Topic: from near his heart he took a rib

Ben Sullivan

Date: 2012-08-08 00:22 EST
there are ones that lie
and ones that lie underground
the first one's mine
the second one i lie about

-- "i'm sorry i sang on your hands that have been in the grave," sunset rubdown

Day 3 (4? will not figure this out - go with 3)

I need to start keeping track of things so I can get this finished and go home.

I'm pretty sure everyone's been getting acquainted with the place. Somebody, not for very long, the first night I was here (Ivan? there wasn't any real reaction -- nobody gave me weird looks -- he's the one most likely to slip under the radar if it's for a short time like it was). The next day--

It's difficult to deal with the blackouts. I don't need them here. Don't want them. I want to figure out how to go home -- that's it.

I'm not sure how long I was out for, after I realized I couldn't go home like this. It could have been a few hours. It might have been more than a day. That hasn't happened in a really, really long time, but I guess, other than when Adam first -- I'm not sure how to phrase it -- when I first took Adam away. I'm pretty sure that was the last time it happened for so long. I guess it makes sense. I've lost him again, for a second time.

I was able to talk to Katt, figure out some things.

She doesn't know. Can't know. She just thought I might say more than I wanted to -- she's got no idea. I feel bad, a little, because she thanked me for trusting her. I don't (I guess I do a little, but not completely, of course not completely). It's just a little lie. Sometimes they need to be told.

Sam wants to kill Ella (doesn't he?). Ted wants to be at Carol's. Right now, they know I won't let these things happen (if I have that sort of say -- do I? After all, Sam got Lynch to-- and Ted took Adam--

Anyway, I don't know what to do, if I try to convince them somehow that these things can't happen, shouldn't happen, or if I encourage it -- lie to them, just long enough to get home, and then... what? I don't think that's something I can do. Katt said I wasn't a good liar, and she's wrong about that, but I don't think that's possible, to lie to them.

I worry about Harry. He's already been... doing things. I don't want it to come back to bite me later.

I wish I'd taken this more seriously back home. I never thought... I just thought I could deal with it. I thought I could handle it -- was handling it. Wasn't I?

I haven't seen Daniel since the night I went with Katt to use that globe thing. (Such a stupid idea.) I want to go with him when he goes. I hope I can catch them when they leave. Or maybe I should just go myself? I guess if I do, it's not so useful, if I can't even see what's there.

I need to get some sleep. Somebody's running me ragged.

Ben Sullivan

Date: 2012-08-09 11:21 EST
Day 5

Oh, no.

I just hope he didn't start something he didn't finish. I don't want to clean up his mess -- or an even bigger one than I already have to deal with, anyway.

Ben Sullivan

Date: 2012-08-10 13:04 EST
I lost a day somewhere. Mustve been that first full day. It's fine. It won't happen again.

I like to say that, like I have any sort of say over any of this. I know I don't.

I saw Daniel last night for the first time in a few days. He's trying to get back to people he cares about too. I told him I'd show him the globe Katt showed me (didn't see her at all last night). I asked if his way would work for me too -- I wonder if there really is another way to get back to my home, but I'm starting to think not. I'm starting to think that this is my only option, because it's what I need to do. Everything happens for a reason, right? Doesn't it?

I just -- I missed two years of Adam's life already. I don't want to miss any more. It's killing me, it kills me.

Most of all, because it's my fault -- I took him away the first time (didn't I? I should have known, somehow, but I couldn't have known, not any sooner than I did) and now it's my fault that I can't get back to him. And he's growing up now with Ella taking care of him, but she's not fit. She can't do it. If I was onl

Everything happens for a reason. You said it yourself, but you don't believe it yet. You will learn, but pain is part of the process. Embrace it.

You'll learn. This is the only way you'll learn.

Don't want this. I need some air.

Ben Sullivan

Date: 2012-08-11 02:12 EST
was it magic or midas that touched you?
and by magic i mean trickery and by midas i mean faith

-- "magic vs. midas," sunset rubdown

You can't do this, Ben. You've got to focus on getting home, not on -- whatever this is. You've got to work on getting home.

And getting sober. This is not ... Leave this to Harry. You're too old for hangovers.

Ben Sullivan

Date: 2012-08-13 17:42 EST
Dissociative Identity Disorder

Patients with this Dissociative Disorder suffer from alternation of two or more distinct personality states with impaired recall among personality states of important information.

Diagnostic criteria for 300.14 Dissociative Identity Disorder

A. The presence of two or more distinct identities or personality states (each with its own relatively enduring pattern of perceiving, relating to, and thinking about the environment and self).

B. At least two of these identities or personality states recurrently take control of the person's behavior.

C. Inability to recall important personal information that is too extensive to be explained by ordinary forgetfulness.

D. The disturbance is not due to the direct physiological effects of a substance (e.g., blackouts or chaotic behavior during Alcohol Intoxication) or a general medical condition (e.g., complex partial seizures).

Ben Sullivan

Date: 2012-08-13 18:19 EST
Treatment of Dissociative Identity Disorder typically includes the following components: a strong therapeutic relationship, a safe therapeutic environment, appropriate boundaries, development of no self- or other-harm contracts, an understanding of the personality structures, working through traumatic and dissociated material, the development of more mature psychological defenses, and the integration of states of self. Treatment of Dissociative Identity Disorder is typically long and challenging. Spontaneous remission will not occur.

. . .

Integration Isn?t Possible without Dissociative Identity Disorder Treatment

. . .

I have a feeling I'm going to be in the library until they kick me out at night.

Ben Sullivan

Date: 2012-08-14 01:15 EST
I spent all day reading about this -- why was it easier to think about before? I knew, generally, what was wrong with me. Ella knew -- 'the other people in your head,' she called them. I learned their names, habits, from her. Other people know them -- know me -- better than I know myself. That's really ... I don't like to think about that.

But it's been maybe two days, and I haven't had any blackouts. Granted, I've been avoiding people for most of the day today, and last night I just got trashed so ... I'm not sure why. I want to be hopeful that that means everything I've been reading is wrong, that spontaneous remission is possible, but I know that's a lie. I can lie to myself about a lot of things, but I can't about this.

I guess every time I told Ella, "That wasn't me," I was wrong. It is me. But they're parts of me that can't agree on what being me is, on how to handle being me. I can't go back like this. I don't want to admit it -- hate to admit it -- but maybe, maybe Ella is right. Maybe I can't

Harper said she was in psych. Did fitness evals. Isn't that funny? Too much a coincidence to be only coincidence? Providence.

I'm not a doctor. I could read every book on this there is and I still wouldn't be whole again. But maybe -- maybe if I keep track, what sets me off, the last things I remember before I lose time... Maybe that will give me some clues. I know who is in there (some of them -- maybe there are more, God, I don't even want to think about that), but I don't know all of why, and I don't know how to get them to ... leave? To stay. But to be me again.


it's cold, it's dark
it's not for people with uneasy hearts
but if you're with me on the other side
strike up the band - we have survived
oh do they beat that drum to get you back home?
or do they beat it to keep you away?
take that hair out of your damned eyes
while the waves are away
now the sun will fade
will you burn your bridges down
will you bang your drum to the blazing sound
will you turn away
how can you turn away

-- 'bang your drum,' wolf parade

Ben Sullivan

Date: 2012-08-17 02:33 EST
Holy Hell. I don't even know what her name is. She's probably not even half my age. Holy goddammit.

It wasn't me. Was not me. Oh, but I knew this would happen.

I just wish I could remember why.

I wonder if the Daniels girls are going to tell Harper. Sh*t. What am I even supposed to say -- to any of them?

Ben Sullivan

Date: 2012-08-17 14:58 EST
...well, that certainly went better than expected.

Holy hell.

Ben Sullivan

Date: 2012-08-17 18:20 EST
I think this is something I shouldn't be doing.

It's just still so difficult. I know there's only one way to get home to Adam -- I spend all day in the library, I usually spend a couple of hours reading before bed, fall asleep with a book, in a pile of papers -- I'm allowed a distraction, aren't I? If I don't, I might go nuts.

Ha, more than I already am.

Jackie asked me if I was a certified nutjob. I avoided answering -- let her draw her own (wrong) assumption. Of course, I'm not 'certified,' so maybe that's fine. The same thing when she asked me about that girl last night -- I've never seen her before. She has me confused for somebody else. It's all true. It's just not the whole story.

Is this a problem? It is a problem. I don't know why I never addressed it before. Bad coping skills? With Adam gone, I -- I guess Ella was right. Maybe she did deserve the smack. My checking out was probably worse.

I wonder what Harper knows.

