Topic: An Unlikely Pairing


Date: 2009-10-04 11:35 EST
Had been at least a week since the meeting with Cobb where he pretty much said he had no interest in any woman aside from his brothel ladies. Afterwards Carson had avoided the bar. Had some thinking to do. Trying to lure herself back to the mindset before Cobb where she didn't want or need a man, nor anybody for that matter, in her life. Stayed closed to home. Home being a small apartment with a beautiful view of the brick wall belonging to the building right next door. So it wasn't the Ritz. It was safe, fairly quiet and big enough. Gotta have a lot of dough to live the high life here. She'd never been so ambitious. Working for a corporation who worked with the the SEPD didn't pay shit. Was enough. One of those on the downlow operations that asks few questions and didn't need references. Didn't care where she came from only that she could do the job. Aside from familiarizing herself with the different races, she'd fit right in doing what she'd done at home in Santa Monica.

The hat he'd so kindly given her kept getting moved. First it was on the dresser. Couldn't help but stare at it so it's next home was the closet. Then she felt bad about it being alone in there. Out it came again to sit on the couch. Which meant she might sit on it accidentally so the kitchen table became it's home. An odd centerpiece. At least it would be safe.

Her motto since leaving California had been stay low and fly under the radar. Fairly certain her sudden disappearance had stirred up a hornets nest back in Santa Monica. They did not like to lose one of their own. Risked others wanting to do the same. Pack mentality being so like the Borg Collective. No one should eat, sleep, breathe or, heaven forbid, think without being told to do so. She'd never quite fit the mold. Always living on the fringe. Doing just enough to stave off being eliminated for one more day. The career choice helping more than her attitude. Now that she was gone, there was always the risk..albeit small..they'd send someone to find her.

Waaaaaaaaay too early in the morning, she was awakened by the irritating buzz and vibration of the comlink. Worse than any alarm clock because it went off all the damn time at some ungodly hour. Slapping it does no good whatsoever. Nor tossing it against the wall. Thing was unbreakable. Would go off until she finally relented and answered. "What?" Bit of a snarl mixed in. "Morning to you too, Lovely. Move your ass. We got a stiff in one of the docking bays..well, what's left of one. Pigs want an quick assessment of what and when. Transport is waiting out front. Coordinates being sent now." Why can't people kill each other at a decent hour? Always under the cover of darkness. "What's the rush? Not like it's going anywhere." Already up and tossing clothes on. "Big arms dealer's son. Causing all kinds of flap. Turf war potential." Figures. Kid could have fell and poked his finger into his brain, now daddy wants to blow the whole place up. "Not like I can pull a name out of the air." Grabbing the leather jacket, her bag and the link while heading out the door. "Just get down here before all the cargo ships start filling this place with people."

Smirking at the hover vehicle sent to pick her up. Cabbies drive bad enough with four wheels, these guys could really turn a stomach. "Hey, I know this is a rush but I really need some.." Coffee cup getting shoved in her face from the front. "thanks.." Girl ran on caffeine. Nursing the cup all the way there. The spaceport was huge. Until recently, she'd never really paid much attention to a single ship. Her work hours were mainly at night. She didn't have any reason to notice how the parts all fit together to form the port. Ships dock, unload, load, leave. In the dark, they were merely lights. Was only her second time to pass security to see a bay up close. No ship was present. Just the top half of what appeared to be a young male. "Nice. Gory." Nose wrinkling from the smell. Leaning over the edge to see where the rest of him went. "When a ship docks, does it get close enough to cut a guy in half?" Only if they have a bad pilot was the answer. Much like a boat, they might bump the side now and then. Letting her senses pick up more. "He was drinking." With a gloved hand, she'd finger some blood from his forehead, not getting it too close to her nose but enough to detect any lingering drugs. Cringing.."Nuke, extreme hallucinogen..the boy was higher than a kite. I'd say he didn't feel a thing. Might have been waving to the pretty lights as they brought the ship in. Really all I got. I'm not sensing any other life form near him. Freak accident." Rolling the gloves inside out to remove them. Incinerating them with a small box created just for the job that's kept stored in the supply bag. "We done here? I need a stiff drink." The boss gives her that usual green faced glare. The sight of blood always made him ill. "A drink? Carson, the sun's not up yet." Tossing back her answer on the way out. "It may not be but I am. Thanks to you."

