Topic: Said The Spider ...

Colby Summers

Date: 2009-11-30 07:45 EST
It really was amazing how heavy one box of shoes could be, Colby mused to herself as she struggled across the landing towards her new apartment. As the live-in manager of The LimeLight, Mr Clyde wanted her settled in well before the club opened, as apparently the private room was going to be in use before then as well. With the box on one hip, she leaned heavily against the door and fumbled for her keys. "Truly amazing how the place is full of big, strong guys, and suddenly they're all too damn busy to help me with my stuff ..."

Leaning against the wall, the picture of laziness, with one foot crossed over the other and his hat low over his eyes, Donal was waiting on the manager. Why he was waiting still was a mystery to him, but he was. He watched her fumble for the keys and pushed from the wall. Easily he snuck up on her and suddenly the keys were snatched from her hand. "Let me help you." He smiled, though it was behind the box, deliberately so she couldn't see. "Now which key is it...?"

Not entirely sure who it was that had approached her, given the fact that her vision was ridiculously obscured by the huge box, Colby felt her keys snatched from her hand and reacted. The box was pushed at him, hard, with her bodyweight behind it as she lost her footing and went down with it.

He stumbled forward and the door was the only thing that kept him from going down, domino style. "Hey, are you alright?" Was he showing concern? He knelt down and canted his head, pushing the hat up from his eyes. "Miss Summers?"

Flat on her back, Colby glared up at him. It had been a week since she'd last had to deal with the master of sleaze, as she'd taken to privately calling him, and she'd got over her hurt at the way he'd spoken to her. No, now she was going to be just as 'hard' and 'manly' as he expected, and sod him. "What the hell are you doing here? And give me my keys back!" She scrambled to her feet, pushing the skirt of her dress back down past her knees as she did so.

"I was coming to inspect the back room." He stood when she did and pat her on the back to rid her of the dust. Holding out the keys to her, he noticed the scrapes on her knees before the skirt fell to cover. "Should get those cleaned up. Let me get that box for you." He bent down to pick up the box. With a grunt, it was lifted.

She snatched her keys back, unsettled by this suddenly polite version of him. "Really, it's fine, I can handle it," she told him, hesitant to open the door to her apartment. But he already had it in hand, and her knees were stinging. She sighed. "Fine." The door was unlocked, and she pushed inside, revealing an unfurnished hallway, filled with boxes. "Just put it anywhere. I'll be down in the main club in a few minutes, Mr Shriver, don't hesitate not to stay here."

Following her into the hallway, he set the box down on top of another stack of boxes. "I"ll wait for you downstairs then." With a smile, a tip of his hat, he turned and left the hallway, closing the door behind him.

It was only when he closed the door behind him that Colby admitted just how painful her scraped knees were. "Ow," she whimpered, hurrying to pull her boots off and stop the constant rub as she walked. Her scrapes were washed and disinfected quickly, the time taken to calm herself down after being shocked so profoundly by the one man she was pretty sure she was close to hating. Feet slipped into plain court shoes, she grabbed her keys, as well as the club master set, and moved down to join Mr Shriver.

DS knew his way to the private room and that's where he waited for her. He strolled leisurely, eyeing each detail. Soft "hmm"s and a few nods of his head showed that he was deep in thought about the plans for the room. So far, it was to his specifications.

"Mr Shriver." Calm now, Colby managed a polite smile for him as she walked across to where he was waiting. The builders had done pretty well concealing the door, as well as the peek holes he had requested. Likewise, the interior was exactly as he had insisted upon. "Would you like to take a look inside?"

He turned, pulling the fedora from his head, and wiped his hand through his hair. "Yes, I'd like that." He nodded and stood to the side, waiting for her to open the door. "You're not hurt overly much, are you? This can wait, if you're hurt."

Oh, he was really throwing her off-balance now. She glanced up at him in surprise. "Why the sudden concern? Surely taking the fall like a man includes bearing any pain that comes with it like a man," she pointed out, throwing his own words back at him. Her finger touched an innocent piece of the cornicing, and a section of the wall swung in. Stepping into the dark room, she groped around for the light switch.

"You don't look like a man today." He shrugged and watched where her hand fell, memorizing it. He remained outside of the room, and would do so, until the light was on. "The style of dress is different, but a lot more modest than what you were wearing when I first met you. You don't look like a gin lizzy."

Her fingers found the switch and flipped it, illuminating the room in a faux-gas light style. She laid her hand on her hip, leaning around the door to look at him. "It shouldn't bother you what I wear," she told him, gesturing for him to enter. "After all, you don't deign to acknowledge me as your equal and as you said, we don't work together. Which is just as well."

He stepped into the room and first looked up at the ceiling. "It bothers me when women dishonor themselves and their families." His eyes travelled the room then, nodding even more.

"Well, I have no family to speak of, and I don't see being proud of what I am as dishonouring myself at all," she shrugged, moving past the table and chairs to lean over the bar. Unfortunately it was a little higher than she was used to, necessitating the need to lift herself up off the floor to reach the release for the break.

Colby Summers

Date: 2009-11-30 07:48 EST
"Oh, there's a difference in self pride and dishonoring one's self." He left it at that. "This room will do quite nicely." He smiled then and turned his gaze onto her. "What do you have against women doing women's work?"

