Topic: Family Matters

Pol Finch

Date: 2009-11-09 05:02 EST
There is only one thing more annoying than being woken out of a deep sleep in what passes for the early hours of the morning in the black. And that's being woken out of a deep sleep in what passes for the early hours of the morning in the black by an insistant beeping from the ship's intercom.

Groaning, Pol disentangled herself from her by now permanent bed-partner - and fiance, let's not forget that little detail - and shuffled over to the screen, only just remembering to snatch up a shirt to maintain her modesty as she winced at the chill of the metal gratings beneath her bare feet.


"Waive fer ya, cap'n," came the far too cheery voice of Aidyn, the medic, who really shouldn't have been up this early, let alone on the bridge. "Comin' in from Dyton Colony, flashin' up urgent."

Pol blinked and rubbed her eyes, trying to process something when thought was not exactly the easiest of her higher functions. "Wait ... what?"

"Waive," Aidyn's voice repeated more slowly. "From Dyton. Fer ya. Pers'nal an' urgent."

"Dyton?" The diminuitive captain suddenly found herself very much awake, blinking rapidly as she shook the last haziness of sleep from her mind. "Hold it on th'bridge, m'comin' up."

Careful not to make too much noise and wake Brent, Pol threw on her clothes and exited her bunk, pulling her hair back from her face. She jogged up to the cockpit, barely responding to Aidyn's cheery "Mornin'!" Jerking a thumb towards the door, Pol's eyes were quickly focused on the comm. screen as she leaned over the pilot's chair.

"Right, Aidy, out," she ordered, ushering the younger woman out through the door, and locking it firmly behind her. A message from Dyton could only mean one thing in Pol's experience, and it definitely wasn't a good thing.


Two days later, they docked on Rhy'Din, and Pol made sure her crew was off the ship before she made her move. Even Brent, although he'd made it damn difficult to get him to go away without her. But they were finally gone, to enjoy a little R'n'R on the safest planet they knew in the system. And it was time.

She checked the logs of all the waives that had come in, careful to delete any trace of the one message she had recieved that could give them any clue as to what she was about to do. She wouldn't risk them; they were family now, and family protects family. She just wasn't going to let them protect her.


When the crew returned to the Nighthawke that night, they would find it empty and dark, locked up against intruders. A search would reveal that Pol's personal effects were missing. And on the bridge was a wholly unexpected surprise.

Propped on the pilot's console was the deed to the ship, a small strongbox with the money Pol had put aside for maintenance on the 'hawke, and a datachip containing a voice message from the captain herself.

"Don't come lookin' fer me. This is family, an' my family ain't safe fer th'likes o'you. Th'ship's yours, all o'yours, look after 'er an' each other. I ain't askin' y't'stay t'gether, jus' don't let anyone go wi'oiut makin' sure they're good'n cared fer.

"Sui, getcha backside in gear'n make good on yer promises. Look after th'girls ya promised to, dong ma? An' don't give up on y'brother, he's out there somewhere.

"Chris, y'take care o'Aidy'n the 'hawke. Y'got a home here now, however long it lasts. Jus' keep 'em both flyin'.

"Aidy ... quit bein' so cheerful in the mornin's, it ain't fun fer no one else, y'know? An' dope 'em if y'have ta, what I'm doin' ain't safe fer anyone but me.

"Keep 'em fed, Miss Cece. There's a pot inna galley marked 'Hot Spices'. Th'money in there'll keep y'all in good food fer a coupla months at least.

"Brent ..." Here there was a clear, regretful sigh. "I'm sorry. Some things jus' ain't right t'take th'people y'love inta. An' I do love ya, bao bei. Take care of 'em, string bean. Be safe."

The message ended, and there was silence. And one single clue. Pol's family. So what was there to do?

Brent Noble

Date: 2009-11-19 12:28 EST
Brent said nothing as he replayed the message three times over, listening carefully to each and every recorded word he heard. Finally, he stopped the message. The pilot said not a word to anyone as he grabbed the strongbox and turned to step out of the bridge and into the metal hallway that led to the bunks. He made his way to his and Pol?s bunk, dropping through the hatch after opening it. Brent hid the strongbox away in the room before turning to climb out and lock the hatch.

Once he?d completed that task, Brent started for the bridge once more, shrugging out of his jacket it toss it onto the copilot?s chair as he stepped in. Plopping down into the pilot?s seat, Brent leaned forward to flick on the comm system and spoke into it.

?Chris, I need ya in the engine room, fast. Cobb, get all the guns gathered, check ?em, make sure they?re all good an? ready t?be used. Let me know how much ammo we got when you?re done. The rest o?ya, sit down or find omething? t?hold on to. We?re goin? t?Dyton.?

Once he finished, Brent didn?t wait for a response. He just slammed the comm back down and plotted a course for the Dyton Colony, then started the Nighthawke up to begin the trip there.

?Damn it, Pol.? He cursed under his breath. ?Ya should know better by now.?

Aidyn Butler

Date: 2009-11-23 16:58 EST
Aidyn didn't think she'd ever been so chocked as she was listening to that message. She'd never thought the captain would abandon them. After all, Sui and Brent hadn't shared the full extent of Pol's previous temper tantrum to the rest of the crew. But to leave like this ... it was stunning.

As Brent gave out his orders, the crew scattered. It seemed as if no one was going to question the fact that they were definitely going after the captain. As Sui headed for the arms locker, Chris for the engine room, and Mz Baker to the galley, Aidyn hurried along the metal walkway towards the infirmary, fulling intending to check over her stock and supplies.

But there was no real need. She'd stocked up fully last time they'd landed on Persephone, and there had been no medical emergencies since then. As she looked through her cupboards, Aidyn felt a flash of guilt. She hadn't told anyone about the waive she'd caught for Pol less than a week ago. Maybe now ...

Taking her courage into her hands, the tender-hearted medic turned herself around and headed back for the bridge, mounting the steps to linger in the doorway for a long moment.

"Brent?" she managed with quiet uncertainty, unsure of how the big pilot was going take what she had to tell him. She pulled the door to behind her, moving into the cockpit, and leaned herself back against the co-pilot's seat.

He seemed entirely fixed on his destination, despite the fact that it would take them at least three days even to get back into Alliance space. But that would be plenty of time, Aidyn thought to herself. Plenty of time for there to be blame and arguments and anger, and when they caught up to the captain, they'd be all angried out. At least, that's what she hoped.

"Brent, I ... I think there's somethin' ya should know 'bout what set th'cap'n goin' ..."

Sui Cobb

Date: 2009-11-25 08:09 EST
Sui's jaw set and his arms folded across his chest. That dark brow furrowed as he listened to the captain's request. "Gorram it, girl.." He growled softly under his breath. The crew had become a tightly knit group and for one to go traipsing off without the others...

