Topic: Demonic Misconsultation


Date: 2008-06-01 03:30 EST
Demonic Misconsultation
Sign Here Please?

Location: Cimmaron, New Mexico
Date/Time: June 1st, 2008

Once the home of Anasazi, Jicarilla Apache, and Ute Indians, Cimarron, located on the Mountain Branch of the Santa Fe Trail, became the hub of a vast mining and ranching empire in the mid to late 19th century. The pioneer spirit which gave rise to Cimarron brought the famous and infamous alike. Western legends such as Kit Carson, Black Jack Ketchum, Charles Kennedy, Clay Allison, and Will James have each added flair to the area?s rich history.

In Spanish, Cimarron means ?wild and unruly,? harking back to the historical turbulence of this now peaceful community. The area was once part of the controversial Maxwell Land Grant, which eventually caused the Colfax County War in the late 1800s. In addition to Cimarron?s rich Native American heritage, Spanish settlers, homesteaders, trappers, traders, and many other colorful characters made this beautiful area their home...

...and this is exactly the kind of place where Gunther Choskasy chose to retire.

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At the modest age of 55 it could almost be said that time had not been very kind on the former war veteran. Life had always been difficult for this soldier being last of his family line; shortly before the recalling of troops from Vietnam in 1975, a freak auto accident took the lives of his immediate family members. Choosing a military career came as a logical out for escaping the heartbroken return home, and thus set the course in motion for his later life.

"All that is required for evil to win is for good men to do nothing..." once said his C/O.

A long service stint in the Harbinger Active Resistance Division introduced new perspectives to the soldier as suddenly he was emulating uncanny feats the likes you could only experience in the horrid writing of comic books.

A couple trips into RhyDin, a side trip to Gor, and the unlikely position of clean up hitter for a major slaving operation in an alternate reality under the employment of one of the most despised men in the realms... didn't make the aging man wake during the middle of the night from traumatic flashbacks.

How could deal with this normally to begin with? Attribute it to drugs? Perhaps a case of delusional complexes? Bad writing?

Who knows... but it did happen for all the sense that it didn't make.

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In the late hours of June 1st, 2008... a weary Gunther was making a return trip from the store. As he neared his abode, a ways off from Interstate 64, he couldn't help but notice the shape and color of the suede delivery truck with a man in a burgandy uniform about to knock the upon the door. Flagging the man over with a modest holler and wave, the two gentleman exchanged introductions and hasty small talk about the arid weather.

This was a bit strange, the thought occurred to Gunther, he hadn't ordered anything recently off the Internet.

Nevertheless, Gunther signed the electronic pad used for inventory tracking by this particular delivery company. Unbeknownst to Gunther... this package was actually destined for Gunther Cho... not Gunther Choskasy.

Something was amiss, it's almost as if after signing the pad... that his body began to change.

Arthritis had disappeared...
His atrophied leg hurt less when he rested weight upon it...

Something was definitely amiss. Tearing upon the envelope and reading the letter contained, Gunther would've probably had a heartattack if his body hadn't reverted to a semblance of his younger days.

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To Gunther C:
By accepting this envelope into your possession, you have authorized the Offices of Milton, Chadwick, and Waters to engage your recently approved service agreement.

As previously discussed in the terms on your case file, the senior partners have granted the condition that your age be retro-simulated to the age of 35. Also, per previous negotiations... you will be granted temporary exclusion from the death status until the expiration date of the service agreement.

In exchange, your corporeal life is to be terminated at one year after the inception of the contract.
Your spirital existance is to become property of M, C, & W at the expiration date of the contract.

M, C, & W reserves the right to change the contract to completed status at anytime.

Best Regards,
Lucifer Yosei

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If you were in an earshot at the time Gunther had completed scanning the document... you could almost hear him say...

"Oh frell..."