Topic: The Slaver War - Act Two: Battle Tested


Date: 2008-06-04 04:05 EST
((OOC Note: This thread is taken largely from a Live RP between the involved players. I have added and embellished the actual logs for readability and some dramatic license of description.))

Hex had flown ahead of Sami and the Sith lady Verishia, to set up the testing arena before they got back. By the time the two women arrived at the Slaver's Association's compound, the gate guards simply nodded them past.
Within the large courtyard a replica of the Duel of Swords arena had been set up. A large sandpit set into the center of the mock arena, with mall pylons set into the ground at regular intervals circling the sandpit. Atop each pylon was a small glowing light, blinking slowly.
Hex was listening as they continued a conversation they were having on the way.

Verishia's voice seemed subdued somehow, "Yes, Verishia Duket. Though where I come from I am called Darth Siege."

Sami for her part wore a curious expression, "Darth Siege?" ~Must be some sort of clever nickname.~ she mused privately, "Which title do you prefer?"

Verishia watched Sami for a while, an inscrutible expression almost as good as Hex's own emotionless face. With a purse dangling down from her spindly fingers and eyes admiring Hex's replica of the arena, the derby queen seemed quite harmless. In fact, she was very much at home here at the compound despite her recent squabbling with Brutin.

Hex waited on the opposite side of the arena, it's armored carapace having changed color. Instead of the usual blue-black, it was now a mixture of dull silver with chromed highlights.

Verishia lifted her hood off her head and then shrugged off her cloak completely, her soft leather pants and bodice dull contrast to her cloak, "What do you require?"

The witless wonder, Samilee, for her part was strolling without a care in the world. With the shedding of the other woman's cloak Samilee moved to the side where she could safely observe the exchange that was about to begin. After all, Tara would be terribly moody if she went off and got herself injured in some way.

Verishia watched Sami take a safe seat and then shook her head in annoyance, " You're not a warrior then?"

Samilee gave Verishia a chipper smile, "Not whenever I'm off the clock."

Hex's insectoid head tracked the two women as they each moved about. Finally the glowing eyes turned to the Sith woman, #I require data on the Ysalamiri's effects on active Force usage. Attempt to attack me in whatever manner you wish, using only your Force abilities.#

The Sith looked back at the droid and nodded, "Using force powers only?"

Hex dropped slightly lower onto it's legs, thorax almost running paralell to the ground as it's head nodded, #For this phase of the test, yes. Force abilties only.#
Verishia would feel it the moment she stepped within ten feet of the arena, Ysalamiri...

Leaving her lightsaber on her belt, Verishia stepped forward into the arena and felt the draw almost immediately, looking aound disconcertedly, trying to identify the source. Only a moment is wasted though. Finally raising her hand to the droid she throws Force bolts at it, a chain of electrical discharge flashing out.

Hex was wired into the life support monitors for the four Ysalamiri on each corner of the arena. So when Verishia started to draw on the Force, Hex noted the sudden spike in the lizards' vitals as all but one of the electric arcs bent around to strike the ground just beside each cage. The final bolt danced across it's carapace, causing it's optics to short out momentarily. Otherwise the machine was unharmed.

Verishia's eyes widen in surprise, "That shoulld have destroyed you!"
A scowl replaced her impassive features and she put her hand up to push the mechanical insect using the Force, thrusting her full power into it.

The bolt didn't look particularly familiar in any way to Sami. But at the shocked expression on the woman's face and the glimpse of what looked like a saber on Verishia's belt, Samilee suddenly understood what this little session might have been about.

Hex takes a moment to reset it's systems and stands up again, looking back at the Sith woman, # I was prepared for that possibility, but I am glad I do not have to resort to such.#
The machine staggers as two of it's legs crumple out from under it's body from the Force push, but otherwise there is no damage. The Ysalamiri however do start to show signs of strain as the majority of the Force energy is diverted away from the lizards.
It's forward two legs damaged, Hex watched from a semi-prone position, using it's scythe-limbs to keep it's thorax upright, #Good. Is that the limit of your ability?#

The Sith frowned deeply, anger apparant in her voice, "That is the most I can do, I have nothing left. What are you doing to stop me?"
Curious now, she walked over to one of the lizards, a feeling of weakness overcoming her the closer she got to it, "What is that?" she exclaimed, feeling her breathing pick up.

Hex nodded briefly, then mainly used it's scythe-limbs as impromptu legs to move up to follow the Sith. #It is called a Ysalamiri, a native of your universe. It's symbiotic relationship with the trees prevents it from escaping the Force-enabled predators of it's homeworld. Therefore, the Ysalamiri have adapted, evolving the ability to disrupt and divert directed Force energy. The more Ysalamiri are in one location, the more powerful the effect.#

Verishia stared at the unassuming creature, a look of almost-fear touching her features as she backed up suddenly, "It's draining me even now! If I try to maintain my powers they strain me and could kill me!"

