Topic: A long lost Brother

Lord Brutin

Date: 2008-06-08 21:51 EST
Brutin laughed as his friend Larr came to a halt from his exercises, sweat gleaming over his body, the lightsaber hissed hungrily in the air as it moved and Brutin watched it as Larr moved towards him.

"As you can see, it takes quite a bit of skill, if you had deigned to let me teach you so long ago you would have mastered it by now." His friend said playfully and Brutin smiled back. The truth of it was that he had more skill with the blade than Larr or his apprentice Verishia, his problem was that the saber could cut through anything and that left him vulnerable. If Hex's toys worked then he would have his defense against sabers.

"Verishia is very skilled, I have watched her practice with Hex on our front lawn, you have done well training her." Brutin offered and Larr bowed his head in acknowledgement. "My only problem with her is that her temper gets the best of her, she would benefit from a cooler head." He remarked and Larr chuckled.

"And for me I need her to have that temper, she draws strength from it and becomes more powerful for it. She channels the force through it and the more angry she gets, the more powerful she becomes." He explained and Brutin shrugged his shoulders, he was implacable, not bent on mad vengeance.

"Very well, you are the Master, and I but an outsider. Thank you for sending her to me, she is valuable, and should Travanix try a desperate direct assault she is there to counter him." Brutin said and Larr nodded casually.

"I am still getting used to the idea of this Nexus, I was the Governor of that sector for years and never got used to it." Larr admitted and Brutin nodded, that had been a bitter blow, finding out that his friend no longer controled the sector, it had been handed over to a younger commander. "The idea of more than one pair of Sith residing in any one spot, it smacks in the face of our decree. And yet I know they all follow the same tenant and in their own timelines, they are the only ones." He continued and Brutin nodded, his head hurt thinking about it.

"I have allowed my employees to conduct this Crusade against Travanix because they need something to do and he grows bold. It is my intention to kill off his cloning facility and leave him with a single body." Brutin said and Larr watched him narrowly for a moment.

"Why not just destroy him?" He finally asked and Brutin smiled.

"Why? Would it not be better to force him to engage people without that insufferable attitude of his, he only has it because there are no repercussions for his actions. One of these days he is going to piss off the wrong person and end up dead permanently. He is like a child whose parents are afraid to discipline him, I would grow him up if I am able." Brutin remarked and Larr put his hand up.

"For you it is nothing for me, I can bomb the facility from orbit but I have to wipe out the area, I also can land troops and overrun the facility. If the clones are not activated then the stormtroopers will clean the place out quickly enough, but if you kill him in RhyDin while the assault is going on and his clones activate, even one by one and with no lightsaber he would tear through them. We would either win through sheer numbers or more likely have to retreat and bomb from orbit. The Clones must be destroyed or neutralized first, otherwise he will be able to do considerable damage." Larr said calmly. he was no fool and would not mince words.

"The facility will be first, it is not my intention to engage him in battle at all. I am going to remove his power base and then warn him so that he might change his ways. If he does not listen then I will kill him." Brutin remarked and Larr nodded.

"You have put a considerable amount of resources into this for just a hobby for your employees." Larr remarked and Brutin shrugged.

"I could possibly spend less and then he would be dead, or worse, kill a few and leave a clone alive to start the process over again. The object is to remove him powers and make him human, and then let him learn how to be one, the hard way if need be." Brutin finished and Larr nodded.

"So much energy and expense." He commented and Brutin grinned.

"And if he was a tax paying citizen?" Brutin shot back and Larr grinned to him.

"Then worth the effort." He said and Brutin nodded. "Your shuttle awaits you, you have my pledge of support, I will bring my sector fleet to bear on your word if you need it." He said and Brutin saluted him.

It was a quick walk to the shuttle and Brutin sat thinking about things as they made orbit and then Hyperspace. He had hours to think on it, the plans he had formulated before leaving, the war, the Legion, Nadine, Hex, Cieara. Thoughts threatened to overwhelm him but the hours passed and slowly he gained control of them, by the time the shuttle set down in the SA compound he had put each in it's place.

As the ramp fell he stepped off quickly with a smile, his thoughts were running through the priority list.

He had work to do.