The tall mercenary watched as Noble hurried off with the strongbox. A certain amount of sympathy shone in his dark eyes. That had to have hurt. But, knowing the pilot the way he did, he expected a plan. So, without a word, and a soft squeeze to his Mei Mei's shoulder, Sui quickly left the cockpit and headed for the armory.

When the order came down, Sui had already pulled all available ammunition down from it's racks and was seeing to each individual gun. All had been meticulously cleaned and checked the day before. It was part of his weekly routine. He knew each instrument intimately. So when fingers danced across cold metal, he could tell that they were in fine working order.

"Will have a report in two minutes!" His hand smacked the comm, relaying his message to the cockpit. A slow grin formed on the mercenary's face. Magazine after magazine of projectiles were double counted and placed back into their boxes. Grenades and small arms rockets, all accounted for.

Once the armory was set to rights, Sui pulled himself from the room and his long legs carried him quickly across the metal walkways to the cockpit. Pulling the door open, he poked his head in. "Weapons fully inspected and we've over three hu..."

His eyes went to Aidyn, then back to Noble. A brow arched, waiting to hear what might have set the captain off.

Aidyn Butler

Date: 2009-11-28 19:33 EST
Sui's entrance startled Aidyn out of her carefully prepared speech, the redheaded medic glancing between both men nervously before she plunged on ahead.

"Well, ya see ... when we was out in th'black, 'bout four days ago? Cap'n got a waive. I dint think it was real important - she'da told ya 'bout it, right, Brent?"

Aidyn paused for any response, looking worriedly up at Sui. She took a deep breath.

"Well, th'woman, she said it was kinda urgent, an' I should git Pol up here right quick. So I did, an' when she got up here, she threw me out. Next thing I know, she's got us on course ta RhyDin an' we're all on shore leave."

She shrugged uncertainly, fiddling in her pocket. A small datachip was produced.

"I know ya don't like it when we keep our own records'n stuff, but ... I figured mebbe the cap'n'd want a record o'this waive she got so I ... I mighta sorta left a chip in while she was talkin'."

She held the chip out to Brent. "Reckon it might give a clue's to why she's gone."

Brent Noble

Date: 2009-12-11 14:32 EST
While Sui had gone down to check their ammo stores, Brent was busy checking to make sure the ship had enough fuel to make it to Dyton, making sure there were no mechanical problems picked up by the computer, and plotting in their course. He was muttering to himself the entire time, hunched over and making preparations. So fixed was his concentration that he didn't hear Aidyn at first. It wasn't until Sui's comm message came through and the mercenary stepped onto the bridge that he glanced over his shoulder at her.

"Eh?" He looked at the chip, frowning while he reached out to take it. "How good are we, Cobb?" He asked while turning back toward the console. The chip was slipped into an open port, his hands tapping the display before him to play back the recorded message. Once it was playing, he leaned back in his seat, chin resting in the curl of his palm, and listened intently.

Pol Finch

Date: 2009-12-29 12:54 EST
Just like before, Pol's disembodied voice rang out in the little cockpit, partnered by another voice that was very similar. And the reason for that was made all too clear with the captain's first words.

"Ma, thought I tol' y'not t'waive me when'm on the 'hawke."

"Ain't no concern o'mine if'n yer bedded down or not, Anapola Finch, not when we're in go se over 'ere."

There was an audible sigh from the captain. "All righ', what's 'appened?"

"S'yer uncle, yer Da's brother, an' ... hells, why'd ye havta go inta business wi'this weasel, anyhow?"

Another voice joined the two women's, one known well enough to Brent at the very least.

"Now 'ow's that a pleasant way ta talk 'bout yer comp'ny, Ma Finch?"

Pol sounded as though she was growling as she responded. "Badger, what're y'doin' on Dyton? An' what're y'doin' t'my ma?"

"Makin' sure she ain't goin' ta cause me no trouble, little girl. Seems your uncle's got 'imself in a spot of bovver. I'm just keepin' yer old mum company until he goes down - can't 'ave 'im naming me, now, can I?"

"You liu kou shui de biao zi he hou zi de ben er zi, y'get away from my 'ome or I'll come'n move y'meself!"

"Reckon you wanna keep some o'your crew outta this, Anapola." Badger sounded far too pleased with himself. "I'd 'ate to 'afta drop a name or two if'n you come after me."

There was a long pause, no doubt as files were transmitted, and when she spoke again, Pol sounded tense and angry.

"You leave 'im outta this," she snarled. "What d'ye want me t'do?"

"Get yerself 'ere an' keep quiet," was Badger's order. "An' no tattlin', or you ain't gonna 'ave a 'ome t'come back to."

There was no reply, and the recording cut out abruptly. But the crew knew the rest of the story. Pol had obviously gone home to protect her mother, and one of the men on her crew. But surely the captain wasn't going to stand by and let her uncle be imprisoned if he was being set up?

Sui Cobb

Date: 2010-01-05 06:51 EST
Folding his arms over his chest and taking a lean against the door to the cockpit, Sui listened intently to the play-back. His dark eyes narrowed intently as he listened to what sounded like a typical mother-daughter type of argument. Pushing off of the door frame, he turned to go back to taking stock of the armory. That is, until he heard that weasel's voice.

Well, Badger's voice. Close enough. He whirled back around and stood with his hands to his sides, staring down at the console. "Trap." he murmured, eyes moving then from one shipmate, then to the other. "He's leading her into a gorram trap, knowin' that th' rest of us will follow."

Moving into the cockpit, he paced for a moment. Lips moved in a silent string of Chinese and English expletives before turning to the other two. "I say we stay put. She left, her own accord. She didn't want us to follow. No sense in getting all of us killed."

Aidyn Butler

Date: 2010-01-05 08:56 EST
"Leave her?"

Aidyn didn't think she'd ever been so shocked in all her life. She stared at Sui furiously, hands coming up to rest on her hips in a manner that the crew were all too familiar with. It generally meant the young medic had made up her mind, and she wasn't about to be budged.

"Ya cain't leave her ta go inta this on her own, Sui," she protested, ignoring the silent Brent in favour of venting her feelings on her self-adopted brother. "Ya said it yaself, we're fam'ly." She shook her head, scowling at him. "Ain't no fam'ly I know'd let momma go off on her own an' not even try to help her."

Dropping her hands, Aidyn paced back and forth in the tiny space, brushing fiery hair out of her eyes as she did so. "Way I see it, she dint want us ta know, right? So's it ain't a trap set fer us, it's set fer her an' that Badger person won't be expectin' us, right?"