"What do you have against women doing "men's work"?" Her fingers came up to create the quotation marks around the appropriate phrase, trying not to let him see how unsettled she was by his sudden civility. He actually had a very handsome smile ... no, no, she wasn't going to go there.

He gave her an astonished look, as if she should know that answer herself. "Because men's work is for men?" He glanced away, then back to her with a slight, confused frown and shake of his head. "You won't see a man in a tutu en pointe for the local ballet. Why should women put on trousers and drive a nail?"

"Because we can, and we have a right to explore our own personalities and abilities," she insisted, surprised and shocked that he even had to ask that. "And for your information, there is a local ballet troupe in RhyDin, and there are men in it." She sighed, hands on hips once again. "Why is it so hard for you to accept that I'm better in this job than any man Mr Clyde interviewed?"

"How about we agree to disagree, hmm?" He rubbed his forehead with his fingertips. Sitting down at the table, he leaned onto it. "You're going to do my head in."

She blinked, watching him suspiciously as he sat down. "What is this, a ploy for sympathy after the way you've treated me?" she demanded, not entirely hostile, but not far off it.

He waved her off, dismissively. "Do you always have to open your mouth? You'd be so much prettier if you'd just learn to keep your mouth from spewing." He shook his head and closed his eyes as he rubbed his forehead again.

Colby's jaw dropped open, ready to give him a piece of her mind. But she rethought it, rolling her eyes as she shook her head. "Whatever," she sighed, dropping her hands to her sides and moving towards the door. "Can I get you anything? Cyanide vodka, maybe?"

"I truly worry about this establishment under your guidance, Miss Summers. You're rude, disrespectful and have a tongue as sharp as any blade. You do my head in, woman. Why can't you listen to advice, smile and go about your merry way? Must you argue every point?"

She stopped, grinding her teeth as she turned back to look at him. "May I ask you something?" she said quietly, careful to keep her exasperation out of her tone. "If I was a man, would you have any doubts about my ability to run this club?"

He leaned back when she approached and canted his head curiously. "Miss Summers, anybody with the kind of attitude that you display would be a concern, yes. Male or female."

"Did it ever occur to you that you don't exactly make the best impression yourself?" she pointed out. "You're arrogant, evasive ... you make a point of insulting me somehow every time I speak to you. I have never met anyone who treats me the way you have. What do you want me to do? Turn into the weak, helpless, pointless little woman ideal that you have in your head for me? Or do you want your friend's club to be a success?"

"Your opinion of me has no affect on how I live my life, how I conduct business. I honestly don't care." He shrugged with a wave of his hand. "I do want this place to be a success, so you could at least try to be more feminine. Is that really too much to ask?"

"How does my being more feminine affect how successful this place is?" she asked with a faint laugh, confused by his rationale. "Really, I want to know. I'm not offering myself to any customer, no matter what they may think, and my attitude, as you put it, keeps drunk men from trying to take what I'm not offering."

"Sex sells." he shrugged and pulled out a cigarette case. "You don't have to give anybody anything more than a smile, a shake of your behind and a wink of your eye. The more they think they're going to get, the more they'll hang around waiting for it."

She sighed, automatically moving to the bar for an ashtray. Private room, different rules. Laying it in front of him, she leaned against the table, crossing her arms over her chest. "That would be where the bar staff and waitress' uniforms come in," she told him. "I'm the senior manager, I can't engage in that form of advertising or I won't be able to protect my staff should anything happen because of that advertising."

He took out a cigarette from the silver case and then held the case out to her in offering. "Miss Summers, just try to wear a skirt and blouse that isn't so tight that every man in the place can see how cold it is outside. Something loose and comfortable for your first night."

She gave him a flat look, murmuring a 'thank you' as she slipped a cigarette from the case. "For your information, I do happen to wear a bra, and Mr Clyde has already provided the uniforms." And from the look on her face, she was not pleased with hers. She moved to pull a chair out, intending to sit next to him, if he would allow it.

He barely moved when she pulled out the chair, but did offer the lighter, already lit. The silver zippo matched the case. "What's wrong with the uniform that Clyde picked out?" He perched a cigarette between his lips.

She leaned forward, sucking in smoke until the cherry glowed red, and leaned back once again, crossing her legs. One hand smoothed her skirt down. The last thing she needed was for him to freak out over seeing an inch more leg than he was used to.

"Well, how about we start with a skin tight sheath in black satin, remove the arms, cut a slit from the neckline to between my breasts, and two slits up each side almost to my hips? Gee, I don't see anything wrong with that at all, do you?" Sarcasm dripped from her voice as she blew out a long stream of smoke.

Colby Summers

Date: 2009-11-30 07:51 EST
Once her cigarette was lit, he pulled the lighter back to himself and lit his own. Blowing out a plume of smoke, he pocketed the lighter. "Sounds Oriental. Very nice." He smiled with a nod of his head. "Tie your hair back tightly and a little make up. That'll do."

Colby fixed him with an unimpressed arch of a brow. "You complain about my dress sense being too immodest, and yet you have no problem with the clothing your friend has picked out to humiliate me with? Why doesn't that surprise me? All the men together."

