Topic: Testing One Two Three

Lord Brutin

Date: 2008-04-25 19:23 EST
Brutin looked up at the three burly, ragged men who smiled at him sheepishly. They wore several weapons but failed to care for them, perhaps they were schooled well enough to use them but the lacked the discipline to be true warriors. Philodus strode through them, parting them like water and receiving complaints but he simply ignored them, he considered them nothing more than dogs.

"Here are your 'specialist' you wanted." Philodus said contemptuously as he halted at Brutin's desk. Brutin sat back and regarded them, they probably did not practice together, did not train consistently and oft times woke up with hangovers, typical fare for what he had seen recently of RhyDin mercenaries.

"Very well. I am interested in fulfilling a Marque I have issued, I have been told there are none better than yourselves to fill it, am I correct?" It was all he could do not to roll his eyes up into his head. A farmer's ten year old son wielding a hoe with the head missing could probably best them, if he didn't simply wait until they fell over drunk to finish them off.

"Indeed My Lord. We are the best south of East Bridge and we will not fail you. Who do you want killed?" The assumed leader spoke and Brutin noticed the man was missing his two front teeth. At some point he had lost an argument.

Deciding that they would be an adequate first test for her he sighed and steepled his fingers together. "The Marque is Lain Amthras. She is usually seen around the Red Dragon Inn in town and she occasionally hires out for muscle work." He offered, upping the ante. Now they knew she could fight. If they were paying attention.

"And for payment?" The leader asked, a grin on his face as he started counting the money purse in his head without having given a single thought of how he was going to kill the Marque. Maybe it was not too late to hire others and increase the difficulty.

"Should you succeed I will pay her body weight in gold." He said and saw their eyes light up, he felt exhilarated at the prospect. If they managed to beat her they would deserve it, a gift to whatever gods they prayed to for the miracle.

"Half now and half when we are done with her." The leader said and the two men behind him laughed to each other about being done and just what it entailed. The City should pay him for ridding these droolers from city limits.

"You will receive none beforehand as I am not about to ask her how much she weighs, at least while she is sober." He said and the men laughed again, though Brutin really didn't think the information he had just given them would make it into their schemes. "And as for who hired you, it shall be kept a strict secret, and if I find out you tell who I am, even when you are ready to slay her, the things I will do to you would spread my reputation far and wide, Tasselhoft the Vengeful would not describe me after that." He finished and then grinned to himself.

The men nodded soberly and Philodus ushered them out of the office and to the front gates, returning only after they had gone. He did not knock on the door but simply entered and sat down in an empty chair and sighed.

"Why do you hate this Tasselhoft so?" Philodus asked and Brutin looked up at him.

"I do not."

"We have scoured the city looking for family and friends of him, we have been to the Dueling Masters to threaten them over him and now you frame him for a murder those fools cannot hope to commit? A blind masseuse could defeat those three, surely they will implicate this Tasselhoft." Philodus was disgusted and Brutin pitied him, he did not play the game well, it was not a warrior's game.

"There is a small chance those three could catch her by surprise, unarmed, naked, drunk, passed out and tied down." Brutin defended and at each suggestion Philodus grinned and then finally burst into laughter.

"It is true, one of their dead bodies could fall over on her and crush her. You never know." They laughed and Brutin looked over at the dancing pole sticking out of the fresh red sand.

"I want to see if she can think and fight, she is quick to anger and quick to drink. Now we get to see if she can hold her own against three." Brutin said and Philodus shook his head.

"She is going to overcome them and there is a chance she may win the name of their employer from them. And when she confronts this innocent man...." Philodus left the statement trail away, the actions were not becoming a member of the warrior caste.

"I doubt she will kill the man, but she will certainly distract him. By the time I am done with him Jewel has but to show up to claim her victory. And I will be able to claim my winnings." Brutin remarked proudly but Philodus simply shook his head in distaste.

"Slavers. You lie, cheat and steal your way to profits you cannot hope to spend."

"This entire endeavor is profitable to me. I will have tested a prospective employee, distracted the duelist I bet against and send a clear message to the people of RhyDin that something is definitely amiss." Brutin stated clearly and Philodus blinked in surprised.

"You have it well thought out."

"Of course, and for this entertainment I have paid nothing."


Date: 2008-04-26 23:37 EST
Perhaps it was the timing, or perhaps the luck? No, it was that he knew when his named was used, and that didn?t please him in the least. He listened, and listened closely.

Then a smile played his lips and he shifted his steps from the library towards that part of town which the three were making their way out of. His steps carried him past the old Templar headquarters, and he nodded to one of those on patrol. He knew most of them, and bade him to tell his wife that the herbs were ready to pick up when she was ready for them.

A few streets down, things changed, and he shed the smile, and the looks changed from the old man to the Guardian. A subtle change, but a change none the less, and it wasn?t lost on the three gentlemen that he walked up to.

?Get out of our way, old man!? The leader seemed to pay little heed and continued on, trying to plow through. A simple step to the left, and the man was soon missing the left portion of his head. A clean slice showed what made up the poor contents of the man?s brains.

The other two blinked, and looked to the old man. They caught the sight of the sword being sheathed and disappearing. It was enough for them. The old man was disarmed now and they both charged, pulling out their weapons.

Yet, the old man just smiled, and stepped forward, meeting the two as the came on. The one on the left gave a stutter-step, taken aback and the boldness of the old man. The one of the right continued on, giving a throat-scratching yell, which soon cut off as he dropped his weapons and grabbed at his throat, clawing at it. Soon, his fingers went limp, and the bulging eyes were fixed in their stricken stare.

?Who the hell are you??

The old man?s smile grew a little as he continued on towards the backpedalling man, who seemed to have forgotten his weapons, as well as how to control his bodily functions, by the smell.

?Tasslehofl the Vengeful.? Then the old man lifted a finger, crooked it, and two dead bodies behind him stood, and charged their former third, impaling him and driving him back through the door which they had just exited.

He stood there, his eyes locking to the ones which were within that building, the ones who had sent the three out, and he smiled. ?Let us be clear with one thing, shall we? I do not take too kindly in my name being used without my permission.?

That smile stayed on his lips as he turned, giving those within his back, and he returned back down that street, returning to his trek to the library