Her hand slapped into Sui's chest disapprovingly. "An' I thought ya were s'posed ta be the brave smart one."

Brent Noble

Date: 2010-01-05 13:28 EST
"Smart?" Brent asked, hearing Aidyn's comment. He laughed dryly. "Sui's never been the smart one." His head jerked toward the hatch of the bridge. "Go an' sit down somewhere."

Oh, he was no doubt furious that Sui would even suggest the idea. But for now, he left it alone and focused on the Nighthawke instead. The engine fired up, its roar fading into a low hum by the time it reached his ears on the bridge.

"I ain't waitin' for either one of ya for more'n a minute." He added as an afterthought, double checking the course he plotted for Dyton just to be safe. "An' countin' started already." Meaning, they didn't have much time to go and find something to hold on to.

Sui Cobb

Date: 2010-01-05 15:37 EST
"Yeah, I said leave her." he growled at the two and ignored their remarks on his intelligence. "She don't want us there. I reckon we should listen to our cap." He spat the last word out at Brent.

Dark eyes narrowed as he watched Brent's hands on the console. He brought his own hand up to cover Aidyn's on his chest. "Why can't y'do what she asks, for once in your flea ridden life?" He scowled then and turned away, towards the hatch.

"Always makin' messes for me to step in and save 'em." He grumbled as he stopped at the hatch. Turning, he growled at Brent. "If the cap gets hurt because of your hair brained ideas of romance, I'll shoot you, m'self." He then turned and strode purposely for his armory. They were going to need every last firearm and bullet if they were going up against Badger and his weasels.

Pol Finch

Date: 2010-01-06 07:36 EST
Few Days Later - Dyton Colony, Cornish City

As much as Pol loved the Nighthawke, she had to admit that taking the various transports laid on by the Alliance between worlds had proved a faster journey than her own beloved freighter would have given her. And it had given her a chance to stop off on the way, maybe put a spoke in the wheels of Badger and his 'mysterious' client's plans.

Now, newly landed in Cornish City, her hometown, she found herself picked up immediately by Badger's little helpers - huge, hulking men who carried weapons they probably wouldn't need to take down a fairly large Alliance patrol. They stripped her of her own weapons, of course, and escorted her through the mucky streets to the house she'd grown up in.

"Anapola!" The moment she stepped through the door, Pol found herself wrapped up in a near-throttling hug from her mother, who seemed to have been waiting for her arrival by the window onto the street.

"Alright, Ma, leave off," the captain grumbled, disengaging her mother's arms from her neck to take a good look at her only remaining close kin.

Ma Finch was still a handsome woman, needful of it as her trade was in the selling of what she knew to be hers, and there was no mistaking the family resemblence between Pol and her mother, right down to character and attitude. There were no bruises or signs of maltreatment on her, but Pol had no doubt her mother had been making life most unpleasant for her unwanted guests.

Speaking of which ... Badger was lounging at the kitchen table, feet up on another chair, eating peeled grapes. He nodded to Pol, tipping his ridiculous bowler hat with an affectation of gentility.

"Well, now, we're all 'ere," he said affably. "Nice fam'ly affair, innit?"

"Not all of us," Pol snapped at him, her hand resting uneasily over the empty holster on her thigh. "Where's Dale?"

"Keepin' outta 'arm's way, shouldn't wonder," was Badger's answer. He waved a hand at them. "You two girlies go'n catch up. M'sure Ma's gotta few fings she wants ta get off've 'er chest."

Pol was pretty much dragged into the bedroom by her mother, who set her back to the door and began to whisper urgently.

"Dale's the one set this all up, from what that gorram weasel out there's sayin'," she hissed, gripping Pol's hands tightly. "He ain't content ta spoil yer chances as a cap'n, 'e wants all o'us be'ind bars. Grogan's only th' beginnin', lovey."

"Dale's yer brother, can't y'talk to 'im, make 'im back off?" Despite the urgency in her own whisper, Pol knew from experience that her uncle Dale was not going to back off until he was the only Finch working the star lanes. After all, he took every opportunity to rough her up, and she'd been avoiding workin' with him for almost three years now. Of her crew, only Brent knew about him, and she doubted she'd be able to get a message to him to pick up her uncle. She'd just have to rely on the tip off she'd handed into the Alliance on Beaumonde on her way here to get her uncle Grogan off the hook.

"He ain't listened t'me, not since I 'ad you," Ma Finch said unhappily. "Y'da would've never of stood fer it, 'e wouldn'!"

"I know." Pol squeezed her mother's hands tightly. "We kin get Grogan outta this still. I promise ya."

Of course, her promise would depend on the Nighthawke coming after her, and the crew knowing to stay discreet. Wouldn't do anyone any good if they were picked up the minute they landed.

Brent Noble

Date: 2010-01-07 06:19 EST
"Save your pissin' an' moanin' for when we get to Dyton." Brent barked over his shoulder at Sui as he left the bridge. The pilot then turned his attention forward again, his hands taking the controls of the Nighthawke to begin the ascent. He'd double - no, triple checked the coordinates and fuel supply during the brief exchange between Sui, Aidyn, and himself, and quickly kicked into gear.

Within minutes, the vessel was far out of sight of Rhy'Din.

Not much longer and it was moving through the black.


After various pit stops for refueling, the Nighthawke had finally landed on Dyton. It had taken them a few more days than Pol, but they still arrived relatively soon after she had. As the Nighthawke touched down on the landing pad, Brent immediately killed the main power and messaged for Chris to turn kill the engine.

He stood, hands rubbing at his sore lower back while making his way to the hatch of the bridge. He paused by the intercom and lifted the mic.

"Sui, meet me in the cargo hold. Now." He replaced the microphone and then hurried off, pausing to drop down into his and Pol's bunk and grab his belt, holster, and autopistol. His jacket was grabbed too, for good measure.

Once Brent was in the cargo hold, he leaned against a stack of crates, eying the stairwell in anticipation. One foot was impatiently tapping on the metal grating beneath it. He was obviously more than ready to go out and start looking around for Pol.

Sui Cobb

Date: 2010-01-07 18:27 EST
The days leading up to the landing on Dyton had been busy ones for Sui. He had loaded the mule with as much ammunition and firearms as it could hold. Autopistols and any hand gun owned by the crew were meticulously cleaned and prepared before returning it to the owner. Sui spent an extraordinary amount of time making sure his weapons, and those of his crew, were ready.

In the black, there's nothing but time to think. It'd been some time since he'd received a letter from Carson. He didn't know what to think about that. With each pit stop they made, he inquired the post master to triple check, just to be sure a letter hadn't been misplaced. Still, nothing.

