Topic: Truth and Fiction


Date: 2008-01-17 08:58 EST
::This note was posted over some of the old and faded ones that were there already::

Wolvinator, leader or sociopath. You decide.

Truth: He threw out an angel on to the streets with out a second thought.

Fiction: He cared about her in the first place.

More Fiction: He leads a Coalition to "Make better the streets of Rhydin"

Truth: Wolvinator does not know what the true streets are like.

Fiction: The coalition has a free will of its own.

Truth: They are all tricked into being there under false ideals.

Truth: Wolvinator Lies.

Truth: Wolvinator is a Murderer.

Fiction: Wolvinator is a Peaceful man by nature.

Long story short.

A vote for Wolvinator is a Vote for Death itself. The death of life as you know it, the death of freedom of ideas and loss of identity. Do not vote for the the monster, vote for freedom and save your self from a hellish future of endless battle and violence. If you think the streets are bad now, you have no idea how much worse things will become!