Topic: SUPR Posters

Anastas Iskandorj

Date: 2007-12-08 01:49 EST
The first in a series of posters produced by the Social Unity Party of Rhydin appears on the bulletin board, as well as in other poster-worthy locations. The poster is blood red, and all the ink used on it is yellow-gold. At the top is the logo, with the motto TOMORROW BELONGS TO EVERYONE underneath. Below that is their message for the day.

Platform 1: Emancipation

The SUPR is committed to the protection of worker's rights.

All terms of employment will be put into written contracts, which will be kept on file by the SUPR. All employment contracts will be voluntary for both parties - nobody will be forced to work at a job they do not want, and nobody will be forced to take on employees they do not want.

The use of force will be completely forbidden for all employers. Hitting employees, forbidding them to leave, or humiliating them will be forbidden and punished by the law. Sexual harassment against employees will be forbidden and punished by law.

No employer will be allowed to maintain dangerous or painful working conditions. The SUPR will create a special committee on Worker's Rights to investigate all places of business to make sure that the working conditions are safe and comfortable.

No employer will be allowed to demand more that their employees work more than 50 hours per week. If an employee chooses to work more than that and the company agrees, then the employee will recieve 50% higher wages for those hours.

All workers will be guaranteed the right to organize and strike. The SUPR committee on Worker's Rights will protect the right of working people to create unions, and will bring to justice any employer who tries to intimidate employees.

No employer will be able to threaten employees with unjust termination. Nobody in Rhydin will be forced to work for low wages to fend off starvation. Everyone will be able to feed their children.

The Social Unity Party of Rhydin is the friend of all working people, whether they work on farms, in factories, in stores, in offices, or anywhere in the country.

Anastas Iskandorj

Date: 2007-12-09 00:10 EST
The second posters went up the next day, always to the immediate right of the first ones. They have the same motif as the first ones.

Platform 2: Protection

The Social Unity Party of Rhydin is devoted to protecting our native people and industries.

The Watch will recieve more funding, so it can have more members with higher salaries, better equipment, and more training. The Watch enlistee and officer training programs will be expanded so that more people will be able to become good members.

The SUPR will set up a special committee to make sure the Watch is free of corruption. Any member of the Watch found taking bribes or abusing their power will be relieved of duty, tried, and punished.

Charitable organizations such as the Scathachian Order will receive funding in order to continue their good work. Independent security contractors will be given opportunities to integrate into the Watch.

All finished imports and duplicated native resources will have a tax on their point of first sale. Foreign companies and conglomerates will not be able to 'dump' their products on us to crowd out local businesses.

Anti-smuggling laws will be strictly enforced. Nobody will be allowed to sneak in harmful or dangerous goods, or to avoid paying their fair share of taxes. Since they use our roads and our ports, they will pay part of their upkeep.

All currency exchanges will have an automatic tax on them. Foreigners who want to come to our country will be forced to use our own currency, and they will have to pay for the privilege of enjoying our positive social climate. All transactions will occur in our own currency.

The Social Unity Party of Rhydin represents the interests of all citizens and residents of Rhydin as they live their lives peacefully and as valuable members of society.

Anastas Iskandorj

Date: 2007-12-09 14:32 EST
The third poster in the series goes up. It's in the same format as the first two, and will be put up as a set with the others already posted.

Platform 3: Justice

The Social Unity Party of Rhydin is dedicated to providing opportunities for the people of Rhydin to improve the material and spiritual standards of their lives.

The SUPR's Education Commission will commission Ravensheart Academy to train teachers who will then provide basic education free of charge to the people of Rhydin.

The Education Commission will also set up trade schools and apprenticeship systems, so that people can learn valuable skills for employment and improving the nation. Membership will be free.

Opportunities will be made equally available to all citizens and residents of Rhydin, regardless of race, sex, creed, species, origin, history, or other personal preferences. Discrimination on these grounds will be strictly forbidden and punishable by fines and revocations.

The Watch will expand its training program so that it will teach more of the skills required to become members, thus opening it to a larger pool of people.

Corruption will be rooted out. Taking bribes or abusing power will be strictly forbidden for all public servants. Corrupt officials will be removed from office and punished.

A social safety net will be set up, providing unemployment benefits to those without a job and assistance in helping them find one. People who undergo sudden tragedies, such as illness or accidents, will also receive compensation.

The Social Unity Party of Rhydin shares the desire of the people for freedom, opportunity, and security.

Anastas Iskandorj

Date: 2007-12-09 14:42 EST
One final notice is attached underneath the three posters.

There will be a general assembly on Monday, December 10th, at 5:00 PM. Open to the public.

((The assembly will be conducted on the forums, so the time is merely symbolic - that's when I'll make the first post on it and begin the speechmaking.))