Topic: From the Future to the Past

Ghent Tyn

Date: 2008-02-07 00:40 EST
From the Future to the Past

Ghent had been watching Ada for a little while. They had fallen asleep together earlier in the day. Ghent managed to get some rest, but he'd been plagued by nightmares the majority of the time he had been sleeping. He reached out to touch Ada on the cheek and then got out of the bed. Ghent felt as though he was walking through a fog. Everything was hazy. He dressed himself automatically, even laced his boots. His mind was lost in the past. A past not easily forgotten.

For as long as Ghent remembered his father, Jerald, and he had never gotten along. In his early years, Ghent was struck alot. As he got older, Jerald turned to words when he wanted to belittle his only son. Ghent was an oddity and it annoyed Jerald to no end. Ghent preferred quiet studying and playing games that required alot of thought. That wasn't to say that Ghent was lazy. Far from it, actually. He was good at many of the sports he tried, but never commited to continuing with any of them during school. He could have chosen to been popular. He was fairly handsome, bright, even kind to almost anyone. Despite all that, he had very little interest in his peers. Most were too immature in his opinion. Because of these decisions Ghent really had no friends. It didn't bother him much.

Ghent spent many of his days alone. In the warm seasons he would walk around and explore. He loved to see new places, as his imagination was allowed to run rampant. He'd make a fort and play "army". He didn't know that would become a career, however short-lived.

Days of happiness would be spoiled many times when he got home. Jerald would be drunk on the couch, screaming at the entire family. Ghent got to the point that he ignored the man. Jerald's words ceased to affect Ghent about the time he became a teenager. It made things harder on his sisters. Ghent would simply leave when Jerald started his pity fest and it would make the older man angry. He took it out on everyone else.

When Ghent turned fifteen, he had already graduated from high school. He was considering attending a university but never got around to it. The army offered him a way to leave his "home" behind. He took the opportunity and never once looked back. He felt guilty about leaving Emma and Lily behind sometimes, but he always wrote to them. His sisters were all he ever really had.

And it was now that Jerald returned to Ghent's life, apparently wanting to make amends for past sins. Despite his tough response, part of Ghent wanted to reach out to his father. To hope that the man wanted to really change. Every boy looked up to their father, even Ghent, though he was never really given a reason to. He learned also that Jerald held the rank of General. It pissed Ghent off. A lot. His right hand clenched reflexively at the thought.

Ghent didn't know what to do. He just wanted a quiet life. One he could share with Ada. He didn't think it was too much to ask for.

Adalia Dodd

Date: 2008-02-07 04:04 EST
Enter Black

Ada felt so groggy, and she just wasn't sure why. It seemed like she had just woken up, but she couldn't remember when she had fallen asleep. Most of her day had been spent in bed, and it really was no wonder, because it had been an eventful night at the Hills. For most of the afternoon and at least part of the evening, Ada had been nestled up against Ghent, which she felt must have done him as least as much good as it had done her.

She had been up since then, though -- more than once, in fact. The last thing she really remembered was standing in the kitchen, making herself a cup of tea.

And then she woke up. The feeling was so disconcerting -- so sudden and jarring.

She felt like she was moving, but she couldn't force her eyes to open. From the trance-like state, she could tell that she was in a hurry -- or someone was in a hurry. Her legs didn't seem to be moving, and her arms felt like there were trapped under her. And then everything went black, and all she could hear were voices.

It was a cacophony of sounds, and she found it hard to pick out any distinct words. There were some metallic sounds, and what she thought might have been tape being pulled from a roll, and finally a sort of high-pitched whirring sound in her ears. And the darkness -- it was enveloping, like it was crawling up her legs and heading for her head. And then a few words, above the whirring:

"...orders sent down..."

Something inside of Ada wanted to sit up and ask what was happening, but nothing seemed to want to respond. She couldn't move -- not even a twitch, or a half open eyelid. Just darkness, and more whirring, and feelings creeping around in the pit of her stomach.

And then nothing -- she had been devoured by darkness, and was suddenly robbed of everything except movement. And then she could hear her breathing, fast and labored, but it was the only thing in the darkness. Her feet seemed to come next, and she could feel a cold, concrete floor beneath her bare feet. Her pulse was pushing against her heels, and it made he want tor run.