Ben Sullivan

Date: 2012-08-18 18:13 EST
There is a general lack of consensus in the diagnosis and treatment of DID and research on treatment effectiveness focuses mainly on clinical approaches described in case studies. General treatment guidelines exist that suggest a phased, eclectic approach with more concrete guidance and agreement on early stages but no systematic, empirically-supported approach exists and later stages of treatment are not well described and have no consensus. Even highly experienced therapists have few patients that achieve a unified identity. . . . Brief treatment due to managed care may be difficult, as individuals diagnosed with DID may have unusual difficulties in trusting a therapist and take a prolonged period to form a comfortable therapeutic alliance.

Therapy for DID is generally phase oriented. Different alters may appear based on their greater ability to deal with specific situational stresses or threats. . . . it is considered important for the therapist to become familiar with at least the more prominent personality states as the "host" personality may not be the "true" identity of the patient.

The prognosis of untreated DID is not well known. It rarely if ever goes away without treatment but symptoms may resolve from time to time or wax and wane spontaneously. Patients with mainly dissociative and posttraumatic symptoms face a better prognosis than those with comorbid disorders or those still in contact with abusers, and the latter groups often face lengthier and more difficult treatment. Suicidal ideation, failed suicide attempts and self-harm also occur. Duration of treatment can vary depending on patient goals, which can extend from elimination of all alters to merely reducing inter-alter amnesia, but generally takes years.

None of this is encouraging.

What if I'm not me? The 'host' personality may not be the 'true' personality?

I can't even think about this right now.

What the f*ck happened to me? How did th

Ben Sullivan

Date: 2012-08-23 10:15 EST
A lot has happened.

That girl came around again, the one Harry's been... Jackie was there. She was not happy -- I don't blame her. Found out why I've been feeling a little sick -- Harry's been doing coke with this girl.

I blacked out that night. Woke up with that girl in my bed in the morning.

I told Jackie. Almost everything -- about the rest of them, about what Ted did. I could have just played it off like I was some lying jackass, but... I couldn't. I like her -- I trust her for some reason.

Sam is pissed that I told her about them. Really, really angry. It's been bad. Jackie mentioned that she's good at first aid -- I hope I don't need her help.

I moved into Lucie's attic. It's not the best, but it's not the inn, and if I stay away from it at night, maybe Harry will give me a break. Of course I'm more worried about Sam, now. I don't know when he'll back down again.

I've been working with Colt and Harper -- mostly on my own so far. It's been good. It's a hard case -- missing girl, talking to her parents was difficult -- but it's probably good for me to be busy.

Ben Sullivan

Date: 2012-08-24 02:28 EST
It was the right decision.

God, this f*cking sucks. But it's for the best -- for her sake. She knows it too.

Doesn't make it any easier. It's going to be a sh*tty day tomorrow. And probably a lot of days after that.

Ben Sullivan

Date: 2012-08-27 17:54 EST
Going back a few days. There's a lot to cover, and I'm still reading up on some of it. I was right, the way I understood it, but that doesn't make it any better--

I'm getting ahead of myself.

Two nights ago, I went to the inn. Saw Lyla. I guess while I was in there talking to her (trying to get her to talk to some other girl she thought-- not important, don't want to think about it), Jackie saw us. I had no idea. I'd only seen her really briefly the night before - we're trying not to talk, I guess, or not to... not to want to get to know each other more.

She can't handle Harry. It's fine; I don't blame her for that, I'm not upset with her. It's fair. It sucks, and it's -- I mean, it isn't fair, but it is. How could I expect her to feel differently about that?

Anyway. We sort of started arguing -- I didn't think it was fair that she was upset with me about Lyla when it isn't me that knows Lyla -- and...

It's the first time I've blacked out around her -- around any of the people I know here. She punched Harry, attacked Lyla too. I'm not upset about that.

But she was just so upset. So upset, and all I could think about was doing something about this, so I can just have a normal f*cking life with normal f*cking problems, and--

It's called a Persecutor personality, from what I've been reading. Sam fits it, the little I've read so far. I want to figure this out before I write about what happened yesterday. It's important. It's a problem.

Ben Sullivan

Date: 2012-08-27 22:59 EST
Persecutor alters in Dissociative Identity Disorder are uniformly described in behavioral terms as belligerent, abusive, and violent. While most authors agree that persecutors begin as helpers there is no consensus about their later development or function within the system. This paper presents a theoretical model of the etiology and development of persecutor alters. It elucidates the underlying and continuously protective nature of the alter which becomes masked by the apparently ?persecutory? behavior.

"On first meeting they will be fearsome, loathsome, demon-like entities totally committed to the malicious harassment and abuse of the patient? (Putnam, 1989, p. 205). Watkins and Watkins (1988) describe them as ?loaded with rage, they may be both suicidal and homicidal. They slash the patient, strike at others, initiate bizarre behavior and threaten all, including the therapist? (p.68). They may initiate: "headaches, internal bullying, increased blank spells, interference with function, or imposition of unpleasant states on the host personality" (Ross, 1989, p. 255). In a word they are abusive toward the host and often toward other alters (Bloch, 1991), the therapist, family members, and other people.

In addition to the physical abuse of the host there are other forms of ?torment? which are ?inflicted? on the patient:

?Self-mutilation by persecutors to punish the host or other alters is common.

?The host may also find threatening notes or even more graphic warnings of future mutilation ? for example, ? a threatening message written in ? blood on bedroom wall. (Putnam, p. 206)

The harassment and abuse also frequently take the form of internal talk by the persecutor. ?These voices will berate and belittle the patient, threaten or urge suicide, and sarcastically and gleefully taunt the patient about their total control over him or her? (Putnam, 1988, p. 206). The voices will also often demean and belittle the therapist and urge the host to drop out of therapy.

Finally, the persecutors engage in numerous behaviors which compromise the well being of the host. These include such things as alienating friends and family (who frequently withdraw) and anti-social behavior for which the host is then responsible.

Taken together, ?the various forms of harassment and the patient?s reactions to them constitute a major source of torment for an MPD patient? (p. 205) as well as very real threats to the health and well being of the host.

In our view the most important change in the development of persecutor alters is that in adolescence or adulthood the protector perceives the host or the host?s actions as the source of the threat (the object to be controlled) and consequently acts to protect the system from him or her.

Ben Sullivan

Date: 2012-09-08 22:07 EST
It's been almost two weeks since Sam really started acting out.

It was really, really hard. I'd been texting Jackie that morning (to make sure it was her that punched me -- I thought, maybe, we could both laugh it off), and it just didn't go well. She was so upset. So upset. And all I wanted was for them to go away--

Even getting that feeling now, the one I was getting then -- this buzzing, this chatter. She's dealing with it, alright? She's accepting it. She's not a threat. You know I'm not lying about it.

There. Thank you.

I struggled. I tried. Sam hasn't gotten to me in a really, really long time. But then he did, and--

I thought I could stitch the damage up myself, but there was no way. It would have been a terrible job, and I don't know if Sam even would have let me. Maybe he would have. I don't know.

So I called Jackie. And hours later, she came over. She never judged. She did what needed to be done. She asked questions, and I told her, and I wanted to tell her. I forget how young she is sometimes -- she really listens, really tries to understand. I don't know when I had something like that last.

I told her about Sam -- how he doesn't trust her. Doesn't trust me around her. He's only trying to protect me, protect her. I think she understands, at least as well as can be understood. I'm still trying to figure it out myself.

We went to the bar after that -- needed to get out of the attic (and maybe she didn't want to leave me there alone with him) -- Lyla was there. Of course she was. She was talking to Colt about Harry. Of course she was. And --

Lost time.

Jackie called me back. She's doing this so well. It's what I mean about her not seeming so young -- I needed her to take care of me, for Christ's sake. I needed her to tell me what was going on -- what had happened while I went away.

And after, she let me stay at her place. It was a little awkward -- weren't we supposed to not even be seeing each other at all? And now here I am, sleeping down the hall from her? But I needed it. I wouldn't have done well on my own, or in the Inn. It would have been bad, I think. I think she knew that -- know she knew that.

And since then, things have been fine -- on that front, fine, mostly. I've been staying with Jackie, things have been quiet (mostly -- Sam wouldn't shut up, but he's better now, fine now -- maybe trusts her, finally), only lost a few minutes here and there. It's better.

That Friday, we watched some movies together -- maybe I need to think about that a little more before I write about it. It mattered, it means something. Not just to me, but to Jackie, too -- and that means something to me, too.

Ben Sullivan

Date: 2012-09-08 23:33 EST
Last Friday.

I'd spent the week with Jackie ... taking care of me, I guess. Watching out for me, maybe that's the better way to put it. She knows what Sam is capable of doing, she saw it first hand. I don't like to admit it, that I shouldn't be alone, but she knows that's true.

We made dinner together one night. We hit the bar another night. It was ... nice. It was really, really nice. I like spending time with her -- a lot. And after that conversation we'd had, about how maybe it was best if we didn't see each other, didn't put ourselves in positions to--

This is for me to read. I know where I'm going with this.

