Topic: The Sibylline State


Date: 2011-04-17 20:25 EST

All night long, all day, the doors of Hades stand open.
But to retrace the path, to come up to the sweet air of heaven,
That is labour indeed.

(Virgil's Aeneid 6.126-129.)

Thomas August

Date: 2011-04-17 20:32 EST
Retracing with his weary steps the path up to the light, he found relief from toil in converse with the sage Cumaean guide. While in thick dusk he trod the frightful way, ?Whether you are a deity,? he said, ?Or human and most favored by the gods, to me you always will appear divine.?
(Ovid, Metamorphoses 14)

The Lady Tristero was not at all what I expected. Her entire exquisite diminutiveness appeared in the entry barefoot, half-clothed, hair undone.

I would have thought her a grotesquely ill-mannered servant or whore sneaking from some mischievous son?s quarters if not for her immaculate, youthful beauty, the pristine qualities of which were only magnified by their indifferent and unadorned arrangement.

I don?t know how well I disguised my initial shock, but any transgression betrayed by my expression received no outward censure from my potential employer. I felt I fumbled, knowing not where to fix my eyes as she approached; in truth, I was intimidated by her cultivated composure, by the mystery of a gaze I could decipher as only consummate darkness: utter black. I certainly couldn?t allow my eyes to drop, though, for the simple chemise she wore, despite the loose drape of its magnificent raw silk, offered tantalizing but forbidden hints of a sinful figure. I was almost sure she wore nothing underneath, and her legs were completely bare.

I was bewildered. The ornate entry of the Tristero Estate seemed fuzzy in comparison to the sharp presence of its mistress.

She extended her hand, a placid pleasure tilting her lips gently as she spoke: ?Thomas, I?m so glad that you?ve arrived.? The words had an ethereal, wind-through-leaves quality, and vaguely impressed upon me that the airy feminine tones curled curiously through the ether like an embrace.

?Pleased to meet you, Lady Tristero,? I returned as I clasped her hand, cool and fragile. The touch calmed me, and my easy confidence returned. ?I have come to inquire about the estate?s Steward position.?

?There is much to be done.? A perfunctory nod dipped her chin. ?Come, let me show you.?


From Rhy?Din City, the Tristero Estate was half a day?s travel on horseback. A series of unavoidable complications had delayed my departure from the city, so by the time I arrived at the sprawling manor, it was late in the afternoon. The vibrant golds of the springtime sun swept the blooming fields and filtered in motley patterns through new leaves, painting the landscape in the idyllic hues of wild countryside.

The impression I received from the correspondence was that I would be one of many qualified gentlemen vying for this lucrative and well-compensated position. Indeed, as I arrived, several professional men conversed in a small group on the drive before the entrance, their faces dark with defeat. I surrendered my horse to the waiting footman and studied the competition.

They, too, noticed me.

As I passed their commiserating cluster and approached the massive entrance, one of them tossed out an acerbic taunt: ?Here?s another! Good luck getting through the front door!?

I ignore them.

The thud of the heavy knocker resounded with my arrival, and before its echo had fully died away, the excessive span of the door drew within, revealing a primly-attired maid. In the way of greeting, I received but a critical and quick study.

?Good afternoon,? I began, before the woman?s thin lips, set with resigned efficiency, cut me off.

?Come in, sir,? she stepped aside so that I could pass into the crumbling magnificence of the formal entry, ?the Lady is expecting you.?

Thomas August

Date: 2011-04-17 20:42 EST
I followed behind her as we wove through the halls of the ghostly estate, laboring gallantly to focus on legitimate business, rather than midnight luster of her loose hair, or the shadow outlining the curve of her ass, or the whisper of her brief garment around slender thighs.

?Do you have a pen and paper, Thomas? You?ll want to take notes.?

?Of course.?

?We will be moving our primary residence to RhyDin City in a week?s time. You?ll need to secure a house there, large enough for a handful of guests and a reasonable staff. Expense is not a concern - you?ll will have full access to and control over the family?s finances. I have no interest in approving your selection. I ask only that it have a small, private garden.?

