched..

He should have freed his legs.. He could run, do more.. If he screamed loud enough, someone would hear..right..?

It hurt.. He couldn't do anything but wail.

Please..make it stop..

"That reminds me, I've been meaning to take this." Fingers were prying at his own..the useless ones. He felt the ring slip off his hand. He couldn't even make a fist to stop it.

"Roll over." Tylor didn't wait for him to comply..grabbed a fistful of his hair and jerking his head back. "And this, too." The hand was at his ear now, fingering the golden hoop earring. "You won't be needing anything to connect you. I should give these back to her, don't you think~?"

"K-Katt.." Her name was all breath, only just making it out of his throat. He could barely see straight. His shoulder.. It was a different sort of a giant bruise, that was constantly being beaten. The ache kept growing.. "D-DON'T!!" he screamed it, the pinch of his earring being ripped free making his head jerk. "D-don't..don't..h-hurt her.."

"D'awww. Is it because you looooove her?"


"Too bad."

His eyes rolled back as his head was shoved against the wall he was bound to. He heard the crunch that time..


"She's mine. And you'd do well to remember that." Tylor rose, shaking the chain off of his ankles and swept from Toby's fallen form with the items clutched in his hand. He gestured out toward the room at large without looking.

"Play nice, children~ That bastard's off limits to everyone but me." He bumped his fist against a switch on the wall, the lights began blinking out one by one. "Return to your posts."

He slammed the door to the warehouse shut without another word.


Date: 2010-07-26 11:57 EST
Early morning, July 25th..

Tylor crashed down onto the roof of a building a mere stone's throw from the city's limits, growling in frustration at the weakness of his own body. It seemed he couldn't even make it to safe ground. The journey had wasted what little breath he had managed to hold onto. As his battered wings folded in and flattened onto his bloody back, he vomited piles of purple gore..spitting, hacking, cursing.

He had fed before he'd gone to meet the two of them, and had been purposefully saving his captured mistake from any prolonged exposure to his wrath just so that he would be fully prepared.

From all of his observation, even he did not know that the magical girl attacking that mistake not even a month ago was, in fact, the same as the small Mayu.

The balmy night air did nothing for him. His chest heaving, he dragged his only hand down his face, swiping it clean. He snarled, finding it shaky. He was loathe to admit that he had feared for his life.. And he wouldn't, not aloud..and not ever again.

The mistakes of the past were not going to be repeated. He was finished underestimating this small group of seemingly powerless nothings. Clearly, they had more up their sleeves than they were letting on. A tactic he could let himself admire, for a moment.

He crawled to the edge of the roof, pitching over to his back and slumping against it. He felt the hard stone in every open wound and broken bone..his face twisting through a pained expression that he would force to look annoyed.

He needed time. Time to calm himself, time to heal. He coaxed the flow of his yoki down to the slightest burn needed to begin a slow and steady mending process. Remaining cloaked was first on his priority list.

He did not feel any relief by the time his chin dropped onto his empty shoulder and he fell into an uneasy sleep.

Toby Aradam

Date: 2010-07-26 23:55 EST
Afternoon, July 25th..

Would this have gone any different if he'd done a better job with Tylor the first time..?

He didn't have all that time to waste though..

How much time was wasted..? He wanted to know..

He started to cry after trying to move his arm. It much.. He didn't think he could get up.. He didn't think he could fight..

He clawed weakly at the wall with his good hand..pushing at it.


Where did all of his anger go..? He really was..this weak and afraid. Of all the things he thought he'd be able to do when he was able to use his yoki again.. Why couldn't he..?

He said..he wouldn't give up.. He said he'd find a way.. He had to..just wait long enough..

Was it wrong to rely on people..? To put them in danger like this..?

"K-Ka.. Help..m-me.." His hand crept up into his hair, feeling the half mended dent in his skull. He covered his bloody face..hating that he'd said it.

But he wasn't sure if he could take it back..

Toby Aradam

Date: 2010-07-27 02:26 EST
Early morning, July 26th..

He jerked awake at the sound of doors slamming open..feeling it through the wall he was half tucked up against.

"All of you. Get out. Now." The last word reverberated all the way up to the ceiling. It sounded like two voices at once.. There were hungry, annoyed growls..claws scratching on the cement floor, squeak bangs of other doors opening and closing.

They were alone..


"And you. You and I are going to have a little chat."

"Hungh..!" Fingers curled around the back of his neck, gripping..hauling him away from the wall and dropping him onto the ground into a mixture of his own blood and the woman's.

"Get up."

Tylor couldn't be..serious.. A growl began in the base of his throat. His legs shifted around. His chains were being yanked.. They gave, coming free of the wall with great, loud squeals.

"I said, get up."

The hard toe of a boot in his spine.. He yelled, skidding forward..coming to a sloppy halt a number of feet away.

"I've come to a realization~ And I've gotta say, I don't think it should've taken me this long.."

"GUH!!" Another kick, this time to his ribs. He felt two give right away, a third pinching..squeezing under the pressure like it wanted to break too..but didn't.. He rolled over too many times, landing on his arm..his side, his arm.. A relentless pattern that left him breathless and unable to do anything but hiss agonizing breaths.

"That girl who's been taunting you.." He heard Tylor's footsteps..closing in. He was..supposed to be getting up, right..? If he did..he might not be kicked again..

He grunted, flopping onto his front. His left arm hung like dead weight, straining his shoulder. Trying to push himself up..made everything in his body scream in protest. His right hand curled into a fist, then flattened on the ground.

Get up.. He willed his body to do it..move, little by little..

"The little one who spouts all of of that crap about love and truth. The one who just about forced you to awaken, I know you remember her~"

"M-mmph.." He'd gotten his elbow under him..was leaning his weight on it. His body shook, wanting to collapse back down. What the hell was he talking about this for..

And so randomly.. It wasn't like he was complaining, felt like Tylor had been gone longer..this time.

"I had the opportunity of meeting her face to face~ And it gave me an idea."

He felt cold. His head slowly turned to Tylor..who had stopped by his side, hooked his foot beneath Toby's right arm and shoved. He was flipped onto his left side, his ruined shoulder crushed beneath the force of his own weight.

And he screamed. The sound ripped out of his throat, filled his ears and made his head ache more. He wanted to stop, but couldn't. It was the only thing his body knew how to do.

He couldn't even think about getting up anymore..and didn't hear what Tylor said next..

"I'm going to force you to awaken."

Toby Aradam

Date: 2010-07-27 07:09 EST
"It came to me so quickly too~ What would make the most devastating homecoming gift," Tylor continued like Toby wasn't screaming continuously at his feet. "At first I thought..why not just wait until I brought her here, so that'd be able to watch for herself~

"Her expression when she was forced to see for herself those past two times, ah." He giggled. And Toby snarled..more at himself than anything else. He weakly shifted onto his back, chest heaving as much as his busted ribs would allow. His eyes were like waterfalls, tears constantly streaming. His throat hurt so much, it felt like it had been crushed..again.

"But then, a notion! What if..the first thing she sees when I welcome her your broken, awakened body.."


"Awa--.. N-no.."

"Oh. Yes," Tylor giggled, took one step forward..and hauled him to his feet with the hand that he'd closed around his neck. If it wasn't for that, he knew he would fall over.. The shackles and chains still on his wrists pulled at his already sore muscles..murdering his left shoulder with each slow beat of his heart.

He weakly lifted his head, staring into the young face in front of him. He still couldn't really believe..that someone that looked like that, could do this stuff..

"Hungh..w-why.." He was surprised he could even lift his arm. He tried and failed to get a hold on Tylor's wrist. "Y-you..s-said..mad at..m-me.. Why..h-her.. You've got..m-me here.. Don't.." His stomach felt like it swam around in his body when he was thrown off to the side.

He crashed down with a sickly choking sound, groaning..almost in relief..that he'd landed on his right side instead. It didn't help his ribs, was so much better..

"Foolish to think that you could hold my attention for that long. I mean..look at you. Really~ Sure, I'm none too pleased with you for what you did..taking my mutt from me. But you can't really think that you're the sole reason I'm here..

"That's a bit selfish of you, isn't it~? Tobias."

White hot pain lashed across back, side and legs. What felt like knives had sunk into his skin..ripped free, taking flesh and tattered clothing with them. He retched, having no time to catch his breath for a shout when whatever had hit him was on him again..wrapping about his arm and leg..biting into him.

It a whip.. Several of them..with metal tips..

"She is mine," he ordered, as the whips curled around his torso..snatching him up in their hold and dragging is busted body across the floor. He had somehow been flipped over. What the hell..were those things..

"And once she sees.." The sounds rang out..hard slaps against his back, followed by weak cries that were trying to be loud. He felt wet..

"What's become of you.." And again.. "She will have no choice.." Again..

"I love it when no one has a choice. The catch're not allowed to die. I want to relish that moment, where all that hope and stubborness finally dies out of her eyes.

"For now, though, this is just for fun.."

"Hungh..! Geh..! AH!!"

Fun.. The whips licked at him like fire. He tried his hardest to curl up, get away from it.. With each passing second, he felt like his mind was going numb. He could..go into a better place.. Someplace warm, white..happy..

Where this wasn't happening.. And he could stay there..until it was over..

The last thing he saw was a smiling hair, green eyes that were too bright. Laughing..he heard it..

He didn't know if it was Tylor's or that person's.. His mouth twitched as darkness overtook him. He slumped into the ground, unmoving..beneath the constant bites of whip and metal.

Just..stay alive, huh..? I shouldn't..have said..that.. It' to.. I'm sorry..

Toby Aradam

Date: 2010-07-29 01:50 EST
Evening, July 26th..

"Stand him up."

Pain rocketed down his left arm, consciousness came screaming back to him with a vengeance. His head jerked back..the moment he opened his mouth, something was shoved into it, held there by a slimy hand. It smelled like garbage, tasted like blood. He tried to turn his head away, spit it out. His face was grabbed..forced back into place. His knees buckled under the tightening of whatever had his arms.

He didn't really fight to open his eyes. He figured whatever was happening..wasn't something he wanted to see.

"There we go~ Come on, up, there's plenty to go around."

His yell was muffled against the hand on his mouth. He had to swallow. His groggy brain recognized that taste..