Pretty much a normal day in the life. Turn on the super senses, turn off the emotions. Get the job done. Turn off the super senses, turn on the emotions but forget all about what she'd seen to maintain sanity. Absinthe helps. Might be better to go back home and get some sleep. She'd learned from experience sleeping after investigating a crime scene leads to disturbing dreams. Best to put some distance between one and the other. The trip to the bar didn't go quite as planned. Seems she'd gotten too comfortable around Rhydin in the past few months. Forgetting a different world still exists. In it a group of people who were not too happy with her. So much so, they'd sent a tracker to find her. Somehow, even worlds away, he was able to do so. The halls were pretty much empty still. Only a few scant people milling about. Completely out of the blue, a callused hand slapped over her mouth as an arm wrapped around her waist, lifting her feet completely off the ground, yanking her right into an abandoned docking station, currently dark as it was under construction.

"Someone has been a very, very bad girl." Dark, husky voice seethed against her ear. "Hid very well, I'll give you that. Best challenge I've had yet. But, you know the rules. Like Hotel California baby. You can check out..but you can never leave." Brushing her hair to one side to check for that telltale mark it bore. Not that he needed to. Thorn knew Carson well. Things being so different here, it never hurt to double check. Wanting to make sure this wasn't some type of clone. When she rammed her elbow into his solar plexus knocking the wind out of him hard enough to loosen the hold, he became painfully sure of her identity. Even landed a right hook to his face before he had a chance to recover. Stung as it may, Thorn merely laughed.

"I'm not going back. You'll have to kill me first." Defiant as ever in word and deed. Never ran from a challenge. Standing her ground even now against the much bigger man.

"You are a fiesty one. Always have been. The two of us together,'d be ours. You know it would." Wiping the blood from his lip. The girl was worth a large fortune alive so she could be made an example to the pack, slightly smaller one dead. He'd be set for life either way. As with any garou, the chance to be Alpha was a stronger draw. "Death could be arranged. But not today. In fact, I think I want to stick around awhile. See what the appeal is. Don't worry, sweets. I won't be far." He smiled, merely a threat in a pleasant guise. A kiss was placed on her cheek as she bared elongated canines in a snarl. No other wolves were around in this place to interfere with trying to win her over to his side. Carson had been without a mate for way too long. Patience and time. Was all he'd need. Without another word, he walked out of that darkened hall. Leaving her alone to ponder the choices laid at her feet.

Carson stayed hidden for quite awhile in that alcove. Very abnormal for her to do so. But this was different. HE was different. Thorn was no vampire wanting a sip. No. He was out for much more. Finally, chiding herself for being a chicken shit, emerging from the abandoned dock heading to ..where else?..the bar. The place everyone finds themselves when life goes to hell in a handbasket. Misery loves company. But now more people were milling about. The port was slowly starting to emerge from the sleepy eyed silence into the daily grind. Despite the hour, there were others in the bar. Some having breakfast which wasn't a bad idea. First stop the replicator for some bacon and eggs. Did not care what anyone says, replicated food could never achieve that hot from the stove flavor. Would have to do though. Top it with a beer and she was set. Found a table off to herself. Figuring to spend the morning moping at this newest bump in the road..

Sui Cobb

Date: 2009-10-05 08:03 EST
Once everybody was back on board ship, Sui quickly found his way to his bunk, avoiding all of the others, especially Aidyn. He didn't want her sympathy or compassion, nor did he want her to patch up his hand. In some way, in Sui's mind, he'd hurt Carson's feelings, so he deserved to be hurting himself. Though the physical pain wasn't that great, he figured that Carson's wasn't that great either. They'd only just met and he'd been as gentle as he could. Still, was he being cruel to be kind to her, or himself? When that thought occurred to him, he uttered a frustrated growl and began to clean his weapons.

As days turned into weeks, up in the black, life settled into a regular routine. Breakfast with the crew, jogging around the cargo bay, cleaning weapons, checking intruments and going over charts with Chris and Brent, then a light lunch of protein bars and reconstituted water. The second half of their days were spent doing odd jobs around the ship, playing cards, a form of basketball and other things to keep themselves occupied. Dinner was always at 7 pm. The routine was dull, boring and conducive to a lot of thinking time.

After card games where Sui won some, lost some, he usually retired to his bunk. The others were always so cozy, sitting in each other's laps, laughing, hanging onto each other and even sucking face in front of him. It wasn't something he really wanted to see. Aidyn had caught him one day as he was leaving and followed him to his bunk. After telling her for the nth time that he was alright and there was nothing to worry about, did she finally go back to Chris and left Sui alone. And that's exactly how he liked it.

