Topic: The End of ?r nDra?ocht F?in


Date: 2006-02-20 21:42 EST
Isaac growls in frustration as he leaves the Inn. He's spent hours searching both the establishment and the surrounding area, not to mention waited in the same chair for what seemed like a life time. He hopes that Issy realises how much he cares about her...he actually sat still for gods' sakes! HIM! He's too tired to search anymore, overcome by weariness and fear for Issy's wellbeing. While he's recieved word that she was fine last she was seen, he's's what he does. He takes to the trees once more. Heading back east...back home.

After a few minutes, he wrinkles his nose, the smell of ash and burning wood wafting about his nostrils. He climbs higher, into the top boughs of the trees. A large column of black smoke rises in the distance. Hmmm... he muses, That smoke seems... His eyes go wide as the truth of his situation hits him. Soon his shooting through the trees at an impossible speed. He drops down, hitting the ground running. Soon he arrives at the borders of ?r nDra?ocht F?in...gaping in disbelief as it blazes before him. Flames lick at the trees forming the grove's walls, he can smell the contents of the crates burning, the material of the sleeping mats as they're incinerated. Isaac steps into the flames as if in a dream...watching the only home he's ever had on this realm burn to the ground around him.


Date: 2006-03-12 17:41 EST
Knowing that it was the right thing to do, Isuelt kept her mare pointed toward the direction of ?r nDra?ocht F?in. She had felt a tenseness in the pit of her stomach all morning. Actually, her anxiety had begun the night before, when she had actually made the commitment to herself to visit Isaac's home today. She knew she would probably not find him there; even if she did, what would she say? Offer condolences? Offer a place to stay? Since his return, things between the two of them had been strained and he seemed almost foreign to her. She wasn't really sure as to why, but what she was sure of is that it probably had nothing to do with him. She knew deep down that she was the one who was different...

Since their trip to Union City and her alley-way discovery, she had felt herself falling down that long dark tunnel. Since she had accepted employment from Talomar Longden, she had felt herself taking up residence there in that tunnel. She had not been so aware of the darkness of her deeds as she was aware that she actually felt alive. More alive than she had been in years, not since her days with the Pack in Metro.

As the equine rhythmically pushed forward, the clip-clop of her hooves drove Isuelt into a short daydream. She found herself missing Scorpion Wraitharan now more than ever.