We wandered into a impressive family library, formidable in scope but utterly cheerless. The Lady paused, half turning to me, her inky eyes lifting to survey the thousands of texts. ?This will be your biggest challenge,? she warned. ?I wish to keep both residences - this one and the new one - functional. Therefore, you will need to recreate this library at the new house. The works are organized, but cataloguing and acquiring duplicate copies will be a huge endeavor. You are free to employ as many people as necessary to complete this task.? A listening interlude interrupted her instructions. ?The gentlemen waiting outside will be more than happy to assist you.?

For a second time, the lady?s inviting lips curled into a smile, and with the honeyed hue of the late-day sun spilling through the high windows, bathing her in a divine glow, she seemed endowed with an unquestionable benevolence.

I should have panicked at the enormity of her expectations, but instead, I merely recorded the details with my characteristic diligence. Perhaps it was the authority of her gentle voice, and the certainty therein, that drove away doubts. I did not wonder whether her requests were possible; I merely assumed that they were. These things would happen.

?Some of the texts,? she continued, ?are extremely rare. Some are unique. These will be moved.?

The Lady Tristero drifted toward the door of the library and I followed, dutifully. I was quite certain now that she wore nothing beneath the chemise, and I struggled not to lose myself in depraved fantasy even as my mind?s eye flickered with my hands upon those bare thighs, pulling them apart --

?All other furnishings may be purchased to compliment the residence as needed. You will also hire a new staff. A skeleton crew will still be necessary here to maintain the house and grounds, but you may fire the rest, for they will not move with us. I trust your authority in hiring servants, but I do ask that you formally introduce each one to me individually after you?ve made your selections. Afterwards, you may oversee them as you see fit, or delegate that responsibility to another.?

We paused outside of a large dining room, the dead hearth looming beside a richly-carved table generous enough for the once-massive family and their guests. From the walls, deceased members, numbering far more than I thought, stared lifelessly from their portrait poses across the unused space.

?The family stays here,? she mused quietly, as if seeing them solidified her decision.

As I examined the progression of faces, I found my voice: ?They are all dead??


We continued throughout the house as the sun sank, discussing the myriad of details that would contribute to my new position as the Steward of Lady Tristero: first the move, then the management of vast ancestral wealth. We dined together, but the lady ate little, electing instead to patiently answer my questions about her preferences regarding mundane matters.

Only once did I glimpse her ire, over dinner, when I dared to question in clumsy jest her lack of a husband. That merciless gaze of ebon bore savagely upon me, arousing some primal sense of fear in my blood.

?You must never be evasive, Thomas.? Though the volume of her whispery vocals remained gentle, the violence tainting her words forced me back in my chair as surely as a physical push. ?That is beneath you. If you want to fuck me, ask if you may fuck me. Do not present me with dishonest questions.?

Wisely, I asked nothing.

By the time she called the maid to show me to my quarters, the small notebook I kept was filled. Later, when I reviewed my notes, I was surprised to find details I didn?t recall recording, but I excused that with the stress of absorbing my new position.

I had much to do.


Date: 2011-04-22 21:52 EST
The Tristero house?saw more activity than it had in years.? Dozens of people crawled amid the rooms, cleaning and categorizing and engaging in a thousand different essential tasks, their minds buzzing with the tension of an absurd deadline,?the stale air broken?by boisterous conversations and scurried comings and goings.? Certain things would be moving - a painting or two, crates of books,?chests of?strange artifacts,?some personal belongings of the Lady, but much more would be staying.? Everything had to be organized.
The Sibyl observed, drifting from room to room with unhurried serenity.? Upon her entrance, the workers each time assumed a respectful hush, and none dared to address her directly.? All questions were to be put to Thomas, for he handled the details - and this was much preferable to those that labored.? They feared her, without logic or merit, more than they should; youth, small stature, loveliness: these things didn't lend themselves to be frightening.? But there were those eyes, cold and far-seeing, beyond their meager lives and shallow hopes.

They were mortal in her eyes: fathomless dark.

A blink in the universe.

They preferred to hush and look away.


