Topic: The Female Town Drunk! (REVOTE)

Lydia Loran

Date: 2007-02-20 00:42 EST
Voting booths and polls are up and scattered all throughout town! Vote today!

((Due to exploitations of the poll system, we will be doing a re-vote. However this time, there will be no poll. To vote, simply post who your character is voting for (As this is an IC event) or if you are uncomfortable with that, PM your vote to either myself, or Erinalle Dunbridge. As of this point, the poll is considered null and void, and the new date to have votes in by is March 1.

We apologize for the inconvenience.))

Who is Rhydin's Female Town Drunk?

Cassandra de Vernon

Erin de Vernon

Lain Amthras



Tara Rynieyn

Lydia Loran

Date: 2007-02-20 03:28 EST
The green haired elf pulled another piece of paper from that looming pile. A peek at it had her brows furrowing slightly. A certain name spotted didn't sit well with her. Lips purse in thought as she looked it over a moment, but shook her head. No need to worry now.. but what to put down..

She sighed, and with a faint roll of her eyes Lydia haphazardly circled a name and crammed it into the ballot box.


Date: 2007-02-23 00:11 EST
::writes in a vote for PJ::


Date: 2007-02-24 12:30 EST
::smirks:: Thank Scathach I didn't end up in that poll.


Date: 2007-02-24 15:13 EST
Grem's REVOTE: Erin de Vernon

Uriko Belarus

Date: 2007-02-24 15:57 EST
::Scribbles on a piece of paper revoting again, getting annoyed by all this. :: Rain

Alex Ravenlock

Date: 2007-02-24 15:58 EST
Cassie de Vernon

Erinalle Dunbridge

Date: 2007-02-24 16:18 EST
Erin read the ballot with interest and tilted her head from side to side. A smirk and shifty eyes before she circled a name.

Her own.

Because, honestly? It was pretty funny she was even nominated! And to win! That would never happen. Snickering, she went on with her ballot.

Amthyst Oak

Date: 2007-02-24 17:01 EST
Amthy's Re-Vote: Erin de Vernon


Date: 2007-02-24 21:23 EST
I'mma Nominee? I should be THEY Only Nominee, where are these other girls that drink, can't find one of them.

So i vote for all my glory.



Date: 2007-02-28 15:10 EST
Waves away the alcohol smell as she can't help but see the name on the ballot that Rain just wrote down and proudly displayed. After all the woman was quite loud and politely obnoxous with a touch of regal bliss. Sha'uri had been wondering who she'd vote for on this.

"Whew! wow... eh... you got my vote."

Mirthful eyes sparkled as she wrote down the name.


Ryo Tosaga

Date: 2007-02-28 18:24 EST


Date: 2007-02-28 19:03 EST
She thought about this one a moment, then wrote out a name.



Date: 2007-02-28 19:49 EST


Date: 2007-02-28 22:23 EST
Cinderella dressed in yella went upstairs to kiss a fella. Made a mistake and kissed a snake, how many doctors did it take? Erin de Vernon!


Date: 2007-02-28 22:46 EST
Cassie's Revote: Erin de Vernon

Erin was always getting Cassie drunk! So it was her fault so she was the drunk and not Cassie! Nyah.