There was a face, out of the darkness. A white mask under shallow eyes popped into the light, and then out again, like a taunting assailant. Ada felt the pulse in her heels quicken, urging her to get away, and the sound of her breathing seemed to agree as it sped up into what seemed like panic.Her fists clenched together, and flesh touched flesh on both hands -- her short nails dug in where she had expected to find metal.

"...expected negative response in field vee..."

The instinct to run was nearly unbearable, but Ada opted to crouch in the endless black, her right hand's fingertips pressed to the floor for an extra point of balance. The left hand curled into a tight fist, and she readied herself for a fight.

But, her chance was swallowed by silence, and she knew once more that she wasn't able to move. But she was moving, jostled by something she couldn't quite identify. With as much strength as she could muster, Ada forced her eyes open as much as possible, which only turned out to be a sliver. There was light pouring in, and it made her breath catch in her throat. She felt like she was looking up, as she could see where the bands of bright light stopped and started and stopped and started, like fluorescent lights inside ceiling tiles.

Once more, her eyes closed, and the whirring returned. The light was gone, but the movement still remained, and she thought she could hear wheels running along a floor. More voices, and the sound of what could have been tape being pulled from a roll. Her arm could move, and she brought it up to shield her face.

More voices in the dark -- a voice in the dark, echoing in her panicked brain: "...recommend increase and run, subject two--"

And then she was awake, standing over a cup of tea that was cold and long forgotten.

((This is written for play on February 7, 2008. For more information or questions, send a PM or e-mail to Adalia Dodd.))

Adalia Dodd

Date: 2008-02-09 15:35 EST
Drastic Measures | Part 1

((WARNING: The Drastic Measures story arc contains extreme violence and language. If you are easily offended, please refrain from reading on.))

Ada was running late for her meeting. Despite being rather upset and confused over the occurrences of the day, she had also been held up by a member of the city guard who had been out looking for some people who had disappeared. Ada, of course, didn't know whether they were the people Ghent had hidden, or not, but she was relieved when they had let her go. So, she stepped into the cafe, her hood pulled up over her hair.

Ghent had the habit of being rather punctual. This time it had not worked out in his favor. Though Ada was only a little late, Ghent was sitting in a booth opposite of his father, Jerald. The older man was sipping from a mug of coffee. Ghent was staring at him. It looked like they hadn't spoken in a few minutes. Jerald was rather calm, however.

Ada made no mention of being late, and slipped into the booth next to Ghent. She did give him a smile, but when she turned back to look at Jerald, it had gone already. Instead, she rested her arms on the table and waited for him to speak.

Ghent only managed the faintest of smiles for Ada before he looked to his father again.

Jerald wasted no time getting to the point. "I know where Jad is. I'll be happy to lead you to him if you agree to let me help."

Ghent lowered one of his hands beneath the table. They were raw and bruised from his frustration relief session earlier. He had forgotten how they looked until Ada sat down.

Restraining herself from asking just which Jad he knew, Ada pursed her lips a bit, and nodded. "Why do we need your help?" It was a pretty straightforward question, and certainly one she felt would help clear things down the line.

The older man smiled at Ada. "You need my help because your situation isn't solved. It must be puzzling if he hasn't figured it out, yet." Jerald looked at Ghent during the second sentence.

Ghent felt his jaw tighten, but he said nothing. Nor did he plan to.

"Hm." Ada stood up from the seat and gestured for Ghent to come with her. "I'll put my faith in his skills long before yours." She really intended to end the meeting, just on principle alone. "And, since you can't seem to keep it to the facts, I figure we're probably done here."

Jerald chuckled a little. "I see. I should have expected as much. You are with my worthless son, after all. I wouldn't recommend leaving just yet, however."

Again, Ghent said nothing. He looked at Ada

She narrowed her eyes at Jerald, and both fists clenched. "Worthless?" Her head tilted a little so that she could pretend like she'd heard him wrong. "I'm sorry... did you say worthless? Because, last I checked, a man who needs a bottle and a fist to prove his worth is no man at all."