But the Sibyl was pleased. Ease infiltrated simple movements, turning them sultry, her body rolling with joyous liberation from the tyrant of time. Lethargy and sleep were virtually unknown, thus, she was much-separated from the dreamscape.

Regardless, she knew that the influence of Aolani?s hand weighed heavily in her future.

On the horizon, past the vineyard and pastures, tucked somewhere behind dense forests, ominously dark clouds elaborated on their fantastic height. Thunder echoed across the rolling hills and rumbled against the glass windows of the manor. Storms approached.

As did many others.

The era of transformation would soon surrender to that of brutal trials.

It was already written, and thus, would come to pass.

She would be ready.

Thomas August

Date: 2011-05-20 23:08 EST
My employer returned to RhyDin City yesterday.??

In the aftermath of?my furious?toil - the final moments before she was scheduled to arrive - ?I found my soul soaked in?narcotic?calm.? The Lady would find little fault with the residence I had established,?of this I was certain.??You may call it Pride, and?perhaps it was,?but pomp I did lack,?humbled as I was by her ageless black eyes.?
Curiosity taxed my fatigued brain, lingering on how such a delicate creature could survive alone amidst the insanity of the city, despite the fact I knew she had briefly resided at the Inn itself winter before last. Her petite loveliness, her stillness of feature and poise of figure - these were masks, I imagined, to a merciless temper that seemed to perpetually dwell beneath a tidy facade. Simple flights of waking fancy, perhaps, for my nights consisted of the dreamless slumber that accompanies true exhaustion.
I met her at the door of her carriage the moment she arrived, offering my hand to assist her descent?upon the sidewalk before the spectacular house. She was first a set of nimble legs, sheathed in translucent black silk, their slender lengths entirely too long for the slim form that followed, draped in a simple slip of pale pink whose hem tickled the uppermost of her supple thighs. As before, her hair was loose, left to tousle in the briefest wind.

The rosy hue of the fading daylight made her seem very young.

?Welcome home, Lady Tristero,? I said before chastely pressing my lips to the immaculate span at the back of her small hand. ?I believe you?ll find it quite to your liking.?


Date: 2011-05-29 22:33 EST
For thousands of years, the Sibyl found herself?captive to?base existential?conflict.
Immortality and Aging.
Body and Dust.
After her mortal form finally succumbed to its millennium, lonesome centuries elapsed in the endless lengths of a flash, comprising her of both something and nothing:?a song?of silent antiquity, a void of infinite malevolence.? Tracing and retracing the path backwards to the future, the ethereal being awaited the preceding in a web-like line of logic, so twisted with bitterness that the sweet spots rotted, leaving only a honed avarice for breath and flesh, for her precious, endless youth and her yet-unconceived corporeal.? It lingered there, close in the distance, awaiting the moment that the sage sorcerer would stumble blindly upon the rightly mad woman, and the Sibyl would reprise anew.

Όλα και τίποτα. ?

Paradox was the basis of her talent: the ability to exist bodily in the present while extending consciousness into the future, for vision and time were not inextricably synced - instead, the fabric of reality was subject to unwinding and interpretation. A spark of curiosity or an honest question - these were enough to train the Sibyl?s attention and reveal supernatural avenue for her scribed translation.

In her new dwelling amid the city crowds, the fates of masses - whole tribes - were traced in the various texts that lay open, waiting, upon the countless surfaces in her magnificent library. Promises and predictions played ceaselessly upon her silent lips, relayed by ink-stained fingers upon the waiting, taunting pages. A normally neat script was jumbled with the mania of many voices, massive ideas, petty fates, and fantastic futures.

Since her return, the Sibyl hadn?t rested - instead, lines of prophecy were interpreted into artful language upon the page, constant in both day and night. Her sight was wide, lengthy, overwhelming. After a week, soiled fingers trembled with the quill - fatigue overwhelming her immortal form, adding the additional sway of dizziness to her toil. The practice of her attention perfected her craft, lengthening her vision and polishing the detail.