He chuckled and sat back. "You don't understand. It's all about the style. The Orient is known for dressing their women like that. The women are very submissive and the men like to have easy access to touch. I didn't know that Clyde was going for the exotic look of the Orient."

"He's ... not exactly going for the look of the Orient," Colby sighed softly, closing her eyes as she sucked on the cigarette slowly, letting the acrid smoke fill her lungs for a long moment before expelling it over his head. "I'm the only one dressed like that. Everyone else is in black satin trousers and waistcoats, without the shirt."

"A hooch hut?" This brought about a fit of laughter that had him coughing on the smoke he'd just inhaled, exhaling it explosively. "That's brilliant!" he grinned, pounding his chest to get it to loosen up.

She watched him cough and laugh, not quite understanding what he was talking about. "What's a hooch hut?" she asked, wondering as she leaned forward to flick ash into the receptacle how they'd gone from barely spoken warfare to discussing women's clothing.

"Let's just say that he'll be selling more than rot gut, wine and music." He flicked his ashes into the tray and settled back. "Knew Clyde was slick, but this beats the band. A hooch hut!"

"What?" Colby was horrified by the implication of what he was saying. "Are you saying he's turning this place into a-a-a-a brothel?"

"A front for one, maybe." He shrugged and took another deep inhalation of smoke, the cherry of his cigarette burning brightly for the duration. "But that's just a guess, really." Slow exhalation that included smoke rings. "I could be wrong, could be like a key club where only the most exclusive of clientele is allowed in. A gentleman's club, so to speak."

"Oh, you have got to be kidding me," she exclaimed, shocked and truly upset by the thought that she could be running a brothel for her boss. Her cigarette was stubbed out hurried, and she rose, accidentally knocking her chair over. "Dammit ... I can't work here. I refuse to be a madam, it's not what I signed up for -"

He watched her, a short laugh of amusement shook his shoulders. "Calm down, I don't think Clyde is the type of man to solicit prostitution. It'll probably just be an exclusive club where he caters to the whims of rich men with loose pockets. All on the up and up, I assure you."

She bent to pick up the chair, turning to face him as she leant on it. "You're truly enjoying discomforting me, aren't you?" she challenged him, staring him straight in the eye. "Like you get some great payback for the fact that I'm successful by upsetting me?"

"I make you think, and that's enough for me." He nodded and leaned back once more. "And there's nothing wrong with a woman with a mind of her own, or a steel backbone. But there's a way to be graceful about it and then there's your way."

"And if you had a real problem with my way, you wouldn't keep coming back to prod me," she pointed out, running a hand through the short strands of her hair in frustration. "Gods, you know what? This is going to bug me until I do it, so I might as well." She sighed, tilting her head to one side as she studied him, wondering if she dared, even after stating her intention.

"Everybody has to have some sort of hobby." He shrugged with a grin before snubbing out the cigarette. Lifting a brow, that grin grew. "Do what, Miss Summers? Hit me? Go ahead. Give it your best shot."

Her brow rose, lips quirking into a quiet smile. "I've already hit you where it counts," she murmured, laying her hand on the back of his chair as she leaned down. Her other hand curled to his cheek, and her lips touched his. Was this feminine enough for him?

He remained stoic throughout the event, his body telling him to react and he ignored it. His eyes remained opened and he gave her an amused look while she kissed him.

She pulled back, shrugging with one shoulder, faintly disappointed. "Mighta known you were gay," she sighed, turning away to hide the grin that lifted the corners of her mouth.

He was confused, it sounded like an insult. "I am a happy man, yes. Is there something wrong with that?" He frowned slightly, and searched the room for any kind of clue as to why being happy was a bad thing.

Colby couldn't help it, bursting out laughing as she glanced back to him. "Not gay as in happy," she assured him, taking a perverse delight in being the one to explain this to him. "Gay as in ... homosexual." She winked at him and turned back towards the door. "I'll find the site manager, I'm sure he's more your type."

"Oh, now that is thoroughly disgusting." He turned his head and spat on the ground. Rising quickly, his hat went to his head. "I don't think I'll be selling my wine in a club that promotes that sort of activity. And I definitely do not want to do business with somebody who is as insulting and rude as you."

Turning then, he marched towards the door. Well, what he thought was the door. The wall was barren of any kinds of marking that would indicate a door. Turning to her, he frowned darkly, waiting for her to open the door and let him out.

Colby Summers

Date: 2009-11-30 07:53 EST
Which, of course, she didn't do. In fact, she leaned back against the door itself, effectively shutting them in with a soft click. "Now you know how it feels, to be belittled and insulted with no reason," she said quietly, crossing her arms under her breasts. "Tell me what your problem with me is. It's not anything you've mentioned so far; those are all things you could get me fired for, and yet you haven't. So the problem isn't me, it's you. What's the problem?"

"You insufferable..." he growled and turned his back to her. Pacing the floor, he wrung his hands. "You want to know what the problem is, Miss Summers?" He finally turned to her and fairly snarled. "You think way too highly of yourself. A bit of humility will do you some good. Now let me out of here."