So we decided we'd have a movie night. I guess she's into those -- slasher movies, popcorn, wine. Just being scared silly. I said that was fine, but why don't we watch some classics the next time? Nosferatu, Frankenstein, Night of the Living Dead. Sure, she says. And then she ends up getting those instead of Friday the 13th, or whatever it was she was going to get.

I don't know if I was ready for it, to watch those with her. I've seen them dozens of times. I know all the words. I know every scene, every cue. They mean something to me. The terror, the unstoppable nature -- being made up of others, being called a monster -- being overrun, the unfairness, the bleakness--

We watched Nosferatu, and I bet her I could quote every card without looking. I won, of course. And after, we just ... needed some air. It's an intense movie -- and I don't think it's anything like what Jackie's used to, something moving like that.

So we went to the bar. We get there, and her brother and Ten are there. I don't remember all of it (not lost time -- just already really trashed), but I do remember finding out that Colt had been making Jackie check in with him a few times a day, ever since she started spending time with me. It hurt, to hear that -- pissed me off, really. I get it, that he doesn't like me, but--

We watched Frankenstein next. Jackie was so upset at it, the ending, how they treated the monster. And that was when I started to think, you know, maybe--

After we watched Night of the Living Dead, I just-- They take a lot out of me, to watch those movies. I get overcome, sometimes, a little. It's not bad, and it's not like it stopped me from watching them each like a hundred times, but they do something to me.

I'd never cashed in on that bet I won. I told Jackie that what I wanted was to stay with her that night, for her to admit that she's a little scared. She told me that I didn't need to win a silly bet to stay. She wanted me to stay, because I wanted to stay.

I could have kissed her then. I didn't. I wanted to -- wanted more than that, but --

We went to bed together, and I just held her, and we talked. And I apologized, and then I kissed her. And we decided -- we're both miserable, trying to keep away from each other. It hurts, both of us are hurting. She knows what she's getting into. And she told me it's worth it -- that I'm worth that, that what we have, what we could have -- it's worth that.

So now I've got a girlfriend half my age. A Yank, from the south, with a brother that I work with and that, I'm pretty sure, does not like me or trust me at all.

But she's good for me. I'm trying to be good for her.

We spent all of Saturday together. Most of Sunday, too. It was just nice to do nothing around the house and not have it feel so ... careful. I didn't have to worry so much. We're taking things slow (of course, what happened last week, that--), but I already feel comfortable around her.

I trust her. There's not a lot of people I can say that about -- maybe there's no one I can say that about, not anyone that knows as much as she does.

It feels good, really, really good.

Sunday, she told me that she'd go to Canada for me, bring Ella a letter from me. She told me I should write one for Adam, too, and I know she's right, if I can figure out what to say.

Even though there's something for me here now, I still need to get home. I can't lose sight of that. I haven't lost sight of that.

But she will make my stay here a helluva lot less dark.

Ben Sullivan

Date: 2012-09-09 23:43 EST
Last week -- the beginning of it -- was hell. That's the only way to describe it.

I worked there for three days straight. A couple hours here and there to sleep, when I couldn't see straight anymore. I'd eat when someone reminded me.

I'm sure Jackie thinks it was that I was trying to find her brother and Harper -- and I was, on one level. I haven't told her it's guilt that motivated me, mostly -- I was five minutes away from the building when everything happened. I could have been in that wreck. I could have been dead. But I wasn't, and that left me to do everything possible to get people out alive, right?

I haven't told her. I won't tell her. There's no reason; she doesn't need to think about things like that, not after--

After the rumor started going around that Colt's body was been found, I had to tell her. I couldn't let her find out alone, just some rumor. And after I told her, I didn't go back. I stayed with her -- most of the time.

I mean, sure, there was that few hours I was working through a fifth of Jack by myself, and I'm not sure how much time I lost that night (Ted? it must have been, the note he left -- I'm keeping it with me; it's a reminder--)

But other than that, I stayed with her until they were found.

And it's fine. I mean it's fine in that it doesn't bother me that I took the time to do it -- it's awful that I just saw Ella in her, every moment, and I was just as useless this time as I was then.

They say history repeats itself. Maybe that's what he meant, don't eat yourself. Not a second time.

And then they were found, and--

I took Jackie out Friday night for her birthday. This little out of the way place I found that makes good Italian. It's not her thing, really, but it was nice. I think she liked it. I hope she did. She's more the party type, but after everything that had gone on, I thought it would be nice to go somewhere quiet, low-lit -- just get away from everything for a few hours. She looked gorgeous. Just talked, flirted.

She hasn't talked to her brother about us. I went to visit him and Harper with a bunch of the other Daniels girls, and it...

I've never really done family things, not big things. As far as I'm concerned, I don't have one besides Adam -- and I guess Ella, still. But after I went into foster care, I never had anything to do with family unti

Not good. Only a few minutes. Could be worse, I guess, but should keep track of these kinds of things.

And Ella's family, she wanted to get away from too. So it was just us two -- or three -- for such a long time. It's not that I don't like crowds -- I'm fine in crowds -- but it's just ... I'm not sure what. It isn't easy for me, to be around that, not when I'm personally involved -- and I am now, aren't I? I am.

I'd thought that since Jackie hadn't told him yet, we should be acting like we weren't anything, but at one point she put her arm through mine, put her head on my shoulder. That was enough for me -- f*ck it. If he has a problem with me -- and he does, I think; I really don't think that that was a joke, when we were leaving, about Jackie checking in, and that still really pisses me off --

But I'm not backing down from this. I really, really like her. I trust her. I'm not giving that up.

Besides, maybe I'm overreacting. Maybe it was a joke.

I need to work on these letters. I have no idea what to say to Adam. Keeps me up at night -- or maybe it's just missing him that does that.

Ben Sullivan

Date: 2012-09-12 08:29 EST
What does that mean, like her? He couldn't really have told her something important, could he? There's no way Harry knows how to get home and I don't, is there?

I still feel sick about it. It isn't enough that he does ... everything with her, but now--

I've been spending a lot of time at work, or trying to. It's hard without Harper or Colt, hard with a lot of people busy with the collapse. But that girl is still missing. That doesn't stop just because everything did for us for a few days.

Need to focus on this. And getting home, writing those letters. Not on Lyla.

Ben Sullivan

Date: 2012-09-18 02:44 EST
Drinking a lot. Still don't want to think -- feel, don't want to feel.

If this is a test, I'm failing. Losing.

Tomorrow, sober tomorrow. Maybe.

Ben Sullivan

Date: 2012-09-18 08:22 EST
I don't know what I'm feeling. I think I want to be mad at her -- how can she know what's best for me, really -- but I can't be. Can't stay mad anyway. It was stupid of me to lean on her to begin with. Really stupid. He was right, I guess. Hear that?

They aren't coming. Haven't since that night. But headaches all the time. If this is a way to teach me a lesson about what trusting others gets me, it's working, Sam.

Maybe sobriety is too lofty a goal still. I'm okay with admitting that.

Ben Sullivan

Date: 2012-09-22 13:39 EST
Okay, it was really cold in the morning, and my back is killing me.

I don't regret it for a second.

I guess I can write about everything now.

Jackie and I split up. She came back from Canada on Sunday, and she just.... I don't knowwhat happened. She kept saying she felt too guilty about Adam (she talked to him!! He read my letter, he understands -- he told her he's going to write me and send it to me. Some days this week, that's all that's kept me going), and that she was a distraction. That she was somehow in the way of me getting home.

I tried to explain it to her, that she's not a distraction -- she's keeping me sane. I need someone like her -- a safe place. I can be alone -- I'm good at alone, really, I guess -- but I feel so much better with her. She told me I shouldn't feel better here, and I never got the words out right. Can't be motivated to do anything when I'm so miserable I'm way, way off the wagon -- or even when it just seems so hopeless, and I need to deal with that hopelessness alone. It was so good to be able to come home to her. We're good for each other, I know we are.

Okay, moving on.

I drank a lot. I missed her like crazy. I decided I needed to try going through one of those portals to get home. Trying to make them go away can take years and years. If she can't be with me because of Adam? Then I'll get to Adam.

Sober one night. Went over to her place to sign divorce papers (it was a good feeling -- don't want her in my life anymore). It turns out Ella gave her copies of Doc's notes from our off the record stuff, copies of some of the stuff I had in the trailer. She said she read some. Knew it was wrong, read anyway, stopped because it was overwhelming.

I could have been mad. (I am mad.) But I told her to read the rest. Maybe it'll help her understand that this is complicated, that-- I guess I don't know why, exactly. But I wanted her to.

We ate dinner together, and I... I just couldn't help it. I missed her, and I was hoping that maybe she'd thought about it in those few days, realized that she'd made a mistake -- I really pushed her. I feel a little bad about it now, I do. But god, I'd missed her.
I told her I love her. I've known for a little while, but the time never seemed right. I guess it wasn't right that night, either, but ... she needed to know. I don't regret that, either, telling her.