Occasionally, Thomas interrupted to extend a simple comfort such as water or food, but the prophetess refused to acknowledge his banal offerings, for her inspiration was tinged with the madness of many chaotic paths, her devotion to transcribing these various calamities a delicious and furious iniquity. And still, futures too plentiful for numeration unfurled before her black eyes, crowding out sensible thoughts, driving her to delicious exhaustion.

In the blossoming of her magnificent power, the Sibyl was becoming very weak.


Date: 2011-07-12 00:57 EST
There was a table in the center of the Sibyl?s library - lion-footed, embellished ebony, ponderously built and masterfully carved - over which a flowering iron chandelier illuminated the seer?s scribing. With madly methodical spacing, nine books rested in grave dignity upon this polished surface, and of these massive texts, seven were closed. Two were open: one to the last page of the tome, where archaic poetry culminated in a set of ancient symbols; the other to the first, where not a word had been written.

A sweetly-scented summer breeze, invited through one of the many open windows, rustled these pages in seemingly-sentient curiosity before curling its ethereal affection through the unbound mane of the prophetess. With elegant body sprawling drowsily across a nearby armchair, the Sibyl?s infinite eyes offered no notice of the airy caress, her reality obscured as her consciousness gradually succumbed to the pleasant weight of slumber.

The mighty Sibyl, for all of her timeless ruthlessness and recklessness, seemed naught but a ghost, her vitality surrendered to the creation of the books, the pigment stolen from her cheeks, her lips; indeed, she was a watercolor, muted and porcelain, melting with sensual ease into the embrace of the chair. As sleep took her body?s tension, the slender length of her arm shifted and stretched, her exquisitely delicate fingers, defiled by inky stains, releasing a much-abused quill to the gleaming floor.

And as the realm of dreams fully enveloped the exhausted seer, an impeccably-dressed gentleman, handsome of visage and exuding unabashed sophistication, dared to venture into this beloved chamber of his employer. His polite and business-like query died upon masculine lips, features instead morphing to gratified awe at the sight of her slumbering state.

?Are you her lover?? came a crisply-cold voice from behind, altogether too near for comfort. Thomas spun abruptly, his muscles tensing with alarm, eyes narrowed in confrontation.

The icy beauty he faced seemed, if nothing else, coldly amused by both the question and his reaction: her crystalline blue eyes cradled a dark and malicious mirth, betraying her inhumanity. Still, she was a woman, and one of status, as evidenced by her flawless poise and refined attire, and thus he was obligated to respond politely.

?No, I am her Steward,? he began as the woman advanced, silkily slipping around him to hover over the vulnerable recline of his Mistress, ?My name is Thom--?

?Really?? she interrupted incredulously, her sharp gaze alternating between the two, ?Never?? One of her fingers daried to disturb the tenuous strap of the Sibyl?s brief gown, urging it off the curve of a pristine shoulder. ?Not even once??

?No, and I would appreciate it, Madam--?

?Pythia,? she clarified icily.

?I would appreciate it,? he repeated, his eyes fixed upon the offending hand, the bare shoulder, ?if you?d refrain from interrupting her sleep.?

?Such a shame for you, Thomas,? the vampire hissed defiantly as her caress trespassed upon the line of Oedipa?s collarbone, her neck, and finally upon the rose-petal softness of her pale lips. ?She is quite delicious.?

?Yes, well,? the Steward fumbled momentarily, a telling heat rising in his flesh, ?Regardless, I must ask you to leave her alone. She hasn?t sleep in --?

?--months?? Pythia interrupted again, finally withdrawing and turning toward the massive table, where rested the tomes. ?Has she been working this entire time?? she continued with compelling chilliness, her glacial gaze inspecting the text open to the final page.

?Ceaselessly,? Thomas confirmed uneasily.

?How many has she completed??

?Eight, as of this evening.?

Pythia?s attention shot up from the book, fixing upon him with merciless disbelief, and those predatory eyes narrowed, ?Eight? It took the other oracle eighteen years to craft the nine Libri Sibyllini.?

?I?m sorry,? he offered tentatively, ?I don?t know what you?re talking about.?

