Topic: Fighting Nature


Date: 2006-12-28 18:37 EST
Isuelt had taken to her chambers at the Sanctuary more often than not in this tail portion of the year. The reasons were two-fold.

The WestEnd had been quiet in the last few weeks...well, relatively quiet, for the WestEnd, anyway. She had the unshakable feeling that the other shoe was about to drop. The anxiety she felt creep up on her bones as she readied herself for each patrol in the WestEnd waxed stronger and stronger. And what was worse, was that lately she felt like she was being watched. Not looked at, as the inhabitants of that section of RhyDin had taken to doing (was it due to their new-found suspicion of the Scathachians, or perhaps their desperate desire to hope again in the safety one of the crimson-sashed Sisters provided); but she felt followed. Isuelt had dismissed it as nerves, paranoia at the current situation. Still...she couldn't seem to fight off the sensation of eyes watching her movements through patrols.

Presently she was secluded in a room at the Inn. Trixie had just delivered news to her downstairs on the porch that she would be going away for a bit. It seemed a stirring of nostalgia prompted the mini-holiday from RhyDin. Isuelt couldn't blame her Sister, there was nowhere she would rather be...some place she called home. But, where was that exactly? She hadn't been back to her hometown in decades. There was nothing for her there. The Island? Yes, that was more of a home to her than anything; but to seek solace now? There was too much to be done.

Isuelt's scattered thought pattern skidded back to the murders at hand. There was still no word on who was responsible or why. Even Brian hadn't been able to turn up anything. And the many people the Scathachians had keeping their ears to the ground were coming up empty.

Frustrating was an understatement.

She sat in the room upstairs staring at a knot-hole in the south wall, repeating the same mantra to herself over and over.

"Who?......Why?.......What next?.......Who?......Why?......What next?"

Her fingernails had begun to dig their way into the palms of her hands, as her fists clenched tighter. She had been spinning the details of the murders, her framing, the gifts to Jewell and Brian, and the hailstorm of rumors, as well as the behavior of her fellow Sisters. For the most part, they were all of the same mind - to get this psychopath off the street and interrogate them Scathachian style. But Rae...she was behaving off...even for her. And who was that figure in the alleyway that had started Rae's downward spiral? Isuelt had so many questions and just not the time to follow all of their leads.

Another sigh and her zig-zagged thoughts turned back to the concept of "home." Maybe home wasn't exactly a place with her, as it was with most people. Maybe home was a person. After all, that gypsy nature of hers kept her from staying in one place too long. But she had actually felt at home with only a few people in her life; most of whom were long gone now.

Well, all except for one...


Date: 2006-12-28 19:03 EST
Taking a seat at the meager secretary style desk in the room, Isuelt drew a deep breath. She had been staring at a blank piece of paper and the pregnant pen laying across it for the better part of an hour.

She had tried to get his attention once before but to no avail. She had trusted that the previous letter had made its way to its destination, and while she didn't necessarily expect a flowering response, she did expect something. Instead, she had been met with silence. Perhaps he had not read it, but merely tossed it into the fire. Or, worse yet, he had read it and had then tossed it into the fire. Isuelt feared that she might have worn her welcome thin where Scorpion was concerned. Perhaps she had drifted into and out of his life once too often.

After all, what did she expect him to do...wait around forever? And wait around for what? She had been married once. And she vowed to never do that again. Nothing is forever, as they say, and nothing that is fleeting ever has a happy ending. At least, that was Romance 101 according to this Scathachian.

Her bare fingers had made their way to the edge of the desk by now, the drone from the Inn's patrons below only served as white noise as her thoughts continued.

Home....she had felt at home in Metro with Scorpion. Strange, but she did. And if Trixie and Jenai had the yearnings to go "home," so did Isuelt.

She picked up the pen and began writing...


Date: 2007-01-02 16:14 EST
Close to a day later, Isuelt realized that her endeavor in correspondence was nothing more than an experiment in paper wasting. Frustrated and nearly at her wit's end, she pushed the few remaining sheets of paper and the nearly impotent pen away from her as she fell into a lean against the chair's back.

"What in the hell's wrong with me?" the Judge wondered of herself. It was unlike her to dance around words and syntax. If anything were a fault, Isuelt was accused of being too blunt.

"Give it up, honey..." came the familiar cackle in the back of her mind, "That ship has sailed. Told you you waited too long."

Isuelt squirmed in her chair, her lips twisting at her thoughts' insensitive rambling.

"You think he was going to wait around for you forever? Ha! You're no prize, Illea. And even if you were, you've abused that relationship too much to expect anything."

The Scathachian sat in the silence that followed the barrage for a moment or two before she let out a gust of air from behind tight lips. A nod of her head and she had stood up, leaving the papery mess of ink on the desk.

It was time to go down to the Inn and forget this nonsense.

Time to leave romantic notions to the poets.

Time for a drink.