The portal. Nexus travel. Mages have told me not to do it. They must be able to sense that my thoughts aren't always mine. But I was desperate -- to get home, for Adam, but for Jackie, too. If I just can get to him, if I can make things better for myself, then she won't feel so guilty, right? She'll give me another chance.

I have to keep believing this.

It didn't work, the portal. I tried, and -- I think it was all in my head. It must have been.

I always hated Roland. I never knew why. Now I do. That's something else I don't regret, never forgiving him, even when--
The thing is, if I get rid of them, then I remember all that happened to me. Even just the little bit I saw -- I remember; I can't keep talking about this like it wasn't me it was happening to -- it still makes me sick.

It feels so strange, these feelings. To actually have them, to not go away and have someone else deal with it.

I don't think I can do it. I don't want to remember all that. Right now I don't have a childhood. I'm okay with that, if my other option is having one from hell. They just wanted to keep him safe -- keep me safe, me as a child -- and I don't want to undo that. I can't, can't hurt him -- hurt myself.

Of course, that means I can't get home through these portals, ever, unless I get them all on the some page somehow, if that's even possible.

I was pretty messed up after seeing all that. I hit my head I guess. I was not sober. And I just-- So I came back to Jackie's. She was at work, and I thought that, maybe, I could just... That I could leave before she got home. Take a little comfort from being in a space I was happy in, felt safe in, but not burden her any more than I already had.

I guess I fell asleep too long, because when I woke up, she was sitting behind me on her bed, asking me if I wanted to talk about it.

She stayed with me a little, but I dozed off again pretty quick once she was there. Woke up and she was gone.

I didn't want to be by myself just then, not with all the thoughts I had, so I went to the bar. She was there, of course.

I wanted to tell her -- needed to tell her. Not everything, not what I saw, but what it means for me and getting better. For Adam. Maybe for her, too.

And for some reason, even though we should have just gone inside, gone to separate beds -- she took me over to the hammock in her yard. We talked. I promised her, that I'd never leave without saying goodbye to her first. Maybe it was one of those promises I shouldn't have made, one I can't keep. But it felt right to say -- everything felt right about that night, the way she curled up with my arm around her shoulders. How we fell asleep with my hand in her hair and her hand over my heart.

She said we'd regret it in the morning. I don't know if she meant that because it'd be cold or because we'd have to leave that behind in the morning (but we don't, Jackie, I wish you could see that), but I don't regret it. Not for a second. Maybe she's changing her mind? Maybe, at least sometimes, we can do things like that? It isn't what I really want -- I want her, all of her -- and god, isn't that kind of funny, how that works? The first night we tried to stop all of this from happening, she told me she didn't know how she could be with me and feel like she didn't have all of me, and it must be some kind of poetic justice that the tables are turned now (even if this is her choice, and it never was mine)--

I just have a little hope. Another good memory to try to get me through when I feel alone. Maybe she'll want to make more of them. Have to hold on to that.

And on a completely different topic, I don't know what's going on with work now. I don't know what's going on with Harper. To be honest, I don't really trust either of them now, though at least I can understand what Harper did and forgive her for it (though if I can forgive her enough to trust her that much now? I don't know). At least she was just concerned. Colt... I can't even get into that.

Bright side, if I'm not working, I'll have plenty of time to try to figure out what the hell to do with myself.

Ben Sullivan

Date: 2012-09-23 11:53 EST
There is a way -- something I can work toward without having to get rid of them.

This probably isn't something I should be deciding on my own, but--

Where do I even start?

Ben Sullivan

Date: 2012-09-24 09:49 EST
Don't you get it, Jackie? You can want this to be not about you all you want, but it is, and it will be.

The way she pulled back after I touched her hand, like it hurt her, like it burned -- that hurts. But you know what, it burns me too. And I could tell, when I had her by the wrist later, the shiver, the goosebumps, her pulse--

I can't let go. How can I, when I know she doesn't want me to, deep down?

I've always told her it's hard for me to listen to what I should do when I know what she wants me to do isn't the same. It's no different here.

Still at her house, in the guest room. I don't think I really slept, but I thought a lot about if if she wasn't sleeping too, just down the hall from me. What might happen if I went to go find out if she was awake too -- what probably wouldn't happen, really. Shouldn't happen, but we both want to happen.

God, this sucks.

Ben Sullivan

Date: 2012-09-25 03:14 EST
Where the f*ck are you all now when I need you?

we're here. learned your lesson about trust yet?

Ben Sullivan

Date: 2012-09-25 12:45 EST
I understand that I need to be more careful and trust you. Can we work something out? What about the others, will they talk too? Sign something? I don't want you to go away, I really don't -- but can't we figure out some rules? For me too, for all of us.

i'll think about it. can't speak for the others. harry's promises probably aren't worth much. what makes you think you know what will work out for us? that's why we're here - because you don't know what's good for you.

Ben Sullivan

Date: 2012-09-25 21:27 EST
I've been thinking it over and maybe I can get some feedback. I just want us to work together.

Sam -- I won't talk to anybody else about you and the others. If I can get home, I'll be talking to Ryan again. Adam, too. While I'm here, I want to keep telling Jackie what's going on. She's the only one I really trust. Not sure about Harper yet. Even if I do, it'll just be to figure out what happened when I black out.

What about coconsciousness? I guess that's to everyone. Don't need control -- just want to know what's going on. You can be in the driver's seat. Just let me be a passenger? It'll make things less chaotic for me. And if it's something you really think I need protecting from, I trust you. I can go away if you think it's best, but try not to let it happen often. Maybe I can handle more than you think.

No more hurting me, Sam. Not even as a lesson, or a warning. Please. And please don't try to talk me into it either. It's fine if you're telling me things, but it's really hard to cope with stuff like that all day. I promise I'll listen to whatever you're telling me -- you don't need to resort to that.

Ivan -- not my friends. Some people need that sometimes, just a little lie. But at work? People I don't know, suspects? I won't try to stop you from that. What would be a good trade?

Harry -- not sure what to ask. It's fine to try to cheer people up -- really good. But does it need to go as far as it does with women? Would prefer no more drugs or drinking. Smoking is fine, I guess. Absolutely no needles. For the love of god, use protection. You know if you get some girl pregnant, then a DNA test says it's mine, right? And if you catch something, then we're all in trouble? Better yet, keep it in your pants. Stay away from Lyla.

If you're going to do anything, could you do it over the weekend? So when I do go back to work, it's not so much of a problem.

Is this fair? I appreciate what everyone is doing, but it's getting difficult to keep track of things with all the blackouts, and things you do, even though I know you don't mean it, are starting to come back in bad ways for me.

Just give me some thoughts so we can figure it out.

Ben Sullivan

Date: 2012-09-26 12:32 EST
No responses. Has me a little worried there's some internal discussion going n I'm not aware of. I know this is possible -- I've spent the last few days reading all about it -- but I don't know how to get it started. Did I push too hard too fast?

Can't say all has been quiet. Lost a lot of yesterday, from the evening until this morning. Woke up here alone, so I guess that's a plus, even though I know that doesn't mean somebody wasn't out somewhere.

Come on -- somebody, give me something?

Ben Sullivan

Date: 2012-09-26 22:32 EST
this is a big change, and f*ck if i think you're ready for it. the reason we're here is because you can't handle it. what makes you think you can handle it now, even if someone else is in charge? that you're not going to be some weepy mess after you come back, even if you're just watching us like a voyeur?

i'll give it a shot. it won't be pretty. and when it's not, i'll know, and when you can't handle it, i'll know, and things will go back to how they used to be. you know it's for your own good -- didn't i show you enough?

That's all I'm asking for. Just a shot at it. I can handle it. Maybe I couldn't before, but I'm older now. I can handle it now.

Ben Sullivan

Date: 2012-09-27 12:26 EST
your kidding, rite? no drinking, no drugs, no girls? i didn't know u were such a funny guy!! don't rly c anything good about agreeing so im gonna pass.

What's fair to you? How about for starters, come back home to sleep? Don't lose my wallet or my keys? Or phone? Or shoes? Because waking up somewhere weird without those things isn't fun for me, Harry. Can we just start with that?

Ben Sullivan

Date: 2012-09-27 15:55 EST
Getting my own apartment is good news. I don't like that I need to make twenty copies of the key because I know that, on average, one a week is going to disappear, but ... it is what it is.

Little one bedroom with a nice kitchen. Furnished.

It's nice to get out of Lucie's (though I'm keeping it as a safehouse, a just-in-case), away from the bad memories, that bad Sunday -- but I think I'm going to be lonely here. It's more permanent, more obviously alone.

Why do all my ideas seem like bad ones? Going to think it over for a day, and probably go through with it anyway. Won't know until I try.