He didn't want it.. He didn't want to eat this.. He shuddered in the hold he was in, screaming protests against Tylor's hand after the mouthful had slid down his throat. He hated..that it helped ease his empty stomach.

"No? Really. And here I thought I was being generous and allowing you to relieve some of your pain. Don't say I never did anything for you. Hold him."

His head flopped forward, chin on his collarbones. The grips on his arms tightened, pinching..squeezing already battered muscle. He drooped, only held up by the two Yoma he couldn't see.


A knife..burying into his chest. Tylor was too far away to stab him.. Was this how it felt when he threw them into people..?

"Since you can't run.. Or perhaps you can. Make sure he can't."



Help me..

His left leg bent in awkwardly, crunching under the pressure of a hard, sideways kick. He saw white..brighter than the sun, burning. He couldn't do this.. He couldn't get through this..

He couldn'

And he hadn't..even when he could..

His screams died off into weak, helpless mewls..something that should have come out of a wounded animal. Tears streamed down his face. His mouth gaped, breath scraping into his lungs. His busted ribs kept it from doing much good.

"Now, since you can't run~" Tylor giggled and stretched out his arm. Bone knives formed instead of claws at the end of his fingertips..they shot forward, skewer tipped vines, sinking into flesh one by one with meaty thunks. "You're taking this rather well. Who knew? You scream better than most, I would have never thought that..

"That's all you're good for, isn't it?"

He felt like he was being gripped..he didn't know that Tylor actually had a hold of his chest. The knives pinched, digging in..cutting through muscle and forcing new blood to flow.


"Oh, you can do better than that.. I want you to be unable to even draw breath when she sees you."

Tylor tore them free. He lurched in the hold, crying out shortly as pain wrenched at his ruined arm and leg. He wished..they would just be cut off already.. Make it stop.. Crimson spurted in streams from the new holes in his chest, hitting the floor in wet slaps.

"You know what will make it stop, don't you? You know."

He was straining his shoulder, hanging in the Yoma's hands, but he didn't care. Each second felt like a year. How many years had he lived through..?

"Release it. Let your body mend itself, don't stop until you are whole. Don't that sound nice? No more pain, no more blood.."


Could he even do it now..? That would take effort.. What he really wanted to do was..

"Guh.." He twitched, feeling another knife sink into his chest. He didn't think he could even react..anymore..

"Oh come on, Toby! Where is all that anger, all that spirit? That spunk you showed last time!"

"Hungh.." He coughed, the motion wracking his body. His mouth hung open, guts, blood and saliva spilling freely. He didn't have the energy to spit..

How many knives was that now..?

"You know that yoki burn I'm talking about, once you release it, all of this will be over~"

"O-ov.." he huffed. Talking..was too much too..


That's right.. He could do that.. Just..try..

"GUH!!" He'd been thrown aside..landing on a pile that stunk of copper, fish and garbage. The knives in his chest were thrust in further..he felt them with each attempt to breathe. Spots dotted his vision. Dizzy.. He felt arms and legs..faces that weren't his own and that weren't attached to bodies.

He whined. He had to..get up.. If only to get away from here..

I can't.. I can' it alone.. Please..

"That's too bad. Lucky for you, Tobias, we still have lots of time.. You'll be here for as long as it takes..until you awaken."


His body was howling. All it wanted to do was sleep. But if he did, that would just mean..the next time he woke up, something else would be happening to him..

He should..try to save these moments.. And just be thankful..that he hadn't broken any promises..

Not yet..

Toby Aradam

Date: 2010-07-29 02:44 EST
Early morning, July 27th..

"This one's still alive!"

"Thought this dump was only for the bits and pieces we didn't want anymore."

"He smells like sh*t, like one of those Silver Eyed B*tches."

"Haha, yeah. Still, intact guts is better than sloppy seconds!"

"Tylor said he was off limits to everyone but him. S'not like there's much of anything left anyway."

"F*ck Tylor, I'm hungry!"

Flipped over.. Was this a dream..? But his eyes were open. Hungry faces over him..brown, yellow eyes, gaping jaws with teeth dripping wet drool onto him.

He was going to be..

Their heads suddenly flew sky high from their bodies, purple jets of blood erupting like volcanoes..raining down on him, staining..spattering. It was warm..

Like a blanket..

His head lolled to the side, face only twitching when the Yoma on his left collapsed onto his busted leg.

Staying awake..was too hard..

Toby Aradam

Date: 2010-07-30 03:10 EST
Afternoon, July 27th..

He didn't know how long it had been going on.. He couldn't remember all the things that Tylor was saying to him.

It was sort of funny.. If he wanted him to awaken so bad, why did he make him so weak..? Why was he doing this..

"Get up." Tylor didn't even sound out of breath. Why should he.. Though, Toby had the feeling that if he whipped somebody..he'd get tired..

He crashed down onto his stomach, his body howling. He stared blankly forward, his mouth open..but not breath passed in or out of his lips. He didn't want to see what he looked like.. Probably terrible..with bones jutting, poking at the underside of his skin, cuts and bruises, knives in his chest..pieces missing..stained with a half dried red and purple, bloody muck.

His eyelids fluttered, feeling the sting of the whips curl around him..the bone tips at their ends sinking and tearing at flesh that was remarkably still hanging on.

"Come on now, Toby, this is boring." Again. "What ever happened to that brat, the one that was screaming at me not to touch my mutt?" Again..

"...ah.." Mutt.. He knew who Tylor meant..

"I could tell you stories, Tobias. Of how much she screamed, and wailed. Blood is a lovely color on her skin, don't you think?" Again.. Toby's eyes squeezed shut, then drifted open. He'd seen something.. Something that he recognized.. "She wears her hair that color now. I don't think I like it. I'd rather stain her myself.

"I kissed her, you know. And she enjoyed it." There were giggles. "You should have seen her face, flushed and elated."

"Mmph.." It felt like there was an explosion of fire in his chest and eyes.

"HA!! There it is, there it is~ So that's your trigger, is it? Well.."

"Hungh.." He shuddered under the sting of the whips, his mouth opening wider, gagging.. Air rushed into his lungs, he sobbed it back out. "U-ungh.. O-ow.."

"I kept her naked, smeared only with the color of her own blood," Tylor sounded like he was..smiling.. Toby's eyes narrowed, his face tightening up in anticipation of what was going to come. It hit later than he expected, the whip tips sunk into his back and held on. He tried to close his hands, only his right would obey him. His left stayed open, his ruined arm stretched out in a way that it shouldn't be. He saw a glimmer of red smeared on white around his wrist..

What was that..

"In fact, the only time she really wore any clothes was when I brought her to you. Out of the goodness of my heart, I might add."

"GEH!!" His back stung. He could feel his way, torn open. He remembered this..

Images blinked into his head. A courtyard..a man, white hair..maybe silver. A small girl..

His eyes widened.

"You interrupted us before I could finish with her." Again. Pain lanced across him, but it was the girl in his head that screamed. "She was rather pitiful toward the end, but she put up a good fight.

"Even when I tore from her." The whips ate at him, but he wasn't..paying attention. He was staring into nothing. He knew..what was going on.. "When I ate from her." They were the dreams.. "Ripped her, rent her, broke her.

"And that's not all.. You should have seen her face..when I tore into your little friend." There were giggles again, but this time they sounded crazy. "To know that you're completely worthless and not more important than the spit on the dirt on the ground isn't enough. But to actually see it!"

The rose brooch.. That's what it was.. The bracelet..she had given him.. Tylor had missed it, or forgotten it. He was still..connected..

"AH!!" The small girl he saw in his mind's eye shrieked and went still as the whips circled around her and tore free..the same thing that happened to him.

Prismatic colors shot up toward the dark ceiling of the warehouse. Beneath the blood stains and countless wounds, his skin bleached itself to a bone white.

He didn't feel like he was healing..but the pain was going away.. He had energy..

It wasn't hard to push up from the ground, to his hands and knees. His left arm and leg didn't work, but that was fine.. He could just lean all his weight on one side. His head slowly turned in Tylor's direction. He was..laughing, drawing his arm back. His fingers..looked like they were being sucked back into his hand, covered in red. He flicked it off.

They were the whips..

"You.. You hurt them.. You touched..them.." He fought to get his right foot under him, failing..snarling like a wild animal in frustration and rage. Blood and saliva ran from the corners of his mouth. He glared murder at Tylor with mad golden eyes that didn't blink..even when the features of his face began to morph and change. His teeth were too big for his mouth..claws scoring the cement and the bodies he was laying on top of. They screeched as he wheeled around, facing the smile that he didn't feel all that scared of anymore..

He wanted to kill it..wanted to feel himself do it.. He would soak in someone else's blood of his own choice this time..

He lunged forward at breakneck speed.

"There, that's better! Now, the real show begins!"

Toby Aradam

Date: 2010-08-01 01:42 EST
His good hand slashed at the air, tipped in bloody claws. He felt skin tear under them, but it wasn't enough.. It was only the corner of Tylor's mouth..

He had gotten away..

Toby growled, springing after him..making sure to land on his good leg for footholds. It wasn't that his bad one hurt that just wouldn't support him.. And he didn't time to waste..

He had to kill him..before these images ran out, before he lost all of this. He didn't want to be scared anymore.. It was better to be mad..

"This is all you're gonna release, Toby?" Tylor chided, sneering through the blood on his face, darting back..leaving only a hair's breadth of space between his body and Toby's sweeping claws..

Every time..after every lightning fast strike..

Tylor was right.. He wasn't releasing enough..

He snarled, twitching as the pleasurable burn of yoki finally took over the pain wrenching through his body. He didn't think he would feel like this again.. He stopped to relish it, leaning so heavily on his right leg that it shook.

Something was wrong, though..with his left arm. It wasn't moving like his right..

"That's better. Come on, show me what you've got. You know I've kinda missed this~" Tylor giggled. "Just having you sit and let me tear the flesh away from you is fun and all..but it gets boring after a while.. It's better when you try..because then you think you really have a chance.."

His shoulder.. That's right.. His right hand closed around his left arm, talons puncturing flesh..but that was okay.. He needed a good hold..

He yanked down on his lurched back into its socket with a crackling pop, burning.. It sort of hurt to make a fist..but he had been standing in the same spot for too long.. And now he had both hands..

