Topic: OOC Thread

Rett Campbell

Date: 2009-06-27 20:43 EST
You know the drill. This is the place for the muns to sit back, chat, random goofiness. Complaints, compliments and just about anything you care to tell us, or we care to tell each other!

Feel free to let your hair down!

Brent Noble

Date: 2009-06-27 20:48 EST
::Pops in. Holds out hand. Points finger to palm:: Muffins. Now.

Pol Finch

Date: 2009-06-27 20:59 EST
~rolls eyes~ I really don't get this obsession with muffins. Over here they're not exactly something worth obsessing over.

Brent Noble

Date: 2009-06-27 21:13 EST
::Wags a finger.:: Tsk...tsk tsk.....TSKTSKTSKTSK! Muffins, my friend. Are what make the world live! Were it not for the almighty muff, we'd be nothing! Or was that air and the sun? I always get them confused. :/

Pol Finch

Date: 2009-06-27 21:26 EST
~creases up laughing~ The Mighty Muff?!

Sui Cobb

Date: 2009-06-28 01:58 EST
Two words:

Otis Spunkmeyer.


Date: 2009-06-28 06:41 EST
Means absolutely nothing to me, ya know.

Ethan Kaiser

Date: 2009-06-28 06:43 EST
So.... how canon is this?

Pol Finch

Date: 2009-06-28 06:46 EST
I guess it's AU from after the film Serenity. Obviously parts will be made up by us, but most of the characters originate in the 'verse itself.

Aidyn Butler

Date: 2009-06-28 06:53 EST
Okay, here's an idea that's been bandied about a bit and needs discussing.

Dinner scenes.

Probably the only time the whole crew is together is for meals, but working it out in Live RP could prove difficult, so ... should we make it an ongoing forum thing?


Ethan Kaiser

Date: 2009-06-28 06:54 EST
I'm just curious about your SL. Huge fan of Firefly here...wondering if it's something I want to jump in on if the opportunity presents itself. It's gotten my interest so far...

Pol Finch

Date: 2009-06-28 07:30 EST
At the moment we have two s/ls going which may or may not converge into one.

There's the Nighthawke's crew - which will be an ongoing series of RPs and forum posts to do with the generalities of the crew finding work and the interpersonal play between them all.

And there's Wren and Rett - who're on the run, and frankly could go anywhere.

Sui Cobb

Date: 2009-06-28 19:20 EST

Official mascot, or Gremlin? Can't decide.

Mareli Day

Date: 2009-06-28 19:54 EST
Nice to see some folk from 'round the 'Verse. Lookin' forward to readin' the tales.

Haven Li

Date: 2009-06-28 22:56 EST
Soooo, room for more? Yes, no? :D?

Pol Finch

Date: 2009-06-28 23:07 EST
~laughs~ Give us a chance to get the folder up and running, get all the characters posting something.

Fairly certain we'll be in the market for a wider range of characters at some point, so keep an eye out. ~grins~

Sui Cobb

Date: 2009-06-30 19:49 EST
Gonna need some payin' passengers to supplement that income, Cap'n. Gives me target practice when we're in the black. Keeps me sharp!

::grins:: Sui, he's such a... such!

Sui Cobb

Date: 2009-07-01 14:19 EST
::sneaks in during her lunch hour::


::streaks on out of here::


Date: 2009-07-02 11:07 EST
~sighs~ Mucho boredom happening here today ...

Pol Finch

Date: 2009-07-02 19:07 EST

~listens to the echoes dying away and realises she's all alone~


Madison Rye

Date: 2009-07-04 20:35 EST
Hi!! Good on you for jumping right in and setting your base up here to add some life to the new section.

I'm excited to see what develops ... so, keep at it :)

Dirk Stevens

Date: 2009-07-09 11:50 EST
Shhh!!! ::shifty eyes, finger pressed to lips, in a crouched position:: We're huntin' wabbits.. be veowy veowy quiet. :: tip toes through::

So glad to be free of meds and their horrible side effects! No more coughing! No more feeling icky! Time for fun and games!!

Rett Campbell

Date: 2009-07-11 14:47 EST
So, I was thinking, they made a Star's End B&G in the chat. Maybe the lot of us could go in there some time when the crew is planet side?

Aidyn Butler

Date: 2009-07-13 18:23 EST
I'm thinkin' that's a mighty fine idee, mister Campbell, y'r honour, sir. Good things we got us a fine gent ta' do all our thinkin' fer us, ain't it?

~snickers, and runs for cover~

Don't hit me, don't hit me!

Sui Cobb

Date: 2009-07-14 07:36 EST
Thank you guys for the play last night. Not only fun, but a bit therapeutic.

Special shout out to Carson: Feel free to play with us anytime. It was a joy having you there!

And to those that stopped by and watched, join on in next time!


Date: 2009-07-16 11:14 EST
I'm a bit slow at responding. *S* I had a great time with you guys too. Look forward to playing again sometime.

Pol Finch

Date: 2009-08-04 17:25 EST
Correct me if'n I'm wrong, but it all seems mighty quiet out here on the Raggedy Edge ...

Rett Campbell

Date: 2009-08-11 08:26 EST
Two things happened yesterday. One, most of you already know about, the other you probably don't. All I can say about the latter is: I'm Free!!! :: does a little dance ::

The other is that my mother in law passed away at the age of 63. They found the cancer on her liver back in March. Chemo and irradiation were attempted, but the tumor continued to grow. It was terminal and inoperable.

She will be missed dearly. She was the cornerstone of the family and without her, I feared the foundation will crumble. Hopefully, as the days pass and we all move on with our lives without her in it, we'll find our own foundations and cornerstones.

Rambling, I guess. Something I have seen, read and thought a great deal about is this: If given the opportunity, smile at a stranger. Offer a hug to a friend in need. You never know. It may be the only kindness they get that day.


Pol Finch

Date: 2009-11-09 05:06 EST
Wow, there's been a long gap in posting on this thread. ::peers at the date previously:: Looooong gap ... How's everyone doing? Good? Good ... gonna post anything soon? Please? ::gets down on her knees and begs:: Please?

Sui Cobb

Date: 2010-01-07 15:12 EST
Soons as I gets home and settled in, Sui'll be responding to the order of meeting Brent in the cargo hold. I promise!!

:D :D

Brent Noble

Date: 2010-01-07 18:04 EST
Damn skippy! He better.

Sui Cobb

Date: 2010-01-14 14:07 EST
Uh... whose turn is it in Family Matters?

Soon as Sui gets to a place where there's mail, Correspondence will be continued.


Pol Finch

Date: 2010-01-14 16:14 EST
Hey! I think it's Sui's turn, then Aidyn, then Brent again. We want to get the 'hawke moving onto Zephyr before I flash up what's going on with the Finches. ~grins~

Brent Noble

Date: 2010-01-14 16:20 EST
I uh, just posted.

Pol Finch

Date: 2010-01-14 20:04 EST
I know! I read everything before I post anything, silly!

Brent Noble

Date: 2010-01-14 20:53 EST
::scoff:: Nuh uh

Sui Cobb

Date: 2010-03-06 10:40 EST

Whose turn in the Family Matters thread? I was told Brent?