I just hope she's up for it.

Ben Sullivan

Date: 2012-10-06 03:51 EST
I just haven't felt like writing.

Jackie went along with that dumb plan I had. It seems like months ago now, but I guess it wasn't even a week ago.

I didn't think about it really, what telling her that the sound of a strap was a trigger for Sam would mean -- what she'd think. It's hard for me, even, to accept what I saw as part of my own history. I remember next to nothing. Most of it doesn't even feel like it happened to me -- that I was watching it happen to somebody else. (Wasn't I?)

I thought it would be easy. I was really, really, really stupid.

For what it's worth, it worked. It's strange. It isn't fun. It's going to take a lot of getting used to -- and it's going to take trusting them, which I don't. I don't. It's true, I didn't like that she wouldn't put it down either,

it was more than not liking it. you were having an all out meltdown. and what would you have done if i wasn't there? curled up in a corner and cried somewhere like a little kid? and you say you can handle it? you both think you can handle it. it'd be adorable if it wasn't so f*cking stupid. and you think she gets it?

I know that I didn't handle it great. But like she said -- because I heard what she was saying -- it was my first time. It isn't going to go perfect the first time. And you didn't need to be such a dick to her, either. Don't ever hurt her again, don't ever touch her like th

I don't know what's more exhausting, that blackout up there or this argument in my head. Does this make me crazy?


It was strange, too, coming back to myself and being in control again -- I didn't feel like my body was mine at first. Don't like that either, but I can get used to it. I can.

I've lost a lot of time this week. Haven't gotten another chance. I don't really think that's fair. Sam? Or Ivan -- where are you?

The rest of the night... We were both just so shaken. I can't believe it almost got to where it did. She said she couldn't, because what if -- and the way she said it, it was the best rejection a guy could ask for. I guess.

I haven't had a warm shower all week, and the one I'm about to take is going to be just as freezing as the other I've-lost-track-of-how-many.

This sucks. I mean, it's good, really, really good, but ... it sucks.

I wonder how she's doing?

Ben Sullivan

Date: 2012-10-07 17:45 EST
I can't even count how many times I've typed out a text and deleted it. To Jackie and Harper both.

It's a horrible feeling, to know that you're out somewhere, and then you're not you anymore -- to wake up somewhere else and not know what you did when you left. The blackouts are always bad, but it's worse when I'm around people I know. It matters more then, that I don't know what's happened.

I'm going to talk to Harper about it soon. I guess I have to, don't I? About that, and about everything else.

It wasn't as awkward as I thought it'd be to see Jackie, but it wasn't easy, either. It's difficult, to think that the last time I'd seen her, that I could touch her, hold her, kiss her -- and now...

I wanted to ask her -- a lot of things. Cooper said she'd been out to his place a few times during the week to think. Did she decide anything? Did she not say anything about it last night because it's an answer I don't want to hear? I don't want to ask her, because I don't want to push it, don't want to pressure her or anything about it, but god, does it suck being in the dark about it, too.

I wanted to ask her about what she thinks I should do about work. Wanted to see if she'd try to help me get another chance at shotgun again. Wanted to ask her about what Sam said, what he did, when she saw him. Wanted to hold her hand while I walked her home. Kiss her goodnight.

Instead we just meandered for a while, didn't really even talk. Which was fine -- it was nice. I don't know, I guess we're both just avoiding it still. She said she doesn't know if she's okay -- which neither do I, so I guess I understand.

She said her parents said she's got mail waiting at their place in Georgia. Can't wait to read it.

Ben Sullivan

Date: 2012-10-08 11:38 EST
I've been reading a lot. I understand the idea of internal communication -- I'm trying. Maybe I'm not pushing enough here? Or maybe not everyone likes to write.

I keep seeing things like 'going inside' and 'internal landscape.' Sometimes it reads like I should actually be able to see them, like there's living space inside my head that they've taken up, and like I have some way of getting in there too. Talking with them. Seeing them. Interacting -- it sounds like it's being in some kind of dream that isn't one at all.

I've been hearing voices for weeks, been having blackouts for decades. People call me by names I don't know. I do things I would never do and I don't remember any of it. People write back in this notebook in handwriting that isn't mine. I know there are others here -- I've seen it happen; I saw it, Sam talking to Jackie. I saw it, Ted with Roland. I recovered it, Ted with Adam, with Carol, bits and pieces. I know that that wasn't me. None of it was. It's all inside.

So why is the idea of doing this more terrifying than any of the rest of it?

Ben Sullivan

Date: 2012-10-10 09:40 EST
Some things are good. Some are bad. Guess that's life, isn't it?

Jackie and I are... I'm not sure what. Better. We haven't talked about it, about us, since that night, since we almost-- and she said she'd think about it. I know she must've thought about it some, but... I don't know what this means, what this makes us. I guess maybe I don't have to. I don't want to push her to talk about it if it'll make things weird again, make them awkward and avoidant. Whatever it is right now, it's better than it was, and I don't want to mess that up.

But we've had a lot of fun the past couple of days. Went shooting twice. And I mustve known it was a bad idea to try to teach her how to use handcuffs, but, I don't know. It worked out alright. And I guess that's a big understatement.

So now the bad. I've been trying to find them inside -- been trying to just find inside, I guess. I think I can do it, but it's dark and it comes with a really terrible feeling, and I'm only there not even a minute before I wake up hours later. Usually I'm at home after, but once I ended up all the way across town -- and even when I'm at home, I know I've been out. Coat isn't hung up the same way. Keys are in my pocket instead of on the counter. That kind of thing.

I'm not waking up with new bruises or in some girl's bed though, so I guess I should look on the bright side.

Need to keep working at this.

Ben Sullivan

Date: 2012-10-11 19:22 EST
The thing that scares me more than anything is that little bit of time, those few seconds right after I wake up, where I don't know where I am, when it is. How long it's been. It's waking up and not knowing if it's been five minutes or five hours. Five days. Five years.

What if someday I come back and it's been so long that everything is gone again?

What if someday I don't come back at all?

Things are so, so good right now, so I don't know why I'm thinking this.

Or maybe it's because they are good that I'm thinking about it.

Or maybe it's because I have been losing hours and hours every day lately, and I don't know why it's happening. I'm just at home. I can't remember anything that could be triggering. It seems even more out of control than it's been even in the past. Can't make any sense of it.

I told Jackie not to worry about me. She said she trusts me. I know she does. I do too.

And she didn't say it, but I know she knows it as well as I do: it isn't me she has to worry about trusting.

Ben Sullivan

Date: 2012-10-17 15:57 EST
It's when I get out of habit in writing here that the most things happen.

I had a session with Harper. I'd meant to talk to her about work, if I'm coming back, but we never got to that. She wanted to know about the other night -- I guess it was last week -- when I blacked out around her. But what's to tell? He has trust issues, I'm working on that.

I told her about Jackie, too. I don't know why I resisted that so much. Maybe didn't want to admit that, that we weren't together? I don't know. I told her abut Adam, too -- about Ella. About not being able to go home.

And she pointed out that I got here somehow, so shouldn't I be able to get home the same way? I told her that I don't remember getting here, and--

She said Harry isn't a bad guy. He just tunes things out. Deflects. Like a college kid that won't grow up. It was him that came here, but he doesn't remember anything either.

Harper said she wants me to do some writing for her. Figure out what their jobs are if I can. I've tried, really tried to sit down and write about it, but it's hard. I guess I'm still avoiding parts of this.

Still losing a lot of time. Never more than a day, and no overnights, but it is still hard to deal with. It's starting to wear on me. I'm starting to worry.

But maybe I can worry just a little bit less -- Jackie and I are seeing each other again. It's funny, in a way -- I just explained to Harper that we'd split up, and spent a little time dodging 'you're such a cute couple' comments from Chey on Friday, and a weekend later, and we're together again. Real funny.

We said we're going to keep taking things slow, and I'm okay with that. I have a lot to work on with myself. She says she has some work to do, too. And besides that -- she said she's been thinking about it and if things had gone so fast and hard like they'd started, maybe we would've just burned bright and burned out. She wants us to glow, she says.

I want that too.

So we'll work on ourselves, and we'll work on each other, and we'll keep being honest. I'll keep being honest.

We've got a date on Friday. I can't wait.

Ben Sullivan

Date: 2012-10-19 19:03 EST
Past few days have been busy and not, all at once. I'm gone more and more. It's getting really, really tiring. And worrisome. I get evenings. I get a few hours, here and there during the day. But yesterday I didn't even wake up until the afternoon, down by the docks. I went to bed, and I woke up there. That's new. That's worse. I haven't mentioned it to anyone. I'm hoping that it doesn't happen again.

I try to make the most of my time. I'm still trying to find them, but it isn't working. I'm trying to do what Harper asked and write something out about them, but that isn't working either. I gave it a rest today, and I was here all day. Maybe I'm not the only one that's a little resistant.