He shoved forward, running..on his palms and one leg, the distance between them closing to quickly. He watched, as if in slow motion, as Tylor darted back to avoid another slash, but he was prepared.

In a breath, he was behind Tylor's back, his hands clasped and swinging like a bat at the incoming shoulderblades. He felt the satisfying crunch and groan of contact..forcing himself to speed after Tylor's flying form.

He only had one arm now.. Toby heckled, drawing his hand back..swinging his claws down at Tylor's exposed spine..

But he caught a set of claws in his own face instead. His body spiraled, twisting as it flew off to the side. He crashed into the ground..kept rolling, slammed his talons into the floor to make it stop. They screeched loudly, grating his ears.

He couldn't stay here..

He pitched to the side..just as the spot where he had been laying exploded in chunks of cement. He fought to get to his feet, whip around. The handful of vines shooting for his forehead missed so closely, he felt them scrape his scalp as he ducked..returning fire with a rock hard fist of his own..a bony white crust spreading across the back of his hand. The spikes on his knuckles dug into Tylor's chest before he was thrown back for the second time. Purple blood stained him..he looked down at it, surprised for a moment, but he cackled soon after.

Something had happened.. Tylor had fought them..Katt and that girl.. He wouldn't kill Katt, not yet.. And while he didn't really like that cat girl..she had done something..

They had both..done something..

He didn't want to think about how that was the only reason he was able to land two hits.

"You little son of a b*tch." Tylor's voice came from the dust that had been kicked up by both of their landings. His eyes flicked up..he didn't have time to get away from the vines shooting for him this time. They wrapped around his throat, drew him in quickly..he felt like his stomach had hiked up into his chest.

His left hand wrapped around them, he swiped down with his right..snapping two immediately, having to saw at the third and fourth. Tylor's knee was already coming up..burying into his stomach with a resounding crack. The white bone armor that had been growing over him gave way and shattered. He coughed, heaving blood from his mouth.

He couldn't breathe..

Not again..

"You think that just because you've released a little yoki, you're important. That you're special." The same knee crashed up into him again. He felt something break, one of the knives in his chest that he'd completely forgotten about sinking deeper. Cold fear sliced through him. One of them..maybe all of them..might have hit something important..

"Even your resistance is pathetic~ And you're so slow to release your yoki, you'll never awaken. But that's fine with me." Giggles..

"HUNGH!!" Kicked back.. His body folded in half, flying through the air, clear across the warehouse. He felt the impact in every single busted bone he had, what air he'd managed to get had been forced out as the wall caved in around him..rattling the chains there.

It wasn't over yet..

The vines..fingers..wrapped around his left leg. He gagged, wheezing. The yoki..wasn't working anymore.. He was too scared..

He didn't have time to register that he was up in the air before he came crashing down into the cement floor. Dismembered limbs and old bones of several people flew up, raining down on him.

Was that it..?



"It just means we'll have a few more days like this together~ I know I'm not the only one having fun!"

"AH--" The east wall buckled and broke, his body creating a hole through the bricks on his final, breakneck journey. He skidded across the cobblestones outside with piles of debris..whimpering silently at the feeling of Tylor's fingers snapping back, away from his leg.

I can't do it..anymore..

It hurt.. Everything hurt.. If he could, he knew he would he be screaming. The thoughts of that, just simply breathing..hurt..

He wanted to cry..

His face tightened, lips quivering. Weary eyelids closed over watery eyes, tears continuing to flow for a couple more minutes despite unconsciousness.

Toby Aradam

Date: 2010-08-01 03:38 EST
Evening, July 27th..

"Is he alive?"

"Does it look like it?"

"What are we supposed to do with him, we can't keep working like this!"

"Dunno, he looks sort of like that kid who.."

Was he dreaming again..? Who was around him.. Why did he feel wind..sunshine..?

Was he outside..?



There was a collective gasp from around him.

"He's alive!"

"Holy sh*t."

"Someone get him some water or something!"

Water.. Water nice.. Where the hell was he..? Was it over..? Where was Tylor..

He couldn't get up.. His fingers twitched, sending pain waves zooming up his arms, down his his toes. His face scrunched up, but he relaxed..trying to force his eyes open. Yellow orange light stabbed at his eyelids. He saw several pairs of legs in that two second look.


Someone was touching him, rolling him over.. He groaned..wanting to smack them away.. He didn't have enough energy.

'Don't..don't touch me..'

He felt hands on his mouth, forcing it open..water trickling back across his tongue at a slow enough pace that he could drink without choking. He coughed anyway, turning his head..spitting a mixture of water, blood and spit out onto the ground. His stomach howled in hunger.

"Come on, we'll take him back to the boss. He'll know what to do."

"Shouldn't we clean him up first..? I mean, look at him!"

"Hell no, we've got a schedule to keep! Strongest of you lot, come forward..carefully now."

Hands..all over him, under him. They were murmuring in disgust, pity. He felt callused fingers on his skin..and muscle where there was no covering.

Hoisted up..carried. It was so relax against something that didn't hurt..

"Where do you think he came from?"

"My guess is over there, lookit all that blood and mess. Geez, we're going to have our work cut out for us.."

The squeal and groan of a door, merciful darkness on his face.


"Hey boss, you here?"

"We found this guy outside, looks like he ruined lots of stuff. What should we do with him?"

"Ah~ There he is!"

He went cold.. Did he have strength to struggle..? He tried trashing in the holds that were on him. They tightened, he couldn't break free..

These people..were stronger than he thought..

"I didn't think you'd make it back by yourself, so I thought I'd send some nice people to come fetch you," Tylor giggled as he stepped into Toby's line of sight. Familiar fingers latched around his throat and yanked him from the grasp of..heckling Yoma..

All of them..

"You're an should have ran while you had the chance. But instead you laid there like a corpse.

"Too bad you won't be able to get that release just yet."


Date: 2010-08-03 11:55 EST
Evening, July 27th..
The Yoma let their prey go.

Tylor booted Toby's unconscious body away from him before the mistake could even hit the floor. It flew, crashing down awkwardly in the center of the warehouse floor. He was barely discernible from the pile of limbless bodies and body parts already there. His fingers shortened back to their original state..he shook them free of blood.

That hadn't taken as long as he'd thought it would. Only sixty three lashes. And he had screamed on every single one. Tylor assumed that, when he next woke up, the mistake would regret not even attempting to run.

True, it would have been worse for him had he done so..but now there was a significant lack of amusement that didn't please him. Though he had been starting to feel that way over the last few sessions.

"Lock him up, and make sure he doesn't go anywhere. Right there should be just fine~" He gestured at the collection of carnage several yards away from them.

"I suppose now is as good a time as any to use the 'special' chains I had prepared," he said, sighing wistfully as the hulking purple Yoma flanking him moved off to perform their tasks.

"At this point, I don't care anymore. She'll believe that anything that's been done to him is something that I've done personally.. I just won't correct her. I love her imagination~

"In a way, it's only fitting. When those chains cut into her flesh, I want them to be caked with his blood. A lovely reunion. Delicious.."

Toby Aradam

Date: 2010-08-03 12:21 EST
Early morning, July 28th..


Was he dreaming.. It felt too real to be a dream.. Skewers jamming into his shoulders, hips..the sides of his knees. He cried out as his busted leg was smacked.

Things wrapping around him..his neck..arms.. Down around his chest and torso..circling each leg.

It felt like knives, sounded like chains.

The bindings tightened..cutting into his skin. He felt it tear and slice..itch and burn as blood flowed.

His limbs spread out..they were being pulled. The chains were being tightened still.

He couldn't breathe. He felt the bladed links in his throat, constricting his chest when he tried to inhale.

His feet left the ground.

His groggy eyes opened..he stared at the garbage dump of bodies beneath him. Too far away..

He was..hanging..

He threw his head back suddenly..links cutting into the back of his neck. But they were cutting everywhere else too.. They were still tightening.. His hands clenched..he let out a strangled yell that only resulted in more of the same chains whipping across his back..torn free. Blood flew free from him, splattering the mess beneath his dangling feet.

"Oh. And one more thing~ I don't want to see his skin when I come back. He shouldn't have any left. Do whatever you want to him. Just don't kill him. I still want him alive when she returns. And she will~"

He knew that voice. Tylor.. The heckles of Yoma around him.. He swung as the chains were pain surging throughout him.

"Have fun, Tobias~"

Hard footsteps echoing as they retreated.

"Do whatever we want, huh?"

"Such an unlucky bastard. You'll wish you were dead after this!"

He had to be dreaming.. It was..just a nightmare..or something..


Toby Aradam

Date: 2010-08-03 15:20 EST
It was an endless cycle..

Whipped with chains for sleeping..for not waking up fast enough..

For screaming, for staying quiet..

For crying, trying to move, gagging, throwing up.

What else was he supposed to do..?

He couldn' anything.. He couldn't remember the last time he'd seen Tylor.. How long ago was that..?

Was he going to stay like this.. Was this it..?

The Yoma weren't supposed to kill him.. How much did they think he could take..?

"Guh.." His throat closed off, the chains around it biting deeply. He guessed it was time for him to sleep now..

He could minute at a time.. One second.. Count them, give him something to do while he waited..

He'd wait.. He said he would..

He, really, just hoped he would wake up..


Date: 2010-08-03 23:11 EST
Early morning, July 30th..

"Is that so~?"

"Yessir. They met earlier..that teal haired b*tch and a cloaked figure."

"Two guesses who that is.." Tylor giggled, sighing happily as he surveyed the hanging, bleeding body in front of him. Normally unruly ginger hair was weighed down and matted with purple and red muck. He dripped like a leaky faucet. "Very well. Get everyone prepared. We should be ready when they come visit us~

"No need to tidy up.. If anything, he's still too clean."

He turned and strode for the door to the warehouse as Toby started to scream.

Toby Aradam

Date: 2010-08-03 23:32 EST
Phantasneko and Katt's players. Thanks!! ]

Early morning, July 31st..

