Topic: Woman Most Likely to Take Over Rhydin! (REVOTE)

Lydia Loran

Date: 2007-02-20 00:30 EST
Voting booths and polls are up and scattered all throughout town! Vote today!

((Due to exploitations of the poll system, we will be doing a re-vote. However this time, there will be no poll. To vote, simply post who your character is voting for (As this is an IC event) or if you are uncomfortable with that, PM your vote to either myself, or Erinalle Dunbridge. As of this point, the poll is considered null and void, and the new date to have votes in by is March 1.

We apologize for the inconvenience.))

Woman most likely to take over Rhydin?


Jewell Ravenlock

Kitty Helston

Tara Rynieyn

The Stew (?)

Lydia Loran

Date: 2007-02-24 14:23 EST
Lydia's REVOTE: Kitty Helston

Amthyst Oak

Date: 2007-02-24 14:24 EST
Amthy's Re-Vote: Elly~


Date: 2007-02-24 15:23 EST
Grem's REVOTE: The Stew

Erinalle Dunbridge

Date: 2007-02-24 16:32 EST
Erin: Tara


Date: 2007-02-24 16:34 EST
Rhydin's already mine~! (Elly~)


Date: 2007-02-24 21:25 EST
The stew? Aye aye! Sounds like a good enough name to eat for me.

The stew.

Everett Ogden

Date: 2007-02-28 00:02 EST
I, Everett Ogden of Warwick (having seen what she does with pumpkins) must cast my vote for Elly.


Date: 2007-02-28 14:58 EST
"Hmm... tough decision again. Tara and Kitty have already taken over the town so that leaves Elly, Jewel and The STew. The stew? Eww! The blobish stuff in the pot at the Inn? The gue that speaks a thousand languages, gurgles to the tune of Green Fingers and smells of every concoction known to society, including the good, the bad and the ugly. Oh man that's like no contest."

The Stew!

Ryo Tosaga

Date: 2007-02-28 18:18 EST
Tara Rynieyn


Date: 2007-02-28 19:56 EST
Jewell Ravenlock


Date: 2007-02-28 22:17 EST
Again, Riley didn't know anyone on this list so, bubblegum bubblegum in a pot.. How many pieces have you got? Vote is Elly!


Date: 2007-02-28 22:51 EST
Cassie's revote: Elly


Date: 2007-02-28 23:26 EST
This one was answered quickly..