Jackie and I have been good. Still taking it slow. I took her out driving one night (and she was still dressed up for her girls night, and Jesus Christ--), and I went over to her and Chey's place last night for ice cream Chey made.

They're taking pole dancing lessons.

I think she's trying to kill me.

We have fun together. We flirt, talk. Touch a little. She drives me crazy, in the best way.

She should be over soon. She's been over plenty of times. It isn't like she doesn't know me already. I'm nervous as hell anyway.

I hope she likes what I got her. And I hope that everything goes smoothly. No visitors tonight. Please.

Ben Sullivan

Date: 2012-10-21 12:31 EST
The date Friday night went great. Phenomenal. Perfect, mostly, except for the whole take it slow thing we're trying. I knew from the second she showed up at my door that it wasn't going to be easy (she really knows how to dress to impress when she wants to; the way she looked in that dress was incredible), but we made it. Somehow. I don't even know how. It's really hard to follow along with 'take it slow' when a hot blonde half your age crawls into your lap and takes off your tie.

But we made it. She loved dinner (seemed really happy that I can cook, actually), really, really loved the bracelet, the bird charm. She understood it, really seemed to be touched by it.

We talked a little about what's been going on with me (though not much, because it's not the most romantic conversation), and I was surprised at how easy it's getting. It's good. She really tries to understand, neither of us get upset about it. Maybe that'll change later, maybe it won't be like that every time, but this time it was, and it really made me think that we really might be able to get through this. We really do have a shot.

Yesterday was good too. I spent a lot of time by myself. Quiet time. Maybe that doesn't mean much to other people, just a day of doing errands alone, cooking alone, being alone -- but lately, those days are so rare. I gave it a rest yesterday, too, trying to find everybody, to get into that space inside. I think they stress over it as much as I do, and I think it's that resistance that is making this so difficult and ending up in all those hours missing.

So it was nice to have that, a quiet day. In the evening Jackie and I got together for more driving (I don't know what possessed me to suggest that to her; I'd be lying if I said I didn't fear for my life at times), and she came over for a movie -- not a chick flick this time, but one of her slashers. It was fun to spend that kind of time with her too, with her being loud and laughing. She's a little wild. I like that.

Today I'm back to it. If I lose time, I lose time. But I just wish this would work already.

Ben Sullivan

Date: 2012-10-22 09:35 EST
Part of me felt bad for not reading Adam's letter as soon as Jackie gave it to me. It isn't that I don't want to hear from him. I do. It just gets harder and harder to read about what's going on at home, how bad Ella is.

I hope Jackie doesn't think I don't appreciate it, that she's going every week to do this for me. I didn't have her read the last one he sent me, and I didn't even open this one until she left in the morning. It isn't that I don't want her involved -- I do, actually, I really want her to be involved -- but I guess I just don't want a repeat of before. I want to trust her when she says she means it this time, that she trusts me to do everything I can, that we can work through things together, but I guess part of me can't. Not yet. She said it was worth it last time, too, everything she knew we would have to go through, and then there were a couple of bad days, and that was the end of it. And considering her main reason last time was because of Adam?

It almost feels like lying, like I'm hiding it from her, how bad things are with him right now, but I just don't know if I can trust her. I want to. I wish I could. I really do. But I don't want to lose her again over something that I can't do anything about.

I'm starting to consider asking Amy to have somebody come and check out the house. But then what, he gets put in foster care? That could be bad too.

He asked me if he could come and stay here with me instead. I'm glad I followed my instinct, didn't read his letter at the bar, because that broke my heart.

I need to work harder. I don't know if I have more in me, but I need to find more somewhere.

Ben Sullivan

Date: 2012-10-24 19:33 EST
There's been a lot going on, and I don't know what to think about a lot of it. Probably I should just focus on me.

Things have been quiet. Calm. As far as I thought I knew, anyway.

Even yesterday, I actually made a little progress. This whole thing -- maybe I doubted it, that it could work. It sounds so weird, and so touchy-feely, but this whole thing is weird, isn't it?

It's my childhood home. The one before foster care. Maybe I can turn it into something else -- I've read that I should be able to, that I can make it whatever I want it to be -- but that's what it is right now.

And I saw what it was, where it was, and I stopped. I tried again today, and I lost like three hours.

I don't know what it is, if it's fear or some type of self-sabotage (or not-self sabotage; that's not me). For the weeks I've been working on it, other than yesterday, I'd have guessed fear. It doesn't feel good, wherever it is that I go. It's dark. There's this sense of disrepair, of misuse, this weird paranoia. That creeping feeling. This strange kind of nothingness that's just full of ... distrust. It's overwhelming distrust.

But I didn't even get that today. In the morning, I just fell asleep, because I slept like sh*t last night -- nightmares, the same as usual. These little flashes of things I don't really remember but feel like I should (so don't I?). What Sam showed me a few weeks ago, but not out-of-body anymore. I guess that's a memory. Isn't it?

And then in the afternoon, it was like I had my eyes closed for only a few minutes, but when I opened them -- sitting on the other end of the couch. Shoes were on. Didn't feel sober. I checked -- somebody opened that bottle, and it wasn't me and it wasn't Jackie.

Jackie. I don't want to move this too fast again. I don't. I'm not trying to. But four out of the past five nights we've slept together -- my couch, her couch. And I've been fine those nights -- those days, as far as I know.

As far as I know.

I don't know why when I try to search inside, I check out. I don't understand it, I don't know why. That scares me.

I put on my coat to go out, and I found twenty-five hundred in cash. A scrap of paper, 'thank you, you're the best, I feel like this isn't enough' in some girl's handwriting.

That scares me so, so much more.

Ben Sullivan

Date: 2012-10-28 12:13 EST
Once again, I fall out of the habit of writing in here when I really need to be.

Will is here. I couldn't believe it -- can still hardly believe it. I haven't talked to him in years, but I'd heard things, here and there. He looks good. He must have an ear out for me, too, because he didn't seem at all surprised that I wasn't with Ella anymore.

He's here working, searching for a murder suspect -- I talked with him about the case though, and I like the guy for it too.

Even though we haven't talked in so long, it's really, really nice to have somebody else here from home. Even though, I shouldn't, it makes me feel less disconnected from it all.

I still haven't told Jackie about the money, about the note. We promised honesty, but I also asked her if she wanted to know everything -- of course she doesn't. Which is good, because I don't really want to tell her about those kinds of nights -- or mornings -- anyway. I feel sort of bad about even asking -- she got pretty upset -- but I needed to know where the lines are.

And now that I know, where does this fall? It looks bad, but it can't really be that, right?

So I know I should tell her. It probably isn't what it looked like at first, and Jackie said she wishes she could do more for me. I told her about going inside, about seeing the house. She's worried about me doing it, I know -- worried something might happen. Worried if I keep going, that ... well, worried that there's no telling what I'll find. She asked me if I went in the house if I'd remember everything, and I told her no. I sounded a lot more sure of myself than I felt. I really have no idea. And what if I do? Jesus Christ. I can't ev

Only half an hour. Better than it's been. Good things:

Jackie loved the cowboy thing. Really, really loved it. I owe Chey big for helping me get it together.

She loved it so much that she told me she wanted me to spend the night -- not that I haven't been, but not on the couch this time.

I thought it might've been a bad idea, moving too fast (take it slow, we said we'd take it slow), but all we did was sleep. Is it really that different if it's on my couch or in her bed?

It really isn't, but it sure feels different. It feels like a big deal. Maybe that's how we know we're doing this right, that we really are taking it slow.

I met another one of her brothers last night at Katt's big party. Ford. She didn't tell him that we're seeing each other, not even when he asked her straight up who I was, butit just wasn't the right time to. It was busy as hell that night -- she told me that that isn't how she wants to talk to him about me.

She's proud to call me her man, though. I treat her right -- we cherish each other, she says. And how can her brother really argue with something like that?

I don't worry much about that, about her family being okay with me (mostly), but it's just a little difficult for me. It's been so long since I've dated or had to worry about family like that, like having a girl's family approve of me. It wasn't something I worried about with Ella; it wasn't a factor. And the girls before that weren't very serious.

So it's fine. It'll be fine. Sort of nerve wracking, but it's fine.

I wish I could go to Georgia with them for Thanksgiving. Not because of the holiday (it isn't even real Thanksgiving), but to meet the rest of her family. Be a part of that, because I know it'd make her happy to have me there.

Someday. Keep positive.

Maybe they'll let me in today.

Ben Sullivan

Date: 2012-10-31 09:44 EST
I'm getting back into avoiding, or just dealing (which I do mostly by avoiding and ignoring), instead of pushing. I lose less time this way.