The vampire ignored his ignorance as she swiftly inspected the other seven books, moving from text to text at an alarmingly unnatural pace. Once her circumvention of the table was complete, and she seemed satisfied with the truth of Thomas?s statements, she regarded the sleeping Sibyl with a measure of distant distress.

?She has exhausted herself, on the eve of a great trial.? The warmth of her concern melted her frosty mien, her voice trembling as she spoke. ?The years have stolen most of my prophetic vision, but the unimaginable depth of the darkness that seeks her whispers a warning even to me. It drew me back to her, back here. And if I can see this, I know she would as well. Great peril awaits.?


Date: 2011-07-22 11:33 EST
(Cross-posted with A New Covenant Pledge)

"But, though I change till eye would never know me, my voice shall live, the fates will leave my voice.? - The Sibyl to Aeneas, Ovid's Metamorphoses

"To dream of a sybil, foretells that you will enjoy assignations and other demoralizing pleasures." - Ten Thousand Dreams Interpreted, or "What's in a dream": a scientific and practical exposition by Gustavus Hindman, 1910

The Sibyl awoke to her own voice, tempered in a wanton moan.

Shadows, dwelling possessively in their eternal corners, ate the cry far too slowly, the endless mewl echoing vicious vestiges of pleasure, the dual sensations deriving from her lips and mind and yet not entirely of her volition. The prophetess?s lithe limbs tensed and stretched along the luxury of her linens, her hands meekly tearing across the brief chemise that costumed her small, tempting figure.

Aolani, Thomas: those faces loomed in her imagination, beguilingly entranced in their prurient endeavors - the magnificent Sierene, orchestrating and indulging, her unequaled body held at tantalizing, tormenting length, then offered in rapturous graciousness, pressing - breasts to breasts, lips to lips - against her own as the Sibyl was so kindly violated by pen and ****. Thomas?s ****. The ever-polite steward had a rough heat that, when danced upon her memory, made her shiver with urgency, the very memory of his unmitigated masculinity inspiring her lonely body to the postures of lust: her spine assumed an elegant arc, thighs parting to the cooled and empty air of the night.

And yet, more significant than the exquisite lust was the lustful and corrupt message: the words inscribed upon Aolani?s flesh, the detail to which she could recall each letter serving as a testament to the dream?s supernatural quality.

Oedipa drew herself from the infrequent comfort of her bed, the exhaustion which beckoned the dream satisfied by her terribly brief slumber. And as she tread the path to her library, the extravagantly appointed rooms of her city house were generally ignored by a mind otherwise focused.

The Shaitan, Shaitan, Shaitan. The word pulsed in her mind to the rhythm of her silent steps, arousing the maliciousness of her long memory - of the golden god who granted immortality but withheld youth, forcing her to suffer an endless physical frailty, even as the world trembled upon her words, in the last of her first years.

Of the centuries in abyss: a being without form or shape; of the horrifically compounding rage that bloomed like a dark flower in the very core of her incorporeal existence.

And of weak and mortal years, few in number but fresh in mind, as the dutiful daughter to a craven patriarch, always awaiting the call of the Outsider God. And though these years introduced the form she would eternally inhabit, their significance was largely concluded when her last brother finally accepted his grave.

The Sibyl?s fourth chapter would be paramount, for now her vain and long-sought desires were realized, and she possessed the essential trinity of immortality, powerful prophecy, and youth. With the near-completion of the her Libri Sibyllini, a poetic prophecy of worldly catastrophes, and the support of the Shaitan, she could far eclipse the might of all other Sibyls, all prophets, all seers of the ages.

The diminutive seer stepped into her library, where upon her great table the nine volumes rested, and where, upon an elegant couch, the devoted love of her first life squirmed, naked and moaning, in response to her Steward?s smooth thrusts.

The Shaitan?s demands were costly.

Pythia saw her, but Thomas did not. The golden vampire, the once-gifted, smiled gently, secretively, before ecstatic cries again consumed her lips.

And, consumed with the prick of knowledge and the pull of prophecy, the Sibyl watched.

Thomas August

Date: 2011-08-14 22:13 EST
Oedipa was gone.