?Ada, don't.? Ghent made a feeble attempt to calm her down. With the guards outside he knew there was little he could do at the moment. ?It's okay.?

Jerald looked at Ghent again for a moment. His eyes had narrowed because of Ada's words. "You know nothing, girl. I did what I did for specific reasons. To toughen him up." His gaze had long since ceased to be falsely cheerful. It was menacing, now.

Finally, Ghent really intended to say something. ?F*ck you, old man.?

Her breathing was already starting to slow and deepen as she took a step towards Jerald. There was no way she was going to get trapped in a bad situation without someone leaving in a body bag. "You're a bully. A sad hack with no class or distinction. You don't deserve to be called a General, and despite all of your attempts at being a man, I can stand here now and see that you've never known what that's like." Her voice was very cold, and she was already taking a rather aggressive stance, ready to advance on Jerald.

Weapons were drawn at the same time-- father pointing at the fiancee, son pointing at the father. ?Drop it. They won't make it in here before I kill you.?

Jerald shifted his eyes to Ghent only briefly. When he looked to Ada again, his anger was apparent in his expression. He dropped the Colt 1911 on the table.

She hadn't brought her shotgun, or she never would have made it on account of the city guard. But, she sure wished that she had it at that moment. The anger on her face was fairly apparent as well, and her fists were clenched so hard that they were shaking. "As*hole."

?Ada, run.? He hoped she caught the phrase, because he wouldn't have an opportunity to repeat it. He pointed his Jericho straight up in the air and fired. The small crowd inside the cafe immediately scattered for the exit, screaming and carrying on. Jerald made an attempt to reach for his gun.

If it had been anyone but Ghent who had told her to go, she wouldn't have. But she trusted him and knew he would have a better grip on the situation. So, she ran, taking off to try to blend in with the crowd, though she tried more than once to look back and see what was happening between Ghent and his father.

Ghent grabbed hold of the barrel on his Jericho and savagely whipped the weapon across Jerald's face. Ghent made a mistake, though. As Jerald fell onto the bench, he forgot to grab the Colt from the tabletop. He was already heading for the exit, easily blending into the crowd due to citizens being rather tall around Rhy'Din.

Ada was outside with the group in no time, and was trying to pull the hood back up over her hair. The last thing she needed was to stick out like a... well, like a teal-haired girl in a crowd of people. She still had her robot hand clenched tight, though, in case she had to fight. And, the whole time, she was trying to be inconspicuous and look for Ghent without attracting attention to herself.

Ghent actually caught up to Ada rather quickly. He didn't look at her when he spoke. ?Don't turn towards me. They know we were here together. We have to hurry. When my father gets up, they'll come looking for us.?

"Should we split up? Where can we go? We can't go home." There were a lot of questions running through her head, but she didn't look at Ghent. She wanted to, but she didn't. Instead, she shoved both hands into the pocket of the hoodie and kept going.

?I don't think splitting up is a good idea. It halves our resources, obviously.? There were already angry shouts coming from the direction of the cafe. It seemed as though the troops were already on the move. Ghent considered the second question quickly. ?I hate to do this, but let's go to Taggart's. Lily is staying with him and Em.?

"And if he finds us all there, he'll easily wipe the lot of us away." But she wasn't disagreeing with his idea, just telling him the downside of everyone being together. "I just want to... to go back and snap his neck." And she did, too. There was no doubt about that. "F*cking as*hole."

Ghent agreed wholeheartedly with Ada. ?I should have known better to think we could trust him, I'm sorry. I let my emotions rule the decision.? He reached for Ada's closest hand and tugged to let her know he was going down an alley nearby. With any luck their pursuers would follow the crowd.

Ada followed his direction, and just before she finished going around the corner, she took a quick glance back. She didn't think anyone was following them, but she couldn't be sure, since it was so dark. "I don't think there's room for blame -- we didn't have a choice because we can't leave anything to chance." And really, no one was to blame, because they had come to the decision together. "Let's just make sure this isn't the last time we have a chance to mess up."

?That I can agree with. Taggart's place is about four blocks from here.? Ghent pushed his gun toward Ada with an outstretched hand. ?Here, just in case. I still have my knife.? Ghent kept on moving the entire time. He was listening for footsteps -- ones that didn't mingle with the fading crowd.

