Topic: A friend in need....a friend indeed..

Dakota Steele

Date: 2008-01-04 23:30 EST
Dakota Steele never was a man who had a lot of friends.

But the few that he did have, he kept them close. He'd do anything for his small circle of friends, and today (and for as long as he was needed), he planned on going to any length he could to show his loyalty to a friend who was in great need.

His buddy Jake Duncan had been bucked off his horse, and ended up spending an untold amount of time in the freezing elements before Erin found him.

Quite a while back, Jake had been kind enough to give Dakota a bit of work when he was hurting for money. A friendship was born, and although Dakota hadn't had the chance to visit with Jake in quite some time, he still considered him one of his best friends.

When Erin told Dakota about Jake's accident, he didn't think twice about offering whatever help he could in keeping Jake's ranch going while he was laid up. Rena Cronin, also a friend of Jake and Erin's, made a similar offer, knowing quite a few people who could help keep things going.

As he approached the house, with his faithful Rottweiler by his side every step of the way, Dakota couldn't help but be amazed at the beautiful piece of property that Jake owned. Truth was, Jake was the cowboy Dakota always wished he could be. Yeah, he wore a hat and jeans, and spoke with the same drawl as ol' Jake. But he didn't have the true grit inside his soul that it took to do the everyday work that Jake did. Make no mistake, when it comes to helping his friend, he'll break his back to do whatever work needs to be done. But if he had to do this kind of work to support himself, he knew there'd be no way he'd last at it. If he can do something for someone he cares about, then go home to a ratty one bedroom apartment with a cold beer in the fridge, then it's been a good day.

Today was going to be a good day.

It was a brisk day, somewhere around the mid-30's, and he was dressed for a hard day's work. He wore a thick black and red flannel shirt on top of a couple of t-shirts, jeans with holes ripped in the knees, and brown work boots. His red bandanna was wrapped tightly around his head, and he had a pair of black gloves in his back pocket.

Slowly stepping up the front porch, he took a moment to finish off his cigarette. Luke sat himself down on the porch, as calm as a dog could be. A strong bond had grown between Dakota and his dog since their paths crossed several months ago. Every time Dakota tried to open his front door, Luke was right there, hoping he'd get to go too. Dakota didn't plan on bringing him today, but after he largely ignored Luke yesterday during his move into his new apartment, Dakota felt pretty guilty about leaving him behind today, so here they were.

Getting his last drag in, Dakota knocked on the front door, knowing Erin would be there to answer. Erin was a good girl, and she wasn't going to leave Jake's side for anything. Jake got him a good one when Erin came into his life.

He quickly formed his hands into a ball and breathed into them in a slight attempt to keep them warm as he waited for Erin to answer.

Rena A Cronin

Date: 2008-01-05 10:24 EST
Rena had been sitting at the the table in the shadows-she had been doing that for a good while now, enjoying either a plain mug of coffee or one spiced up with a bit of whiskey. This night though she hadn't been sitting long when Erin wandered in and took a seat at the bar. Rena waved a greeting to her by lifting the mug up in her direction-eventually Erin got her drink and came over to sit. Rena could tell something was bothering the Englishwoman by two things: the weary look on her face and her choice of beverage but Rena wasn't going to question either-for the moment.

Pleasantries were exchanged and they were getting ready to move on to other topics when Dakota strolled in and plopped himself down into a seat at the table. More pleasantries were exchanged with the man and they were talking about probably nothing important when Erin asked could the guys who helped Jake earlier come back. That was when Rena and Dakota both found out that the cowboy had been in an accident and was laid up for a while. Rena leaned back in her seat and said nothing about why this wasn't mentioned earlier but then realized, like herself, Erin didn't broadcast her problems around.-she kept them close to her chest. Rena offered to sent Byron and a group of five guys from the ranch she had kind of "inherited" to Jake's ranch for the time being-more later if they were needed. After more discussion, it was agreed that they would arrive around 7 the next morning to find out what needed to be done and go from there.

Erin left shortly afterwards to go back to Jake's ranch and Dakota went to get a drink. Rena was in the process of debating her next move when Sebastian returned: he had stopped by earlier while the other two were there. The tension at the table rose then but Rena either ignored it or said nothing about it. That conversation would be saved for a later time. This one was about the bullet in Sebastian's shoulder and why it couldn't be removed-that explained the pen in his shoulder earlier. A discussion ensued about that and thoughts were bandied about but nothing was resolved about the bullet's removal since other options needed to sought out since normal ones wouldn't work. Not long after that Sebastian left, leaving Rena to ponder the events of the night.

She then rose and took the long way home. Once she got there, she noticed Byron was still up. Why he stuck around after all this time was a mystery she didn't want to figure out. When he did finally decide to leave, he would be greatly missed. Rena informed him about Jake's accident and he went to make arrangements for the other five to get here at daybreak so they could then ride out to Jake's place.

At the appointed time, two trucks pulled up at the ranch and out stepped seven people: six guys to help Dakota around the ranch and one slim but eager female who was there to help Erin around the house as needed.