"So tonight is the night..ah~" Tylor grinned to himself, framed in the doorway of the warehouse. The balmy breeze did wonders for him this time as opposed to last. It couldn't wash away the scent of blood if it tried..the coppery garbage stench wafted out from behind him. He sneered back into the building before swinging the door shut with an echoing bang. And clapped his hands together, roughly..once. Several workers going about their duties paused..dropping tools, wood planks, the bundles they were carrying and stood at attention. "You know what to do." They turned..and began to spread out as Tylor sprung easily into the air, touching down on the lip of the warehouse's roof.

The night time air was fresh. A cut of the moon dazzled the air, a proverbial spotlight for the cunning blaze of ruby and ocean to bask within as she bounded through the air like the city had become a meager playground for her to frolick in. The desired destination that sixth and beyond senses guided her toward was closed in on quickly, leaving little time for plans to be formulated; no recourse determined. Gravel snapped underneath the light weight of the Maiden as she made her landing at the borders of the warehouse, debris in the air like a turbulant sandstorm. Phantasneko had arrived on the scene, clean and fresh from her previously claimed position at the Shrine. Figures that loomed the setting, and that which lingered on a roof many a yard away were all considered with careful attention. Devoted attention. Stepping past what she deemed the 'point of no return', she started from gravel and onto pure concerete, eyes fixated on what she considered the important factor in tonight's dining. She spoke callously as she approached, "All of you... take me to your leader without misgiving. I wish to speak with him. Alone."

"That's the b*tch he told us about! Her guts'll be splattered all over the walls!" Several voices cheered, roaring at once into an echoing noise that started rising to the cloudy sky. Human disguises were stretched to reveal the bestial features of Yoma, drooling hungrily. They didn't obey the young teal haired girl..and instead sped toward her, one by one..mouths gaping, claws slashing at air..then her as they came within range.

Domineering eyes drank their plentiful cupfuls by the gallon. Her movements ceased; a vivacious aura crescendoing. "Even the simple-minded oni are stumped by simpleness..." Where one of these yoma were to approach, they would find appendages attached to claw-like ends sliced into halves, halves cut into quarters. To consider the adrupt action merciful was a short cry, as the unknown assailant made itself known. Reality flowed like a riptide as it rippled vertically at her backside, vibriant ivory hues and blaring purples shredding all known logic, long-ends of auras like greatswords at her beckoning, bifurcating all that would come within any mannerful distance from the one that channeled such energies.

Angry roars reverberated even louder, reaching purple blood spattered and spilled. Yoma crawled over their dead and shredded comrades, crawling out of the destroyed woodworks surrounding the warehouse like bugs. Though once they noticed that nearing the girl caused them to be, essentially, tossed into a liquifying blender..they began to circle her at a wide radius, muttering..cursing. Above it all, Tylor's arm folded across his middle..he stared down at the scene before him with a tight expression. He knew there was a reason why he had gathered so many.. It'd give him time to think.

Arms, devoid of a commonly carried Rod of the Heavens, extended to either side like opposing rotors, crafting the slowest of rotations with pinpoint precision. Beginning motions failed to cease, only increasing in momentum as the smallest movement of lips signified an unknown intention. Rituals were troublesome burdens, gratifying only the most patient and calm. Splices in reality, that riptide which wavered with intense pressure and energy like a planet's core, continued to shred itself at her calling, auras the continued sizes of greatswords showing themselves. "I'm reminded of a game from when I was a child... Kagome, Kagome... do you know what's behind your backs? This caged bird certainly does." Not surprisingly, she did. For what spiritual energies tore from reality just out of reach of a sloped spine was no longer; instead sharded into zounds of pieces all matching the distinctive force of the originals. Like clockwork, shattered auras began to prick at the deemed fodder for her cannons, intent on decimating what unfortunately chose to bar her from what she intended to meet with.

A person would have to be deaf to miss the roars that rattled cracked windows or beaten walls. Familiar sounds just not in such quanity to her ears. She came upon the scene, thankfully, at a distance. Hugged in the shadows she witnessed in silence the slaughter of the Yoma at the hands of Phantas. A bit fickled at the fact she went on ahead there was wonder now if she could even trust the carbon copy. Under the hood of living shadows she drifted her eyes across the horde of creatures. None of them the one she wanted to target out. And damned if the stench wasn't screwing her senses.

She had more up her sleeve than he had first thought.. The frown on his face got deeper, he was thankful for the shadows that concealed him. He still had several Yoma to use, but the few in the warehouse guarding the chained mistake would not be called from their post. "Stop." Those Yoma that hadn't been shredded like wet newspaper shrunk back with growls and howls of protest. His face worked into a condescending smirk. "It took you long enough to get here, Mayu, I'm a bit surprised that you haven't formed a team! It worked out so beautifully last time~" He didn't move from his place, his chin lowering..keeping tabs on the several yoki presences he could still feel around them all.

"First off, I don't take kindly to insults... I think we're both well aware that I am entirely out of that half-wit's league. If you must call me anything, it shall be Phantasneko..." Spiritual powered teemed and crackled like electricity from a tesla coil, sizzling and crafting a miasma of residue smoke which billowed through the air. "In any case, that's just the reason for my coming to you, Tylor. I'm much interested in forming a team with your adept prowlness in physical combat. You have proven a worthy rival to my powers; something I hope to attach with so that we may, combined, do what it is we wish."

Toby Aradam

Date: 2010-08-04 06:42 EST
Phantasneko and Katt's players. Thanks! ]

"Really, now.." His head tilted, boyish features finally relaxing from the scowl they had been twisted in. He didn't think much of the request, save that her new title sounded like a ramble of nonsense. His eyebrows rose, he shifted on his feet..stomping his right heel down into the roof to create a resounding, metallic bang. "What do you think you have to add to what I already possess? What could *possibly* be in it for you?" He put a pause on the wheels that were turning in his mind.

Katt's face flattened under the hood at hearing Phantas' words. So everything had been a lie? Figures. She'd trust someone to help her and she'd get stabbed in the back. Fingers coiled against her hips but otherwise there was absolutely no movement from her place. As much as she wanted to be positive.. This sorta really made it hard to be.

"What would not be in it for me, having you as my Master?" She stepped from the grotesque littering of strewn limbs and the sauce of violets that mingled with concrete so that she could more properly take to an exposed knee, head lowered. "I have many a talent that you may find beneficial. While you are great, your enemies may make your life difficult. I, myself, would see to it that they do not quarrel with your magnificance. You should not sully your hands with their nonsense." She had not been made aware of Katt's presence. That prickling of presence in her mind currently drowned by the overwhelming source of crackling spiritual energy she was channeling.

Something clunked around in Toby's head..a sound..? Who banged..something.. His head lifted, then dropped. He coughed at the things he felt slicing into his neck. The chains around him rattled, they were cutting into him too.. What happened..? He heard noises, growls.

"He's waking up. That's the signal!"

"Hungh.." The chains were moving..tightening, cutting. The breath wheezed out of his body, he sucked it back in. His busted ribs pinched, the rest of his broken bones strained.


"Geh..!" His hands clenched, pain rocketed up his left arm, down his leg. He would only have one chance to do it.. He took as deep a breath as he could..and screamed.

"Hmm." A grin split his face at the sound evoked by the simple stomp of his foot. It hadn't been hard, and required little energy. To have to do nothing, and let someone else do dirty work. The idea was intriguing. "What's changed your mind, Mayu? From all that nonsense you were spouting the last time we met~ I do admit're not as useless as I first thought you were. What would you give me to pursuade me?"

The scream was wholeheartedly ignored, as though she hadn't been made aware of its existence. "An heirloom from my sacred family's rich history," a stretched arm shifted into the hem of her bottoms, pulling from the confines an amulet that was dressed in dazzling rubies and countless, shimmering diamonds. "History has made mentioning that it will award the wearer with the gifts of a God. I will part this, as well as my unwavering devotion to your cause."

Katt's eyes flicked up towards the building that she heard the scream come from. He was alive. Eyes flicked back down to Phantas just before she turned. Tylor was distracted. Maybe..just maybe she could sneak in without too much hassle. The shadows were traced as she began to work around the building. There had to be means of entry. She tried hard to bite back the anger of what she witnessed, instead focusing herself more on her task.

"I see.." He could think of a better way to have this girl prove herself later. He would not let her dispatch of Katt herself, and she seemed to already have no care for the chained mistake beneath him. For now, he had only her word to rely on. His fingers tapped against his chin as he pondered..then stretched out his arm. Digits extended like vines, curious snakes, slithering down toward the kneeling girl's face. Their intent didn't seem to be malicious.

Phantasneko rose her attention, her austere gaze displaying her hardness to the moment. She herself showed no means of defending herself; the crackles of spiritual energies diminishing to the point that the riptide that carried itself in her wake dissolved. She awaited what would be requested, if anything, from her person following her admission.

The scream cut off abruptly. Toby sucked in as much breath as he could, chest twitching shallowly. That was all he had.. The chains around him, the links..they weren't normal.. They felt like blades.. How much blood did he even have left..? The screaming.. He felt tired.. But relaxing against the binds..hurt too much too..

He carressed the young flesh of her face, sneering darkly at her warmth. Blood red was indeed a good color on her. The ends of his lengthened fingers drifted down to whatever she was holding. Nothing had happened. She'd had ample time to launch an attack.. "Stand down." One simple step later, he had dropped to the cobblestones with a resounding thud. He didn't know what was going on in the back of the building, he was assuming that Phan had traveled here on her own. "An amulet with the powers of a God, you say.. Are you implying that I need something like that?" Giggling.

She had assumed the caressing was a sign of good faith; that he would be agreeing to be her Master. She refrained from moving as he met the ground, other than to lower her head once again. "No, Master. I only wish to bestow a sign of ultimate good faith." Studded gems, serene and pure, clinked together as the amulet tumbled with a limping hand, an eel's swimming motion as it coiled about several of her fingers for dear life. "As I have mentioned, you are great. Magnificent. Superficial items such as these are merely instruments to your greatness, Master."

