Topic: Contract Workers Needed!


Date: 2009-05-31 15:55 EST
Do you have experience with levitation magicks, geomancy, architecture, surveying, masonry, carpentry, or general construction? Or are you young, strong, and willing to train for general labor?

Don't delay! Apply now for contract work in the Barony of Saint Aldwin, and earn good money for the duration of the summer, or as long as you are available to work.

Food, housing, and transportation to and from the Barony during weekends or other breaks will be supplied to all workers free of charge.

We welcome any nobles or other political leaders looking to supply their unemployed with temporary work and extra capital, but we do not accept any slave labor.

Interested parties, please apply by mail or in person to
No. 21, Dragoon Lane
New Haven District, RhyDin

The poster appears similar to parchment paper but seems to have been made using a printing press. It has been tacked up to the bulletin board and enchanted to prevent vandalism.

((Anyone interested in having their character, characters, or any associated NPC groups work for the Barony during the summer, please send a PM to this screen-name.))