They landed on some rock to pick up the cargo that Badger had wanted. They stayed three days on that rock, and, as usual, were gluttons for the fresh food, real alcohol and fresh faces. What wasn't usual was Cobb's absence at the whore houses. No matter where they had went in the past, that was always the place to find the tall mercenary. Somehow those houses of ill repute held no interest for Sui. Instead, he found himself drinking most of the time away in a local tavern. On their last night there, Sui deliberately started a bar brawl. Wasn't that difficult to do. When five of the Alliance's finest came into the place, it wasn't hard at all to pick a fight. He just spouted off about how the Alliance created the rezzies with thier immoral experiments and Sui got what he wanted.

But even after the fight, when he was blooded, bruised and grinning because he'd taken them all out, Sui still wasn't satisfied. Of course, his black eye and busted lip caused more than a few raised brows in his direction when he met up with the rest of the crew the next day, but he didn't say a word about it. The pick of the cargo, as usual, ended in a gun fight. He didn't understand why people were so greedy. After picking off a few of the men off loading contraband, the rest fled and they loaded the cargo onto a jeep like vehicle and headed back to the ship.

Another two weeks in the black. Same old boring routine. More than once he glanced to where he kept his hat. Had kept his hat. He wondered where that hat was, had she given it away? Sold it? Kept it? God only knew. What he did know was that when the ship docked in Rhydin again, he made a bee line for the Stars End Bar. It was a little crowded for the morning time, but that didn't stop Sui. He towered over most that were there anyway. Spotting Carson, he purposely strode over to where she sat, eating.

Plopping down onto the chair across from her, he leaned on the table. Staring at her, ignoring the plate and the other people around, he folded his hands. "You takin' care o' that hat, girl?"


Date: 2009-10-06 13:32 EST
She must still be tired from lack of sleep or maybe she was lost in a daydream, for whatever reason Cobb managed to sneak in right under her radar. Not an easy thing with her kind. Wasn't even aware he was in the room until he plopped down in that chair. She actually jumped a little. "Cobb!" ..calming her voice.."I mean Cobb. Hi." was no way to mask the shock to see him there. "Your hat? Oh yes. Well taken care of. I feed it, we go out for walks and it even sleeps at the foot of my bed." Smiling softly. "Why? You missing it? Want it back?" He did look naked without the hat on his head. Would serve its purpose better to be back. "So you've been gone I assume?" Hadn't seen him around. Really didn't mean anything. She'd gone to extreme measures not to see him for several days after their talk. At least until the acceptance that he was right, they could only be acquaintances and nothing more. She'd finally come to the same conclusion. Until seeing him again. Damn him! "Bacon?" picking up a slice of the untouched breakfast to offer.

He sat back, arms folded across his chest as he watched her with his dark eyes. "Nope." simple, one word reply as to whether or not he missed his hat. "Yep." Another simple answer to whether he'd been gone. Then a disgusted look came over his face as she offered him the replicated bacon. "I want real food. Been eating protein bars and drinkin' reconstituted water." He rose from his chair then. "C'mon, let's get some real food. There's a market not too far from the space port." He waited, impatiently tapping his foot. "Ya comin' girl?"

Talkative as ever. Kind of liked that about him. Wasn't one to regale her with stories of his conquests or how perfect he was or how any woman would be a fool not to want him..yada yada yada. Nope, he had that quiet confidence. He also had a good point. This food sucked. Then he goes and tells..her to come with for a real meal? What's this guy's game? You don't offer a juicy steak, then take it away only to dangle it back in front of someone. Teasing only makes them more hungry. An eyebrow arched curiously, leaning back, both arms crossing. "With me?" His reaction said it all. "Ok, fine.. hold your horses." Shoving up to follow along out the door.

When she got up, Sui grunted and turned to walk to the door. He kept half a step behind her. Was it out of habit, courtesy or simply an old fashioned sense of being a gentleman? Could be all three. Once outside, he stuck close by her. A protective pillar against the shadey characters that made the space port their home. On more than one occasion he scowled at a vendor that wandered too close to them.

Nothing says sexy like a grunting man. Carson couldn't help but laugh a little. Impatient much? She wasn't as leery of the seedy people milling about. Not the ones so easily seen. Was the one she couldn't see, and wouldn't until he was good and ready, that had her more concerned. Besides, Carson was not helpless. She had her own set of skills to rely on if attacked. Seems big boy was doing a great job of keeping people back.