Coming around the building she found there to be a backdoor guarded over by two Yoma. For some reason this..didn't quite seem right to her. Even still.. The cloaked figure dipped low then sprung forward. Leaping up she tossed the cloak over shoulder, a pair of daggers held firm in her grasp. A single foot land sprung her even closer to her intended target. The first Yoma received a vicious cross slash to the head. The first slash removing the face while the second removed the head. Climbing up the body as it started ground-ward she sprung off towards the second Yoma, silencing it before it could call out. Two powerful thrusts at it's throat penetrated all the way to the spine, spraying blood all over the place. As the second body landed she found her landing atop the back. Head tilting she peered from the fold of the hood towards any nooks, daggers shaken free of the filthy blood before arms slid back into the shadowy folds. The cloak willingly swallowed her back up as she turned as she turned and nudged the door open a crack.

"Merely instruments to my greatness, hmm?" That made him giggle all the more. It was good that he didn't need another mutt for his collection, he already had one. And he knew she would be there soon as well. She couldn't stay away. But this one.. "So you had this epiphany, did you.. Master..I rather like the sound of that." He stepped forward, closing the distance between he and the kneeling girl. Although cautious..he hadn't missed what happened to those that came close last time.

She was without the supernatural crackles of what composed her strengths, nothing more than a mere girl kneeling before the one she sought to impress. Steely eyes fixated on the cracks and weaving paths of cracked stone beneath her, speaking only when spoken to in polite, inferior-than-he manners. "That I have. To have seen your grace on the field of this war, I know now where my loyalties lie. And I will do nothing but prove myself to you. To wholly pledge myself and do anything that you may ask of me."

"It's a shame that we can't eat him."

"Bet he tastes like sh*t anyway."

"You know what happened to the last ones."

"Sure, but he won't miss a leg, this one's f*cking useless anyway."

Chains rattled, groaned and squealed as the coils around his left leg tightened. Toby's fists clenched, tears squeezed out of his eyes. Pained grunts rumbled in his throat, half cut off by the coils there. Blood dripped from him like a leaky faucet. His back, facing the door, was an absolute mess..slick with red. "Mmph..!"

"Haha, see? Useless. How hard would I have to pull to get it off?"

Toby Aradam

Date: 2010-08-04 07:08 EST
Phantasneko and Katt's players. Thanks! ]

"That's *very* humble of you~ I will..accept..your token, however I'd like you to do something else for me." This was all very strange. He couldn't help but feeling a sense of awkwardness about the exchange. From the palm of his hand grew a stone knife, that he held out to the girl before him. "Cut yourself for me, across your cheeks. I'd like to see it."

That austere attention lifted, absorbed by the stone knife that was within his grasp. She took it without question, but brought it closer for initial inspection to judge whether anything was legitmially wrong with it; foreign liquids, or pulsated with any lively features that might react when blended with her own blood flow.

"You're a pretty strange girl." Tylor's hand drew away, the smile on his face like one he would give a daughter. If he had one, or wanted one.. Children never lasted long under that pressure. The knife, she would find, looked simple..constructed out of dark bone, crudely sharpened like an arrowhead.

It satisfied her curiosity, which would act as though she were more intrigued by the design and shape than what careful attention she focused on it to ensure it wasn't some liberate trap. In a flash, a sharp edge ran clean across a cheek, slicing apart flesh as though it were taut plastic wrap, spilling crimson like a pi?ata would delicious candy. The same action transpired across the opposing cheek, doing precisely as what was asked of her. She flinched, sharing the agony that transgressed nerves, but remained silent. The crude bone was smeared in her essence, caked in sticky crimson.

His smile turned demonic the more he watched, mouth watering..nose tingling with the fresh scent of blood. Even though their surroundings were caked with it, it was old..dirty. Belonged to the chained mistake inside. "Gorgeous.." His tone was soothing, silver eyes totally captivated by the little red rivers on pale skin. "I'll admit this to you, you pack quite a punch for someone so tiny.. I wouldn't have guessed..have no idea where you even keep it all." Giggling. He seemed pleased by that simple action.

The knife-edged bone was passed between hands, digits curling across the spiny end to offer the handled piece back up, the amulet draped across the surface like a package. Leaking cells pooled without restraint from her chin to the stone below, pattering like droplets of water during a brief summer shower. Offered words were given only the briefest response, "Thank you, Master," accepting them as a compliment.

He shrugged softly, accepting the little trinkets into the palm of his hand..thumb running across the red edges of the blade, smearing color around. "It's the truth. I'd also like to see you act like you've got something offer. Keep Master though, that sounds good~" Giggling as he worked half of the chain free from the blade. He shook the amulet free, bringing it to eye level, studying it with less interest than he had the blood. "And you simply put this on? It's kinda gaudy. How does it work?"

As he accepted the amulet into hand, it pulsed as though it were alive, invigorating what may touch it as though it had something grand to offer what would grace its presence. It made the air light, the senses tingle; everything a magical artifact often brought to the table. Her gaze lifted further to her Master, motioning to it with an uplifted chin. "Do you feel the energy it's expelling? By wearing it, it brings otherworldly energies into focus and enhances the user's strengths while abolishing their weaknesses... although, I do not believe you carry any weaknesses, Master."

"I do.." Blinking. Had he another hand, he would have poked the thing just to see what would happen. The idea did sound intriguing.. And should he have this, he would, in theory, be saved from any more close calls like a few nights ago. His eyes flicked to the girl, then the amulet. "You've worn this yourself?"

A blink batted Katt's lashes. Was that..Toby? Those eyes narrowed dangerously thin in rage at what she was witnessing. A hand crept forward from the folds of shadowy folds, fingers dancing in the air. One. Two. Three. Three slender daggers appeared between the dancing digits as if she were pulling them from air rather then sleighting them from their hiding place. A single flick of her hand sent all three towards the yoma attempting the idea of yonking one of Toby's limbs off. Once the daggers were in the air she brushed past the door, body low to the ground as she hurried across the distance. The same hand flicked downward, a wire drawn from it's hiding place.

Noises.. Toby heard noises, choking ones..that weren't coming from him. The Yoma below him gagged and fought at the things that had been thrown into them..the one with a hold on the chains of his leg falling onto them, jarring his whole body. It caused a yell to push through clenched teeth. The fourth was standing heavier guard, spewing curse words. Something lashed across his back, another length of chain..slicing in, grating out. Blood spattered..he shuddered through it, the blade edged links coiling about every inch of his body sinking deeper into their holds.

"As an heirloom in my family's line, it is only natural that I have," lowering her head in a brief nod. Being less than her Master, and before him as she were, the lowered gaze remained so. The trickles of blood were her focus, the sticky crimson seeping between crevices of stone. "I have no choice but to offer the most prized possession I have in order to show my good faith. And, as you no likely can tell from a mere touch, it will do as I have explained to you."

"Hmm.." He hummed thoughtfully, lowering the amulet to the girl. The bone knife had, at some point, become reabsorbed into his flesh. "Then I'll let you do the honors~ It's only fitting, don't you think?" He watched her posture with amusement on his face. He could get used to it.. And she would be some point..

Toby Aradam

Date: 2010-08-04 07:28 EST
Phantasneko and Katt's players. Thanks! ]

There was a low hiss that escaped from between her lips as she lunged forward towards the larger being. She tried very hard not to concentrate on the hanging Toby. As much as she wanted to get him down, getting rid of his guards was more important. Lashing the metal wire in the air she flipped over the head of the larger Yoma, catching the wire between it's lips while it cursed away. Her free hand quickly grabbed the tail end of the wire while one foot settled to the Yoma's back and the other to it's skull. Turning her hands in she yanked up with enough strength that the wire sliced through flesh and skull as if it was a hot knife through butter. There was mountain fulls of rage behind that yank. Dismounting from the body she landed as it thudded next to her, the wire released with the top half of the skull to the ground. Daggers were once more pulled from their place under the cloak as she swept around the left of the hanging figure and towards the one who was her dagger pin cushion. It was killed by..well..brain hemorrhage? A dagger was shoved right up it's nose. One hell of a nosebleed! Two down..Two to go.

The detached, flared sleeves bound to her arms shifted back in carried motion when her arms lifted, reaching to take the amulet from him, delicate like her fragile figure suggested. Rising up to her feet with little effort, she motioned for him to lower so that she could more easily access his neckline, and clasp the unbound chain to his person.

Someone was here.. Tylor.. But he..would have said something.. Was it like last time..the Yoma being killed because they wanted to eat him.. He'd not said anything then.. Without the Yoma to hold onto the chains, they loosened..Toby's body sagging half a foot down toward the ground, swaying. His fingers twitched. He tried to control his breathing. It still hurt.. He had to calm down.. He'd..panicked enough already.. Wet eyes drifted open, drops of moisture joining the crimson leaking from him. What would he do now.. Maybe he was really going to lose something..

Tylor obliged with a gentle bow..he could have been showing respect. But it put his face close to hers. He didn't hide the inhale that he took, or the fact that his tongue was sweeping hungrily across his mouth. Silver eyes fixed on her cheek, the hanging drops on her jaw. "You smell delicious.."

A delectable smile crossed her lips, her meager frame dipping closer to him so that her aroma could be fully digested by his sense of smell. Dressed arms coiled about his neck, fingers adeptly working the clasp into place. She was more like a trophy than a girl by the time that the process had been finished, remaining close to him to the point that a slightly pronounced chest bumped into him, and the sensation of an inner thigh running salaciously at an outer leg. "...really, Master? Would you... like more?"

Ah so that was why they were not moving. They were holding Toby up. This played to her advantage. As the second went down she didn't give herself time to rest. Speeding across the way she quickly leaned back as the third Yoma reached out to slash her. It missed only because she bent nearly into a complete backbend. Once it past she sprung forward and slammed a dagger into the center of it's throat. A yank downward to groin had flesh tearing and bones cracking under the force of the sharpened blade. Even as the innards spilled she was already into her next course of action. Reaching up she grasped onto the chain so that Toby didn't go plunging to the ground. Even if for a moment she was at a disadvantage she was quickly working on fixing that. The last Yoma was stared at from under the hood with a look colder then ice.

His eyebrows rose. This was, most definitely, a change of events.. He had always known that beating was the best way to get a point across..even if he hadn't been trying to showcase his own strength. His head leaned to the side..he pressed the flat of his tongue against her cheek, taking blood with it. He followed the outline of her young face to her jaw, hissing breath in through his teeth at the pleasurable taste.