He felt the 'Hawke touch down and was half way to the cargo hold when he heard the order over the intercom. "Yeah, yeah." He grumbled as he made his way through the skeletal maze of scaffolds and metallic stairs. Finally, he reached his destination and stepped onto the ground floor of the cargo hold. "Mule's loaded, we can put a hole in the side of this gorram planet, if we had a mind to."

Sui rattled off the specifications of each of the guns that were mounted, listed the amount of ammunition and ticked off on his fingers how many grenades, rocket launchers and displacement cannons that were available to them. He then jumped into the passenger seat and looked down at Brent.

"So, what're you waiting for?"

Brent Noble

Date: 2010-01-07 18:38 EST
He eyed the mule with obvious disdain, shaking his head at Sui's question. He picked up a grenade and stared at the mercenary for a moment, then set it back down. Brent was mighty tempted to thwap the man upside the head.

"We can' go in there armed with every weapon known t'man." He explained. "If we do that, we'll get shot 'fore we even know who's doin' the shootin'. An' we can' go in guns blazin', either. That's liable t'get Pol shot, too. We gotta play this safe." He walked past the mule, patting Sui's shoulder along the way.

"So c'mon, big guy. Grab a pistol an' let's get goin'. Pol's waitin' for us, m'sure."

Sui Cobb

Date: 2010-01-07 18:46 EST
Seems his ideas were always being shot down. But then, Sui knew he was overzealous when it came to the safety of his crew. He watched as Brent lifted the grenade and put it back down.

"I hope y'landed close to where Pol's bein' held. Comin' back for the mule ain't gonna be a picnic." He eyed the mule and then pat his side. There was only one pistol that he trusted to handle any kind of delicate situation. That was his beloved Sera.

"Alright, but keep th' Hawke on silent radio. Push a button and I reckon Aidyn or Chris can get th' Hawke or the mule to us quick enough." He shook his head again. He felt naked, like he was taking a handful of stones to a pig stickin' fight.

Brent Noble

Date: 2010-01-07 18:54 EST
At Sui's suggestion, Brent nodded. It was a good idea, he'd give the mercenary that. So the pilot then stepped to the side where a microphone for the intercom waited and spoke through it, relaying Sui's message to those of the crew who were staying on board during their initial venture into the Dyton colony.

"Aidyn, Chris, stay alert, stay ready. We may need yer help an' we may need it fast. I'll radio when we're comin' back." He slapped the intercom's mic down and turned to slip out of the hatch.

"Alright, let's go. Can' keep the Cap'n waitin'."

Sui Cobb

Date: 2010-01-07 19:01 EST
Sui gave a curt nod, then left the ship. He made sure the hatch was secured before stepping into the dusty terrain of the outskirts of the Dyton colony. Seemed like all of the outer rim planets had that in common. They were dusty.

He walked in silence, scenarios floating in his mind of what they may see and hear when they got to their final destination. His hat shielded his eyes from the overhead sun, brilliant in an equally brilliantly blue sky. Rubbing his neck, he wished he had a layout of Ma Finch's house. He'd just have to make do, he supposed. Not the first time, hopefully not the last.

Dyton wasn't that far of a walk, they'd reached it in a half hour's time. It was a typical up and coming place, a long and wide dirt road down the middle of town; not so long and wide roads off shooting in ninety degree angles from the main road. Shops and shopkeepers, loud at trying to sell their wares. Must be market day. That pleased Sui. Easy to get lost in a crowd. Even a man of his height and stature. He eyed the bordello for a moment, then turned to Brent.

"Alright, so we got this far. Where do you reckon Ma Finch's is?"

Pol Finch

Date: 2010-01-07 20:22 EST
Going about her usual business, apparently. Badger wasn't foolish enough to keep a known member of the community locked up in her own house - it would cause suspicion and possibly more problems. So Ma Finch was still keeping to her routine, with her own personal shadow walking ten steps behind her. And her good behaviour was assured by the fact that Pol was locked up, and always in the sights of at least one gun.

She was easy enough to pick out of the crowd as being who she was; she and Pol shared more than a prickly attitude towards authority. A small woman with an overabundance of dark brown curls, she was just an older version of the captain, and if Brent and Sui were keeping a close watch, they'd spot her.

She'd spotted them, of course - two men of their stature would be hard to lose completely in a crowd of people, even if they were not unknown in the marketplace. But she couldn't acknowledge them, not with Badger's weasel following her every move. What she needed was a diversion ...

Thankfully, her neighbours knew her well enough to know something wasn't right, especially given her furtive glances back towards the man following her. So when she hailed an old friend, who just happened to be standing behind Brent and Sui, all hell broke loose.

For a start, the two members of the 'hawke's crew were grabbed and bundled into a shop. Behind her, Badger's weasel was knocked flying sideways by an apparently clumsy merchant. And Ma Finch disappeared into the crowd, making a beeline for that shop in particular, and the men it held.

"Roight, y'two, y'd better be 'ere t'get my girl outta this, or I'll hand y'inta the weasel meself."

Brent Noble

Date: 2010-01-07 20:32 EST
He cursed rather loudly while him and Sui were forced into the shop, glancing about quickly. He half expected to see the weasel Badger himself. When instead, he saw an older incarnation of Pol, he was pleasantly surprised. His hands lifted to brush down and smooth out his jacket before one fell to his side where the autopistol rested.

After all, it could have been a trap.

"'Ey, Sui. Think we found 'er." He said, thumbing toward Ma' Finch before turning to answer the woman's question.

"M'Brent." He said before jerking his head toward Sui. "This 'ere's Sui. An' that's exactly what we're 'ere for."

Pol Finch

Date: 2010-01-07 20:44 EST
Ma Finch looked the pair of them up and down with a decidedly scathing look in her eyes. She didn't know what Pol had been up to these last few years, but the girl hadn't mentioned taking felons and mercenaries on board her beloved ship. And Badger had been only too happy to indulge certain details to Pol's mother, just to have her worrying that little bit more.

She nodded briefly to Brent for his introduction of them both, her hands settling on her hips.

"Thought t'go in all guns blazin', didya?" she demanded caustically, leaving little room for argument as she went on. "Do that'n y'may as well be pullin' th'trigger yerselves. There ain't one hour o'any day or night she ain't watched. First sign o'any trouble, they'll shoot 'er."

She gestured for them to move away from the windows. "Now m'guessin' y'aint 'ere t'get 'er shot, so's you be good boys and listen close t'me, I ain't got much time."