Ada took the Jericho from him and held it down at her side as she walked. She was finding it a bit difficult to calm down, and she took some deep breaths as they kept moving. It seemed, though, that there wasn't much they could do except run, if one of the men spotted them. "At least we got it over with quickly, instead of pretending to be friends for an hour."

?He knew better than to come without guards, too. That's damn annoying.? Ghent glanced behind them for a moment. He turned another corner and then nodded to a red building across the street. ?That's Taggart's place. Looks like someone is still up, too.? There were a couple of windows that were lit up.

Ada eyed the lights and frowned. It didn't seem like anyone should be up, but she figured that her and Ghent were usually up at that time, so she couldn't say it was impossible. "Are you certain we want to go there?"

?We don't have a choice. We aren't going there to hide, Ada, we're going there to protect my sisters. They won't be far behind us when they figure out they've lost us. My father gives a damn about no one; he'd kidnap them to lure us out.? Ghent quickened his pace a little.

"Then we have to kill him. There's no other choice. And if he knows we'd come here, then he's probably got people waiting. Even if he doesn't how long will it be before he does?" Her mind was racing at the possibilities, trying to see a clear way out.

?You're right. I see no other choice. Will you go inside and talk to all of them? I'll take a quick look around.? He finally paused near the dwelling to look at Ada.

"Then take this." She offered the gun with one hand, and held her other hand out, palm up. "I'll take the knife, and if we hear shots, we'll run."

?Please do.? Ghent unsheathed the knife at his back and offered it over to Ada. The Jericho was lifted from Ada's grip. He looked over the weapon for a moment and sighed. ?It looks as though I still need your help, old friend.? Had he just talked to the gun? It seemed like it, probably.

"Listen, Ghent, don't take any chances." Ada reached a hand out to touch his arm. "We can live to fight another day, right?" She gave what she could manage of a smile and then leaned forward and gave him a very attached, very passionate, couldn't live without him kind of kiss.

He might have argued the point if Ada hadn't kissed him like that. There was a pause before he returned the kiss in kind, and then he stepped away. ?I promise I won't do anything reckless. Now go, hurry.?

She nodded and tucked the knife into the hoodie pocket so that she wouldn't alarm anyone immediately. And then she headed for the red building, crossing the sidewalk and standing at the door. Her hand reached up to pull the hood down, and then she knocked on the door, wincing at how it seemed to echo all around her.

((This is adapted and edited from the play of February 9th, 2008, with permission. For more information, please PM Adalia Dodd))

Adalia Dodd

Date: 2008-02-09 15:54 EST
Drastic Measures | Part 2

((WARNING: The Drastic Measures story arc contains extreme violence and language. If you are easily offended, please refrain from reading on.))

Ghent remained in the shadows. He slid along in the dark patches of the street. Luckily, he had chosen very dark clothing for their meeting. He began searching the immediate area for any signs of waiting soldiers.

In the meantime, a puzzled looking Emma opened the front door and blinked. "Ada? Are you all right? Did you and Ghent get in a fight or something? Come in."

She glanced around once more, before stepping inside and closing the door behind her. "We're okay, but your father's out looking for us. You two as well, I'm sure." Ada flipped the switch for the foyer light and then started moving around the house to find the other ones.

"My father? What are you talking about?" Emma closed the door behind them both and locked it. She started following after Ada.

Ghent had his eyes directed upward. He had noted the building directly next to Taggart's house was abandoned. The soldiers were probably there. If he could take them out before Jerald radioed to them.

Ada heard the click of the lock going into place and then looked at her watch, noting the time. The lights in the front room were turned off as well, and Ada moved towards a small lamp and turned it on so they could at least see each other. "I promise I'll explain, but I need you to get everyone together and be ready to go."

"O-okay..." Emma wouldn't argue with Ada. She headed right for the kitchen, where Lily and Taggart were. "Get dressed, hurry up. We might need to leave soon."

The door to the abandoned building was non-existent. Ghent slipped into it and started looking around. Four. One was standing right near him. Ghent slammed the butt of his gun into the man's head, while simultaneously covering his mouth with the other hand. He didn't want to kill them. They were likely just following orders.

