Topic: Prometheus Bound


Date: 2006-11-14 23:11 EST
The back of her head met with the cold concrete wall of the holding cell with a soft thunk. Isuelt sighed heavily and lifted her dark gaze to stare up at the ceiling. Not that she could clearly make out anything but the shadowed outline of the roof over her head. She had been trying, nonetheless, to trace the corners of her cell all day. There was not much more for her to do. She was allowed no visitors, and the constable had not yet been in to speak with her. The only other voices she had heard were the quiet and brief conversations of the guards outside as they changed their shifts.

The cold breeze played havoc with her skin once more; the dank surroundings and her inactivity were starting to take a toll on the Scathachian?s body temperature. A shiver rang through her bones, though part of Isuelt almost refused to give in to it. She fought against the shake of her body longing for heat; just another action she viewed as weakness?particularly now.

Isuelt?s dark and twisted twin rose up once more and plagued her with visions of years past. Her own worst enemy, the enemy within, had been attacking without so much as a parry from the weary warrior. How ironic, she thought, All those years I killed without a truly just cause? All those lives I took in exchange for money? And it is now that I find myself in a cell, for deaths that I did not bring about. Isuelt brought her knees to her chest, for she was sitting on the stone floor covered only with a modest amount of sullied straw. She drew herself into a ball, her sculpted arms encircling her legs, her forehead resting on her knees.

The silence would have been serene, but for the screaming in her head.

The demon was rearing its head yet again. The demon that had planted indestructible seeds of self-doubt in her youth. The demon that had skid along her skin with the tip of every blade. The demon that laughed through her tears. The demon that now looked through her anguish with eyes as black as night to see the Scathachian locked away for the very act she fought against.

Irony always held the higher hand, even if you thought you had an ace up your sleeve.


Date: 2006-11-17 23:42 EST
She knew that only a few days had passed in the dankness of her cell. Still, it felt like years.

How does one kill a falcon without inflicting a wound?

Cage it.

Jewell had been by to see her and speak with her, under the guise of a reporter. She had brought news of her Sisters and the Sanctuary, though none of it was really a surprise. Of course her Sisters would be worried and gnawing at the bit to have Isuelt out of prison. Furthermore, it was no great stretch of the imagination that the city would be in a state of unease, to say the least.

Isuelt was simply laying down on her back, staring up at the inky ceiling; though she still could not make out anything more than the corners where it met the walls. She had grown bored of pacing, sitting, and standing by the door.

What was the most frustrating was the lack of haste on the part of the Magistrate. Though she figured that he was in no great hurry to talk to her. Isuelt predicted that he knew it wasn't her (at least that is what she hoped), and that he simply wanted to have some sort of suspect in custody to help assuage the fears of the citizens.

And if that was the case, what would happen if the killer had accomplished their mission and ceased the murders? How would that look to the populus?

What if the killer did strike again? Would they let her go? Or would they try to lock up another Scathachian?

Like needles into a tender wound, these questions tortured Isuelt as sleep stole her away.