She withdrew a small datachip from the depths of her - admittedly - generous bosom, and held it out to them. "My Anapola stopped off on 'er way 'ere, set the Purple-Bellies onta 'er uncle Dale," she explained quickly. "He's set up 'er Da's brother, Grogan, fer a crime 'e committed 'imself, just ta make sure 'e's th'only Finch flying. Y'need t'find 'im, an' plant this where it'll be picked up by th'Alliance. And y'need t'break Grogan outta th'holdin' area on Zephyr 'fore y'come back 'ere an' get yer girl, or she's dead anyways."

She rose, glancing to the door. "You get that done, boys, an' Anapola'll be alive an' waitin' fer ya, I kind promise it. Don' lemme down."

With a final nod to the pair of them, she slipped back out into the crowd, letting herself be grabbed rather violently and dragged back towards the house. With any luck, the boys would be watching where she was taken. And with even more luck, they'd know not to come bursting in and get them all killed.

Brent Noble

Date: 2010-01-07 20:50 EST
Ma' Finch certainly was like Pol. Several times in her explanation, Brent had opened his mouth to speak. But she obviously wouldn't have any interruptions and just kept on going. He eventually kept his mouth shut, arms folding over his chest while he listened.

"Wait." He said as the woman exited, then frowned. "Great. How're we s'posed t'find Dale?"

Brent frowned as he stepped out and watched Ma' Finch get taken back, but didn't pursue. He turned and began headed back for the Nighthawke then, muttering under his breath. Finding one man in the black wasn't an easy thing to accomplish.

"C'mon, Sui. Ye're a filthy lech. Where would you go in a time like this?"

Sui Cobb

Date: 2010-01-09 16:56 EST
Sui's curses were grunted and mostly under his breath in Chinese. He didn't take too well with being forced to go where he had no intention of going. But, still. The goons that had pushed them into the shop had not only height and weight advantage over Sui and Brent, they had also the element of surprise. Just before they were pushed, Sui caught sight of the thick mass of dark curls and nearly mistaken Ma Finch for their Cap. "I think..." was all he got out of his mouth before they were hustled inside of the shop.

Pulling a weapon in a crowd is always a no-no. Innocent people get hurt that way. It was the only reason why Sui hadn't drawn Sera. Still, he was ready to whirl around and plant a fist when the more matured version of their Cap stepped up. His fist relaxed and he stood stock still, watching and listening to the directions. When Brent neglected to gather the chip from Ma Finch, Sui reached out and took it, placing it in the breast pocket of his duster for safe keeping.

"No, ma'am..." was all he was able to get out, and that was to her initial question about guns blazing. As they moved from the windows, he put his hands into his pockets, the duster held back by his wrists. A single hand moved from that pocket to tip his hat when he was introduced.

The one sided conversation was over quickly. Sui had no idea who Ma Finch was talking about, but he had heard of the holding cells on Zephyr. But planting the chip where the alliance could see it? He could think of only one place that he could be sure the information stored on that chip would reach the Alliance: Mr. Universe.

Scowling at the weasel that suddenly jerked Ma Finch away, he shook his head. Turning to Brent, he then followed him from the shop and back to the 'Hawke. "Think we need to pay Mr. Universe a visit. Let him upload this information to the Alliance, then onto Zephyr."

He paused once outside of the shop. "Give me about an hour, and I'll be ready to go." A curt nod indicating that he did not want to be followed, then he turned to walk away from Brent, towards the Post.

Brent Noble

Date: 2010-01-09 22:06 EST
Brent nodded, Mr. Universe was a great idea, actually. Sometime the mercenary surprised the pilot. He arched a brow as Sui started off, stuffing his hands into the pockets of his pants.

"Alright, hurry up, though." He called to the retreating mercenary before turning to continue on toward the Nighthawke.

Once he reached the ship, Brent keyed in the code that would unlock the hatch and stepped on board. Closing and locking it behind him, the pilot reached out to pick up a nearby intercom mic.

"Chris, go ahead an' get the engine prepped, we're leavin' in an hour." He then put it down and jogged across the cargo hold, taking the stairs up two at a time when he reached them.

Brent hurried down the halls, his boots slapping loud against the metal grating beneath them. The pilot dropped into his seat on the bridge, tapping the console display to plot a course toward Mr. Universe.

Sui Cobb

Date: 2010-01-10 16:07 EST
Sui returned, less than an hour later. A data chip was in each pocket and he constantly reminded himself, silently, which was which. The combination tapped into the console, and he stepped onboard. Knowing that they'd be waiting on him, he smacked the lock to the door and the intercom at the same time. As the door clicked locked, his voice boomed over the intercome. "Let's get the hell outta here."

First to his room to stow away the tiny chip that held the most recent of Carson's letters. He kept them under lock and key. Nobody saw them, not even his Mei Mei. Then he hurried back up and into the cockpit.

"Mr. Universe is dead." He plopped down into the co-pilot's seat and swiveled to face Brent. "Don't know what I was thinkin'." Removing his hat, he ruffled his own hair from being plastered to his head. "Somebody must do what that crazy bastard used to."

He eyed Brent carefully. The Miranda incident had been a turning point for both the Alliance and the Brown Coats. Though the official war had long since been over, the hostilities remained on both sides. Now there was a significant swing in sympathies and it was no longer so bad to be a Brown Coated rebel. "So, I don't know what to do, except go to Zephyr."

Aidyn Butler

Date: 2010-01-11 15:37 EST
"Mebbe we kin get it ta th'Alliance some other way," Aidyn suggested, leaning around the door.

She didn't know what was going on, whether they'd found the captain and been overwhelmed, or whether Pol wasn't even here. Neither of them had said a gorram thing about what had happened since they'd come back. So, being the nosy little soul she was, she'd lurked.

"There was them pair ya met on RhyDin, wasn't there, Brent? Campbell and some girl o'his?" She tilted her head curiously. "Di'nt their faces come up on tha' Cortex when ya checked it? I bet they know how ta leak info ta the Purple-Bellies."

In fact, the idea in her mind had such merit that she marched forward and began searching through Sui's pockets for the datachip. "They gotta be easy ta find, and even if they don't know, spreading this around's gotta be damagin' ta whoever it's fer, right?"

She paused, realising she hadn't really left any space for anyone to speak. "Right?"


Date: 2010-01-11 15:47 EST
A while later ...

It had been months since that gorram comm band had gone off, and as it did, Wren Ishido - Sergeant in the Alliance Mobile Infantry, defrocked, to be exact - almost leapt out of her skin. For a start, the thing was locked up in the bottom of one of the storage crates she and Garrett Campbell - Commander, defrocked - lived out of, so it took her while to work out where the noise was coming from. And even then, she was loathe to answer it.