But I know, in the long run, that this isn't doing me any good. Yeah, if I keep avoiding, then I don't lose hours and hours -- probably, maybe, or at least I'm less likely to -- but I don't make progress, either. I don't get any closer to trust, or coconsciousness -- communication, anything.

I don't know what I'm more afraid of: going in there and finding my past, or losing the entire day to whatever it is that paid the next three months' rent.

Still avoiding really thinking about that, too. Haven't told Jackie. I still don't know if I will. Still don't know if I should. We're together almost every night now. She's still asleep in my bed.

What if I tell her and--

I'm going to make her breakfast before she has to leave for work, and then I'm going for it. I'm not pulling back this time, either, even if it is that house -- I need to know what's in there to find.

For Adam's sake. I don't write much about him, because it kills me to. Ella isn't getting any better -- maybe she's getting worse. She can't take care of him on her own. Even if she could, it'd be bad enough, me not being able to be there for him, but what if--

I can't think about this now. Just need to focus on what I need to do.

Ben Sullivan

Date: 2012-11-02 09:44 EST
Real progress. Real progress.

I talked to Sam. It's strange to think -- I'm only just meeting him (sort of -- I guess more than anyone else, I know him best-- shotgun once, he writes back more than the others, and all the talking sometimes, the--

Today is going to be rough. Can already tell.

What I mean is, I'm interacting with him. So many other people have, know how he is, and even though I'm right there every time, I'm not there. It's strange.

He's angry. I've always known that he's angry. He's been angry with me. I know what kind of rage that is. I've been on the receiving end of it more than once.

I have to get to know them, don't I? Make them trust me? I have to listen. So I listened.

I don't regret anything that happened to Roland -- not what I did, not what I didn't do. He deserved what he got, and if God forgave him -- well, there isn't any God. And if there is, then Roland is burning in hell.

That hate is real. That much I know.

But her? Why shou

I guess that's something we'll need to talk about next time. Sometime.

Later that night I went out, met Will at the bar. We talked about his case a little -- I think I'm going to end up helping him out with it. It almost makes sense -- it's a Vancouver case anyway, right?

Killer's got a type, and that type happens to look like Jackie. It isn't anything I can't deal with, even if it threw me for a minute. Will gets it though -- gets that it threw me, and gets that he doesn't need to question if I can get over that -- gets it that I'm already over it. It doesn't bother me. Okay, it does, but not to the point of it compromising my judgment or being too much for me to handle.

Might keep just a little bit closer of an eye on her. A little.

She told Ford about us. He seems alright with it, though the age difference bothers him a little, seems like. I'm not worried about that. He stayed at Jackie's last night in the guest room, and I stayed in her bed with her, so apparently she's not worried about it either.

Kind of feel like I should do something significant for my last day of being forty-eight, but I've also got a bitch of a headache again and might just sleep most of the day.

Ben Sullivan

Date: 2012-11-03 17:25 EST
This was not really how I wanted to start my birthday -- hungover, really, really hungover. But I woke up at home, with my clothes on, so that was a plus, right?

Jackie was sleeping on my couch. Turns out that she ran into Harry on his way out, and instead of walking off, she stayed with him all night. They ran out of booze at my place, so she took him to a poker game at some dive. Kept buying shots for him until he was trashed enough to bring back here.

She felt bad about it -- about giving me a hangover, but more because she kissed him before she knew it wasn't me. I can't be upset with her for that. She said though -- and this is really, really hard for me to understand -- she said that he and I are nothing alike. I guess I sort of knew that, but to hear it from her, those specifics?

I don't know. It's hard to understand it. But I told her it doesn't hurt me -- should it? How could it? Would that be fair?

She said the last thing she wants is to hurt me. I told her that too, so long ago. I know how it is, to feel that way.

I know I've said that I was afraid she'd leave again if it got hard. Last time, it was almost like she thought she could handle it, but she couldn't -- or didn't want to, or just didn't understand-- But this time... she knows now, what it means to be with me. Not only did she not run, but she handled it really well, and this morning, she wanted so badly to just be with me -- with me.

It's different now. She's different. I think I can trust her now, that she really means it this time.

I still haven't told her about the money. Part of me wants to just let it go, because what if it was a one time thing and it never happens again? Does she have to know?

She didn't have to tell me about that kiss. I would've never known. But she still did.

I'll tell her soon. I need to.

And Harry, if you ever mess with her again? If you ever touch her? I am beating the sh*t out of you the first chance I get. She's off limits -- mine. And I don't share.

Ben Sullivan

Date: 2012-11-05 14:23 EST
Birthday night was great. Really, really, really great.

I know that they are probably watching, they probably know everything I do, but I want this to be mine, and I'm not going to write it here. It isn't like I might forget.

Except to say: don't lose this scarf. It matters -- it means something.

Things have been pretty settled, which means I need to try again, don't I? It means I'm not doing enough.

Allowed a little break to enjoy the weekend though, aren't I? Especially for a birthday?

I wonder what it was like, the one I missed. I wonder what happened that day.

Ben Sullivan

Date: 2012-11-06 15:37 EST
Oh, no.

This needs to stop. Do you hear me? Are you reading this? This isn't fair -- don't want to be doing this.

I need to tell her. I can't ignore this any longer.

Ben Sullivan

Date: 2012-11-08 09:36 EST
I'm not going to pretend like everything is perfect. It isn't. For example, I still haven't told Jackie about that money.

But it's really damn good.

I feel guilty, sometimes, when I have good days -- when I don't push as hard as I can every day. When I take a day off from this. Is that right? Should I?

I need time off from it too, don't I?

I worry about Adam -- really worry. I thought Ella would pull herself together, clean up, after the divorce was final, but it doesn't sound like it. And that right there is why I feel guilty.

I'm doing what I can. I can't push so hard that I break. Talking to Sam--

It isn't something I can do all the time. It takes a lot out of me. Doesn't it?

I got a chance to spend some time with Will last night. He got divorced too -- still friends with Mel. I can't say I'm surprised about any of that.

He asked me if I've met Jackie's parents, if the age thing would be a problem for them. I had to be honest about it -- I really have no idea. She and I have only talked about it once, and once she said it didn't bother her, I stopped thinking about it (except sometimes, when something reminds me just how young she is--

I don't know, am I ever going to meet them anyway?

All this self-doubt is not normal for me. Maybe I'll play with Mason for a while.

Ben Sullivan

Date: 2012-11-17 00:26 EST
A lot to go over. Of course. I take a break from this thing, and all hell breaks loose.

I told Jackie about the money. The note. She didn't take it well, but who would? To find out that maybe I-- that Harry--

I expected it to go worse than it did, really. How bad, I don't know -- I think part of me expected her to leave -- and while she pulled back for a minute, even that didn't last. I don't know if I'll ever be able to explain to her how much it means to me that she doesn't go -- that she doesn't blame me. That she still cares, that she's staying with me no matter what else is going on -- no matter how bad it seems, how sick it makes her.

Sometimes she really seems her age -- sometimes she really is this flighty, goofy blonde from down south. And then something like that will happen, and I can't even believe how mature she is. How hard she's trying for me. It makes me want to try that much harder.

I ended up telling her about Sam, too -- inside, meeting him, talking to him. What he said to me. She doesn't question what I said about Roland -- what Sam says about Roland, too -- but she sort of cautioned me about my mother. I still don't know what I think about it. I guess I just need to stay firm in that -- explore it before I let that hate in for her, too.

That that is even an option for me worries me. Jackie said it to me a few times, that I've grown up to be a good man, no matter what happened in the past. Too good to focus on hate, she says. That I shouldn't let hate of the past change who I am now.

She's probably right about that.

I don't talk about what happened to Roland -- what I did, didn't do. I don't talk about how he died, really. Should I feel guilty about it? I'm not proud of it. I don't think I will ever be able to tell her. But I don't feel guilty.

Maybe that man is in the past, too.

Even after all that -- all that, the money, the note, Harry, Sam -- she told me to keep being honest. And I will. She wants me to tell her the things I go through -- she wants to help me work it out. She wants to be there with me, through all of this.

I know in the past I've written about having a hard time trusting her, worrying that she'd leave again if things got bad. But I don't think she will now. I don't worry about that anymore, anyway. Take the good with the bad, she says. There's no way to separate out me from the rest of it like she thought she could do before. But she knows that now, and she accepts it -- and it isn't easy, but we're working on it. We'll keep working on it. We'll figure it out -- together, this time.

Ben Sullivan

Date: 2012-11-18 12:10 EST
We've been together for a month.

Sort of. Officially, yes, Thursday was a month since we had that talk, since Jackie decided she did want to start over and give this another try. And yeah, there were a couple of weeks where things were sort of weird between us -- trying to ignore how we felt (or me just being really, really drunk). But then there was some time that we may as well have been together -- that day at the range stands out. Two days, I guess. The handcuffs. All of that.

Even when we weren't together, I always knew she cared. Even if sometimes she's misguided in what she does, she cares.