Hex cants it's head to the side when Verishia speaks, #Understood. I was unaware of that aspect. Curious.#
The machine nodding to several of Brutin's warriors who had been waiting nearby. The men pick up the lizard cages and take them back to the lab. #It would seem that four Ysalamiri in close proximity are enough to neutralize a Sith or Jedi's Force abilities.#

Samilee looked on in growing worry, "Hex... why are you testing this?" The almost childlike query as the slacker leaned against a pillar and watched the two.

Hearing Sami's question, the insectoid head turns to her, #I was requested to find a way to efficiently kill Travanix, and Romax Pol if necessary.#

With Hex's response the derby queen felt her chest tightened and breathing grow more shallow. Mind raced about a mile a minute. In truth, she ought to have seen this coming. It just had always seemed a moot point that they might actually succeed in killing the pair. A murikami sandal seemed to teeter beneath her a bit as Sami took a step back. "Oh..."

Hex doesn't catch everything it seems, missing Sami's distress as it turns to Verishia. #Do you require rest before the next test?#

Verishia took a moment to recover her breath and then compose herself, "No."
There was a quick glance at Sami, then back to the machine, "Did you know Sami feels for either this Travanix or Romax Pol? She is a spy."

Samilee gave a sheepish look to the woman and then the slacker felt her hands clenching around her purse, "I am not a spy. I'm Tara's employee."

The Sith woman looked at the purse sharply, narrowing her eyes suspiciously, "What is in there?"

The derby queen backed up a pace, looking back at Verishia, "Make-up, girly stuff..."
Sami wore a wounded expression. In truth there was nothing in the purse, but her fingers had squeezed at the material more in panic than anything.

Verishia glared at the girl. The droid had taken her by suprise with the Ysalamiri, but this child could easily be dealt with, "Dump out the contents." Giving the words an added tone of authority.

Hex's eyes swung around and locked onto Sami, #Miss Samilee. If you are still under Travanix's influence, I am afraid I cannot permit you to leave the compound.#

Samilee blinked and stared at Hex, "I'm not under his influence, Hex! Even he said that the ribbon had faded. He was right."
She gave a glaring look at the robotic person. "And I'm not gonna dump my purse." This last returned to the Sith woman.

Verishia's scowl deepened and she took a step forwards towards the girl, "The creatures are gone, I have my powers again. I can force you to give it to me. If nothing is in your purse I will apologize."

The derby queen was scowling and the purse was handed out in Verishia's direction, "Here! Check it yourself!"

Hex watched Sami intently, recording her biorythyms and matching against earlier recordings, in essence, Hex became a polygraph lie detector. #Miss Samilee, I apologize, but I must ask. Do you care for Travanix in any way?#

A flush raced over Sami's cheeks at Hex's query, "Hex, don't ask me that. Please." Her look was pleading the machine not to go there.

Verishia took the purse and opened it, shifting through the contents. At Sami's response to the machine, the Sith looked up and barked, "Answer him!"

Hex was torn. It considered Samilee a friend, but it could not allow her to jeopardize it's mission. #Apologies Miss Samilee, but I cannot comply. You now know about my countermeasures. I cannot risk that information being relayed back to Travanix, even inadverdantly.#

Verishia finishes rummaging through Sami's purse, a disgusted look crossing her face as she finds nothing.
"Her purse is clean." Spoken to Hex as she hands the purse back to Sami. Verishia continued to watch her, waiting on word from the droid.

Sami sighed and looked back at Hex, "I care for him like I would care for any person."
It was a semi-truth. Even the mistreatment of Nadine without knowing her name had the slacker up in arms. A hand reached over to take the purse and she was still pouting. "I just don't see why we have to kill him. Or Romax."

Hex watched impassively, it's mechanical nature not betraying anything that might be considered emotion. #I have not yet been instructed to do so Miss Samilee. Only to prepare for the possibility.#
Pausing a moment to consider, #Very well, you are free to go if you wish. I will however be monitoring your actions where Travanix is concerned.#

There was a fairly stiff nod and Samilee wasn't about to stick around and see what else was happening. There was a fleeting glance to the woman and then the derby queen went racing off in the direction of the Inn. She had to get out of here... and soon.

The Sith woman frowned again, watching the girl go, "She is dangerous to us. We should kill her."