The heavy texts of her months? toil, which whispered voices deemed the Libri Sibyllini, were also vanished.? In my considerable time in the Lady?s employ, this had never happened.? I found it difficult to imagine her surviving in the world-at-large, weaving through crowds or holding company with the masses.? In my mind, she existed for confinement and solitude, and writing, and pacing her rooms - an extravagant scholar or an inspired seer; an exotic too delicate for this callous realm.

Or was she? Had I simply grown so accustomed to her unpredictable sharpness and silence that I could forget her inherent fierceness? Had the luminous dark of her gaze, that which set most to discomforted stammering, bored so deeply into my psyche that it became as familiar as my own reflection?

Perhaps. Whatever she was, whatever name she carried, I had made peace with her eccentricities. I was fond of her, of her trust, of the extent to which she seemed to rely on me.

So I felt abandoned when she vanished. Indeed, her sudden absence reminded me that she spent many years without my company. ?My dread was such that I was driven to wonder: Did she need me, or did I need her?

My thoughts drifted.

?You?ve dreamt about her, haven?t you?? Pythia would ask, her eyes alight in their cold mirth.?

Every night, every time.? I went for a month, dreamless and exhausted, when first I accepted this job, but when my fantasies returned, they were uniform: a thousand different versions of the same thing. ?It?s only natural,? I would reply, ?to dream about those in your life.?

?Not like yours,? she would whisper, slipping a leg over and pulling her naked body atop of mine. Her smooth features lacked warmth even with her smile, her sultry laugh, and her body grinding provocatively.

My hands would then lay upon her hips, my fingers digging possessively into the flesh that would never bruise. thoughts drifted...


Date: 2011-09-24 22:43 EST
Lips and tongue: they were as potent and strong as well-aged wine, impelling her amenable mouth in a thirsty kiss.? The Sibyl drank him in, lips of flower-petal softness yielding to his amorous exploration, her intoxicating mouth inviting and teasing with a tug of teeth against his bottom lip and a grazing, beseeching trifle of her tongue.? His strong fingers curled in the hedonistic tumble of her ebony mane, tugging the prophetess?s head back with tender ease, disturbing the lustful desperation of the kiss.

She moaned gently, sweetly, the fervor of arousal trembling in the sound. ?

Beneath the passion-lowered line of inky lashes, the Sibyl?s dark eyes - ashes ever-smoldering with latent flame - burned across the divine countenance of the Outsider God.? All once he sighed, thin, perfectly-formed lips parting, his unoccupied hand laying a clenching claim to the delicious curve of her backside, urging her hips to a degenerate grind.? She accommodated the suggestion eagerly, her depraved motion tempting the stiff length that was already nestled provocatively against the open, drippingly-warm flesh of her *** as she straddled his hips, prolonging the exquisite torture, hovering upon commencement of another frenzied f**k.?

The masculine line of jaw clenched, and he inhaled sharply, nearly choking on his desire as he managed a growling whisper: ?Someone approaches.?

?I don?t care,? she whimpered, straining against the hand entangled in her hair, seeking to silence him with another kiss, but he was steadfast.? Wickedly so.? ?I forgot that the prophetess likes an audience.? he rumbled with sensual mirth, his hand shifting to the narrowness of her waist.? ?Maybe I?ll turn you over to him and be your audience.?

The petite seer said nothing, but the manner in which her tongue slyly moistened her flushed set of lips, the luminous dark of her eyes, relayed volumes of desire and acceptance.?

She wouldn?t protest.

And yet, after a momentary, haughty lull, she retreated to his side, propping herself up on the elegant line of her right arm and making no immediate move to shield her provocative frame.? The Outsider God?s muscular torso collapsed and curled upright as footsteps emerged on the stone in the main chamber of his cavernous temple. ?

The disciple entered, allowing the creek of the ancient door to announce his presence.?

?A pilgrim to see you,? the young man called to the lovers.? ?She awaits an audience.?

?Tell her to rest and feast,? replied the Adoneus, the Lyaeus, the Pseudanor, ?For I will summon her soon.?

?No, my Lord,? came the quiet contradiction, ?Not you.? She claims to seek the great Sibyl.?

