Topic: OOC: The Unofficial OOC Discussion Thread!


Date: 2008-06-27 06:55 EST
While I realize that Brutin's player prefers to keep things IC, and rarely talks OOC or plans RP or SLs in advance, I have to admit that there are many instances where an OOC discussion thread can be useful.
If nothing else than to address confusion or misunderstanding in posts, or simply to make suggestions to other players in the forum.

For these reasons I have taken upon myself to post our first Unofficial OOC Discussion Thread!

I would like to request that one of the Mods here sticky this thread, while I bring up the first order of business:

I've posted an OOC thread dealing with the organization and logistics of the Legion of Chain. All this information was worked out alone at 2am, so there might be errors or inconsistancies here.
With that in mind, I would welcome any comments, suggestions, or questions regarding the Legion of Chain be posted in this discussion thread.
Help me build a believable army here.

Oh, incidentally. I'm working on another OOC information post regarding Hex's new bodies which are under development. Once I get things organized and written down, I plan on posting that info somewhere here on the SA board, so any suggestions as to how/where to put it would be appreciated.
Also, keep sending me design ideas for Hex's new bodies!

Lord Brutin

Date: 2008-07-03 01:29 EST
Also of note is the addition of my office. I will be doing work in this office from time to time and since it is in the compound it is not in the marketplace.

Anyone wishing to obtain entrance to this office to see me for business, please ask around to SA members.


Date: 2008-08-09 03:56 EST
I'm going to start off by apologizing to all those involved, but for the moment I am suspending the Phaesia War SL. It's become clear to me over the last week or so that this thread is becoming very one-sided, with all the actual players only portraying one side of the conflict, and the enemy as nothing but NPCs, if that.

I have never been able to hold interest in such one-sided stories, and asking everyone to wait for me is both unfair and unnecessary.

I'm going to ask that the thread be locked for the moment. From here on Hex will be returning to Rhydin and the Association compound. Assume that the events on Phaesia are complete, with a favorable outcome for the SA.
As for the thread itself, if the other players involved wish to do so, we will continue writing that story, however I will be making no attempts to keep events in the thread and live play concurrent. Any reference to the war by Hex will be past tense only.

Sadly, I would greatly prefer to find actual player opposition if we want to run any future military storylines.
To everyone involved so far, wonderful job and looking forwards to more wonderful stories in the future.

Mei Mei

Date: 2008-08-29 21:08 EST
First of I wanted to say thanks for being willing to take my character in. I am excited about getting to play with you all and getting involved more in your stories. Though I did have some purpose in posting this aside from just saying hello... lol

You have quite an impressive board here with so many threads, I don't know where to start! Can anyone recommend what would be the best ones to get a feel for the place? Like a general overview of some sort would be great.


Date: 2008-08-30 12:40 EST
I think your first stop should be Dramatis Personae. In that thread you will find short bios of all the important PCs and NPCs of the Association. After that... To be honest, everything is so spread out in different threads.

My personal style is to start a new thread whenever the 'subject' of an SL changes. Major events will warrant their own thread, while ongoing SLs will remain in the old threads. Either way, we have many short threads, and a handful of longer running ones.

Best to just browse around and see what we're about. Oh, and welcome to the Association!

((Edited to remove a question since answered.))
I haven't had time to do much live RP due to RL issues, but Hex *should* know what's going on around here.
Consider this a polite request from the 2nd-in-command. I'd appreciate it if folks could jot a quick note here when something important to the Association as a whole happens in Live, and I'm not around to make sure Hex knows about it?
If anyone is concerned about blending, remember that all the key members of the SA are under near constant observation by Hex's remotes and drones. =^.^=

Lord Brutin

Date: 2008-08-30 19:50 EST
That would be me.

During the very intense Lana Serum Deal Chaos, Bob, Drooler, what have you, had been lurking but when the tension got thick enough to cut with a knife he decided to get involved. His involvement? The child that he is, he simply laughed at it and then started making snide comments to one of our people about the others.

He was asked to leave pleasantly and his response was to continue to act the drooler. I do not tolerate this. Rishi unceremoniously dumped him outside and he IMed me to throw it all in my face.

The Hot Skinny: I am not a babysitter, I do not get paid to watch over children nor entertain them. I will not have them attempt to disrupt my play. It is not tolerated in any context. When you have a standing rule that anyone can join play for any reason, so long as it is Roleplay, then those actually breaching that rule should be made away.

One does not blow up half the marketplace and then become angry because no one pays attention to him. That is not Roleplaying, that is childishness. And one does not enter a tense situation and then loudly laugh at it all and begin to verbally attack those involved. Socially inept as you are I will explain, very likely you would end up dead doing something like that in any social convention moron.

These are two mistakes made by Bob. Bob has one more chance to decide if he wants to RP with us or not. I allow Drive by RP, if you just want to play for a night or visit without lurking.