Hex waited for a moment, then a small orb-shaped drone lifted from a panel in it's frame and moved off after Sami, to keep watch on her. #That is unnecessary at this time. She did not lie.#
Turning to face Verishia fully, #She was previously under Travanix's mental influence. Influence which has since faded. She is not yet a threat.#

The frown remained as Verishia turned to the machine, "I believe when you asked her if she cared for Travanix she dodged your question. If she cares for him and tells him then we have a harder battle ahead of us."

Hex replied by nodding slowly, #That is why I am monitoring her actions. She is an employee of Lady Tara, who herself is an employee of Lord Brutin. I cannot simply terminate her without clear proof she is a threat.#
Hex had been working on repairing it's legs during the conversations, and now it stood back up to it's full height. #We should continue the testing.#

The Sith sighed, glancing once at the compound's gates, then looking back to Hex. "Yes. What next droid?" Stepping back over to the middle of the arena.

The machine paused only a moment to ensure that the drone was recording and relaying it's information properly, then faced the Sith again.
#Now that I have data on the effects of live Ysalamiri, I have two more tests to perform. The first is the test of the effect of artificial Ysalamiri brain tissues designed to mimic their ability. The final test is of defenses against Lightsabers. Which do you prefer to begin first?#

Verishia swallowed minutely, she didn't want to show fear to this machine, but there it was. She didn't want to face the Ysalamiri again. "The lightsaber first. I am not looking forward to the Ysalamiri." She finally admitted, not even sure to herself why she did so.

Without further prompting, Hex raised it's scythe-limbs into a battle-ready position, crouching low. #Understood. Face me then...#

Here was a problem, in the moment, and Verishia's Sith training would serve her well. Verishia's lightsaber was suddenly in her hands, errupting into life. She dropped into a defensive stance and studied the droid. "I shall attack."

Other than to track her with it's eyes, Hex had not moved at all, #Then do so. Do not hesitate.#

Moving forward quickly, Verishia throws out a hand to push with the force, a mere feint with little power behind it, then spins her body around, bringing the saber down at the droid in a diagonal line from top left to lower right of it's main torso.

Hex dug it's legs into the ground, only moving about an inch from the weak push, watching her movements and bringing up it's left scythe limb to parry. The back edge of the blade was laced with Phrik alloy. Instead of being sliced off by the lightsaber's energy blade, it was like locking with another lightsaber in a clean parry.

She was once again startled, this time by the block. Verishia landed and jumped, twisting around to reverse her stroke, this time a diagonal slice from top right to lower left.

Hex allowed this strike to pass through it's defenses, needing actual data on how well the primary armor held up. Comprised mainly of Mandalorian Iron, the lightsaber danced across the machine's thorax, leaving a deep gouge, but still not cutting cleanly.

The Sith's eyes widen in surprise as she stepped back and put up her guard. Something was wrong here, "I am impressed." Covering her suprise with bravado.
Moving in to exchange cuts and slashes, Verishia attempted to discover a weakness in the Droid's guard.

Hex lept in close, one limb held low and sweeping upwards to try and catch her lightsaber. The second limb decended from above, this one blade-on. As soon as any part of that scythe contacts the lightsaber, the hilt sparks and the blade simply... shuts off. #Good. The materials are more effective than anticipated.#

Verishia lets out a gasp, she's caught off guard when her saber dies and then she stumbles and falls, her eyes locked on her saber, "How!"

#Enough. The test is concluded.# Hex stands back up and nods to the woman.
#The blades are coated in pure Cortosis, it is a metal which disrupts lightsaber crystals and power systems. Note that the effect only lasts several seconds.#

The Sith absorbed the words of the droid, then ignited the lightsaber blade and studied it for a moment before shutting it off. "That is impressive."
Verishia got back to her feet and looked at the droid, "What is your designation again?"

The machine nods slowly as it stands down from combat status. #My designation is HX-909-Alpha, my name is Hex.#

"Hex...." The woman pondered the name for a moment before continuuing, "Perhaps given the time you will spar with me to suppliment my training while I am here?"

#As you wish.# The machine nodded, then activated an internal relay. Power flowed into the tanks stored inside it's abdomen in an internal compartment. The neural circuitry came to life and the Ysalamiri's Force repelling effect was felt.
However this was different, somehow weaker. It didn't absorb or cancel the Force, but rather twisted and warped it away from Hex itself. #And now for the final test.#
#Apologies for any discomfort, however I must determine how effective these artificial neural tissues are at disrupting Force ability.#
Hex backed off a moment, then nodded. #Attempt to destroy this frame.#

The Sith winced as she felt the slight tugging at the Force, then nodded to Hex. She put up her hand again, directing a full blast of energy at the machine.
The Force-shield seemed to hold for several seconds, the energy twisting and warping in random directions away from the machine. Hex nodded, then the eyes flashed as the circuits overloaded and the field collapsed. Soon after this Verishia's Force attack hit it's frame full on.