Air left his lungs in a rush as he started falling, his arms stretching higher above his shoulders..links of chain losing themselves in muscle and flesh, hiding. His head lolled, the links around his throat roughly cutting in a pain that he'd felt not too long ago. "Hungh.. D-do..ngh..don't.."

"Some b*tch is trying to rescuse him!"

He flinched at the loud yell..whining through a clenched jaw. But..if they said that..that meant it wasn't Tylor..

Sliding the mith dagger into it's hiding place she flicked out a hand sharply, tossing a volley of daggers into said mouth. Choke on that big mouth! Less effective then the other killings she had done so far but it would serve it's purpose. Working the chain carefully she attempted to lower Toby enough that he wasn't jarred around. Once low enough she attempted to move forward and slide an arm around his waist. Yep. The violence of the chains biting into Toby screamed Tylor. "Sorry took me so long.."

His actions left her following up with a lecherous pulse of sound that pierced through parting, drying lips. Phantasneko writhed beneath his touch, twists contorting her lithe figure; leaving him closer to her without so much as a lapse. Snake-like arms tightened their hold about his neck, canines bared momentarily as she heaved against him entirely, a lobe of an ear her intended target. Teeth clamped without delay, taking the lobe sharply and pulling on it eagerly. She was desirable, and desiring all within the same breath.

"Ngh.." His feet were on the floor.. The chains wrapping around him were..loose.. But he was still stuck.. He huffed a breath, then another..leaning further to the right than his left, a yell grating out of his throat. The bindings were the only thing keeping him upright..they cut in further, chain links disappearing among flesh as they sliced. His awkwardly bent left leg hung limp..he felt the arm around him on every cut and skinless spot on his back. His head dropped forward at the voice. He didn't care about his adam's apple'd been slashed several times already.. He couldn't answer.

"Mmph." Tylor's single arm snaked around the small figure, fingers to her back, curling and scraping down across her clothing as she pressed against him. Even through it all, the pleasure he felt, the seemingly genuine need of the girl clinging to him, silver eyes cut across to the warehouse they stood in front of..narrowing to slits at the yells he was hearing. There were four less presences. He had gotten distracted. Lengthened claws fisted in the clothes, and possibly flesh, of the girl and yanked at her to separate them. "Enough. Something's not right. Mayu, you've just gotten your first duty. Go inside and check on our little mistake, will you~?" bastard. Once he was lowered enough she released the chain, attempting to ease Toby against her. There was no painless way. She knew. There was no elixir. The alternative was one he didn't like but was there really a choice in the matter? First things first. Two fingers coiled to one of the main blinks around his neck and she attempted to loosen them from his neck and up over his head so they were no more a bother. She paused seeing that the chain was biting into certain places in his flesh and a frown thinned her lips. "Just..hang on a little longer..."

Hang on.. Hang.. Heh..that was funny.. Toby choked a chuckle, even more as each link, one by one, slid from the front and back of his throat. Blood and saliva leaked from his open mouth..eyelids fluttering in relief. His eyebrows twitched. The more he leaned, the more he was being cut.. But he couldn't stand up.. Who cares..he was cut all over..

She halted her actions on a dime, careful attention over a shoulder of the one she latched onto prior to being tugged from him entirely. "Yes, Master," agreeing without delay. Stepping off, a miasma of spiritual residue billowed from her figure; crackles of supernatural essences snapping to life, reverting her to that tesla coil of spiritual mass that she showcased upon arrival. Mundane methods would have been to simply open the warehouse door that obstructed view to the innards, but given the supernatural auras that were like massive greatswords at her beck and call, she considered a surgical entry, bifurcating the alloy of metals of the large dock door with a well-placed thrust of a singular essence.

Like a chemical reaction, the door responded explosively, sending shrapnel like a frag grenade every which direction. Heavy fog, like the girl's direction in life, shrouded the cause for brief instants before she stepped through her makeshift doorway, clad arms over her midriff in a tight squeeze. Not what was strewn about the ground, but the "mistake" and its lover is what took up the pair of hell's walls set of eyes. "I do not believe Master has given permission for entry..." she called out callously, nigh angrily.

Toby Aradam

Date: 2010-08-04 08:02 EST
Phantasneko and Katt's players. Thanks! ]

He frowned, taking a single step back at the sound and destruction of the metal door. He observed silently as his hand passed over his front, then through his hair. Silver eyes dropped momentarily to the amulet resting against his chest. He followed his newest 'employee' through the door..admiring the torn material for a moment. "So what do we have here~? Does our dear little Tobias< have more friends than I first thought?" Giggling.

Seemed his humor was still intact. " need to take some of my blood. You need to heal at least a little so I can remove these-" Blink. Sh*t, they were found out sooner then she liked and by... her. She wanted to ignore her but even that was hard. Her chin dipped up at hearing the second voice. Double sh*t. "Mrph.."

"Mmph.." He jerked against the chains at the loud sound, his mouth clamping shut. Blood.. He didn't want any..he'd seen enough, tasted enough.. He couldn't stare darkly at the door if he tried..but his newly freed throat rumbled with a growl. He didn't want to hear that word..not from him, not in front of anyone.. How hard would he have to wrench the damn chains from the wall..

The riptide of reality at her backside flowed like a waterfall, spiritual energies swelling in anticipation of what orders would be requested of her. Stern rubies watched the two, passing back and forth between them. The glare spoke all it needed to; deathly as though the executioner was judging the best manner of how clean the heads should be severed from shoulders.

"All the Yoma in this area are mine, and you're hardly a Claymore.." He snickered, proudly looking down on the top of Mayu's head. He could tell, just by the set of her shoulders.. "My guess is that you're..Katt.." He purred the word, sweeping his tongue across the inside of his bottom lip. "Are you awake, Toby? Good.. Mayu..go for the mistake, but don't rough her up to horribly. I'll do that myself later."

Icy greens stared at Phantas as if she was nothing more then what she was... a traitor. A hand lashed out, glistening claws shredding down the chains. There was no more time to be gentle but she wasn't going to just rip them out. There were no words to confirm Tylor's conclusion on who she was. Tobias. It hit her then. Just how close..he had been watching. Scowling she turned her head towards the carbon copy, that glare speaking volumes. Over her dead body!

His groggy eyes widened, hands tightening into fists. He had to beaten up to understand that correctly.. That..wasn't May.. It wasn't.. She wouldn' this.. It was easier to gulp now that chains weren't obstructing his throat. "Sh*t.."

"As you wish, Master," acknowledging his claim and wasting little time to get the ball rolling. Swelled spiritual powers crackled like searing electrical currents; vivid colors climbing and arching over her priestess attire as she started toward the two of them. As she was instructed, her eyes were fixated on Toby, judging the surroundings intently. Several windows were behind them, she could note, surrounded by walling... like a crack of lightning, greatsword auras plunged through the mortal plane, bound to her spiritual ruling, on a direct course with Toby's standing form. They traversed in nothing more than a thrust.

His face tightened, mouth hanging open in a rough cry. He drooped severely, his newly freed arm clanking down against his side. His other..still stuck. Metal was heavy.. He felt like he was stuck in really prickly vines.. He tried to keep as much weight off of his left leg as possible. He couldn't this.. He should have healed.. "Don't.." He didn't want to watch this..

She hissed when Toby's weight suddenly sank and her head jerked towards him then forward. Shifting herself she quickly wrapped her arms around him, pulling him close so she could shell him best she could from the incoming attack. She braced herself for the impact, teeth clenching when the blade pierced into her back. Lips parted in a quiet surprise sound, spat of blood springing forth before she even had a chance to taste the copper. The sound eased out into a quite grunt. Well..there went that nice cloak! The fabric bent inward from the source of impact but showed no signs of darkening as it began to coat with vital.

Phantasneko's expression was lifeless when she felt the resistance of a physical figure tie into the spiritual. A moment was given before glancing aside toward Tylor, seeking whether she should continue, or hold off.

"You.. Wh-why.." He stared over Katt's shoulder at..the girl..and Tylor. He refused to believe it was May.. She wouldn't do this.. She wouldn't..stand next to him like that.. "WHY DID YOU DO THIS?!" He didn't know where the strength for the shriek came from. Everything holding him up, the biting metal..the pain of broken bones and probably several punctured things..didn't matter.. A weak wind kicked up around his feet, trying and failing to climb several times. Prismatic colors blinked..wide eyes flickered gold as what skin was left on his body bleached to white. The crimson and purple stains stuck out all the more.

"Hmph. I should've known. Don't worry, I figured as much~ A little war wound like that's nothing she can't handle. Just means I'll have to interfere with you~" He swept forward, hard soles of his boots clacking even with the wind kicking up in the garbage pile of spent bodies beneath Toby's feet. He flicked his wrist, beckoning his new employee. "Your job's still the same, Mayu. I'll take care of *my* mutt.." His hand reached out as soon as he was close enough to fist in the hood and hair of the little figure latched onto Toby. He gave a rough yank, meant to jar and pull at them both. "It'll be worse for him if you don't let go~" He peered into Toby's contorting face as he spoke.

And how was she going to get it out of her back? That..was a good question! She blinked slowly, watching Toby attempt to stand. Her arms relaxed and she shook her head. "Don't.." It was a quiet plead meant for his ears. Drawing a hand back she attempted to grasp for the sword. Instead she felt her hooded hair. Grunting out she decided to leave the sword. Instead she drew out that familiar dagger and twisted under the firm hold, her aim straight for between Tylor's silvery eyes. "Get away from him!"

He grunted in annoyance, a simple tilt of his head having the dagger's tip graze right past his forehead where it should have been stabbed. He had not put that much effort into it, and he was still able to maneuver.. The amulet? No.. He released Katt's head, his hand shooting out for her wrist to try and lock on..and twist her arm right around, straining muscle and bone. He wanted to hear it snap..

She followed after Tylor in a slow stride, arms tucking away behind the small of her back like she were an innocent bystander in what was unfolding before her. She was just out of arms reach from them, although, understanding various abilities... a slow glance was given to Katt and her attack, reacting to it subtly by allowing the spiritual aura of the greatsword to begin contorting within her, feeling as though she had at least the freedom to do that much.

He lurched forward with the yank, gagging..sucking in breath through his open mouth. His right arm and leg..were fine.. He had to get his left side free. It was different now than before.. He wasn't by himself.. He would fight..for something else.. He didn't care how much it hurt..his fist curled, careened for Tylor's face..all the clanking chain attachments intact.

