Topic: The Anti-Journal


Date: 2006-08-18 08:46 EST
Isuelt wasn't exactly the type of person to keep a journal, for many reasons actually. She never did understand how some people seemed to have the time to jot down the mental ramblings and emotional undulations that seemed to steer the course of life. And what's more, this hard-trained Scathachian couldn't help but see personal and private thoughts written in physical form as a liability, particularly if they fell beneath calculating eyes. Lastly, and most probably due to her later upbringing under the laws of Scathach, such emotional unrest was weakness.

And weakness was just not tolerated. Weakness of any kind, physical or emotional, would get one killed.

Still, the tumultuous raging of Isuelt's inner, most private thoughts begged to be unleashed in a healthier manner than putting her fist through someone's face. She was sitting on a fallen tree in the middle of the forest, a few miles from the South Gate of Rhy'Din. It was quiet, the early morning sun overhead had just started to warm the air. She had been out all night, and had yet to sample the simple pleasure of clean cotton sheets on a soft bed. Her dark eyes were staring fixedly at a larger stone across the clearing she lipped. Unbeknownst to her, she had remained perfectly still, lost in thought, for the better part of an hour.

Inhaling a deep breath, as if for the first time, Isuelt brought herself to her feet and drew both blessed Scathachian blades in one clean motion. True, she never wrote down her feelings, yet she always let them play out in her sword mastery. Here, out in the forest, in solitude, where she often felt most comfortable and most herself, she moved through the steps instilled in her mind and body by the teachings of the Goddess of War. Her blades slashed cleanly through the air, sweeping effortlessly and cleaving the silence of the desolation with the sweet sing of whiffing steel.

This was therapy...Scathachian style.


Date: 2006-08-22 17:08 EST
The running commentary that plays for our benefit next found the tall Scathachian in her chamber at the Sanctuary. She had been awake for the better part of an hour, yet had decided against actually getting out of bed.

She knew the sun had risen, the light streaming from behind her curtains told her that. She had been in a funk for a few weeks now and wasn't able to pinpoint why. The mini-crisis with the Nightblade Guild had passed without really so much as a whimper; truth be told, she was disappointed about that. She had craved a good old-fashioned blood letting, and she thought that the dealings with Pidane and his guild would have provided her with an outlet.

Her days were quiet lately, and though she would have ordinarily welcomed the rest and relaxation, presently it left her with more time to dwell on why she wasn't resting or relaxing.

Isuelt sat up in bed, letting the ivory cotton sheets fall from her shoulders and chest to gather in her lap. The sheen off her sun-kissed skin hid in the darkened room, unable to achieve its full color while the curtains remained drawn. The pensive expression on her facial features was a match for the thoughts running through her mind. Pushing back the sheets, she slid from her bed and crossed the small room to the heavy cedar wardrobe. She unhinged the bottom drawer and began rummaging.

Soon enough, she pulled a box from the back of the drawer and began to fiddle with the lock at its front. No key, just a combination of movements. The lock had always fascinated her and was a gift from her husband; though she was pretty sure he had won it off some fortune teller in a particularly nasty game of poker.

With a near-silent click, the lock opened and revealed the contents of Isuelt's treasure chest. Various mementos from the Island, her marriage and her life in Metro City. The poor lighting of her chamber was no match for the light that exuded from her features as she lovingly picked through some of the contents. She paused as she came to one item in particular: a leather bracer that was far too big even for her developed wrist.

She held onto the well-worn black leather piece for some time, her fingers stroking over one of the buckles, before a knock at the door and a "Hey, Illea....lunch!" ran her off Memory Lane.


Date: 2006-09-09 01:12 EST
Trudging from the impromptu dinner party by the sickly light of the rising moon, Isuelt berated herself but good. She had helped to cause quite a ruckus, at the expense of her Scathachian Sister, Jenai.

"What the hell's the matter with me?" her grumbling rhetorical question provided ample harmony to the leaves' crunch as she crushed them beneath her boots.

So Jenai had found a surprisingly positive relationship with the Swedish chef. Why was Isuelt riding her so hard about it? Jealousy? No. Disapproval? Actually, no. Isuelt's boots stopped, the leaves beneath her seemed to hold their breath. "Worry," her whisper sounded almost foreign to herself. But worry about what?

Another sigh as her boots started up again, pounding away mercilessly at the foliage under foot. Her pace struggling to keep up with the racing thoughts of her inner monologue. "Worried that he'll hurt her. Or worse, that they'll live in blissfully perfect union until he...." Isuelt's long legs halted in spite of her. A cold, bracing shiver ran down the length of her spine. The chill shook the Scathachian so deeply that she nearly lost the strength to stand. Those darkly tanned fingers gripped helplessly near her throat. She couldn't escape the sensation of being strangled as her hand clutched at the suddenly clammy skin at her neck.