But curiosity had always been a problem for her, and without Rett around to hold her back from a stupid decision, she opened up the channel. A wholly unfamiliar voice began to speak, with barely any gap for actual conversation. The distortion was so bad, Wren couldn't even tell if it was male or female.

There was a lot of information there - the name of a ship she'd seen coming in and out of RhyDin's spaceport regularly, as well as the names of the crew. That was a leap of faith for anyone to make; they had no way of knowing it was her who had answered. But it was the main content of the message that had her grinning.

Leak a datachip of information to the Alliance ... a datachip that would show them how badly misled they had been, and put them on the tail of the right man ... and lay a false trail to prevent anyone checking up on Zephyr's Holding Facility until after a certain event had taken place. Wren snorted to herself. Child's play.

She'd need Rett's codes to get the datachip leaked, but she could help put a spoke in the Alliance's wheels all by herself. Without prompting, she sent a coded message back to the 'hawke's crew, snickering to herself. The Cortex news channel should become a very interesting place to read in a couple of days.

Aidyn Butler

Date: 2010-01-11 15:53 EST
Aidyn grinned triumphantly as she turned away from the comm. link. "See? Nothin' ta it -"

Behind her, the console beeped, and she turned again, blinking in surprise as quite a sizeable file was uploaded with tantalising slowness into the ship's computer. Her eyes lifted, glancing across to the viewscreen on the co-pilot's side, which had flickered into life.

"What the ..." She looked at Brent and Sui, utterly gobsmacked.

Images flashed across the screen - highly detailed, very instructive images. Of the holding facility on Zephyr. Of safe landing zones. Of entrance codes and disarmament codes. Seemed like someone wanted them to pull the wool over the Alliance's eyes as thoroughly as possible.

Brent Noble

Date: 2010-01-14 15:56 EST
During the entire course of the exchange, Brent had opened his mouth several times to speak, but the chattering Aidyn wouldn't hear him it, out seems. So, the pilot crossed his arms over his chest, a brow arching at her, while he waited in hopes of her running out of breath.

When the images began flashing Brent leaned forward and placed a hand to her shoulder, easing Aidyn to the side a bit so he could inspect them better. He flipped through them all quickly, read all the codes, frowned, and glanced over at Aidyn.

"Well, looks like ya were right, Aidyn. Save all this onto a chip."

Sui Cobb

Date: 2010-01-24 14:27 EST
As the schematics flickered across the screen, Sui's dark eyes narrowed in concentration. "Yeah, save that to a chip." His voice was quiet and he leaned forward to press a button on the console so he could watch the display again.

His mouth moved as the security codes flashed across the screen, he was trying to memorize them. "Gorram it, anybody got any paper?" Once the screen went blank again, he leaned back with his arms folded across his chest. "I'll look at that later."

He contemplated his companions with a hand stroking his non existent beard. "You sure we can trust this information, Mei Mei?" A brow cocked in her direction. "I ain't aimin' to get us all killed with bogus information." A slow smile curled his lips then. "Got me a girl to go home to." His smile widened then. "And I'm kinda fond of you two, too." With that, he turned and went in search of a pad of paper and something to write with.

Pol Finch

Date: 2010-01-24 15:43 EST
The little tidbit of information Pol had planted on her way to Dyton Colony was doing the rounds with startling speed. Soon enough, someone came forward, a waive was sent to the Nighthawke.

"How y'all doin'? This ain't a social call, got summat y'all might be int'rested in. That there fella Grogan Finch, 'e's set fer transferrin' ta one o'th'Core Planets in less'n a week, so's ya'd better get yer pi gu inta gear. As fer Dale, we'll keep 'im busy 'til e' gets picked up.

Oh, an' another thin' ... Pol Finch gets dead, an' we'll be comin' after all o'ya's."

That was it, no name, no address to follow. But a definite time constraint. And pretty soon the Cortex flashed up another worrying sign - it seemed the data had been planted by Campbell and Ishido. The Alliance was hunting Dale Finch, and it wouldn't be long before he knew of it.

Brent Noble

Date: 2010-01-24 16:02 EST
"Well...s'pose we got work t'do." He shooed Aidyn away while dropping into the pilot's seat and setting a course for Zephyr. The ship's engine hummed while he keyed in the launch codes, glancing over at Aidyn. "Make sure ya get all that information on a chip for us, I wanna wipe it after it's saved."

He then clicked on the intercom, grabbing the mic. "Chris, we're gettin' ready t'leave. Everythin' set down there?"

After waiting for confirmation, he flicked the com a second time to broadcast throughout the entire ship.

"Alright, we're leavin', everyone find a place t'sit."

Without waiting for anyone to reply, Brent started off with the Nighthawke lifting up and making way for the black again.

Aidyn Butler

Date: 2010-01-24 16:11 EST
A day to get to Zephyr. A day to be completely prepared to break into an Alliance Holding Facility and break out a man they'd none of them ever seen before.

As the hours passed, Aidyn found herself gripped with nerves, frightened that this could all go horribly wrong. With that precious datachip secured and hidden in the infirmary, she found herself obsessively going through her supplies, wondering what kinds of wounds she could so very easily be treating by the day's close.

When the alert came that they were entering atmo, she dragged herself out of her self-induced lethargy and hurried to the bridge, leaning over the rail of the cargo bay to shout good lucks to Sui who stood below.

Leaning in the doorway to the cockpit, she fixed Brent with a faint glare. "Cap'n'll ne'er forgive ya if ya get yaself killed," she warned quietly. "An' I won't forgive ya if'n ya let Sui get hisself killed."

She looked over his head to the quiet moon of Zephyr, bathed in darkness this side of the sun. "Ain't gonna be a better time ta get 'im, is there?"

Brent Noble

Date: 2010-01-24 16:18 EST
He glanced over his shoulder at Aidyn, offering a wry smile at her warning.

"I don' have any plans on dyin', but Sui's crazy enough that he just might." He laughed quietly then.

Brent turned forward, staring at Zephyr thoughtfully before offering a noncommittal, one shouldered shrug.

"Prolly not." As they plunged into the atmosphere, his grip tightened on the controls, working on keeping them on a steady descent.

"Aidyn, grab a hold o'somethin'."

Aidyn Butler

Date: 2010-02-05 08:17 EST
Some time later ...

Aidyn sat in the silent cockpit of the Nighthawke, her knees pulled up to her chest. The ship was deathly still, those left aboard in their own quiet hell of waiting to find out if this venture was to be a success. If she dwelt on the silence, the young medic could almost believe that she was completely alone on the ship.

She sat and worried, biting at her lip unhappily. Brent and Sui had left a little over an hour before, laden with weapons, ready to bust in shooting if they had to. They would just about have reached the Holding Facility by now, she reckoned, peering through the darkness in the direction they had taken.

