
Date: 2008-06-15 13:57 EST
Aleamnah had risen later than intended this morning and hurried to the bakery. She wasn?t supposed to be there until this evening, but she hoped that the baker would be a bit shorthanded, as usual, and she would get a chance to make a small surprise for the people she had met recently.

Just as she expected, he was short a girl, so she smiled and offered to take her place. A little more the pay for her, which meant she didn?t really have to dip into the money she was saving to pay for the treats. She spent the morning working at the bakery, getting the chance to make the treat she would later buy for her friends.

What she didn?t expect was for her mind to wander while she worked and move over the past few days of events. However, for all her excitement about making the treats, she had come across things that now had her both confused and a little bit worried. Last night had been particularly troublesome to her, though she hoped she had hidden it well.

During her conversation with Nadine, she had asked, ?Is it true that if yer mother is a slave, yer one too??

At first Nadine?s answer had almost caused her to sigh with relief, ?nopers.? However, what followed had caused her to suddenly stop breathing, ?if she is a slave an gives birth ta ya, yes, but if yer already born then yer separate.?

Suddenly her world was thrown into confusion. She knew her mother had been a slave, but as far as she knew, her mother?s master had died in a war long ago, even before she was born. What was a slave when her master was no longer there to be her master? And what would that make her? She had so many questions, no answers, and walking a very thin line. A step the wrong way, and she was going to fall.

The only thing to do was focus on now, and well, not letting those sticky buns burn.