It wasn't long before they were in the market, cobblestones under their feet. "Careful not to roll your ankles." Sui glanced to her with eyes that shone like obsidian. The restaurant he had in mind was close and he touched her elbow, steering her in the right direction. "Smell it?" He grinned then and his stomach growled. "Real food, Miss Carson."

A cobblestone street. How quaint. Very old world in a way. Sui's concern was cute. "Why, you worried you'd have to carry me if I sprained it?" Peeking over from the corner of one eye. Be a hero for the damsel in distress. One who was more likely to pop him for trying to help. Being the independent type. She'd turn when he indicated, following Cobb's lead to wherever they may be going. Never been to this part of the city before. From the delicious smells wafting on the air, she'd be coming back. "Yes, I smell it." Mouth was watering already. Ok, so maybe this wasn't such a bad idea. Should Cobb decided to diss her before the end of the night, at least the meal should taste great. "Call me Carson. Miss makes me feel old."

Sui wasn't quite sure what he'd do if she did roll her ankle and sprain it. He was one that didn't plan or think on things too much. Instead, he went on gut instinct 99 percent of the time. So, in response to her question, he shrugged and grunted curiously. Reaching the doorway, he opened up the door and held it for her. "Mighty hard to break what m'momma taught me, Mi.. Carson." he gave her a devilish grin then and followed inside of the restaurant.

They were greeted quickly by a friendly girl with a blond ponytail. And they were seated, just as quickly in a booth. Menus were already on the table along with glasses of water and silverware. His menu was lifted right away and he spoke to Carson over it. "Mmm what tickles your fancy, Mi.. Carson?"

He'd be a gentleman about it. No doubt at all. She wouldn't be so dainty as to sprain her ankle today. Even if she did, would heal fast enough on it's own. No babying needed. Slipping inside the place as he kindly held the door open, snickering at his effort to leave off the title. One day he'd get it right. Not anytime soon perhaps. Following the cute, little hostess to the booth to slide in on one side. Giving the place a good once over. Wasn't a five star restaurant. Which was fine. She'd rather have a relaxed atmosphere over those snooty places where you had to eat with the right fork and the waiter keeps cleaning up crumbs during the meal. "..that name's going to stick you know. If you slip and say it around your people. Me Carson..You Cobb." Oh the horror. Not the worst nickname she'd ever had by far. "I'm simple. I like a steak. Medium rare." Rare was her preference. Humans' tend to get skittish when someone eats bloody meat. Still over cooking ruins the flavor. "You? What's your favorite meal?" Here or anywhere. Didn't matter.

"Me Carson, You Cobb?" He lifted a brow and couldn't help but chuckle. "Sounds very... neanderthal. They'd probably think that my IQ has increased." He bowed his head then, to scan through the menu. He already knew what he wanted, oh yes. But does the menu list it? And, right there it was. "Steak and taters, medium well, fried green maters, collard greens and buttery grits." He smiled to the waitress and handed his menu back. "And a tall glass of buttermilk." Dark eyes turned onto Carson then. "What?"

"Your IQ increased?" She stifles a laugh. "So you find it easier dealing with people by letting them think you don't have a clue what's going on? I find that amusing. So many try to come across smarter than they really are. Most can't even come close. You choose the other path. You study people and places too hard to be clueless. I'd always say people who fly low under the radar are the most dangerous. Guess that's your strategy." Steak and taters. They agreed on food. Always good. When the waitress came around, she'd order what he had only less cooked. Adding a water in place of buttermilk which was sure to turn her stomach. Might as well try the rest of it. See what collard greens even were. "What? What?..." Favorite meal? "So..uhm..what brought you to the bar anyway?" He wasn't there to eat though he was hungry. Must not have been there to drink as he didn't order anything. Fishing much? Yes, a little.

"You'd be amazed what people'll tell ya when they think ya aint got a brain."Sui chuckled softly, lightening up quite a bit since they entered the restaurant. He, too, placed his order and then folded his hands over the table, as she spoke.

"More than you care to know at times I'm sure." Everyone's dirty little secrets, opinions and general two cents whether he cared or not. Be the person in the know around town or the ship. "Surely most of the crew doesn't fall for it now do they?" Carson would quickly grow tired of having those she worked with day in and day out discount her at every turn.

