Topic: "Support Sinjin Fai!"

Dib Jaster Aurene

Date: 2009-03-20 15:44 EST
A large poster is tacked up on the RhyDin Bulletin Board, enchanted to prevent damage and other mischief. In the fine print at the bottom is no mention of the official support of Sinjin Fai, but instead, 'Paid for by the D.E. Political Action Group.'

Are you sick of politics as usual in RhyDin? Or are you enjoying the business boom, and don't want to lose it to zealous policies and regulations? Or are you in desperate need of aid?

Whichever you are, vote for Sinjin Fai for Governor of RhyDin, a candidate made for everyone! He is a savvy businessman who understands the special way RhyDin City works and has always worked, without big government, which is why he will eliminate the position.

Invest in a prosperous future. Invest in Sinjin Fai --

"The money that would funnel into paying the government would be spread amongst other city-paid jobs so they still run and function just as well as before."

-- and he will invest in you!