The ancient God turned his amusement upon his companion, colorless eyes absorbing the perfection of her pale countenance, coaxing the emotion from her delicately-stoic features as he leaned toward her.? ?The great Sibyl,? he repeated, allowing his warm breath to reverberate hotly across the edges of her ear.? While one hand curled a stern palm over her shoulder, the other tugged at divine linens, miraculously pulling from their smooth planes a short, diaphanous gown to clothe the prophetess.? With profound sensuality, her arms lifted, welcoming the brief, immodest attire as he easily slipped it over her luscious form, caressing soft curves with his fingertips as the airy fabric fell.? It concealed little; enough only to enflame lecherous curiosity.

?Shall I permit her to enter, prophetess???

?Yes,? she responded, the pilgrim's pretty features already burning in her mind, for as the scene unfolded, she recalled its telling in the scrape of ink upon paper.? With uninhibited grace, she rose from the bed and drifted across the smooth stone floor, stilling herself at the edge of the handful of steps leading down to the entrance of the cavernous temple?s private chambers.

The woman?s sorrow echoed in her movements as she entered: shaky as sobs and slippery as tears.? In a flurry of gold ringlets and youthful voluptuousness, she tossed herself into a kneel at the base of the half-dozen stairs.? Tearful eyes gazed up at the Sibyl and her stillness.

For a moment, there was silence.

The Outsider, boldly neglecting his own attire, moved to the table in the rear of the chambers where lay the nine large volumes of the Sibyl?s prophetic saga. The books themselves were the inspiration for her visit; she was entrusting their safekeeping to the sanctuary of his cliff-carved temple. His fingers ran an assessing caress along several spines, ultimately selecting a small text - thin, perhaps the width of his hand - of far less gravity and ornamentation than the Libri. With little ceremony and no ostensible intent, he opened to a random page.

Written there was the story of the scene now unfolding within his chambers. His statue-perfect countenance lit in lurid appreciation as he scanned the exquisite telling of their affair, though the majority of his amusement derived from deciphering the prophecy as it occurred.

The world seemed to shimmer, intangible air trembling with a curious disruption, and the pilgrim gulped her trembling breaths, amassing the fortitude to present her question.

?Will he ever return?? she finally managed.

The Sibyl inhaled slowly, her ill-concealed breasts rising as infinite and frightful eyes absorbed woman?s deploring expression.

The Outsider God read ahead, circumventing the suspense that permeated the atmosphere of the chamber. The woman?s husband - a soldier - would return from battle as a hero; they would have more children and die after many decades: it was standard mortality.

?He will,? the Sibyl finally responded, her voice a collection of tempestuous winds. ?But not to you.?

The Outsider lifted his head, eyes narrowing inquisitively at the disparity between stories.

?You will be gone, buried, wasted by disease and despair,? the prophetess continued, the tender turn of her airy voice attributing an impressive finality to her words. The woman sobbed once. ?But your untimely death will inspire your husband to greatness. His name will be repeated for generations.?

The God glanced down again, unfathomable eyes following the shuddering twist of letters upon the page as they moved to mirror the new prophecy. He read ahead. The pilgrim?s husband would indeed be prompted to action by his wife?s death, but his ?greatness? would be in the service of the Sibyl herself. Interesting.

?Your children will be leaders.?

The pilgrim collapsed completely upon the stone floor, her hands tearing at her lovely golden curls in despair, her body shaking with near-silent, gasping cries.

?Your family will benefit greatly from your early death.?

The woman wailed, her torment echoing throughout the chambers. As the cry succumbed again to silence, the Sibyl descended the half-dozen stairs, kneeling closely and embracing her in the twisted guise of benevolence. The pilgrim was hot and soft in her arms, clinging madly, choking on her sorrow, and when she glanced up to behold the prophetess's inky gaze, she saw the brief spark of her life snuffed by the darkness of eternity.

The pilgrim fainted, her feminine form suddenly limp in the Sibyl?s embrace.


