Topic: Hard Man, Soft Heart

Rett Campbell

Date: 2009-06-03 07:06 EST
The clear, midnight sky was polluted with the smoke from too many fires. The city block lay in rubbled ruins. Gas lines popped and exploded. Women screamed, children whimpered in huddled masses. Men lay in lifeless heaps, their blood already cooling and coagulating on the pavement. Garrett scanned the area with his cold gray green eyes, and smiled. This was home, the kind of world he was born into.

His gaze shifted to the company of men and women under his command. Young, bright eyed, and trembling with a mixture of adrenaline and fear. Carbon smeared on their faces from the billowing smoke. Eventually, they all started laughing at each other and congratulating each other on their bravery in the small skirmish. They spoke of the huge battle that they'd won and Garrett had to laugh. So young and green, the training exercise had been their first simulation of hand to hand combat. Garrett was not surprised when they all came through brilliantly. They were all excellent students.

He would never tell them that. His job was to break them down, build them back up and release them into the machine known as the Alliance. Instill in them the fear and hatred for the Browncoats, and put an end to the insurgents known as the Independents. It was all quite simple, in his mind.

"On your feet!" He didn't have to yell to get their attention. His voice of steel carried and soon the cadets were on their feet, standing at attention and quietly awaiting his orders. "Forward, march!" He started marching, without looking back to see if they would follow. He knew they would. As they left the battle scene, the ordinance crews were already extinguishing the fires, resetting the fallen mannikins, and washing away the fake blood that lay on the pavement. the atmosphere had turned from one of pure terror to that of the bonfire. The women laughed and the children danced around the fires.

Garrett fell back, to watch his cadets as they marched. One had a limp to his step where he had turned his ankle while running earlier. Garrett said not a word, nor offered any assistance. It wasn't as if he didn't care. But to baby them in any way would lead to soft soldiers who couldn't be counted on when the crucial time came. None of his cadets left his command without the highest marks. His were the elite.

The limping soldier would be seen to once they returned to base. But, for now, it was left, right, left right. Silently marching with their heads held high. For a few brief moments, he thought of his last group of cadets on their last days before graduating. As always, there was one cadet who stood out amongst the others The one he put in charge. The one he trusted the most.

And he wondered, where she was.

Rett Campbell

Date: 2009-06-05 08:17 EST
"Commander, form squadron for morning roll call!"

"Sir, yes sir!"

The morning had started as all other mornings did on the training base. It's location had been kept secret to even the cadets. He'd seen them brought in with blind folds and headsets not even a month ago. His new class was coming right along. There were trouble makers and there were star pupils. It was unusual that both be wrapped up into one individual. More unusual that this individual was a female.

The cadet corps had been brought to the mess hall last. They did not and would not be allowed to eat with the more seasoned cadets, other instructors or the brass. The only other person they ate with was their instructor, Sergeant Campbell.

They knew the drill already. Single file, they marched into the mess hall. Covers were abandoned and tucked into utility belts. Trays were lifted in a military precision that even Sergeant Campbell couldn't complain about. Upon ordered, the trays were presented and they filed along the buffet style line until each had their rations upon it. Today was scrambled eggs, bacon, toast and orange juice. For those allergic to eggs, oatmeal was provided. They all stood behind their chairs, waiting for the next order.


And with one sound, one fluid movement, chairs were pulled back and taken.


Hands dropped to the cadet's sides and heads were bowed. A brief moment of silence was given so that each cadet could silently pray to their own diety before they said the corps prayer, in unison. "God bless the Corps, Sergeant Campbell and the Alliance. Amen!"

Rett watched with folded arms. His mask of cold indifference settled upon his face. "Eat!"

And then the cacophony began. Truly, Campbell wasn't much in a mood to hear the incessant chatter. Cadets eating as quickly as they could, sharing exaggerated stories of their conquests and defeats. Whispers amongst the female cadets. Eyes turning towards him and then hurriedly lowered to their trays if he caught them staring.

He could Read their thoughts, if he wanted to. But the over indulgence from the night before had his mind clouded. If the cadets could get close enough, they'd see the redness to his eyes. But, to them, he was Sergeant Campbell. Get too close and get your head bitten off. Make a mistake, get your head bitten off. Unforgiving and cold, Sergeant Campbell.

As he slowly walked up and down the aisles of long tables, he heard his name in a hushed whisper. Only a glance was spared for the female cadets whispering behind their hands. As he approached, the females became silent, and only giggled quietly when he passed them. Idly he wondered what the rumor was this time.

Rett did not eat with the cadets that morning. The rot gut in his stomach from the previous evening's party amongst the NCO's had all but quelled his appetite. A brisk work out and he'd be right as rain. But for now, he dealt with the pain and nausea of the hangover in silence. Sitting in the chair he always occupied, he watched over the cadets from a cool distance.

When the trouble maker, star pupil and all around pain in Rett's ass got up from the table before the others, before the order was given to rise, he quirked a brow up. Was she sick? His ankle had been resting on the opposite thigh when she came towards him. Something sparked in her eyes and he knew trouble was afoot. The room went silent. Those that were in the know held their breaths as they watched the scene unfold. Those that weren't in the know simply watched her as if she were marching straight into the devil's den. And, perhaps she was.