And, it seemed Lily wasn't going to argue with Emma, because she immediately stood and headed off to get some clothes.

Taggart, of course, didn't seem to think that 'hurry' meant much of anything. "Why do we need to leave? Is something wrong, dear?" Rather nonchalant, isn't he?

Meanwhile, Ada was waiting for everyone's return, looking between her watch and the door.

"Taggart, something bad is happening. I don't know what it is, but please just listen to me, sweetheart. And be quick." Emma didn't wait for a response. She went to go get changed herself.

Ghent by this time had knocked out the second guard near the broken window facing Taggart's home. He kept going closer to the corner where the two remaining men where. He couldn't hear their conversation, but one of the men came close. Ghent quickly put him in a sleeper headlock.

"I--I--" Taggart seemed completely flabbergasted, but he nodded and rushed off to get changed as well.

Lily, who was likely used to making some quick escapes, was already finished changing and was packing up the last of her things.
Ada was trying very hard not to go out and look for Ghent. If it weren't for Lily and Emma, she wouldn't have left his side.

Thud. It was dull, but Ghent had let the man fall a little too hard. He grimaced. The last man turned to look in Ghent's direction. Ghent's eyes widened a little. ?Corporal Mills? What the hell are you doing here??

Emma too was changed fairly quickly. She didn't have much to pack, as she had brought a bag with her things to Taggart's. She headed back to where Ada was, looking worried. "Ada, what's going on? And where's Ghent?"

Lily stepped into the room before Ada could answer, and immediately asked the same question, though it was much more demanding. "Where's Ghent?!"

And not a second later, Taggart showed up, though he was still pulling his shirt on. "Ghent's here?"

Despite everything, Ada was a bit amused by the way the questions came. "He's searching the area. Your father's here, and he's already made it pretty clear that it's not a social visit. So, we have to be ready to run."

Emma frowned deeply at that. "Why did he come here? Ghent told him not to follow us." Yes, it appeared quite a few people relied on Ghent in one way or another.

Ghent was rather busy pointing his gun in Mills' face at that moment. ?Dammit, Mills. My father is not a man you want to serve under. Just go home.?

Mills turned a little more, so that Ghent could see his radio. It was on. ?Dammit!? Crack! Ghent's gun smashed into Mills' head. He fell over immediately.

Jerald's voice came over the radio. "Go, move in! You know the address!"

Ghent pointed the Jericho into the air and fired twice.

Ada felt like her heart stopped at the sound of the gunshots, but she took action anyway. "Go, go. We have to go" Already, she was on the move, ushering them towards the hallway. "Is there a back door?" She hadn't thought to check, but Taggart was shaking his head and kind of stumbling aside.

Lily, however, was already pretty panicked. "W-was that a gun?! We have to go and get Ghent!"

Ghent snatched the MP5 Mills had been carrying and strapped it across his back. He hated to worry everyone, but they needed to know that it was time to leave. He could hear boots clacking down on the cobblestone even now. Ghent took up a position against the outside of the abandoned house. The only way they could get to Taggart's place was through the alley, which Ghent could see clearly.

"Oh no, I hope Ghent is all right?" Emma couldn't stop herself from speaking the words. She covered her mouth briefly.

"Go, go!" Ada couldn't seem to urge them to move fast enough, and when they were all finally out in the foyer, she pulled the door open a few inches and made sure to look if the coast was clear.

Lily stuck close to Emma, her bag dangling from both hands in front of her. Taggart, though, seemed to start understanding the severity of the situation and spoke up, "Shh... we have to be quiet. Leave everything."

Ada gestured for them to follow her, and then slipped out the front door.

The boots kept on coming. Ghent was trying to hold his position unless he needed to act. He watched as they neared the end of the alley. Jerald stood with the three soldiers from the cafe. He pointed in the direction of Taggart's house. Flashlights immediately lit up the area in front of the house. "Get them! Now!"

As they got ready to move, a tat-tat-tat type of noise was quite audible. Ghent sprayed bullets in their general direction. He wanted their attention. ?Run, go!? Emma turned a little at the sound of Ghent's voice, but then she started running.