"Ah!" She squirmed under the strange sensation under her flesh. It distracted her enough that she soon found her hand captured and arm soon twisting. Her body dipped to the side to ease the pain that came with it. She attempted to bite back any cries as the arm was pushed to it's limit, threatening to burst. She give that pleasure to Tylor.

"Silence the mistake." His eyes cut over to Mayu, his head lurching out of the way, once more, at the last close that he felt the wind created by Toby's fist. He enjoyed the upsurge.. He took a long step back, pulling at Katt's caught arm as he did. "You can scream, it's alright~ Even though Tobias here shrieked like a little girl for the both of you." Giggling.

She allowed her that brief minute of time the moment that Tylor requested of it, swooping back with a dancer's grace several yards to provide space. A flicking of several fingers withdrew prismatic auras of various sizes of swords, each hurtling outward toward Toby in an instant that would be like a rapid burst of fire from a machine gun. The blare of colors, the vibrant lighting effect... it was almost blinding; and all spontanious, like a fire. Were these various swords to find their mark on Toby, which she intended they would, each would hammer into him like a bludgeoning force. The impression? He was impaled through and through, silenced much like the request had asked for. The force behind these limitless blades were no different than a mack truck; enough to propel and to throw.

He just wasn't fast enough.. That was it.. Not fast, not strong.. Just like before.. His head whipped around to his left side..his hand fighting to get a hold of the chains, bladed edges be damned, and start yanking..the abused muscles of his arms bulging. He heard metal whining. If he could just get free.. His head, suddenly, rocked back..mouth opening in an agonizing wail. He didn't need to try anymore..he was being propeled already.. His limbs stretched to their limits, cracks of bone lost in his scream as the force of Phan's attack ripped his already tattered body from the center of the warehouse and out through one of the brick walls. It exploded outward, crumbling..his form lost somewhere within it..chains and all.

Toby Aradam

Date: 2010-08-04 08:25 EST
Phantasneko and Katt's players. Thanks! ]

She growled out as she was pulled on. She heard a sickening crack under flesh and there was no doubt in her mind that if he kept pulling and twisting the bone was going to break. Despite the pain she was still clenching her hardest onto the dagger. Her other hand danced, fingers drawing out a thin dagger from it's hiding place and it was tossed for Tylor's foot. It missed if only because her head jerked to the side, greens wide at the wail coming from Toby. "T-Toby!"

"Ohhh~" Tylor giggled, eyeing the new hole in the wall with something that could be mistaken for a child's Christmas day glee. He clawed at Katt's back, trying to affirm another hold of hair and clothing to make sure she wouldn't go anywhere. "That was a lovely display, Mayu.. Don't you think~? Come simple, and yet so..effective.. Although, he screams at anything.."

Vibrant greatswords swam the air like a windstorm, twisting over and through one another as they danced in victory. The girl who controlled them never paid it any mind, nor the wall that Toby was slammed through, mindful of her Master's praise. She bowed to him graciously, hands folded at her lap as she did so.

"Things can't always go according to plan, though.." He sighed dejectedly. "At first, I'd hoped that the pitiful brat would have an all new face and form the first time you laid eyes on him. Naked and skinless just isn't enough~ Though now I'm caught. Awakening, or death..which one would you like to see the most..?"

While he was clawing she was attempting to get away. In fact she even struggled against the grasp once it had been settled. She attempted to spy Toby through the dust. Hearing Tylor her head shifted faintly, her eyes rounded under the shadows of the hood. "Toby won't awaken. No matter what you do. He promised!" She leaned back, attempting to throw Tylor off his footing. No matter how much the still impaled sword bit into her.

"Let me stick her, Master! She talks too much!" Phan pleaded to her master, clasped hands rising upward toward the one that claimed her.

"Mayu, am I right that the--" He blinked, momentarily frowning..but the blind loyalty the girl displayed was just.. He sighed, stumbling back with his caught mutt in tow..taking his time to regain his footing. He pressed up against her back, muscles of his stomach tightening..trying to shove the blade all the way through Katt's gut to the hilt. "You've already stuck her, though. I'm sure that if I tell you to go and kill that mistake, she'll shut up. Won't you?" The last two words meant for the curve of Katt's hidden ear.

Clenching her teeth at the slow pressure her head rocked back as pain roared through her. Slowly the tip pressed from the other end of her though still hidden within the folds. Brows furrowed as she choked back on a scream which was more easier to do when she heard Tylor's threat.

She didn't respond to the question, knowing she was not the intended. A tilt of a ribbon-topped head of red and teal followed, watching Katt momentarily. As she hadn't spoken a response, a decided frown lined her features.

"And here I was, thinking that you'd appreciate my generosity. I even wrapped him all up for you, all he was missing was a bow." Giggling. "A nice homecoming gift. I'm not that angry with you that you decided to take your time..I can't really say that much for Toby, though.. I bet he was furious. You saw the way he didn't look once at you. Do you really think he wanted to see you..?" His voice dropped to a whisper. "You're the whole reason he was here.." Silver eyes flicked up to Mayu and he smiled brightly.

A girlish giggle filled the slightly dismembered expanse of the room, a hand lifting up immediately to stifle the noise before it grew out of control like some kind of dastardly mold.

He...He was full of it. Her lips parted to even tell him so but..she couldn't. If she did.. Her eyes dipped down, closing. He..was wrong. He had to be. Toby..was expecting her to save him. But it seemed.. Remain..positive. How was she suppose to? How was she suppose to..

"That's my girl.. Now, wasn't that easy? As a reward, I think I'll give the both of you a lovely gift.." Teeth gnashed at the outside of Katt's hidden ear. "Mayu. You may have your first and only stick." He shoved at Katt's back, lifting his foot to aim the sole of his boot against the hilt of the sword in her middle. "This first one was an accident. Make this next one count. You'll never get another chance~"

The swirl of swords in the sky slowed their motions, drifting into splits that were made in their wake as they traipsed between the two planes of existence that she was a part of. Their heavenly glow that filled the air diminished, leaving the room as dank and gloomy as it had been prior to their arrival on the scene. Nothing but the fluttery glow of the very sword that had hit Katt's back was left, and it too slowly began to diminish, although, for entirely different reasons.

Although it couldn't be judged to outside eyes that, in actuality, nothing was going on, the sword's light tapered off as it began to sink further and further into her, tremoring as if it were being nudged by a pair of hands that sought to inflict the most internal damage. Katt, herself, would not feel this; as the sword's descent into her person was actually being done in the spiritual plane. A location that was physically impossible to hurt her person. The surgical precision of Phan's control over the aura of the greatsword showed face as it began to ease from Katt's stomach, emitted a faint, flakey, liquidy glow of pure crimson, like it were blood. It oozed pools of essence, completing the facade that it had, in fact, impaled Katt through and through. There was ample resistance as though it were lodged in her person. Phan's expression remained lifeless as she "impaled" the one her Master requested of her to.

She gurgled out a sound as if she wanted to say something. Cry. She wasn't sure. She hated the fact that he got that close to her. Gift..Pff. She tensed up at the comment and her eyes clenched tightly. Jaw flexed tightly as if she was attempting to swallow back something.

"Oh, and she's doing such a good job of being silent.. Ah, she really doesn't want him to die, does she..? I think I should have gone with that.." Giggling as he tapped his fingers against his chin. He didn't seem to mind the darkness they were suddenly engulfed in. He trusted that what he ordered was what he was getting.

As if to complete what was being asked of her, Phan shifted forward with due haste, throwing herself up into the air in a spin. An exposed leg was brought toward the midsection of the one taking the brunt of Phan's assault, intent on kicking her. Were it not for the hazy misama of a purple and green aura encasing her leg, it'd be a normal, less than frightful strike. But she was backed with ageless power, and it would be enough to knock somebody clear off of their feet. And possibly carry the length of a bowling alley lane. The intended direction was where Toby had been thrown. Were it, of course, to meet it's mark.

Since her eyes were closed she was hardly expecting it. She was too busy thinking of all sorts of things she'd tell Tylor if she was able. The contact was enough that her breath left her in a rush and she suddenly felt herself flying. Not in the fun way. There was no way she couldn't stop herself from crying out. The same spot that had been impaled had brutally been kicked! What breath she had went into that scream even as she cracked that hole a bit larger. Landing..wasn't going to be fun.

Toby Aradam

Date: 2010-08-04 09:50 EST
Phantasneko and Katt's players. Thanks! ]

"'re just so handy, you know that~? Normally, I wouldn't approve, but..I'm in a good mood.." He giggled, following Katt's trajectory with his was hard to miss. His fingers dropped to the amulet on his chest, thumbing it protectively..then he settled his arm like he was folding it with another. "Ah, I suppose I'll have to get her back. You've done well, Mayu. You deserve a break." He smirked darkly, stepping in the direction the two had been thrown.

Toby's body twitched at the feeling of something landing..near him, on him.. He wasn't sure.. His body felt like it was going to scream even if a feather landed on him. He gasped a sudden, deep breath..wincing, coughing it back out. Dust..

"Master," she called out to him, landing gracefully as she did so. A sweep left her close to the ground, no different from the weasel she was presently being. The haze of toxic shades diminished, reverting to her normal tints. She'd already gone through enough energies... that twin sword illusion the brunt of stored powers. Rising up to her feet, she took a single step back. "They will both be dead in given moments. I would prefer their deaths slow and painful, bleeding out the last of their supplies, don't you?"

"His, yes. She is mine, and I'll deem it necessary when she bleeds and dies. And when she does, it'll be by my hand, not yours." He beamed a bright smile back toward Mayu, taking time to pick his way through the body parts littering the damaged cement floor..some grotesque obstacle course. "No offense~"

"I'm afraid I can't let you do that... Tylor," she informed him without fine delicacy, lifting her hand into the air. Like it were being summoned from a far off distance, her familiar star rod zoomed in on the scene through the massive hole she had originally made with her seismic spiritual powers. Lowering the rod downward, as though it were the point of activation, Tylor would suddenly find himself immobile, paralyzed from an origination point: his neck. A gleam of whites and ruby flared from the amulet that she had clasped on him. "This is where you find yourself out of options; the victim for a change."