The cadet tripped, supposedly, when only a few feet from him. She cried out and fell hands and face first directly into his lap. Quick to move to protect himself, he hadn't expected to need to wear a cup during morning chow, he gathered the girl up. He knew the ruse the moment she tripped and would not let her get away with it.

She was pulled into his lap and his hand found it's way to a small, pert and pleasantly firm breast. "Tit for tat, Ishido." A squeeze and then he was pushing her to her feet. "Latrine duty. Go." He barely even gave her a second glance as he straightened himself in his chair. The cacophony started once again as Ishido left the chow hall.

Rising, he tugged down the edge of his tunic. "Forks down!"

And just like that, breakfast was over.


Date: 2009-06-05 17:42 EST
Latrine duty was one of the better hells Iron Balls had a tendency to send her to, Wren decided as she scrubbed the last corner of the men's shower stalls. Disgusting, true, but not so stomach churning as the Infirmary duties she'd earned for accidentally getting the sergeant's soup with an accurately thrown bit of nutrient bar. To this day, she had no idea how he had known it was her; her parents had never been able to figure out the innocent face, how did he?

Mind you, it was probably just as well he'd sent her away pretty damn fast. She snickered to herself, catching the sound quickly before the guard outside the stalls caught it. Only Wren could be stupid enough to take on a dare like the one she'd carried out that morning. Her fellow cadets probably thought she was completely insane, but she had, in fact, discovered exactly what they had been wondering about for the last few weeks.

Did Sergeant Campbell have anything worth shouting about? Or was he a grumpy hun dan because he didn't have anything at all? After hours discussions in the women's dormitories were not for the faint hearted. Anyway, eventually it had come to a point where they simply had to know, and Wren - idiot that she was - had volunteered. Hence her spectacular prat-fall right into the hopefully unsuspecting sergeant's lap shortly after breakfast.

Expect the unexpected, Ishido. That was what he was always telling her, usually when he'd knocked her on her ass for the umpteenth time in front of her sniggering classmates. Well, she certainly hadn't expected what she'd got for her timely little trip.

One ... to find out that not only was the gruff Sergeant Campbell completely anatomically correct in all the right places, but that he was a very lucky man indeed. Two ... to be groped by the same gruff, unfeeling soldier before being set back on her feet.

Unbidden, a blush rose in response to the memory of his hand closing around her breast. He was her sergeant, it was practically suicide to think about him like that. But then ... he was the one who'd touched her, right? She hadn't groped him or done anything that could be construed as sexual harassment, had she? Just ended up with a face full of his crotch, she reminded herself with a grin.

It was a measure of how well the Alliance trained them that the thought of reporting him for his uncalled for advance on her person never entered her mind. He was her sergeant, she belonged to him until she graduated and her command was transferred. She would take the consequences.

A wicked smirk lit up her face as she scrubbed hard at the tiles. If she had her way, after this morning's little foray into the world of men and women, she wouldn't be the only one taking the consequences.

Rett Campbell

Date: 2009-06-06 20:27 EST
Consequences. He lay strapped to a table, medicine pumped into his arm to keep him alert, awake. As the scalpel dug into his skin just under his ribs on the right side, he set his jaw. he wouldn't give them the satisfaction of screaming out.

"No sir, I cannot do it. Send anybody else, I cannot."

Rett's refusal of the order had his commanding officers scrambling. Garrett Campbell was known for his devotion, loyalty and ability to complete any and every order given to him. He was the ultimate warrior, a poster boy for the Alliance. And he never refused an order.


The scalpel moved down his side, in a jagged zig-zag pattern from the nervous surgeon's hand. The surgeon knew exactly who was on the table before him. And, like any other soldier in the Alliance, he performed his duty without a second thought. But this was Garrett Campbell, the legend. The surgeon wanted no part of his torture, or death.

Garrett clenched his teeth as the scalpel tore through his side, and the blood drained, pooling at his side. Part of it almost tickled, the feeling of the hot blood on his tough skin. Rett held onto that and actually smiled.

"What is your connection to this traitor?" the voice was dull and distant, muffled. Garrett had taken a beating and blood trickled from his ear. "We've seen the surveillance from your room. We know she was your lover. Are you protecting her? Do you realize what we do to traitors?"

Garrett was becoming fully aware of just what they did to traitors. They considered him one, and the torture was intense. The scalpel curved down from his side, towards his groin.

"Tell us again, Sergeant Campbell. Where is she?"

Mud colored eyes drifted over to his commanding officer. Once they had been tight. Rett had saved the man's life. His eyes became cold. "I do not know."

Every man has his breaking point. When the scalpel had been removed and the cutting started beneath the ribs on the other side of his body, even Rett had almost reached his breaking point. He was near cardiac arrest, his heart working twice as hard to pump half of the blood it was used to. Cold sweat broke out on his brow and his eyes closed. With the final incision, he cried out in agony. "I'll do it! Stop! Please!" His hands clenched in furious anger.

Only then was the nod given, anesthetic was applied by a syringe to the IV in Rett's arm. Immediately his eyes closed and his head rolled to the side. The surgeon closed the massive wound and bandaged it with sterile gauze.

Rett was given a month to recover. It was a month that would change Rett's mind. His eyes were wide open now. He just hoped that he got to Wren first. Before it was too late.