Perhaps now she was beginning to understand the root of the problem...

It seemed like an eternity before she could take a deep breath, shaky as it was. Looking around, seemingly for the first time, Isuelt had no idea where she was. At least her inhales were less of a struggle now, though the tingling in her hands was starting to drive her crazy. Time to find a place to sleep, be it the Sanctuary or the nearest Inn. The shrewd Judge, who prided herself on her ability to outlast the strength of steel nails, felt as if she were folding like a piece of wet paper.


Date: 2007-01-30 18:11 EST
Lying on her bed, her long bare legs jutting up the wall and crossed at the ankles, Isuelt was staring at the shadows as they flicked across her ceiling.

Recently and with increasing frequency, she was having trouble settling her mind for sleep. Her schedule of nights patrolling the WestEnd and her subsequent drinking had left little time for the gypsy to properly unwind.

Just two days previously did she nearly fall asleep in the tub. The stress level at hand and the superficial sense of serenity needed to keep others stress-free was nearing a fever pitch, and a crash was going to be inevitable.

Isuelt closed her eyes and listened to the grateful noises of the Sanctuary. The rat-ta-tap-tap tap-ta-ta-tap of Trixie's drumsticks were discernable just above the faint zing-zing of steel against steel from the training room down the hall. A few more moments produced a hurried set of feet padding down the corridor.

When Isuelt had fist come to the city of RhyDin, she was alone. Then, slowly, it had begun. First Trixie and Jenai had joined her; and now, she had a small Temple of Sisters surrounding her. The closeness that they shared was a blessing, especially to a loner like Isuelt. She would always long for the cozy hearth and home that had been taken from her; though she knew that to lust after it would only succeed in driving it further away.

A deep breath was held as long as it could be before a frustrated sigh wrangled it loose. She was nearly sick of her thoughts turning in this direction.


Damn fool had let her leave. He could have said something. Right?


Besides, she'd bet a million gold that he was bouncing some buxom blonde off his mattress right now.


They were a mixture for trouble...since the day they had met. But the fun that accompanied the trouble, well that was the spark that both of them fed off of. laced with trouble.
Always delicious.
Never lasts.


Date: 2007-02-11 17:11 EST
Illea sat back on her heels on the cold floor. It was late, or early, depending on one's perspective. Just coming off of watch, the sun would threaten to break the horizon in under a few hours. Isuelt's eyes were closed, her lashes nearly glued together by cold, sweat, and tears. Shivering, she had stayed in the Temple for close to twenty minutes now, trying to get a hold of herself.

Contrary to popular belief, Isuelt was human and she was breakable. It was simply a side she chose not to show to the world. Her confidant, as She had always been, knew every in and out of Isuelt's mind. Every tear she had hastily wiped away and the reason for its appearance. Her confidant always had kept the gypsy's secrets, her weaknesses, her moments of despair. Never once had Isuelt's confidant betrayed her.

So it was now in this darkest hour before dawn that the Judge knelt before her confidant and wept. The large stone statue of Scathach, in all her glory standing victorious over her sister Aife, simply watched over her Priestess as she broke down. Never once had Scathach not listened to this orphan who had turned to Her at a young age, not even when this orphan had turned her back on her Goddess. Scathach had always been as strong and resolute as Isuelt needed Her to be; and now, Isuelt needed her as never before.

Her Priestesses were under attack, and the noble name of the Scathachians was smeared with blood. The pressure had been building for several months and finally the fissures were beginning to widen. Isuelt could feel herself buckling under the stress. She wasn't sure how much more of this she could carry. She was the elder here, a role she did not want. But, there it was. She was resolved to remain as steadfast and true as her Patroness, for the good of her Sisters. It would not do them well to see Illea fretting over the next murder, or blubbering her way through her frustration, or jumping every time a sound shot through the night.

Wiping her eyes with the back of a soaked leather glove, Illea made a promise to Scathach. Her dark eyes lifted and looked up to the Goddess of War. I will see your Daughters through this, they will be victorious. I swear it. Her vow was uttered. As the Judge rose and finished wiping away the remnants of her weakness, she nodded to herself. She would be as strong as the oak.

But even the mightiest of oaks creaks during the storm. While it may not be uprooted, its pain in twisting to stand against the winds is felt deep into the earth.


Date: 2007-03-13 18:19 EST
So...a new gift for the Scathachians.