She laid silently. She had..expected more? She wasn't sure what she had been expecting. Groaning a hand slowly raised up, palm flattening against the wound that spilled a steady stream of vital. Unlike her back it was at least small. There was a brief tense at the sound so close by. Slowly her head tilted to find Toby..there. He was alive. Torn terribly but..alive. She forced herself to sit up and her free hand reached out for him. "T..Toby.."

Tylor grunted, halfway through a step..finding some invisible force keeping him from finishing it. He coudn't even move his head to glare darkly back over his shoulder at the slight girl behind him. The hole, and the fallen bodies beyond it, received the brunt of the demonic expression..complete with golden eyes and lengthening teeth. He snarled at the lights beneath his chin, wanting nothing more than to tear the amulet off and throw it back at her. He knew that he was apprehensive for a reason. "You sneaky little b*tch!"

"Ngh.." That was all he could muster for a response. Anything beyond that.. But the voice.. His chest heaved, straining against the chains wrapping around it. He tried to keep himself from sobbing, but tears ran back out of the corners of his eyes, across his bloodied and bruised face.

She glanced past Tylor's form, eyeballing the opening in the wall that had been made. Each gem in that amulet acted as a miniture spiritual battery to what she'd deem "yoma venom", a reactant that would be like a viper's venom to its chosen dinner. While not deadly on its own, the crucial point remained intact: to keep Tylor, or any yoma, from moving before she was ready for it to. Even with resistance, she knew she had a little time... how little, though... "Shut your mouth," she tore herself from her mental thoughts. The two beyond the wall needed to leave before she could finish. She called past Tylor. "I'm giving you two minutes to get out of here before this whole place goes up in smoke! Get moving!"

He just needed more strength, and power. While he was formidable normally.. Black, nearly broken looking bat's wings exploded from his back, wrecking the leather looking armor there, but they didn't move. Neither did his limbs when he forced the nearly full force of his yoki into them. He would be trapped in this spot and watch as the two of them escaped..again. He would not have it. A bestial roar left his lips, shining colors shooting up into the ceiling as yoki spilled from him.

Hearing Tylor her head turned, half expecting him to be standing there. When he wasn't.. She blinked. Was he speaking to..Phantas? She had been playing Tylor for a fool. The realization made her blink. Two minutes.. Her lips parted to question it but time..she was a ticking. And Tylor..sounded pissed. Pushing closer to Toby she pulled his arm, attempting to get him to sit up. "Time to split this scene. Sorry if this hurts but..seems we have limited time." She pushed to stand, flinching as her own pain screamed it's way down her entire being.

"Agh..! Don't.." The sob he'd been holding in shuddered through his body. He moved at her direction, leaning into her rather than he'd wanted.. Fear took over for the pain..he could deal with being touched, if it meant getting away from this.. He remembered his leg..another quiet sound leaked from him.

She was going to have to move ahead of schedule. There was one shot at this, and nothing short of the best was required to know she had done everything she intended to. Fingers rolled together, steepling at her midriff as she started to mouth incoherent words toward the air. The riptide at her back collapsed, popping as it snapped back to its origins. Underneath the cuteness of ruby-strapped shoes circulated a pattern of black and white, resembling a yin-yang symbol. Outward from its presence, like a thunderstorm that poured in reverse, purple energies exploded from it, filling the air around her in splotches, pulsating as they honed about her figure like a protective aegis. Her eyes narrowed on Tylor, sizing his shifts and compensating for the fact that, while he seemingly was incapable of moving for the moment, he was still growing and changing sizes. It was a bother in and on itself.

"It's pointless to resist me at this point... I'm going so far as to destroy this body to ensure you're put to rest. While I, a mere tsukumogami, may not really be affected by it... it does mean I'll be out of this world. Which has actually turned out to be a real... blast." A squealing of her summoned spiritual energies crackled at the air, bent reality as though the spiritual plane itself was attempting to mold itself into existence at her summoned power. It was vast; like an endless well that one could not dip into enough.

Toby Aradam

Date: 2010-08-04 10:03 EST
Phantasneko and Katt's players. Thanks! ]

"Shuddup. I'm not leaving you here so don't even..." His words coming back to haunt him. She tested a step forward. In his condition it would be hard to really move fast. Shadow stepping would be hard also. "Come on. You can do it. Lean into me. A-And we will go home." The torn cloak rippled as if something moved under it. And it wasn't her arms. "I'll carry you if I have to."

"Mmph.." He snorted, coughing on chuckles. That hadn't been..really what he meant.. But it was funny.. Lean into her.. If he did, he'd fall over. He had to at least try to hold himself up. He'd been doing it for a while, what was five more minutes..? His left leg dragged awkwardly. He hated that he had to hold onto her. He just..wanted to sit in a corner.. Or something.. He followed her step with a hop of his own. It rattled through his entire body, stinging..pinching, jarring. Was just staying there so bad..?

"Killing yourself for something this trivial? Ha!" He couldn't see it, but Tylor could feel the power amassing behind him. Like he could through the amulet with whatever she had done to it. Whatever she was gathering, or preparing to would be on a grander scale than her last attack. And that had left him weak and enraged all by itself. He tried to shift and shove against the hold he was in..resulting in nothing more than straining muscles, and another howl of frustration.

Her jaw twitched violently at the swell of anger that rose up through her. Tylor really did a number on him. She could heal him. She would if he wouldn't take her blood. But that was a fight for later. Dipping down her free, and now white, arm dipped to collect his legs. Picking him up strained her body and she felt the vital speed it's course down her flesh. Two minutes..wasn't a lot of time. And how much was left? She wasn't sure what Phantas was up to but whatever it was..well..Knowing Phantas it was going to be big..and bright. Pressing her feet into the ground she took into a sprint, carrying him even if it was a chore. Nothing she would argue against even if asked. Both eyes focused forward she dared not look down. "Sorry.."

"It would seem nothing less than everything this pitiful girl is attached to on a spiritual level will suffice. And considering that she has nothing left to live for, I am most certain she'll be grateful to have done something worthwhile as put an end to you." Touching fingers separated, spindles of residue from the bountiful well of power like strings. She was leaking to the point that it was nearly unhealthy. But that was the whole intention, after all. The ground beneath her, as the foundation of the entire warehouse, began to quake in reaction as she sew the planes of existence together, herself as the conductor. Continued snaps and pops, crackling like a fried computer terminal, continued to sound. They were intense, and enough to force her from her feet to bare knees. "...besides," she added, albeit weakly. She could feel herself being pulled in half at the summoned wells as the purple splotches continued to amass. "I always enjoyed a light show."

He couldn't argue..or protest, only tense up as much as he could to keep all the jarring movements from doing any further damage. Further.. Heh..that was funny too.. Safe.. Was he..? He wasn't sure.. He didn't care.. But she was..Tylor didn't take her, that girl didn't hurt her too much.. A soft smile cracked onto his dried lips, beneath all the blood. His head leaned back, he let tension drain from his body until he was nothing more than dead weight.

Tylor's eyes dropped down to the floor beneath him..feeling the tremors through clawed feet that had ripped through boots. His tail would have lashed had it not been caught in the spell of the would the rest of him. Clearly, he had not left as much of an impression as he was supposed to have. "Your last act, huh? Useless..pathetic.." Sneering in the face of certain defeat. It was one of his talents.

"You'll have plenty of time to tell me that in the next life." Pillars of hazy violet energy crushed the floor all around her, climbing toward the Heavens after rupturing the ceiling of the warehouse. The airflow was consistant enough that it forced bound hair free, towering above her like a blood-crazed shark in the water. "...Sayonara," was all she said before she allowed the amassed energies circulating about the room to go free from her clutches, fingers arching outward and downward to act as the catalyst. Splotches of lively violets shriked like released banshees as they sliced through the air like a flashlight's beam toward their intended victim, pillars that could not be contained no matter the vessel splitting the skies as they pivoted on their endless ascension to instead tumble worthlessly toward the earth and on a direct course with whom she intended to strike down, like a heated missile that knew nothing outside of its locked target.

Katt managed past several buildings before bounding up several crates to land them atop of a building some ways off. Heaving she glanced over shoulder. That..should be far enough..Right? Her eyes turned to Toby to find him..sort of smiling. Slacked. If there had been color it would of drained from her face. Kneeling down she carefully settled him half against the ground while his upper body was supported by her lap and shoulder. Freeing her hand from under his knees she reached to press her palm against his chest. He was still breathing, right? He had to be. There had to be a beat. "Toby?" She croaked out worriedly. The sudden bright light made her eyes turn back to the direction they had left. Yep. Bright and shiny! She would ask about that at a later date when they caught up.

There was an inhuman howl as the first of several violet jets sunk into his frame, through wings..into his torso. His snarling, violently angry frame was eaten up by them, nothing more than a tree in a lightning storm..powerless to stop the onslaught because of the roots tying it to the earth. Pain that he did not know set his nerves on fire and wouldn't relent. His cry of rage, pain and, perhaps, fear, was also drowned out by the sounds of what Phan had unleashed.

He didn't respond at first, and even waited a few seconds..trying to get the stabbing light to go away. Something was bright and shiny..a huge distance away.. He grunted finally, his head leaning far over..onto his swollen left shoulder. "Ngh.. O-ow.."

She had expected what would come of the released energies, and had accounted for them ahead of time to the point that it was almost spooky. Golden hues outlined the innards of the warehouse the very moment that the pillars of energy slithered back within the confines of the building that was moments from crumbling into a hopeless wreck. Crashing into the earth, they splashed outwards like waters would a deck of a ship, immediately sloshing outward and across the concrete beneath them, extirpating every piece of physical fiber that the raw, returning spiritual energies came in contact with. It were no different from a shockwave from a supposedly nuclear blast, leveling nothing but every source in the immediate vicinity.

Were it not in thanks to those golden barriers that were a safeguard erected and called on the very moment those pillars made reentry, there was no telling what kind of devestation would follow. And strangely, oh so strangely, the moment that the innards of that warehouse became flooded with the violent royal purple haze, it tapered off, wisked away as though it were funneled like only a black hole could muster; disappearing entirely.

Toby Aradam

Date: 2010-09-24 03:32 EST