God willin', they'd be back soon, with the cap'n's uncle, ready to shift quick back to Dyton and get Pol back where she belonged. But for now, the Nighthawke waited, silent and forbidding, waiting for life to return to her hull.

Pol Finch

Date: 2010-02-11 09:40 EST
Somewhere in the isolation block of Zephyr Holding Facility ...

Grogan Finch, formerly captain of the now impounded passenger ship Sainted Sinner, slumped on the narrow bunk in his spartan cell and growled at the wall. He knew exactly why he was in here, and exactly who was to blame, and if he ever got out of the Alliance's hands, he was going to track down Dale Finch and tear the man's throat out with his bare hands. He wasn't even a Finch, gorram it! He'd just usurped the name when his sister had married into the family!

Where the Finch women were small, the men more than made up for it. Grogan was a rangy man, lean of figure, suited more to agility than feats of strength. But in space, he and his crew had stood no chance against the Dortmunder and her array of smaller fighters, which had circled and entrapped the Sainted Sinner easily. His crew had scattered in the shuttles, as he'd ordered them, so that the only person the Purple-Bellies got their hands on was him, the captain.

He wasn't even guilty of the gun-running and treason he was accused of. Sure, he'd smuggled a bit in his time, even committed a little larceny, but he'd never gone so far as to overtly threaten the Alliance. No, that was in Dale's line, and it was Dale who'd set him up. Grogan just hoped little Anapola had managed to keep out of that hun dan's slimy grasp. If he turned her over to Niska, there'd be no true Finches left to tread the space lanes.

The light overhead flickered, the crackling sound accompanied by the unmistakeable whine of electrical failure. There was a clunk from the door ... a clunk that sounded suspiciously like the lock unlocking itself.

"Ta ma de ...?"

Grogan frowned, rising to his feet as he heard the guards outside yell suddenly. There were footsteps sounding along the corridor, running away from his cell door. He looked all around the little cell, glancing up at the camera. His eyes widened as he noticed the light that signalled the surveillance equipment's status as working had blinked out.

Half-crouching, wary of what was going on, the rangy man approached the cell door, reaching out to touch the heavy metal portal with one fingertip. There was no answering zap of energy, such as would usually have thrown him onto his back, stunned. His fingers slid down the door, curling into the flap through which he was fed, and pulled gently. The door swung inwards.

So ... no surveillance, no locked door - more importantly, no guards to hamper an attempt at escape. No weapons either, though. That could be a problem. He lowered himself to lie on the floor. inching forward to peer through the gap of the open door. No one to be seen, in either direction, though he could still hear the guards running about frantically in the hallways.

Well, what was the harm in making the most of this sudden confusion? Worst that could happen would be a bullet in the brainpan, and even that was preferable to the long imprisonment he was sure to reap for his brother's brother-in-law's sins. Besides, he may even make it out of here.

His mind made up, Grogan Finch raised himself to his feet and began to creep stealthily along the wall of the hallway, unaware that a few corridors away, heading straight for him, were a pair of reluctant rescuers.

Brent Noble

Date: 2010-03-07 03:02 EST
Brent was nervous when in or around large Alliance facilities. A name change only did so much to hide your history in the ?verse. Still, there were more important things on the line than his comfort, or lack thereof, and so he remained focused on the task at hand, finding Grogan Finch. He swiftly darted through the narrow and sterile white corridor of the Zephyr Holding Facility, glancing down the side halls as they were passed.

Occasionally, the pilot shot a glance over his shoulder to make sure Sui was still following him. The shouts of guards? confusion and their banging boots on the cold and hard floor were enough to keep him silent. In all the confusion they were making good progress, with little pause in their course to the cellblock where Grogan was supposed to be.

He tried to be as quiet as possible when running; it was rather difficult given his size, his hard-soled boots, and the size of his companion. No one seemed to notice and if they did it was likely the sounds were mistaken for more confused guards. While Brent ran through the halls he silently thanked whatever force was watching out for him.

So lost in his thanks and confusion that he damn near ran right into Grogan as he rounded the corner. A grunt turned into a surprised yelp as he hoped back, lifting his gun to train it on the man for a moment. He lacked the uniform for a guard; which caused a pause for the pilot.

?Ya Grogan Finch??

Pol Finch

Date: 2010-03-07 11:11 EST
The run through the near deserted corridors of the Facility was sheer hell on Grogan's nerves, expecting any moment to be captured once again and returned to his cell. He knew if he was, there would be no second chances.

Hearing footsteps running this way, he pressed himself back against the wall, leaning toward the corner around which, only a moment later, a tall dark man came running. Grogan made a grab for the gun trained on him out of instinct, backing up with his hands held high as the man's companion - a taller, rougher looking specimen - rounded the corner as well.

His eyes narrowed as he looked them over. No uniforms, so they weren't Alliance working here ... in fact, they had the look of spacers themselves. And they were looking for him.

"All d'pend's on 'oo's askin' fer Finch, don't it?" he answered belligerantly. "Who're you ... and oo's yer ape friend?" He offered an upnod towards the bigger of the two men.

Sui Cobb

Date: 2010-03-07 18:28 EST
With the generator blown, courtesy of one Sui Cobb special: that being a grenade tossed into a vent pipe, getting into the compound was a fairly simple task. Sui hadn't memoried the access codes to the doors; he trusted his writing better than he did his own memory. Besides, if anything happened to Sui, Brent had a copy as well. Strength in numbers.

Most of the doors had been smashed open by the inmates when the electromagnetic force that held the inmates back was suddenly severed. Now, not even security codes could keep back the men that had called the Zephyr Holding Compound a home.

Still, there was plenty left to do. As Brent hurreid down the halls, Sui nearly lost track of him three times. "Gorram it that man can move!" With that thought, he sped up his own pace to keep up with the pilot. And when Brent turned that corner, Sui thought for sure that he'd lost him again.

Sui flew around the corner and put the brakes on, hard. He was just in time to hear the exchange of words. Sara was reholstered, but he kept his hand on her. "Yeah, that's him. He talks just like the capn'." He nodded to Brent, then smiled broadly to Grogan, ignoring the ape remark. "Looks like we're havin' a little family reuinion, after all."

Brent Noble

Date: 2010-03-07 19:10 EST
Brent reached down and unholstered the second autopistol that held onto his leg, offering it over to Grogan while he glanced over his shoulder at Sui, nodding in agreement.

?M?Brent, that?s Sui.? He said, nodding toward the ape-man. ?We?re friends o?Pols, come ta help get ya outta this mess. If ya have any questions ask ?em on the way out, we gotta get ?fore the guards start filterin? in again.?