A horse-drawn carriage, with no horse except the one in the driver's seat, the driver's head in its mouth. "Fear Scathach" written boldly on the side...

The leather hair strap Isuelt was chewing on was getting weaker by the second; her jaw, however was only building on its strength. The Scathachian was in one of the receiving rooms, laying on the floor with her legs up and atop the cushions of the couch before the fireplace. Her dark eyes were staring at the ceiling and she was replaying a scene from several nights ago.

The patrons in the Inn were jostling her nerves, asking what she and her Sisters were truly doing to catch this person...this WestEnd murderer. They hadn't caught anyone, not even for questioning. The murders hadn't stopped, nor had the taunting. It would seem, as the patrons were so inclined to point out, that nothing was being done at all.

She'd lost her composure...lost her cool.

Well, why in the hell were they tossing her own failures in her face? Especially Tasslehofl, whom she'd considered a friend. He baited her outside where he continued his pride poking. Until...until...she hauled off and hit him. Twice.

Only later did she realize what he was trying to do. He was trying to help her blow of steam, trying to help her vent. Only, he really didn't succeed in doing much more than pressing her own shortcomings into her face as sure had he'd pressed a half-grapefruit there. Bitter was the taste of always had been Illea's fiercest enemy.

She sat up suddenly and walked to her chamber, there was no other Sister at the Sanctuary, except for Rae, who was sleeping and Eddie who was tending the Temple with Jenai. It was quiet...just the way she liked it. After locking the door, she went straight for the wardrobe against the wall and knelt before it. A pause was issued, but only for a moment. She tugged at the bottom drawer and pushed aside the few articles of clothing that took up the front portion of the drawer. Reaching back, Isuelt felt for the box that she knew to be there and pulled it out. Like a treasure chest, she cradled it and brought it to her bed where she set it before her like a beloved child.

She opened it and spent only a moment or two going through the items she found: her first Priestess cloth, her husband's waist sash from the Zomorago caravan, a piece of wood from his fiddle, Scorp's leather bracer. This time she wouldn't stop at this item. She dug deeper, until she found what she was looking for. Wrapped in a crimson veil, she unwound a small brass dagger with a steel blade. This item was one of the dearest treasures in the chest, but for reasons one might not imagine. Isuelt held it in her hands and shut her eyes, she remained that way until she felt the cold of the metal melt away and warm to the touch of her palms.

Isuelt had a secret. Only few knew of it, four Priestesses back on the Island and Scorpion Wraitharan.

She pulled gently on the copper sheath until the sharpened blade of the dagger was revealed. Her dark eyes focused upon the edge of the weapon, almost as if she were further sharpening it with her cold gaze. Slowly then, her motions like a choreographed ballet, she rolled back the sleeve of her left arm to reveal no fewer than eleven scars all in a cross-hatched fashion on her forearm, close to her elbow. She lifted the dagger's blade to her tanned skin, laying almost perpendicular to a lone scar. And without hesitation, with only the smallest wince, Isuelt dragged the steel along her warm flesh until the pressure released a new gash.

She let the blood flow onto the crimson veil.

She let the blood flow as she thought of every way she was letting down her Sisters.

She let the blood flow as she felt everything she was doing wrong for this city.

She let the blood flow as she prayed for forgiveness from Scathach for failing in her duties to protect the Scathachian Nation.

Illea bled. Isuelt bled.

When the blood began to clot on its own, she wrapped her arm in the veil and laid down on her bed. She shut her eyes and let the salt tears and the bitter bile at the back of her throat usher her into a nightmare.

The fissures widened.


Date: 2007-03-23 20:09 EST
Illea was balanced on the corner of her bed, her body's gentle rocking motion soothing the emotions that were ripping through her core. A thin black tank and a pair of panties were all that the Scathachian was wearing in the privacy of her chamber. Her dark eyes were trained on her inner forearm and the dozen or so scars embedded in her tanned flesh. The freshest scar was of particular importance.

So much had changed in a few days, her entire world had once more been flipped upside down. But now, she needed help in an entirely different way, she had begun to break down.

Weeping in the Temple, in her solitude.

Snapping violently and lashing out with her weapons at any passerby who happened to say or do the wrong thing.

Bemoaning a love affair that had come to a rocky end...if an end it even had.

Isuelt was near stir crazy in this city, though it was not for boredom or lack of projects. Frustration had gripped her like a vice and she had caved to the pressure. That latest gash on her arm stood like an eternal reminder of her weakness, a memento of her fall.

She toyed with the blade in her right hand, wanting to cut another gash over the newest scar, just to see if she could get rid of it. The twisted logic whispered to her deepest insecurity, the irony was that she wasn't exactly listening.