Date: 2011-09-25 21:32 EST
Once the Outsider God?s disciple had exited with the woman, intending to allow her recovery in the temple?s main chamber, the Deity himself approached the seer, his divine ease evident in the enticing ripple of muscle that accompanied each step. In his hand, he held the Sibyl?s small text, tapping it meaningfully against his opposite palm. Flawless features - the aesthetic elements of visage that had inspired ecstatic hysteria for thousands of years - were remarkably casual.

?That was interesting,? he murmured, his black eyes burning into the prophetess?s placid countenance. Dark lashes swept a long veil over her gaze as she glanced downward, absorbing the significance of the tome he clutched, before fluttering to again match his attention.

The Sibyl chose silence as her defense, a fine chin lifted in simple acknowledgement.

?I wouldn?t think it?d be in a prophetess?s best interest to spread falsehoods,? the Outsider continued, his hungry fingers finding the nourishment of her soft skin. His knuckles trailed along her jaw.

?They are not falsehoods,? she whispered.

?No? The words you spoke -? his rough fingertips trailed along the plush softness of her bottom lip, ?-were not as written.?

?What does the book say?? the Sibyl returned, her enticing figure eliminating the air between them as she stepped closer, her small hand closing over her text.

?It changed as you spoke,? the God whispered with appreciate mischievousness, his regal chin dipping to smile at the lovely prophetess, now so near.

?Then it is true,? she declared without hesitation, plucking the book from his hand and taking a coy step backwards. The seer stole a longing look over the masterful sinew of his musculature, her measured expression adopting a hint wistfulness as she turned away to replace the volume.

?Then why did you initially write it differently?? the God queried in her wake, his head turning faintly as he studied the play of shadow and light through the diaphanous material falling across her svelte form.

?Because it was different then,? she clarified, pausing before the table containing her Libri Sibyllini.

Several seconds wasted away in silence as the Sibyl?s eyes roamed the arrangement of volumes in her prized collection of epic prophecy. The Outsider approached soundlessly, announcing his nearness with the press of his stout strength against the slender span of her back, of his desire against her ass. The stiff length burrowed immediately between firm, high swells, masculine hands encouraging a welcome by bending her body over the table, forcing her to prop herself up on those soft, ink-stained palms.

?That?s impossible,? he growled, his fingers tearing at the gifted gossamer gown, stretching and tearing it like spiderwebs across her flawless flesh.

The prophetess wanted to moan her desire, but she crafted the carnal cry into words, their syllables criminally lustful for simple speech: ?Not always. When the subject is one or two, it is simple to influence the course of mortal lives.?

The Outsider god positioned the broad head of his ample rod against the damp, flushed bloom exposed between the Sibyl?s thighs, rubbing it eagerly along her throbbingly-warm slit. A gentle hand pressed her pristine cheek against the leather cover of her ninth volume. ?Extraordinary,? he murmured, remarking both on her talent and the insanely compelling position of her tempting body. He could wait no more. Strong hips surged forward, ruthlessly implanting the whole of his thick instrument in the tight, warm body of the prophetess.

Swollen lips could not repress the cry that accompanied the delightful desecration of her sensual form: the stretching of silky-hot flesh with his unforgiving invasion, the sudden, shudder-inducing cocktail of pain-infused pleasure.

The God leaned over her prone figure, his hips beginning to grind her from behind. ?If what you say is true, Sibyl, then your power exceeds the offerings of the Gods. If that woman dies, I will happily surrender my temple to you, for control of the future is a most difficult endeavor.?

?She will die,? the Sibyl gasped, her feet lifting to dainty toes, slim calves straining, elegant spine arching in a delectable bend that flagrantly offered her dipping *** to his building thrusts. ?And I will enjoy the seclusion of your temple and the devotion of your disciples.? His strokes increased in length, their agonizing pull from the clench of her snug walls reversed in fierce thrusts forward, thundering in every ounce of her delicious flesh, as well as the table on which she was so luridly bent.

?But first,? she gasped, the last of her cognizant thoughts beginning to dissipate into pure lust, ?I must return to the city to seek Aolani and the Shaitan.?

"Very well, Sibyl," he agreed in a depraved growl.

They were the last decipherable words he spoke for the whole of the long evening.