He turned around, moving past Sui and motioning for both men to follow him. ?C?mon , we need t?get fast.?

Pol Finch

Date: 2010-03-08 10:27 EST
Any distrust Grogan might have had of these two was put on hold the moment Pol's name was mentioned. If they weren't on the level, he'd deal with it later; right now freedom beckoned, and he wasn't about to ignore it.

"Fine, let's jist get, then," he grunted to the pair, not bothering to introduce himself. Figured they already knew his name, so what was the point? "Gimme a gun, one o'ya's."

He didn't bother to wait to be given one, filching a revolver from one of the ape-man Sui's many holsters, and took off in a near silent run down the next passageway. Grogan was no stranger to Alliance facilities - they were all laid out the same, and he knew exactly where he was going. Let Pol's crew keep up, if they could, he was out of here.

One hair-raising run across the inner quad later, and Grogan heaved himself under the laser-wire and into the fresh air of freedom. The Hold Facility was still steaming with noise and panic, seemed no one had missed him yet. With barely a backward glance to his two 'rescuers', he pelted headlong into the trees, ducking under cover to wait for them.

"Got us this far, now what?" he demanded of Brent gruffly. "Dun s'pose y'gotta ship anywheres near 'ere?"

Brent Noble

Date: 2010-04-01 09:32 EST
Brent had paused when Grogan grabbed a gun and hurtled off on his own. After shaking his head clear of whatever thoughts had been holding him up, the pilot took off after the older man, glancing back to make sure Sui was following. As they made out of the facility and into the trees, Brent continued moving past, motioning for the man to keep moving.

"Aye, the 'Hawke ain't far. There's a cliff a bit that way," he pointed, "an' it's hidin' 'er."

He holstered the autopistol for now, but kept his hand resting on the butt of the weapon as he hurriedly rushed through the trees and foliage. So far so good.

"Aidyn." He called on the comm. "Aidyn, Sui an' I are on the way, we got Grogan. Get e'erythin' ready an' have the cargo opened for us when we get there."

Aidyn Butler

Date: 2010-05-23 18:06 EST
Waiting was never fun, especially when every sound from over the radio or outside the ship had your heart leaping in your chest. Add to that the fact that Aidyn really wasn't comfortable at a pilot's console, and she was almost shaking with anticipation.

When Brent's voice snapped over the radio, she actually let out a little yelp, leaping a few inches in the air before scrambling for the comm.

"Y-yeah, all set," she informed the men on the other end of the line. "Bay's open, jus' gimme a yell when ya in, an' I'll lift off."

Laying the radio to one side, she grimaced, her hands taking their positions on the console in front of her. "Cap'n better appreciate this," she muttered to herself.

Pol Finch

Date: 2010-05-24 17:18 EST
Cornish City, Dyton

It really was amazing the way her mother could carry on with her normal life, despite the unwelcome guests cluttering up the place. Pol, however, wasn't so lucky. For the last ten days, she'd found herself constantly under guard, in the sights of at least one gun at all times, and forced to put up with the dubious company of Badger, as he crowed about his success.

The only thing keeping her from putting up a fight and getting herself shot was the vague hope Ma Finch had instilled in her after the older woman's meeting with Sui and Brent in the marketplace.

"Jus' y'keep low an' quiet, Anapola, an' y'lads'll have y'out o'this mess, soon as," had been her mother's sage words of wisdom, and currently it was only Ma Finch's stern glare that was making sure her unruly daughter obeyed.

So it was Pol found herself sitting in the window of her mother's main room, disarmed, her feet up on the window ledge, blithely ignoring whatever chui niu the bowler hatted wannabe crime lord was going on about.

" ... ain't we, Anapola?"

Pol blinked on hearing her full name spoken by a voice she had decided she really did hate, and turned her head to level her own hazel glare onto Badger as he lounged nearby.

"What?" she asked flatly, everything about her as unfriendly as she could make it without inviting a bullet in the brainpan.

Badger grinned at her around a mouthful of her mother's hard-won apple.

"Said, we're gettin' on like a righ' royal proper fam'ly, ain't we?" he repeated himself, as if he knew exactly how much this would irk her.

Pol sighed, rolling her eyes. "Y'want in on m'fam'ly, help y'self," she growled. "Y'seen what we do t'our own when they get up 'emselves."

"Aye, I seen it," he agreed, his grin ever increasing. "M' all involved this time, ain't I? I reckon - what?"

This last was spoken to one of his hulking thugs, who had bent down to whisper urgently into his ear. Badger listened, and Pol was treated to the sight of the man suddenly turning a nasty shade of white. He looked over at the glaring captain of the Nighthawke, his eyes widening.

"You gotta be jokin' me," came his rough hiss to his thug, who shook his head and handed over a portable Cortex screen. Badger's eyes scanned the piece he was given, and his pale face turned red. Angry or scared, Pol couldn't quite work out. Behind him, she could see her ma reading over his shoulder, and the look of evil triumph on Lorna Finch's face was cheering to see.

Badger stood abruptly, discarding the half-eaten apple, and cleared his throat awkwardly.

"Seems this little deal's gorn souf on me," he admitted, and Pol allowed herself to grin, even as she, too, stood up. Small though she was, she was pretty certain she could get a decent punch in before his thugs took her down. "So we'll be off then. Ta very much fer the 'ospitality, an' all. You'll forgive me fer not 'andin' over yer weapons, only I don't much like that look on y'face."

He turned to leave, and the Finch women struck. Raising a cry worthy of the heathen tribes back on Earth-That-Was, Lorna and Pol Finch snatched up whatever was to hand and let rip on the thugs now leaving the little abode. One went down to a well-timed hit with a wooden rolling pin, another to a nasty slash of a breadknife at the back of his neck, and Pol scrambled over the bodies of the groaning men to follow Badger as he beat his hasty exit, down two of his bodyguards and wondering whether the other two were to follow.

Racing through the streets towards the spaceport, Pol couldn't help a loud, triupmhant laugh as she recognised the familiar bulk of the Nighthawke's hull, standing above the line of the hangar. So that was what had happened - her crew had settled the mess and were coming for her.

Ahead of her, she saw Badger suddenly halt, and was honoured to witness the sight of his remaining thugs going down to gunshots from two very familiar figures. Brent and Sui were evidently less happy about the turn of events than she was. Letting out a whooping cry of welcome, Pol hurled her knife at Badger's back, not surprised when the slippery man twisted away and disappeared into the crowd. He wouldn't be a problem to them for some time to come, she was certain. Looked like she was going to have to kit herself out with new weapons, though.

Grinning, she turned to greet her crew, hands on hips. "An' what took y'so long, eh?"