"No, that wasn't the answer," Colby shrugged lightly, refusing to let herself be intimidated by a man who couldn't even admit the truth to himself, let alone her. She didn't move, either. "We could be in here a long time, Mr Shriver. After all, you were the one who wanted the room soundproofed, weren't you?"

Standing in the middle of the room, he glared at her for a moment before that signature cocked smirk appeared. "I see, this is where I go to my knees and profess my undying want, need and love for you, right?" Turning his back to her, he walked over and sat back down. "Sorry to disappoint you, toots."

Colby snorted, rolling her eyes at his smirk. "Believe me, if I thought there was any chance of that happening, I'd be running for the hills," she assured him, remaining leant against the door for now. "It's time we got our issues out in the open, Mr Shriver, before they sabotage this club."

"If that were true, what I say wouldn't bother you so much, Miss Summers." He shrugged nonchalantly as possible while pulling the cigarette case out of his vest pocket. Silver flashed as the case was opened and a cigarette procured. His movements were thought out, calculated. Case was closed and he tapped the butt of the smoke against the silver. "And you are full aware of any issues that I have with you. So why not do your best to correct the situation? I mean, if what I say troubles you so much, then why not just start listening and heeding?"

"Because you seem to want to change me," she told him simply. "You want me to turn into some simpering idiot who does exactly what any man tells her to, simply because he's a man. That isn't me. I was brought up to respect myself, Mr Shriver, and obeying orders just because of the one giving them is not honouring my parents' wishes." She moved over to sit down once again, legs crossing comfortably.

"If you are so stiff and unbending in all things, then how the hell did you become a manager, much less a server in a restaurant?" The cigarette was brought up and with a flick of his thumb, fire met tobacco. Inhaling deeply, he sat the lighter on the table with the cigarette case. Pulling the cigarette from his mouth, he blew the plume of smoke directly towards her. "Tell me that you can bend over to tie your own shoes." He glanced down at her feet and smirked.

She closed her eyes, holding her breath until the smoke dissipated. "I can put my feet behind my own head, not that it's any of your business," she smiled venomously at him. "I am not stiff and unbending in all things, just with you. Perhaps you should turn your attention to why you bring out the worst in me, huh?"

"You don't like men?" Quipped before another inhalation of smoke was taken.

Colby actually laughed at that one, a genuine sound of mirth. "On the contrary, Mr Shriver, I like men very much," she assured him with a wide smile. "Just not so much the one sitting in front of me, doing his best to make me feel as though I'm a nothing." Which was a lie, but he didn't need to know that she did actually like him.

"Then you have misinterpreted my intentions, Miss Summers. If I thought you were a nothing, I wouldn't even bother speaking to you." Another bored shrug as a plume of smoke was blown towards the ceiling.

"Need I remind you of the response your 'charms' got from me just a few days ago?" she said acerbically. "All right, I'll be honest with you. You put me on the defensive right from the first time we met; I have yet to see a good enough reason for me to aquiesce to any of your demands regarding my person."

"Ah, but you will." He nodded and glanced back towards the wall. "Any chances of you letting me out? Or will I have to tell Clyde that you attempted to hold me prisoner?"

Grinning, Colby rose and moved over to the bar, pouring herself a small measure of whisky. "Drink?" she offered, glancing to the wall as he did. "And no, I don't think so. You have a problem with me, I have a problem with you. And there's plenty of provisions in here to keep us alive at least a week." She leaned one elbow back against the bar, grinning at him. "I think Mr Clyde would be pretty impressed, actually."

"No thanks, don't touch the stuff. It clouds the mind." He waved her off and took another drag from the cigarette. "We've aired our differences, neither party is willing to negotiate or compromise. I'd say we're at a stalemate. So let's leave it at that. Unless you have a bathroom attached to this room? It may get messy in here."

She smirked, reaching one hand over the bar and touching a small switch. Another section of wall swung in to reveal a fully equipped bathroom. "You have a very odd way of looking at things," she commented, sipping the whisky lightly. "I never said I wouldn't negotiate or compromise; you put the words into my mouth. But I'm reluctant to do either unless you are also willing to compromise."

He watched the door slide open and he smiled. "Thank you." He didn't respond to the rest. Snubbing out the cigarette, he rose with a soft groan. Then he found his way across the room and into the bathroom. Quickly finding the latch, he slid the door closed and then leaned back against it. The woman was going to be the death of him! Headstrong, intelligent, and beautiful to boot. He wasn't sure what he was going to do.

Glancing around the bathroom, his eyes landed on the small window that opened out to the alley. A grin spread across his face and he advanced quickly. The window was opened with the ease only a brand new window could give. He groaned as if feeling pleasure from relieving himself. Then he climbled up onto the toilet. As he pushed himself up onto the windowsill, his foot tapped the lever to flush. Then he pulled himself up and out of the window. Dusting himself off, he strolled to the mouth of the alley, flipping his silver dollar.

Colby Summers

Date: 2009-11-30 07:55 EST
Colby had a feeling she knew what he was about to do, smirking to herself as she picked up one of the radios from behind the bar. "Hey, Jonno," she spoke into it. "Could you fetch Mr Shriver from the back door and escort him to the private bar, please?" Of course the bouncers knew about the room; they'd have to. As she put the radio down, she moved into the bathroom, closing the window and sealing it tight shut. Another flick of a button, and a bulletproof shutter closed down on the outside.