Ada made sure that Lily and Taggart followed after Emma, and then ran as well. What else could she do? While she was running, though, the knife was pulled from its sheath, and she kept it tucked carefully against her robot arm.

Lily threw her things aside and proved to be a good runner, because she caught up to Emma quickly, leaving Taggart and Ada to bring up the rear.

Ghent knew getting separated from everyone was a death sentence for him. He was trying to find a way out of the mess he'd gotten into. His eyes searched in the darkness. There had to be a way somewhere. Quickly, he ducked behind the building. A mixture of bullets came in his direction. One gun was definitely an AK. ?Sh*t.? Ghent knew the situation was bad.

"Ada, there's no way to the street from the house other than the direction we went. Ghent is going to get trapped?" Emma turned to look at Ada briefly. She appeared very frightened.

Ada didn't have a long time to consider this, but she nodded anyway so that Emma knew she understood. Unfortunately, Lily heard it as well. "What?! I'm going back!" Her voice echoed between the buildings.

Ada actually had to grab Lily?s arm as she turned to go back for Ghent. "No, Lily." She shook her head and then stepped back. "I'm going back. You three keep going and don't stop until you know you're safe. We'll find you." She considered giving the knife to Taggart, but if things worked out, then they wouldn't need a weapon. Ada managed a reassuring smile in the darkness, and then slowed and stopped, waiting for a moment to make sure they understood.

Emma made sure to grab hold of Lily's arm. She'd drag the youngest along if she had to, despite understanding how she felt. "All right, Ada. Be careful." And Emma just kept right on going.

Ghent was still trying to figure out what to do. It was hard when you were completely pinned down. He knew they'd advance on him soon.

"You, too." And then she turned and started back towards the front of the house. Of course, she knew that Jerald would be looking to get hold of Ghent long before he would want her, so it was decision time. She couldn't lure them away, if they knew Ghent was trapped. As she approached the corner of the building, she slowed down and stuck close to the wall and the shadows, trying to catch a quick glimpse of the situation before making her final decision.

Two of the soldiers were approaching the building Ghent was hiding behind. Another was kneeling and shooting his weapon into the path of where Ghent would have to step out to retaliate. His clip ran out after a moment. Ghent popped out briefly to fire the MP5. It was enough to get the soldiers to back up a bit. Jerald was continuing on toward the hiding place, however.

There weren't a lot of choices, really -- especially without a projectile weapon. But, Ada made her choice anyway, and moved from her hiding spot with as much speed as she could muster. She headed straight for Jerald, hoping to stop his advance as well as avoid being shot. So, when she got close, she lowered her center of gravity and went to tackle the older man, much like the football player she imagined herself to be.

((This is adapted and edited from the play of February 9th, 2008, with permission. For more information, please PM Adalia Dodd))

Adalia Dodd

Date: 2008-02-09 16:07 EST
Drastic Measures | Part 3

((WARNING: The Drastic Measures story arc contains extreme violence and language. If you are easily offended, please refrain from reading on.))

Jerald had no idea Ada was coming. He was blindsided by the tackle and went flying to the ground. It made the soldiers pause. They started to aim at Ada. The familiar crack of the Jericho rang out about six times. Ghent knew two were dead. The other dropped his weapon and fell to the ground.

If the flurry and fury of things, Ada was hard-pressed to get the upper hand -- especially being as small as she was. But the surprise gave her enough of an advantage that she could get a lot of her weight onto Jerald while she scrambled to get a hand, or an arm, or the knife to his neck.

Ghent was rushing to Ada. He wanted to be sure to help her. He knew his gun was empty at this point. He started to replace the magazine as he got close.

Jerald was doing his damnedest to get Ada off of him. He was fairly strong. He was trying to twist her wrist, thinking some pain would make her move.

Sadly, it didn't matter which wrist it was, because the pain would come with both, but it was the left wrist, which would be much easier to break. Still, she wasn't about to give up, and she slashed out with her robot arm that had the knife nestled against it. Their positioning was awkward, though, so she wasn't sure if she would connect. "You're done!" With Ghent approaching, she thought she'd warn Jerald.

