Topic: Working Hard. Relaxing Light.

Lady Magnola

Date: 2007-11-03 19:05 EST
Thank the gods for small favors. Since hired and actually placed to work, Beth had been keeping herself rather busy. From the point she woke up till the late afternoon she tended to keep herself busy. Even if it wasn't really on the list of things to do by Jake, she did them anyways. If anything, just to give 'the boss' extra free time. A newly formed daily schedule that was slowly tweaked during the days as they passed.

Waking she would just lay in the small, walled off area that Jake had created for her in the stable. Was rather nice of him to put a dresser in there. Sad being there was nothing to put in there. She wore basically what she owned. But still, a kind gesture none the less.

Once she was awake enough she slid out of bed, tied back her fiery locks and headed into the stables below via the ladder just outside her makeshift room. She first headed towards the hen house, a bowl of feed tucked under arm. As she slipped into the fenced in area she was bombarded, as always, by the feathery beings waiting for breakfast. They would get their wish soon enough as she began to toss out handfuls of the feed. Feet always minded, she made way past and into the hen house itself. Now empty bowl was filled with eggs, hands delicate in the task. With that done she would leave the feathered ones to enjoy the meal.

Next task was to feed the horses. The mustangs where fed first since they where in a corral and not in the stable like the other three that where apparently Jake's riding horses. No. These mustangs where wild and deemed to be tamed for riding. She had to run by Jake the first time around just how much he wanted to feed these beasts, pretty sure he had a requirement amount for these beauties. Feed left in the half-barrels that rested on the side of the corral, a bit of haylage would be placed now and again through out the day for gnawing. Thankfully she didn't have to feed the cattle because quite frankly..there was alot of them! And for time being where on a 'mowing' graze of a meal.

After the horses where fed, the eggs where tucked away in Jake's fridge. This giving her a idea of what he needed for restocking. From there a quick ride to town for what was needed. Funny being, she seemed to keep Jake well stocked with the beer he seemed to like. On her return she would stop for..brunch. At that time she would need something to fill her belly. And with a happy belly she returned..'home' to stock up the fridge for Jake. From time to time she left lil special things for him. Not knowing if he had a sweet tooth, it was usually just a few cookies..donuts..nothing really overly special. Just not ordinary. This time just a few macadamia nut and white chocolate chip cookies.

From this point she resumed tasks, checking on everything and keeping the cattle in check. Jin seemed to enjoy the exercise as they rode about, calmly swaying any strays back to the herd. As the day ended she was found at the far end of Jake's ranch, slouched over her horse's back and patting along it's neck and sweet talking to it's ear. When the cattle seemed to settle in for the night she would venture off to Jake's cabin. Since he was not home she would sneak a bath and a bit of play time with the old cur and pup. But she would be out the door and out of sight before he even showed up again. Lingering about the stable she took in the cool night air.

Lady Magnola

Date: 2007-12-13 00:36 EST
Lately Beth had been working more then relaxing. So much so that she barely made herself known to Jake. Not like he really would notice anywho. He was busy with his own things and she was taking care to remain out of sight. That was the reason he hired her after all right? But she had been bending more then normal, pressing herself into the pained hours of night and back up at the crack of dawn. Truly was the woman even sleeping?

Jake's cabinets always full though when did she find time to shop was a mystery all of it's own. But why? Why work so frenzied when Jake simply wanted her to do a good job?

It was simple.

The holidays.

She didn't care for the upcoming holiday and the fact that what family that still lived she could never see due to the jack ass husband of her now dead twin. Her niece and nephew verbally kept from her just so that her sister's husband could laugh at her pain. He knew how much those children meant to her. And he made sure she would never see them again. Her world was a cold and lonely place and all she had was work.

And why not speak to Jake about this? He was after all one of her few friends in these lands. Why not the ladies she knew from the shop? Because, she knew that her problem was hers, and hers alone. There was nothing they could do but offer a few words of comfort. And honestly, in her state of anger, she could very well blow something up. Her anger peaked so high that her usual crystal green gaze was permanently silver.