Then she moved back into the room, opening the door for the man to be brought back in - she had complete confidence in the bouncers Mr Clyde had hired. So he thought he could just run away from her, huh? She smiled to herself, biting on her lip as her hands smoothed the skirt of her dress. Handsome, intelligent, forceful ... her kind of man. Shame about the attitude.

He saw the bull coming after him with a determined look on his face and all DS could do was grin and go with him. He had intended to go back to the club, as it were, and he moved quickly away from the bouncer to find the cornice and open up the door. But go inside, no. He stood there and leaned against the wall with a grin. "So, yeah, I think this discussion is over with, Miss Summers. You've not given me a reason or a why to compromise and you simply refuse to listen to anybody who doesn't compliment and blow sunshine up your sweet ass. So let's call it a day. I've got other appointments."

Colby nodded to the bouncer, who gave DS a shove to get him inside the room and closed the door behind them. "So what, you'd rather people knew that you're prepared to run away from a weak little girl like me?" she smiled sweetly. Then she changed tack, moving away to lean against the table, her tone suddenly very professional. "Let's deal with what we want from each other, shall we? I'd like a little professional courtesy and respect from you." Among other things, but she wasn't going to admit to them that easily. "What do you want from me?"

He was shoved inside of the room and pulled that snub nose out. It was pointed at the bouncer but the door slid shut before he could fire a round. He turned and reholstered the weapon. "that one was a gimme. Don't you dare attempt to force me into anything, Miss Summers. You want professional courtesy and respect? Earn it." He turned and ran his hand around the edge of the door until his fingers found the latch. "Sic your hounds on me, and they'll end up in pine boxes." The door slid open and he stepped out.

Dammit. Okay, so this tack wasn't working. Colby moved after him, giving him a major victory in her head as she reached out to gently touch his arm. Although she was fully prepared to leap backwards and scream if he had that gun in his hand again. "Mr Shriver? I'm sorry."

Donal was seething, but not with anger. She had bested him, twice. And he was feeling more than a bit anxious about that growing need within him. When she touched his arm and offered that very soft and genuine apology, he reached for her hand. Turning quickly, her hand was tugged to his side and his free hand reached up, under her hair to grip the back of her neck. His mouth closed in on hers, hard and fast. The kiss was passionate, hungry and full of everything that Donal was. It was full of authority.

Startled, his mouth was on hers before she could respond, and once there, Colby didn't want to pull away. Her hands closed on his back, holding on as she softened beneath the hard force of his kiss, instinctively surrendering, telling him without words all he really needed to know about her.

He pulled away from her, that smirk back on his face. "I'll see you tomorrow, Miss Summers." He straightened his coat and turned towards the door. "We've a club to open and you've got a lot of work to do."

Colby blinked, staring into space. What the hell had just happened? She wasn't entirely sure. But he was walking away, that was ... good, right? Clearing her throat, she ignored the less-than-subtle grins from the bouncers nearby. "We're right on schedule, Mr Shriver," she assured him. "Two weeks and this place will be a hit, you mark my words."

Chuckling he pulled the silver dollar from his pocket and thumbed it in her direction. It spun in the air as it flew. "Don't be getting all sentimental on me now, Miss Summers. No swooning. Not for you."

She snatched the dollar out of the air, raising a brow sardonically. "Oh, you can be quite sure that will never happen, Mr Shriver," she called after him. "One half-decent kiss does not make me any less 'manly' after all." She drew the door to the private room to, determined not to watch him walk away. And definitely not listening to the voice in her head screaming that she had to go and demand another kiss, half-decent or not.

He had expected nothing less than the mid-air catch. It went to prove his point. She was definitely not like the girls he'd grown up with, had watched marry and start popping out kids. Unique came to mind. Slowly he turned and grinned at her attempt at a half hearted insult. "You know, I think I will take you up on that drink."

"Oh?" She smirked over at him as he turned, hands on her hips once again. "What happened to 'don't touch the stuff' and 'it clouds the mind'?" Her voice deepened in a truly awful impersonation of him, much to the amusement of the men still working around them. Then she grinned widely. "If you can find me, you can pick me up at eight."

"I meant right now. Bring me a whiskey." He sidled up to the mostly finished bar and took a seat. A shrugged grin to the bouncers. "Don't you goons have anything better to do than to sit around, noseying in on something that isn't your business?"

As the bouncers muffled badly-hidden chuckles and moved away, presumably to usher the workers out since it was that time of day again, Colby's jaw dropped in astonished incredulity. "Excuse me? You insist I have a lot of work to do and then try and fill my time so I can't do it? That smacks of sabotage, Mr Shriver."

"You assured me that you are on schedule. Grabbing me a whiskey won't deter you from your pressing schedule, nor will it kill you. Besides, you were ready to spend a week with me in that room over there. Seems that you're the one smacking of sabotage. Now get me that drink and be quick about it." He nodded and settled onto the stool.