The knife sliced cleanly into Jerald's throat. It was deep, but it wouldn't kill him immediately. He had time for only one action. He'd managed to hold onto the Colt when Ada took him down. He lifted his arm and pointed it at Ghent before firing once. His arm fell to ground afterward, though his breathing was still raspy.

Ghent had been busy reloading the gun and stopped dead in his tracks.
Ada's eyes went wide and she stared at Jerald much longer than even she would have expected. Her mouth hung open for a second, and it felt like slow motion when she finally did look away to see if Ghent had been shot. But, how could anyone have missed from that close? She didn?t think it looked good.

Ghent made a coughing noise and spat blood onto the cobblestone. The pain was immediate and intense once the realization had set in. He clutched his abdomen and fell down to a knee. Surprised was the not the word for Ghent.

The knife was dropped, and Ada looked like she was going to move, but something inside took over, and she just started mercilessly beating on Jerald. Blow after blow, she put as much force as she could into each punch. She was practically sobbing, and only barely managed to growl out some point. "Stay with it, mother f*cker! Take your pain -- you don't deserve an easy death!"

Jerald couldn't really respond for two reasons: Ada had cut his vocal cords, for one, and the other was the beating he was receiving.

Ghent meanwhile was struggling to get to his feet. He pulled his hand away to look at the wound. The bullet seemed to have passed through at least. He was already trying to rip his shirt to make a bandage. He knew he had to stop the bleeding quickly.

She managed at least a few more punches, before scrambling away towards Ghent. "Oh, God..." Really, she wasn't sure what to say, because it was shocking enough to see blood, but so much worse to see Ghent's. Where was Emma when they needed her? "H-here..." She tried to help him tear his shirt, but her hands were covered in blood, and she was shaking like a leaf.

His strength was going away quickly, so the tearing didn't happen very fast, even when Ada was helping. He thought it would be enough. He hoped. He didn't want to die, but he had to stay calm. ?I'm sorry, Ada. I tried not to be reckless?? His voice was weak. He managed to tie the torn cloth over the both the entry and exit wounds. It was tightly done.

Ada pulled off her hoodie, leaving her down to a tank top. But she couldn't feel the cold, and it was draped over Ghent's shoulders before she took his arm and pulled it around her own shoulders. "It's okay. We're okay. We're not going to worry, because we're all right." Using the adrenaline to her advantage, she helped Ghent move some. "We'll go to the clinic, okay? It's not too far."

?O-okay.? He barely had the strength to walk, but it was much easier with Ada's help. He did his best to ignore the pain.

Jerald made a few rasping breaths before the noise stopped. He had finally died.

As they passed Jerald, Ada actually spat on the man's corpse. She wished she had been able to stay -- wished she could just keep beating on the old man until she knew that she'd paid back all of the pain he'd caused. But she had much more important things to deal with. "Em and Lil are safe. I told them to go until they felt safe, and then we'd find them." It was odd for her to use the sisters' nicknames, but she was just talking, hoping to keep Ghent alert.

?T-Taggart will take care of t-them.? Ghent was pale. The blood loss had been stopped, but his strength was still fading. He quite obviously still needed medical attention. ?He's..a good man.?

"He is. We're all good people -- we don't deserve this." She wished they were closer, but there was still a good block. "I'm going to go and get someone. You stay here, all right? Just stay here, and don't move." There was a stone wall in front of the building they were in front of, and Ada aimed for him to lean against it. "Just stay with me, please..."

?Okay, Ada.? The words seemed lucid enough. Ghent leaned against the wall where she put him. He was taking slow, deep breaths. He knew he had to stay conscious. He still clutched his stomach, though.

She wouldn't waste a second. Off she went, running as fast she could. The doors to the clinic barely had time to open before she was through them, standing in the well-lit room, blood splattered and tear-streaked. "I need help!" She didn't care if people were asleep, or if others were busy. She just yelled, hoping for a friendly face. "Please, I need someone to help me!"

Luckily for Ada, the person who answered her call could have doubled for a house. He was a very large black man, who immediately put a finger to his mouth to shoosh her. "What's the problem, miss?"