Scorpion was back. He had come to her. And she loved the way that made her feel. It was as if a missing piece to the puzzle had miraculously found its way into the picture. Something she really wasn't aware of until it was gone...someone that she didn't know she needed until he was absent.

He had said he was here, that he would take care of everything. The sappy emotion that welled up inside of her made her lips twist. It was a behavior that she came to loathe in others, but now, it was something she desperately needed. She had almost burst into tears upon seeing Scorp in the Inn. Come to think of it now, that would have completed the spectacle. She had gone through a slew of emotions just seeing him again, it was a surreal experience. Isuelt had thrown her arms around him, she wasn't able to help it. She had kissed him deeply, she couldn't hold back.

She wasn't sure how she felt about her feelings toward him, but she certainly felt for him.

The only question was how deeply would she allow herself to feel.

How far she would allow herself to fall.

She twisted the hilt of the blade in her palm as the sharp end of the dagger finally came away from her skin and was put down.


Date: 2011-12-05 13:37 EST
Goddess Forsaken

She had stayed in her chambers far past dawn, she had missed morning devotions, she had even missed breakfast. Isuelt was not ill, save for the sickening feeling in the pit of her stomach at all of the unrest that had fallen on her shoulders lately. Isuelt was not tired; in fact, she had been up most of the night and still harbored no yearning to sleep. Isuelt was instead deeply hidden in that darkly familiar place to only her; the pit from which she always had difficultly crawling.

Despair, depression, destruction.

Raven's betrayal, Jenai's defection, Renna's victory, the death of a Scathachian Sister, the absence of Scorpion Wraitharan, and the return of Temple Bhaal.

All rungs in the ladder that led down into the chasm of melancholia and self-loathing. Normally, her shell was strong and opaque; the face she showed to the world was resolute and without care. But the deep fissures beneath the surface were hidden so that no one knew they were there. Make that very few people knew they were there. Lenai, the Island of Shadow's High Priestess, had watched Isuelt's self-hatred deteriorate and decay the young warrior's prowess. Lenai had witnessed Isuelt's soul atrophy until there was nothing left but a once-proud warrior in a pool of her own blood, drawn from her own hand. Scorpion Wraitharan, whom Isuelt deemed "her rock," knew too of her dangerous deluge. He had watched the Scathachian come to violent terms with herself after working as his top assassin for a number of years. Fearing that she was beyond the grace of her Goddess, Isuelt had devoted herself to taking her own life and it was only Scorpion's chance entrance that found her in a tub thick with the priestess's claret.

But Mother Lenai was not here. Nor was the Don Mega of Metro, Scorpion. Isuelt felt more abandoned and alone than ever, despite having her Sisters around her. But when it came down to her clouded cadence, she never bothered acknowledging those around her. It was an intimate act, which she alone would consummate.

But now was not the time.

Not yet.

When her Sister Lexia had been avenged and Renna destroyed, when Raven's betrayal was reversed, Jenai was back home, and the dangerous Temple Bhaal was once again quieted; when she was not needed any longer, she would reward herself with the long-awaited desire, her prime award. Isuelt's bleak moods were harkening back to her darker days, beckoning her to follow.

And she always did.


Date: 2012-10-01 15:52 EST



The weight of gravity was more pushing her down, rather than pulling as of late. It seemed as if the pressure upon her to do what was needed was tightening its grip around her body like a python impatiently after its prey.

Temple Bhaal had this effect on her. It always had.

Its priests and priestesses knew the Scathachians so well; their histories were together entwined like no other two groups she knew. The members of Temple Bhaal followed a murderous diety. And while some might say that Scathach was a murderer, her warfare was grounded in defense. "Defend the defenseless..." It was their motto after all. But Bhaal was the god of murder and chaos, and his minions took root in these causes. They were unpredictable and ruthless, cruel and savage. They were the wild card in any deck.

And for this aged gambler, the unknown was the most frightening thing of all. Where would the agents of Bhaal come from next? What would they come for next? And where were these missing artifacts? A race with the likes of the well as every other enemy...could very well threaten the race of Scathachians as she knew it.

The Compass...

It pointed the way to the Island of Shadow, no matter the holder. If this fell into the wrong hands...

Isuelt couldn't bear to think of it any longer. Her legs had gone numb beneath her. She had been kneeling on the cold, hard marble Temple floor for over an hour. Her deep espresso eyes had been staring, almost blindly, up at the larger than life statue of Scathach, seated in a chair with two swords in one hand and a balance in the other.