Colby Summers

Date: 2009-11-30 07:56 EST
"What's the magic word?" How was that for playing with fire? Never mind the question, Colby somehow found herself leaning against the bar next to his stool as she said it, lips quirking into a very small, very cheeky smile.

"Now." Flippantly he turned away from her to inspect the crown moldings along the ceiling. "Those are nice."

Her arms crossed as she smirked at him looking away. "You're not getting a drink until you use some common manners at the very least," she told him firmly. "Or do you keep your manners in your other suit?"

"What is your primary function at this establishment, Miss Summers?" He lifted a brow and a finger to hush her before she could speak. "Ultimately, it's to see that the patrons are seen to and kept happy. Whether it's by keeping the staff in line, keeping the shelves stocked, or by actually getting your hands dirty and serving a customer yourself, that is your job. I am a client, an important one, I'd say. So you'll do as you're asked. Or Clyde will be let known of your lack of interest."

Colby rolled her eyes. She wasn't entirely sure if he would go to Mr Clyde, but the last thing she needed was someone else making her life difficult. So, with a less than graceful sigh, she pushed off the bar and moved around behind it, pulling a tumbler from beneath the counter. "How'd you like it, Mr Shriver?"

"That's my girl." He patted her backside when she passed and then leaned his elbows on the bar, arms folded. "Neat." He had no intention of drinking it, he was just testing her.

She let out an indignant squawk at his hand on her rear. "Would you mind not doing that?" Pretty polite, really, given how free he was with her person. The whisky was poured, a perfect measure by hands long practised at serving drinks, and the tumbler laid in front of him, on a custom-made napkin. She leaned onto her elbows. "And I'm no one's 'girl'."

He accepted the drink, curling long fingers around the tumbler and simply holding it. "You might want to get used to it." What was he referring to? Those laughing eyes would never tell. Let her try to figure it out, he reckoned.

Not impressed, Colby's brow raised as she smirked. "Uh-huh, of course," she smiled sarcastically, dragging her hands along the countertop as she stood up. "Well, you have your drink now, and I have work to do. Oh, and by the way ..." She flipped his silver dollar back to him. "You don't owe me nothin' for that one, doll."

He lifted a brow and then the tumbler to catch the silver dollar. He stared into the tumbler for a moment before turning a confused look to her. "Wasn't for payment, dollface. Was for luck." He shrugged and turned back to the bar.

"You think I need luck?" She paused beside him, out from behind the bar, with her head tilted curiously. "Thought men like you make their own luck."

"We do, which is why you can use all the luck you can get." He fished into the alcohol and plucked the dollar from the amber depth between his first two fingers, then held it out to her. "Keep it."

Her eyes flicked from the dollar to his face, back and forth for a long moment. Then she moved, stepping forward to close her lips around the dollar and his fingers, cleaning it and them of the whisky. Her eyes didn't leave his at all as she drew back. "Might wanna rethink giving me anything."

He watched her with a cocked brow. When she spoke, he brought his dry hand to his eyes and rubbed, seemingly frustrated. "Back to square one. Why show what you're willing to do for a dollar?"

She smirked, giggling softly. "Because it puts the cutest look of utter bewilderment on your face I ever did see," she laughed, reaching over to pat his cheek. "Something tells me this business relationship is going to be a lot of fun, if you're so easy to tease."

He grabbed her wrist and nearly snarled. "Do not attempt to think that you are teasing me, Miss Summers. You're playing with a fire that burns."

She met his eyes with defiant impudence, tilting her head to toss her hair a little. "Funny, all I've seen it do is spark impotently," she grinned, her choice of words very deliberate. "And if you think I would do anything like that for any sum of money, honey, you are dead wrong."

He released her with a jerk of her arm. "Good day, Miss Summers." He turned and started for the door. A thought struck him and he turned slowly, a finger raised in the air. "I do have to apologize. I realize that a dollar is far more than you're worth, or used to receiving for services rendered. I'll do my best to remember that."

Her jaw dropped in outraged indignation. "You bastard!" was ground out between her teeth, and she caught up his unfinished whisky and threw it in his face. "Get the hell out of my club!"

His eyes closed as the whiskey splashed over his face, and he kept his mouth tight lipped to keep the burning alcohol from getting past them. Slowly he pulled the hankerchief from his breast pocket and wiped his face. "Temper, temper."

"I said, get out!" She stalked towards him, fully prepared to give him a good push out the door herself. She'd never felt so insulted in her life. "And don't you worry about my temper - if you're a fixture here, I won't be!"

He was very prepared to stand his ground. Laughing, an insulting, mocking laugh. "And you were so willing when being kissed. Tell me something?"

Colby Summers

Date: 2009-11-30 07:57 EST
"I'm not telling you anything," she snarled, pushing at what had suddenly become a man of stone. Glaring up at him, her eyes flashed with fury - fury at being played and allowing it.

"I'll ask anyway. Were you so willing because you're not used to being kissed by your paying customers?" Deliberately, he stuck his chin out, expecting to be struck. He wanted to see the anger and indignation at being called a prostitute.

And struck he was, a slap of her palm against his cheek that probably hurt her more than it hurt him. "How dare you? You don't know me, you don't know anything about me," she snapped. "And even if I was what you seem determined to think I am, you sure as hell wouldn't be a customer, paying or otherwise!" She stamped, aiming for his foot.