"M'favorite meal, well I reckon on what time a'day it is. Breakfast, nothin' like a stack of buckwheat flapjacks. F'lunch..." He couldn't think of anything that suited him for lunch. He rarely ate that meal. "I don't reckon I have a favorite lunch. F'dinner, grilled pork chops or sirloin steaks, baked taters and collard greens. Love m'greens." He actually grinned a real grin! And why did he go to the bar? He shifted his weight a little bit and decided on a half truth. "Been lookin' for m'brother for a while now. Thought he'd be there. But he wasn't. and you were. So here we are." He smiled, pleased with his response. "Naw." he shook his head. "Th'crew knows me well enough t'know I aint stupid."

"Buckwheat flapjacks?" Flapjacks equals pancakes. idea. He must love them though. Two different worlds. "I'd say a favorite dinner could be a favorite lunch just as easily. Earlier in the day is all." Or night. Being a night owl, her eating schedule was way off everyone else's anyway. "I have to confess. I don't even know what a coller green is. My guess would have been something you have to wash off your shirt." Learn something new everyday. Rolling the fork over and over on the napkin as they talked. She had to keep her hands busy all the time.

He sat back, hands on the bench at his sides. He glanced around, to anywhere, but at her. He knew that if he looked, he'd start to stare. And he didn't want to make her uncomfortable. "Where's th'blasted food?" He finally did look at her though, when she questioned buckwheat flapjacks. "Yeah, w'honey and butter. Th'best things t'stick t'yer ribs, ever. Last ya all day." He nodded with a smile. Ok, time to look away again. Her hair was far too pretty by half. "Greens are... greens." he shrugged slightly. "Th'top part o'the plant. All leafy and stuff." He shrugged again. "They taste great. Good for the stomach." And that got a grin.

"How long since you've seen your brother?" Buying the half truth as the whole. Accepting it as just that. He wasn't looking for her at all. Just happened to find she just happened to get invited along for the ride. Called sloppy seconds isn't it? When someone isn't good enough for first choice? Seems he was the one who was uncomfortable about now. Eyes darting up then down. Did she have something on her face? In her hair? One of those awkward issues people tend to avoid rather than tell you? Fluffing her hair..dragging a finger across her top lip. Shouldn't be food in her teeth, she hadn't eaten anything yet. "I'd say they're cooking it." Grinning, still rolling that fork around. "Are you starving? Did your cook go on strike?" Interesting woman that cook. Not one she'd want to cross the wrong way. Flapjacks with honey and butter. Did sound good. "Honey is good on a lot of things. Very lickable." A stray thought she should have kept to herself. But it was rather sticky and often needed licked off fingers..or chests. Not that she was thinking anything of the sort. Much. Moving on.."The leafy part of what plant though? Spinach, lettuce? It's own plant entirely?" Good for the stomach. She found him way too entertaining. Especially when having no clue what he was talking about. Which happened a lot. "Guess I should wait and find out eh? You eat it first. I'll watch." He was the test guinea pig. So long as Cobb didn't keel over, she'd give the stuff a go.

"Been a few years since I last seen Jayne. Not even sure ifn I knows what 'e looks like anymore." Sui sighed then, thoughts of his brother brought back memories of their mother. And he missed both, dearly. If he read the look upon her face correctly, he knew that he'd offended her, once again. "Alright, y'got me. I went t'the bar, lookin' for you."

"You think your brother would be here?" hence the looking for him at the bar or in the Port. "Where did you see him last?" Adding another set of eyes to the search could be helpful. Surely the boys resembled. Would expect them to. The turn in their conversation wasn't so expected. The fork was still for the first time. "For me?" He wasn't so much offending her as keeping things between them straight. Draw a line, she won't cross it. Start smearing the line, Carson would get that confused expression..the one worn now..and not know what to do. Explains the slackjaw and moving lips with no words coming out for some time. "Why?"

Sui sat there, slouched slightly, his hands resting on the top of the table, thumbs drumming out some music that played in his head. "Why?" He rolled his shoulders with a shrug. "Like talkin' to ya. You're a nice girl." He nearly grimaced, using that term, nice girl. He avoided nice girls usually. They held an attraction with their morals and standards that he, himself, was brought up with.

A nice girl. "Clearly you don't know me well at all." Had to be the only time she ever remembered anyone referring to her as nice. Most of the time bitch was more appropriate. Nice brought to mind kittens and cotton candy. Fluffy, pretty things with no substance. A nice girl didn't bloody someone's nose for pissing them off or break a cue stick over someone's head for cheating at a game of pool. Maybe she was taking it wrong; but, Carson didn't view his comment as much of a compliment. Oh look food! Should prove to be a distraction from dwelling on how fast she was tanking. As their plates were put down, she'd poke the greens with mild curiosity. Wasn't a vegan. Veggies weren't really her thing. .