What I do not tolerate is childishness or Socializing, that tiny corner of the Marketplace called the Shaved Kurii is for Roleplay.

Bob, if you wish to discuss this, PM me or respond here. Once this situation has been resolved this reply will be deleted so we don't mar the board.


Date: 2008-09-22 14:57 EST
Greetings, SA. I'm back from vacation (as is the illustrious Bonny Corporation) and much refreshed. You can attack Tek-World any time now. I'm looking forward to a galaxy-sized chess game with your finest minds. Don't pull your punches, I like a challenge. Your move.


Date: 2008-09-22 18:55 EST
Welcome back Anne-mun! It's wonderful to have you around again.

I might as well make this an official announcement since the deadline for it is fast approaching: It is very likely that the Slaver Association will be closing it's doors this weekend.

The short version of how this will happen is that most of our 'members' are AWOL. Brutin, Nadine, Alaemnah, Gunther, even Verishia have not been seen in several weeks on here.
I have sent a PM to Brutin letting him know that should he not return by Sunday, or at least send some word that he intends to return eventually, as current second in command of the SA, I am closing shop.
I enjoy RPing Hex as a soldier, and yes even administrator, of the Association. However, I have no personal OOC interest in playing a slaver, and as such I will not be the sole guardian of a slaving house. If Brutin is not around to push the slaver angle of things, I will be moving on.

What does this mean for Hex and other characters? I'm having too much dammed fun with Hex as a character to just retire the mechabug. No, Hex will be taking direct command of the greater portion of the Legion of Chain (those who are not battle-slaves), and moving into the mercenary army business.
I'll be starting up my own folder, moving a good portion of my posts from the SA folder (including the Tek World threads), and setting up my own shop.

So Anne, you'll still be getting that chess match, it just might be against me alone. I'll do my best to make it enjoyable for both of us! =^.^=


Date: 2008-09-26 22:40 EST

I might as well make this an official announcement since the deadline for it is fast approaching: It is very likely that the Slaver Association will be closing it's doors this weekend.

The short version of how this will happen is that most of our 'members' are AWOL. Brutin, Nadine, Alaemnah, Gunther, even Verishia have not been seen in several weeks on here. I have sent a PM to Brutin letting him know that should he not return by Sunday, or at least send some word that he intends to return eventually, as current second in command of the SA, I am closing shop.

Gunther has been written out of the SA storyline by events that transpired several weeks ago which resulted in his firing.

To let you know what has been going on, at least in my case the cause of my absence, I broke a big no no in regards to the IC/OOC barrier mainly due to what can only be described as hostile conditions in my real work life. The frustration bleeded into my RP and I ended hurting not only myself but straining relations severely with other players that interacted with my character.

I was taking some time out to think things out and hopefully come back when things got smoother at work (unfortunately that hasn't happened yet).

Lord Brutin

Date: 2008-09-28 12:37 EST
Sorry to have been away without word people but the new selling season is upon us and we have brought out a new camera, the A-900 which has been taking up my time.

For the time being I will not be playing in the rooms as time is short, however, as time permits I will still be writing on the boards. This will continue probably through til January when the selling season is over. Sony is even changing my days off so this cannot be helped.

For anyone needing to talk to me face to face, please send me a message and I will work come in for the meet but the time to sit idly by is past due to our beloved need to spend money during the holidays.

Buy Sony!

Kit Rae

Date: 2008-10-09 17:32 EST
Hey Y'all.
I started a couple of SL here on the boards, but have been real busy,haven't
had time to write.
Are you really closing down the board? Cause I want to finish what I started.


Ammy Spiritor

Date: 2008-10-09 20:46 EST
I apologize as well for dropping my lupinossi story lines. College and Work have eaten most of my free time. The Lupinossi are still very much alive and thriving very well in the Den with Hex's mother ship buying the land for them, but alas, real life has called Ammy, Street, and Fleet back to Lupinoss realms for a while to deal with real life issues. As for story line continuity when they do reappear, I am going with Ammy's secret desire to have her own alchemy lab/shop to provide services to all. She'll still keep her contact with the SA if anyone ever stirs again, but for the most part she is a freelancer Alchemy/Magic Mercenary. Till the next time a white furred, frost rimmed female lupine touches you with a metal arm, enjoy and be safe!


Date: 2008-10-10 05:38 EST
As much as I wish it were otherwise, things here in the SA group seem to have imploded, leading to three major characters leaving DM for the forseeable future.

Brutin himself still drops by to check on the forums, so I will not be closing the folder, as he is still the moderator here.
However, I have already put things into place to take Hex and company on to other adventures. I have my own folder now and you can still find me there.

So, bottom line: The Slaver Association folder will not be closing, nor is the IC group disbanded, just far less active unless/until someone wishes to take up the reigns.

It's been a wonderful ride, but this is my stop...