Stunned, Verishi drops her hand, watching the energy play over Hex. She was sweating and breathing heavily, having used enough power to blow through a tank.
Hex's armor held up for a time, then finally melted to slag, the eyes dimming and shutting off...

She stepped forward to examine the droid, checking for functionality and a little more animated than before, at least this time it hadn't deflected her so casually.
The Sith looked up at the droid, concern touching her voice, "Hex?" Examining the machine, she looked for internal circuitry and tell tales signs of fatal failure.
There was almost nothing recognizable left, only a few limbs among the still glowing metal slag.

Verishia stood there silently, having destroyed Brutin's droid and the lead in this assault. A twinge of fear passed through her, thinking about what both Lord Brutin and her own Master might do in retribution. "No....."

Hex waited only a moment longer, observing her reactions before stepping out from behind the lab building. #Well done. Even with your sensativity, you were unable to detect that was simply a drone frame.#

Hearing the voice, the Sith woman looks over at Hex, her knees giving out on her. She drops her head and comes to grip with the fear and then the anger, she had been completely humiliated in this simple test.

Hex nodded at the woman slowly, #Apologies for the deception. I had to determine if your Force sensetivity could detect the remote link.#

Verishia shook her head slowly, muttering more to herself than the droid, "I was completely unaware. I had not though to even check."
Refusing to show weakness, the woman stood up suddenly, the sudden anger playing across her face, "Does that complete the tests?"

Hex nodded again, as if confirming something to itself. #That was the desired result. While it is possible Travanix may detect the deception, your reaction is encouraging. You have done well in these tests.#

The anger showed in her voice now, barely controlled as the darkness threatened to rise. "In that I was weak enough to be defeated and give us hope? Or in showing your equipment held up?"

#Perhaps some of both I suspect. I will not make the error of underestimating Travanix, however if his abilities are similar to yours, then I predict a 74% chance of success.# Hex reflected on the woman's reactions, curious.

"That is good news, he will have better command of the force however, depending on his skill level."
She was loathe to admit the next part, but did so out of duty, "I am only an apprentice."
Her cheeks flash red from embarrassment for admitting that, the pit of hatred in her stomach pushed into a tight ball.

#He has lived through several lifetimes due to cloning technology, so yes, his command of the Force will likely be higher.#
Hex moved over and crouched next to the slagged drone frame, reaching into the wreckage and pulling out an armored canister.
#That is why I needed data on how different the natural and artificial Ysalamiri systems were from each other. I will likely require six to eight Ysalamiri to completely nullify his Force ability.#

Verishia watched curiously as the machine moved, "If he tries to maintain his power levels under their influence he will slowly be drained of stamina."

#That is my hope. I will need to be wary of weapons other than a Lightsaber as well.#

"Perhaps, the lightsaber is far more effective than most weapons, but our true weapon is pure force. There is your greatest threat."

#Then if I am able to completely nullify his ability to use the Force, you predict that his strongest weapon is thus useless?#

"Yes, absolutely! It is a Sith teaching that we only use lightsabers to taunt our enemies the Jedi. Only in using the Force do we show our true mastery."

#Understood. What I know of Travanix suggests that his military career prior to becoming a Sith Lord may invalidate this axiom.#

The Sith shook her head slowly, "I cannot speak to that, I myself serve as an attache to the Imperial Navy but unless he was stationed in the army, which is considered a lesser post, he will not avail himself of anything else."
Finally a shrug was offered, "But I guess it does not hurt to be prepared."

#Thank you for your assistance Miss Verishia. Your data will be most useful. I must return to the lab and begin refining the artificial Ysalamiri components. When I am free we may spar if you wish.#

"Thank you....Hex." The woman stood there watching it for a moment, "Hex, have you picked a gender to be referred to?"
Another slight frown crossed the woman's face, "Where I come from Droids often pick a gender for reference during communications."

The machine nods, then tilts it's head to the side. #I have no gender. That is a limitation of organics I do not share.#

"So then I will keep with 'it'. Under some cultures in the Empire 'it' is used with a demeaning connoctation."

The machine nods again. #A point of clarification, you call me a droid, however this is also inaccurate. I may be mechanical in nature, however I am full sapient.#
#And my ego is not so fragile as to be weakened by being referred to as 'it'.#

"As are our droids, however we occassionally memory wipe our droids."

#A regrettable practice.#

"Yes, perhaps you are right."

The machine nods once more, then moves off to the lab to get back to work.