"Can't...can't you see us, Mother? Can't you hear our calls? We are in dire need. Your daughters' are walking along the edge of a knife. us. Send us the strength to defend you and defend what you stand for. We...I feel like we are dying. Please, us."

Her thick, black lashes closed over her unshed tears as she hung her head and nearly shuddered as she moved her arms to get up and steady herself on numb legs. Her day was just beginning and she had the proverbial miles to go before she slept.


Date: 2013-06-11 14:01 EST
The sun was not yet up. The darkness of the Temple ruins encompassed and cloaked the destruction. It was quiet. It was nearly silent. No birds, no breeze. Not even the subtle rhythm of the surf was hanging upon the air. What some might have considered "unsettling," Isuelt found as absolute peace.

As she moved through the rubble, much of it however had been cleared away by the Scathachians and the helpful citizens who had volunteered their valuable time, her sandaled feet were the only sound within the once hallowed walls of her goddess's temple. Alone, she sat on a cement block off to the side of the main hall and looked toward the front of the chamber. Scathach's statue from the waist down was still standing, her feet now clean as well as much of the rest of the larger than life icon. But Scathach's torso and head had been removed for a deeper cleaning by some of Rhydin's stone masons who would be doing some of the repairs and rescuplting. Isuelt's dark chocolate gaze lingered on the statue's remains, an expression of quiet longing in her eyes.


Isuelt's dark hair spun around her shoulders as she jerked her chin in the direction of the voice, somewhere near the rear of the temple. But she saw no one. She was on alert almost instantly and stood up, her gaze trying to pierce the darkness.

"Be at ease, my Daughter."

Isuelt's brow wrinkled and lowered at that. "Who's there?" Ever the suspicious one. Ever the naysayer. There was no answer. No reply. Just silence. The Scathachian could feel her heart pounding in her ears. Perhaps, just perhaps, she had dared to hope. After the miracle at C? Chulainn's hands, Isuelt's faith had been resurrected. Maybe ironically so, seeing as how the very definition of 'faith' is believing without proof. Still, she sighed as she continued to stare into the darkness for a moment longer before she sat back down and leaned her back against the wall.

It was just then, that a small pinprick of light shone from the side of Scathach's statue. So bright, nearly blinding, that Isuelt's eyes squinted at it. As her gaze cheated to the left and right of the light, there was nothing really there. Just the same, she knew that she wasn't alone.

"Illea, your heart is so heavy. So sad. You have forgotten your purpose here."

Isuelt swallowed, that point of light grew a bit brighter still. She just lowered her gaze instead of trying to look at it.

"Do not lose yourself. Do not lose me. You know I am not here, living in stone. I am within you, and within all of my Daughters. Living in the acts you perform, in the faces of those you protect."

Her breath stilled in her throat. Was she dreaming? She couldn't lift her eyes, she just concentrated on keeping her breathing regulated.

"You are human, my Daughter. As was I once. I understand your weaknesses, your fears. But I also recognize the beautiful resilience in you, the strength in you. My Daughters are not chosen at random, but born to this life by the way of destiny. Find comfort in that, my Illea."

In all of her life, in all of her training, never before had this sort of thing ever happened to her. Her faith was built on the sureness that somewhere in the cosmos she was following a goddess and she was doing right. But at no time had she ever had a visitation. Her goddess was not one to walk among mortals. The swelling within her chest was divine awe at being so blessed.

"C? Chulainn has made to right what should never have been made wrong. My student and my lover will watch over you and your Sisters. Carry out your work, Illea. As I shall carry out mine. I am for Bhaal, as I have ever been. He and I shall clash once more, just as you shall against his followers. This has been destined, and you have been chosen."

Isuelt's brow burned and she lifted her gaze finally to look upon the light coming from the marble statue. She would have sworn she saw a flash of crimson, a glint of steel.

"Take comfort in my blessing, and mirror on earth what I do in the heavens."

That light grew in intensity until Isuelt could no longer bear to look upon it. She clenched her lashes tight and winced as her hand came up to shield her face. There was a noise in the temple that seemed to echo until it felt as if it was vibrating from within her. A high-pitched tone that made Isuelt clap her hands to her ears. And yet, as quickly as it had was gone. So too was the light. And Isuelt sat once more alone in the temple in silence.

Looking around, her breathing rate rapidly playing itself out and her heart pounding in her chest, Isuelt's wide eyes took in her surroundings. An exhale was the sound that hit her ears like a slap in the face. It was like she had woken up from a hundred years' slumber.

Isuelt, Priestess of Scathach, had just had the weight of the world lifted off of her shoulders by a divine hand. And it felt as if she had finally surfaced.