Topic: A Cowboy's Journal

Jake Duncan

Date: 2007-09-29 06:28 EST
Man my feet are killing me! I have been doing alot of walking lately. I turned Gus out a couple days ago so he could rest up a bit. I know it's rough on him when we have to work everyday, maybe I can buy a couple mares saddle break one and breed the other then alternate.

The steers are looking good, starting to get a good store of fat on them for the winter. Another week or so, and I will take them down into town to sell. Theres only forty head so I should be able to manage on my own. Still it'll be hard working with just one, sure could use a second pair of hands. Bobbi Joe still tries to help bless her heart, but she just doesn't have the legs anymore.

Don't know what I will do when she is gone.

Talked to Miss Eless again. She sure is a sweet lady, pretty too. Brought me some biscuits the other morning. Not as good as grandma's of course, but they sure hit the spot.

I asked her the other week to have Sunday dinner with me. She said yes, but I wonder if she wasn't just being polite. She seems to have a bunch of fella's that seem to fancy her. Can't say as I blame them either, the other day when she brought me the biscuits she looked so pretty, that I thought about kissing her. I didn't of course, but I thought about it. Still I like the way she smiles at me. They almost seem a special gift, a private thing she is sharing only with the person she is looking at.

I saw Miss Erin the other day in the inn. I was talking to Mr. Lowe about my brand and such when she walked in. I waved, but she was in a hurry as she headed straight upstairs. I like the way Miss Erin smiles too. Hers are different then Miss Eless' though, hers are more like a little surprise when they happen. Kinda like the first brave daffodil of the spring, that pops its head up when there are still patches of snow on the ground. Her dimples are cute, I think they suit her more then the troubled look she often carries. I wish she would smile more.

There was a good thunderstorm the other night. I went out in it for a bit to watch the lightening. I love seeing the St. Elmo's fire on the horns of the herd.

Since I got here I have been just exsisting, not living. I need to change that and start carving out a life for myself here. I think I will have a barbeque so I can meet some more people. I think I will do that Sunday night at the Inn.

Jake Duncan

Date: 2007-10-08 13:20 EST
Well you can never have a perfect day.

I ran into Mr. Lowe today at the inn on Saturday, he had all my paperwork ready for me to sign, and submit to the govenors office. I figured it would take much longer. I agreed to help him do some cleaning on a boat he is fixing up in way of payment for his services. I don't know anything about boats, but I helped as best I could.

Before I left the inn I got to see Miss Erin, and Miss Eless. We got to talking, and I forgot all about my papers on the bar. When I thought about them again there was some woman messing with them. It turns out that the woman was the govenor! I asked her if I could help her, and she let me know that she had signed off on all my paperwork. I have a ranch now!

I walked Erin home, I hated leaving Eless but she was acting a bit odd while we were at the inn, and kinda ran off. I am sure Erin thinks I am the biggest hick to ever find my way to town aftyer the question I asked her on the way.

Now the bad. As I was heading back to the inn that evening I found my cow that had been missing. She had birthed a beautiful calf, pretty good sized too one of the tallest I have ever seen. Strange thing is the heiffer was a Belgian Blue that I bred with my Red Angus bull, now normally they will be either red or blue (which is actually a greyish hue) but this little calf was purple. And I mean purple purple not just a halo of hue when the sun hits her. I have never seen anything like it. Something had went bad wrong though, as the heiffer was down. She hadn't even cleaned up her calf. She had become paralyzed, ruptured intestines what a mess. Saddly I had to put her down, as there was nothing I could do for her. I took the calf home, to bad I don't have a milker for her to feed from. I am feeding her from a bottle for now.

Oh when I went to the inn that blasted calf got loose and ran inside, and started bawling at some blue haired woman who then started yelling at me.

The calf is having some trouble sucking.

Jake Duncan

Date: 2007-10-08 13:28 EST
I hired a fella by the name of Dakota Steele to help me get those steers down into town. Don't know much about the guy, and we didn't talk much while we were working, there wasn't a whole lot of time for it anyway, I can say the man wasn't lying when he said he could work cattle. The guy sure can cowboy.

Getting those steer down was a bit harder then I had thought as the streets of RyhDin are kinda narrow, but we managed. I got a fair price for the steers, and now since I still am not good at this money system I figured it came out to bout 40,000$. It will be hard to make that last with everything I need to do, and get for my house.

I bought some proper glass windows, and some tin roofing panels for the house. The work went pretty easy, and I got most of it done. Still empty on the inside, but the outside is looking pretty darn good if I do say so myself. I need a couple rocking chairs for the front porch.

Jake Duncan

Date: 2007-10-15 09:40 EST
This past weekend was lousy...I said some stuff I had no business saying to Erin. I haven't spoken to her since.

Anyway the other week I was out looking for Bobbi Joe, and I got over by Miss Elly's place. I didn't mean to see anything or even to be looking, but her curtains were open. She was just walking arround proud as you please in her underwear...They were black with lil' orange pumpkins on them.

Normally I really crave apple pie this time of year, but for some reason I am craving pumpkin pie with lots of whipped cream. Strange.

Jake Duncan

Date: 2007-10-22 09:02 EST
Well that was a heck of a weekend! I really had been dreading my birthday this year. It was the first one since my grandma passed away, and I wasn't sure I was entirely prepared for that. Friday was my birthday, Erin came over, and had dinner with me so of course I really enjoyed that. She seemed to have a good time.

Saturday I mostly worked arround the ranch. I went out riding to do a bit of scouting to the north of here. Its pretty country up that way. I am looking forward to heading up that way this week.