Ada immediately grabbed the man's arm and started tugging. "He's been shot! God, you have to help him, please..." She felt a bit like she was unraveling, but was relieved when the man seemed to follow her lead. He wasn't as fast, though, and she was back to Ghent before he'd even rounded the corner. "Help's coming. It's coming, honey..."

Ghent was very obviously struggling with consciousness at this point. ?I'm fine, sweetheart. I'm... okay.? He blinked hard. He was doing whatever he thought might keep him awake.

"C'mon, we're fine. You're right." She tucked herself under his arm and helped him up, just as the large black man showed up.

"Let's get you inside," he commented, idly, like he saw gunshot wounds every day. The trip went a lot faster with two people, too, because Ghent had to do much less work. A wheelchair was waiting inside the doors with a nurse.

By the time Ghent was on the wheelchair, he was conscious but definitely not responding to words. He was rather limp in the seat, but still moving around a little.

The entourage moved down the hallway, and the black man wheeled Ghent through the doors into what would be considered their trauma room, but the nurse stopped Ada. "We'll take care of him now." The lady was very gentle about it, and Ada even stopped, though she didn't take her eyes off the door.

She nodded and set her jaw -- it wouldn't do her any good to cry, and she didn't want to follow and just be a distraction. "When will we know if he's all right?"

The nurse started for the doors so that she could help out. "It might be a few hours, it might be ten minutes." And then the nurse was gone.

((This is adapted and edited from the play of February 9th, 2008, with permission. For more information, please PM Adalia Dodd))

Adalia Dodd

Date: 2008-02-09 16:14 EST
Drastic Measures | Epilogue

((WARNING: The Drastic Measures story arc contains extreme violence and language. If you are easily offended, please refrain from reading on.))

It was actually a couple hours before the nurse came to find Ada. She spent some time looking in the waiting area before locating her. ?Excuse me, miss. Your friend is in a room now. The doctors had to give him some blood and fluids and stitch up his wounds, but he should be all right.?

Ada hadn't left. She hadn't bothered to clean up, or change, or do anything but sit and stare and wait. But, she nurse snapped her out of her thoughts, and she looked up. "Can I see him?"

?Sure. Please try to keep it short. He needs to rest. Head into that hall over there, third door on the left. I'm pretty sure he's awake.? The nurse offered a sympathetic smile and then walked away.

She hurried away, mouthing the directions until she found the right room. And then she slipped inside and closed the door behind her, moving to look around the curtain at Ghent.

The noise had caught his attention. He turned his head to see who had come into the room. Ada was a welcome sight. He smiled at her. ?Hi.?

Immediately, she was at the edge of his bed, shaking like crazy and crying for what seemed like the umpteenth time of the night. "A-are you okay...?"

He couldn't exactly get up and hug her, which greatly annoyed him, so he stretched an arm out toward her. ?I'm fine, sweetie. You don't have to cry. The doctor said I'd be fine. I don't think they're going to let me leave today, though.?

She took his arm, and then his hand, and held it in hers. Jerald's blood was still on her hands, but it had long since dried, and she just didn't really care. "I was so worried... I couldn't leave until I knew you'd be all right, or..." Really, she didn't want to say the rest. "B-but I'll get rid of the body, and find Em and Lil."

?Just be careful. Come here.? He gently tugged with his hand. He wanted her to come close enough to give her a hug, a kiss, anything. He could tell she'd been worried and it made him feel terrible.

She leaned in and kissed him on the cheek, before pressing her face against him. "I thought you were going to die... I can't live without you, Ghent. I love you, and I can't live without you." Her voice was low, and she was trying her best not to sob uncontrollably as she circled he same point in her mind.

?It's all right, Ada. I love you and I'm not going anywhere.? He wrapped his arms around her best he could. It hurt, of course, but he really didn't care right then. ?I'm sorry. I should have been paying attention to him.?

"Please don't be sorry..." He really had nothing to be sorry about. Ada kissed him on the cheek one more time, and then stepped back away from the bed. "I love you. I'll be back as soon as I can, I-I promise." She would have given anything to not have to leave, but she had to let his sisters know, and the body had to disappear.

((This is adapted and edited from the play of February 9th, 2008, with permission. For more information, please PM Adalia Dodd.))