His head snapped to the side, and returned to center, slowly. The red imprint throbbing. He stared at her with an intent look. He wasn't expecting the foot stomp and groaned when her heel met his toes through the thin leather. "You can defend yourself, that's good." He nodded with a sweep of his gaze over her. "But you need to grow up and grow a thick skin if you're going to last in this business."

She stared up at him, the incandescent fury fading to be replaced with something a lot more painful - shame and regret. "You're despicable," she told him softly, laughing without mirth. "And you know what makes that worse? I actually liked you for a while there. But don't you worry; first thing tomorrow, I'll quit. You and Mr Clyde can find someone with less self-respect to look after your club."

"That is your decision, but that was not the intent of all of this." He sat down on the stool and didn't know whether to nurse his throbbing cheek or his throbbing toes. "Clyde and I both saw something in you that made him want to hire you in the first place. All you need to do is grow a thicker skin and not let what reprobates, drunken or not, like myself say bother you. Like me or not, that's all that I was sent here to do."

She let out a wordless exclamation. "I beg your pardon? You were sent here to insult me, and generally make my life miserable?" She leant her weight onto one hip, uncertain quite how to take that. "And you damn well enjoy it, don't you? I am more than capable of dealing with customers, drunk or not. You are an associate, and I do not have to take this from you. And you can be damn sure every word you've said to me is going to be repeated to your friend Clyde before I hand in my resignation." Sod the job, sod everything - Colby couldn't believe how betrayed she was feeling, right at this moment.

"And you're well within your rights." He sat back and considered her for a moment. "So, where will you live until you find your next gig?"

"Why should you care?" She shook her head, walking away to lock up the main doors even as she snarled at him. "What does it matter to you? You got what you came here for, you broke me! Congratulations! Give my regards to every other arse on your way out."

"Colby." He shook his head regretfully. "I care because well.. I care." Looking down at the bartop he traced the wood grain with his fingertips. "If I didn't care I wouldn't have asked."

"Yeah, you care." She snorted derisively, shaking her head in denial of whatever truth might be in that comment. "So you tore me down, made me feel like I'm worthless, and took away the only security I've had in a long time. Good job." She gave him a thumbs up, heels clacking towards the back stairs.

"If you look at it like that, then I supposed I did. But you're the one choosing to take it that way. You're the one choosing to leave." He glanced towards the sound of her clacking heels. "Thought you had more spirit than that."

"And how am I meant to take it, huh?" She turned at the far end of the bar, her expression unknowingly revealing more hurt and betrayal than anger. "You tell me, how am I meant to take finding out that my boss has so little faith in me he sent you to tear me to pieces before opening night? How am I meant to be taking the fact that I now know that I can't trust him, and if I can't trust him, how the hell can my staff trust me to protect them? You want me to stay here and fight a losing battle, do you? Fight until I can't even look myself in the eye anymore?"

"Take it as a learning experience, toots. Learn to ignore assholes like me." He shrugged and finally got up from the stool to walk over to her. When he reached her, his touch was gentle and caring. "You need to be tougher, Colby." He was finally using her first name. "Otherwise the staff, the clientele, they're going to tear you apart. You think I'm bad? Imagine me drunk."

She stared up at him, unsettled enough by his words and more by the gentleness of his touch. "Why did you have to do it like this?" she asked quietly, swallowing hard. "I am tough, but I never thought I'd have to be around associates and partners. I hate having to pretend that I'm this tough woman who doesn't take shit, because guess what? I'm not. Words do a lot more damage than any blow."

"And that's why it had to be done this way. You can't let words bother you. If somebody touches you, there's the bouncers. But you can't let words get to you. Women can be catty, they say mean and horrible things to each other. Men can be assholes, and say and do things they shouldn't, all of the time. You need to take it in stride and with class. You did, for the most part. But you're still very vulnerable."

"Wait ... wait, wait, wait ..." She lifted a hand, waving it back and forth as she tried to make sense of him. "You're making no sense. First I'm too manly, I need to be more feminine; and now, I'm too vulnerable? Geez, what's a girl gotta do to get any respect around here?"

He couldn't help but laugh at her confusion. "I was just throwing anything at you to see how you'd react. Though..." He shrugged a bit. "I still think that your wardrobe could use an overhaul."

Her eyes narrowed up at him. "Figures," she rolled her eyes. "Let me guess, you want me in corsets so I can't breathe, dresses that look like something my grandmother would wear, oh, and let's not forget the heels so high I can barely walk." But she wasn't moving away from him, and she wasn't as angry as she had been. A thought occurred to her. "I failed on the kiss, didn't I?"

Colby Summers

Date: 2009-11-30 07:58 EST
"Corsets are old fashioned, even by my standards." he raised a brow and watched as she digested everything that had been said and done. His expression softened and he shook his head. "No."

"Wait - what?" Colby backed up a step, staring up at him in confusion. "But you said ... if all this has been a test, then that means the kiss was too, right? You want me to just give up and kiss back anytime a man grabs me?"

"No, just me." His hand moved to curl around her jaw and he slid in close enough to kiss her, right proper.

