Topic: Not So Subtle Changes


Date: 2008-06-21 11:17 EST
Just shortly before the first light of dawn touched the sky, she had risen, careful not to waken Gun as she slipped from his arms. She sat there for a moment on the edge of the bed watching him sleep before leaning close and placing a soft kiss to his temple. Then she rose and gathered their discarded clothing from the night before and began preparing for the morning.

Once dressed, she then made her way out to the garden, one corner of which lately was becoming a sanctuary for her. She sat there with a drink she had been told was called cocoa in her hands, sipping it and enjoying the chill of the morning as she watched the sun rise over the horizon.

Her thoughts and feelings this morning were quite chaotic as she tried to make sense of what was happening. She was used to taking things presented her and focusing on the moment when it was hard to focus on the path. She had learned to do this as she watched her mother slowly waste away. She had honed it as she was told the truth about her birth. She thought she had mastered it, only to come against something she had not expected.

Nadine had told her that there were those who begged their collar. She had been confused by this idea at first. After last night, she thought she began to understand why. Though his words and touch were gentle, there was a subtle firmness there which encouraged her to move forward when she would otherwise falter. He could laugh with her one moment over some silliness, and in the next look at her in such a way that she knew he was displeased with something she had said or done and she would find herself changing her path to see his smile again.

Was it possible to love someone so completely that all you wished was to know that they were pleased with you?