Sunday...where to start...I went to the inn, and I will admit it here I kinda got dressed trying to look good hoping to impress someone. I debated for awhile about not wearing a hat, but I just couldn't bring myself to not wear one. That pirate came into the inn...Robert Kidd...what a jackass! He was running off at the mouth about Eless, and then Erin...He called her a whore, so I slugged him. I tried to leave then, but Erin stopped me. I am not sure how it came up, but Erin asked me about the fight on Monday with Anubis. I told her the truth....all of it..and then somehow I ended up kissing her. It was my first kiss! That must seem really funny a man as old as I am and having never kissed a girl. Erin asked me to come have dinner with her tonight before she leaves for her trip.

I liked kissing Erin.....alot!

Jake Duncan

Date: 2007-10-29 11:45 EST
I can't seem to win for losing sometimes. I went to the outback, and I had a really nice conversation with Miss Cieara. We discussed a possible beef contract with her father, she is supposed to talk to him later on this week for me. Erin joined us after she got done calling the duels. We ended up all three of us going to the marketplace to this little shop. We weren't there very long before Erin's ex boyfriend showed up. (Got that part from Ivy, about it being her ex and all) Anyway Erin chased after him when he started to leave. I tried to stay and talk some more with Cieara, but it just felt too awkward. I slipped out the back like a coward.

No Deposit

you feel
like a
No Deposit
No Return
ready to
Thrown Away.

The next morning I got up, and hard as it was I made myself go to Erin's house. I promised Ivy I would walk her to work....a man has to keep his promises. We had a good talk Ivy, and me while we walked to the Stitch. Sometimes I look at Ivy, and I think that it would be better if I felt towards her like I do about Erin, but I don't. I just hope there is never a time I have to say that cause that would kill me I am sure of it. There was a letter for me from Erin waiting on us at the stitch. I am more confused now after reading it.

I am going to go get that herd this week. No sense me being here just to sit and dwell on things.

Jake Duncan

Date: 2007-11-05 10:26 EST
So I get back from driving the new herd down, and I go to town ended up running into Erin, Lydia and some guy named Glenn at the Teas' n Tomes place.

We wound up playing truth or dare. I hadn't played that since I was back in school. We had a lot of fun. Lydia dared Erin to eat this.....oh this monster looked so nasty. She tried to be all polite and stuff when she ate it, but she ended up getting a bunch of chocolate on her face. I couldn't help but grin when she looked at me like that. She looked so cute.

I have left Beth in charge of the day to day running of the ranch for awhile, since I am going to be busy in the WestEnd. She seems a good person.

I have to say that I really love Lydia she is such a sweet woman. She, and Erin always seem to have so much that they hold inside it was good to see both of them smiling, and enjoying the evening.

Erin told me a secret about herself, and I very nearly told her about my secret. The time wasn't right, but I do want to tell her everything.

Jake Duncan

Date: 2007-11-05 10:36 EST
I am really conflicted about this project I have started in the WestEnd. I feel like I need to do something to improve this city so that my words don't ring hollow with people. I enjoy doing things like this, but there is no help here, its like people are so apathetic towards life here, so all is falling on my shoulders. I think I have always taken to much on myself pushing myself like I have to prove something to someone. Who am I trying to impress here?

Anyway I have been working from well before dawn to well past nightfall. I am constantly tired, and now I find my appetite lacking. I have even passed up some of Ivy's cooking. Though I did eat the cornbread she made for me. I need to find some help or my plans are going to be shot.

I noticed a bunch of teenagers running around the WestEnd the other day, which I thought was odd since I figured they should have been in school. One of the old men I talk to said he figured them to be playing hooky before they had to go back to the orphanage. It gave me a idea on where to find some help.

Jake Duncan

Date: 2007-11-05 11:40 EST
I saw her again today! She is just....yeah she so has my heart if she would ever decide she wants it. I need to be honest with myself though, why would a woman like Erin, who is so so worldly ever want someone like me. I don't have any money or charm or anything like that to offer her. All I have is a bunch of cows, and some scarred up, calloused hands. I get so nervous when I touch her I can only imagine what she is thinking when her smooth, soft skin touches mine. I look in her eyes, and I see that I am not a image of what she has always dreamed about. It makes it hard to look at her sometimes.

We were at the bookstore....again. It seems like that is becoming our meeting spot. Anyway she was teasing me about how we were being all secretive, and hidden inthe stacks. I told her that boys back in school used to hide in the library to kiss their girlfriends. She asked me if I was wanting to snog...which I guess means kiss...her in the stacks. I told her that I don't make a habit of kissing my friends..which I don't. Well she wanted me to make an exception so "we can be more confused." I told her that "I" was not confused, and then I kissed her on the forehead. I really did want to kiss her though, but I think she was just teasing me.

Jake Duncan

Date: 2007-12-14 11:43 EST
It seems like forever since I have put anything in here. I am starting to get sick, I can feel it. It's just a cough, and some congestion right now, hopefully that is all it will be.

I spent the other night with Erin at her room at the inn, we have in fact been spending alot of time together since her leg was hurt. The feeling of just knowing she is next to me when I am sleeping is a wonderful feeling. I am not sure if it is normal for thing to progress this fast, but I think Erin is the one. Lately when I think about things she is always in the picture somehow. I know I loved Vickie, very much in fact but when I asked her to marry me it was more like it was what I thought should happen. I think I love I know I love her in a way that is completely different from Vickie its much more natural if that makes sense. Someone told me once that Erin isn't right, well she may not be right but she is just right for me, there is a comfortable easy feeling there like a pair of bluejeans that are broke in. Which confuses me, cause if it is so natural and comfortable why do I get so scared when I think about saying those three little words to her?

Oh one more thing. There is this little mark on her right hip that is really cute.