Topic: The Green Guard wants you!


Date: 2007-12-16 15:43 EST
Posters go up all over the city on all available spaces, the posters are a deep green with big black letters saying the following on them

"In light of the bomings, murders and other causes of disorder in the city, and the appearent lack of law enforcement resources, The MetaHuman Nation of Rhydin has decided to form a citizens watch, called The Green Guard, each member of this group wears a deep green sash, and will patrol the streets to watch over the ordinary citizens who cannot fight for themselves. Those who wish to join, please contact the Main Office of the M.N.R. we accept all Humans and Metahumans of the city. Take a stand and rage against the raising darkness!"


Date: 2007-12-28 06:58 EST
::Theron tacked on alittle suggestion note to this::

Dear Green Guard.

I am Theron. I am running for...well I am sure you already know what I am running for. We share a similar interest in the seat of power I know this. But I was reading your poster and I think your name would be better fitting if you called yourselves the Emerald Guardians. It sounds much more effective and it also makes people think twice about doing something wrong.

I know we are in the same race, but I would suggest we begin to work together. We want the same thing. You desire freedom and peace and I want nothing less than that. If either of us win we have an uphill battle and we must fight hard for what is right for the people, all peoples of all kinds. We may not beable to make everybody happy, but we can make them content and free them from this grip of terror they live in now.

If I win I promise to help you and your cause out in anyway you need to get the job done and done right the first time around.

I am Theron and I promise to do all I can for the good of everybody, if I do not win and you do. I will expect you to do the same, then I can support you in your cause. I have sat on the sidelines far too long and I can no longer simply watch this madness continue.