Her eyes snapped wide open for all of a second before she relaxed, letting out a very quiet squeak of suprised pleasure as his mouth covered hers. She didn't pull away; just as before, Colby held on and let it happen, ignoring the little voice in her head screaming that giving away kisses to a man who'd spent two weeks calling her a whore was a bad idea.

It felt good to finally relax, now that the jig was up. He'd been looking forwards to this moment for a long while. The one hand moved up and into her hair line, the other rose to gently touch her cheek. His kiss was strong and powerful, but submissive at the same time.

Feeling him relax, she pretty much told her inner voice to take a hike, stepping closer to wrap her arms tight around him. Her hand slid up to curl about the back of his neck as her lips parted, teasing his lips apart as she engaged in the kiss that she was certain would be as much about giving as taking.

As soon as her lips parted, his matched and gently suckled her tongue. And it's funny what goes through a man's head when he's realizing things. Suddenly pulling back, he laughed, almost ruefully. "Clyde is a sly bastard."

The suddenness of his pull away had her blinking in confusion. "Wh-what?" She lowered back to her heels, feeling her cheeks flush for how easily she'd melted for him then.

"About six months ago there was a bit of drama with a little chit." He shook his head and laughed. "Tried to say that because I kept her out past dark that I was to marry her. Lit out of town and that was that. Told Clyde that I was a bachelor and would stay that way. So we put a wager on it." He smiled at her then. "Bastard is sneaky."

She stared at him for a long moment, thinking her way through what he'd just said. Then her jaw dropped for the umpteenth time. "Oh, no ... no, no, no, you're not using one kiss to pin me down," she shook her head vehemently. "Look, I like you, okay? But ... seriously, you don't want me. I'm way too outspoken, I don't know how to back down, there's a lot wrong with me. Why else would I still be single, huh?"

He stared at her and his brows rose in amusement. "Hey, who said that I was trying to pin you down. I"m just saying that Clyde thought that is what would happen. I've seen you at your worst, remember?"

"Well ... yeah." Colby shifted uncomfortably. "It doesn't count, anyway. I'm employed by Mr Clyde, and therefore he could have employed me just for this purpose, which makes the wager null and void." She smirked cheerfully up at him. "See why I got the job now, do you?"

"Very clever girl." He grinned back and gently knocked her chin with his fist. "But Clyde won't be seeing it that way." He brought his fist under his own light blue gaze to inspect his fingernails. "Though, since we already have seen each other's worst sides..." slowly, he raised his gaze, and a dark brow towards his hairline, inquisitively.

She watched him, smiling faintly as his gaze rose to hers. Okay, he deserved a bit of teasing for what he'd put her through. "I'm sorry, what?" she asked politely, lifting her fingers to cup behind her ear. "I didn't quite catch that. Did you want to ask me something?"

After what he'd put her through, he'd willingly eat a bit of crow. Lowering his head he shrugged a bit and kept his eyes from her face. "Well, I mean, you and I have seen the worst. What do you say about seeing the best?"

Grinning impishly, she lifted her eyes to the ceiling thoughtfully. "Mmm ... no, I'm still not getting you very clearly at all," she mused teasingly. "I know! How about you talk to me, and not my boobs?" Her hand reached out to turn his face towards hers as she chuckled.

"And you call me insufferable?" When his head was turned, he took the extra step of leaning forward so that his mouth hovered over hers. "Shut up and kiss me."

With his breath tickling her lips, Colby grinned up at him, making certain her mouth brushed against his as she spoke. "With pleasure, Mr Shriver," was whispered laughingly, even as her arms slid around him, pressing her close in the quiet darkness of the empty club.

The kiss was brief, as he chuckled through most of it. "I'm owing Clyde money."

"Not if I have anything to do with it, you don't," she said archly. "I still owe him for setting me up, after all." The look in her eyes was not one any business man wanted to see from an invaluable member of staff just two weeks before beginning business.

"Consider it paid training, with a nice bonus." Laughing, he backed up and guarded himself in that sensitive area. He'd been at the receiving end of her angry knee one time too many.

"Uh-huh!" No, Colby was far more imaginative than that. She caught up her keys from the counter, turned, and cut the lights. She'd been here often enough to know her way to the upstairs apartment easily in the dark; his only clue would be the clack of her heels, and in a space this big, there were a lot of echoes.

Luckily, he was close enough to the bar that when the lights went down, he reached for it and pulled himself onto a barstool. Sitting there, in the dark, he waited patiently. "Just remember, I was set up, too."

"You weren't set up to get hurt," was her reply out of the darkness. She opened the door, putting herself into silhouette for his enjoyment without really thinking about it. She could just about make him out in the gloom. "Now, am I locking you in here all night, or are you going to get off your backside and come with me?"

He looked up and caught her curvy figure in silhouette. A lopsided grin spread across his features. "Is that an invitation into your boudoir?"

Colby let her gaze linger on him for a long moment, the dim light from the hallway illuminating her somewhat predatory smile. Part of her knew this was a bad idea, but the rest of her was more than willing to take the risk. She tilted her head, lifting one finger to beckon him towards her.

"Said the spider to the fly."