I love her. There's no question about that for me. I've said it to her a couple of times, but both were when we weren't together, and I haven't said it since, because we're supposed to be taking this slow, right? Well, that's something I can physically control (though my landlord is going to start charging me for water, I bet, considering all the cold showers I take), but emotionally? How do I deny that? But I think it'd be too much for her -- I don't know if she's ready for that -- so I just don't say it. Just words, anyway. Whether I say them or not, I still love her.

We had a lot of fun on our one month -- shooting, chinese food at my place (she sucks at chopsticks), a couple of movies (Bride of Frankenstein -- she wants that happy ending for him). She bought me a tie, too. Promise of good things to come, she says. Can't wait until they do.

Friday we texted all day (what is it with us and texting?). She slept over (almost wasn't fair, what she wore, but like I'm going to tell her not to?), we slept in Saturday. I needed a day like that. Think she did too.

And now I've got to work to make up for the lazy day yesterday. She's at church -- good time for it.

As good as things are going with Jackie and I, I try not to lose sight of everything else. This bruise, the money, this unknown -- it's getting to be a long list of things to deal with, and I don't like that, having more questions than answers. At least I can give myself a little credit -- at least I'm looking for the questions instead of pretending like there aren't any.

Ben Sullivan

Date: 2012-11-19 09:03 EST
So, it turns out I'm not paying my rent with money from prostitution! There really was an innocent explanation for everything.

And I have a job now too. Business cards. An office. It's already sort of established, even -- weeks of work put in.

They're not all bad.

It's perfect, too -- I can work when I want. Make my own hours. Take days off if I need to. Nobody to answer to. So I'll have the time I need to work on my own stuff.

If you read this -- thanks, Ivan.

But I have to ask -- why all the time in the dark?

Ben Sullivan

Date: 2012-11-20 00:16 EST
That hate isn't dead. I want it to be. I wish it could be.

The idea that that's all it takes is really believing it? Really wanting it? And it's all forgiven? That he could be up there? Makes me sick.

Sleep isn't going to be easy, and it's going to be bad, if it even comes at all.

Ben Sullivan

Date: 2012-11-23 21:36 EST
Ups and downs. Isn't that what my life always is? I guess the good first, because it's so removed and I don't even feel like writing about it:

Jackie and I talked a little bit -- tiny bit -- about the whole forgiveness thing. I never came right out and said it, why I had such a jaded view on it, but she knows anyway, and she's not pushing me on it. She isn't really even pushing me to talk about it. But sometimes, we forgive not to help that person we're forgiving, but to help ourselves, she says. She said if I'm happy with the path I've chosen, then that's all that matters, but I don't know if I'm happy with it. I'm not happy with it. I know I'm not. But I'm not ready to do anything about it right now either.

Of course, all of that doesn't matter much, considering the rest of what happened.

And now that it comes down to it, I don't really want to write about that either.

Ben Sullivan

Date: 2012-11-26 23:02 EST
Saturday, November 24, 2012 -- late morning

It's been difficult. Really difficult.

What does that mean, that I'll hear from her sooner than I think I will?

I try not to listen. I try to trust her, and not

Yesterday, after I left her house, I tried to get a little work done. Paying work, detective work. Not the other kind. It's a good distraction at least.

Couldn't stop thinking about her, though. How hurt she looked. How upset she was. My hands on that girl, but I don't

If I can't even deal with this, and I don't even witness any of it, how is she supposed to? There's nothing for me to even forget. It's almost easy for me, almost. For her? And for her to do it alone?

I've offered to tell people before -- or for her to tell people if she wants. She's always told me that it's not her secret to tell -- that she can't force me to tell people if I don't want to. That I need to want to. Well -- I want to.

It was easier when I didn't know exactly what was happening. When they were just blackouts. I hated it, and it was hard to deal with, but knowing what's going on while I'm not here -- that there are others that do things like what Harry's done

I watch those movies, again and again. Night of the Living Dead. Frankenstein. And I think about it, how it is to be Ben-but-not-Ben -- how it is for her, for other people. How in those movies, do you shoot Johnny? Or do you run into the horde of ghouls with him? Is Frankenstein's monster something to pity, something to hate? Chase him with torches and pitchforks, or get angry at the injustice of it after it's over?

I told Chey. Maybe it was okay. It seems okay. I can trust her with it, and Jackie will have someone to lean on when things happen. Maybe I will have someone to lean on too, instead of always going to Jackie about it. Maybe I need this -- more of a support system. I've always avoided them before, because I don't want people to know. Don't want the looks -- don't want to have to explain. But maybe

Aren't they all part of my psyche, she said? Are they? I don't want them to be. Because that means there are parts of me that

Staying in today. Can I sleep you off? Will you stop then?

Ben Sullivan

Date: 2012-11-28 09:30 EST
Been away from here. I needed time to let it sink in, I guess. It's hard to put pen to paper about this kind of thing.

I don't know what did it on Sunday. The last thing I remember is Jackie texting me that she needed to talk to me and she was coming over. Ryan would usually push me further, ask me what's the last thing I felt -- I felt dread. Sort of betrayed. For a second, I thought I'd misplaced my trust, that she was just coming over to say goodbye.

And when I came back--

She doesn't blame me. She isn't afraid of me (or she doesn't let on that she is). But I don't want to be a monster anymore.

We've spent a couple of days just being careful with each other. Just a lot of touching, cuddling. I can't say I blame her -- and I can't say I'm really comfortable with more than that right now either.

It wasn't me -- not either time; it was Harry, Sam -- but it was these same hands.

It's hard for me to understand, too.

I know he brought me back in the middle of it just to hurt me. Try to teach me a lesson. Maybe he thought that would be a breaking point for me, or for her.

I told Jackie it wouldn't happen again. I told her I'd make sure he doesn't ever do that to her again.

I'm ready. I'm angry about what he did -- for her, feeling hated. For me, feeling sick, messed with. Manipulated.

It's been quiet since Sunday, but I don't trust that to continue without me doing something about it. It's been quiet before, but it doesn't last. I'm going to make sure it lasts this time.

Ben Sullivan

Date: 2012-11-29 09:16 EST
It's going to take time. That's what I have to keep telling myself. Time to get used to feeling this way.

It isn't like I can feel him there. It isn't like I actually have ever felt any of their presences. There's nothing physical about them. Even mental -- the only one I ever hear is Sam.

But it still feels different, physically and mentally. Something missing, and all this strange pressure in its place. I don't know how to describe it really. Jackie asked me if it was a heart hurt, and I don't think that's perfect (because that makes me sound like I miss him or something, and I don't), but I guess it sort of is.

It hurts worse than I told Jackie. Everything feels raw. Little things seem overwhelming. Staying in bed most of the day sounds like that's about all I can handle.

But I think that's okay.

Is he really gone? Or did I just lock him up somewhere? If I really can handle life on my own, will he stay gone? Or will he come back when he's recovered too?

Too much thinking this early in the morning. Back to sleep. No dreams last night. Was really nice.

Ben Sullivan

Date: 2012-12-02 12:04 EST
It's been quiet since Wednesday. I guess quiet isn't really even the right word, because that makes it sound like it's usually noisy, and that's not really right -- it's just still now. Less chaos, even if I never noticed it when it was there. It's only in the absence that I recgnize it.

I've been trying to take it easy, not so much because of the broken nose, but because of everything else. Internal. I feel better than I did, but I'm still not where I'd like to be.

Sam said something about my mother abandoning me. Nobody is here to take that away from me right now, all those feelings. I still don't remember much, but I think that if I tried, it'd come back now -- but do I want it to? Do I need to know? Maybe I just let it go and don't think about it. Would it change anything now?

It almost doesn't seem real, this much time without any blackouts. Maybe this is it -- maybe I'm fine now. Maybe it really was that easy. I want it to be, hope it is, maybe even pray -- but deep, deep down, I doubt. Either way, I'm enjoying this while it lasts, trying not to think too far into the future about it.

Except to think that I'm going to try travelling again, if I can convince Jackie. I want to be there for Christmas. I can make family work, no matter what he said.

Ben Sullivan

Date: 2012-12-04 09:40 EST
It really didn't take any convincing at all. Jackie was so happy to hear that I was going to go with her. I did warn her, try to tell her that if things go back to how they were before, I won't be able to go, and she understands that. Wants me to be careful. But she trusts me when I say it'll be fine. I didn't realize how much that meant until it happened.

Still a few weeks away, so I have plenty of time to mentally prepare. It'll be good, though. She said her parents will love me -- that there's a really long list of things about me to love.

On a mostly unrelated note, I wonder if I really could use a secretary.

Ben Sullivan

Date: 2012-12-07 11:03 EST
Been busy, but the good kind of busy. Working a lot, and it's going really, really well.

One client of mine was so thankful that I found her dog-- and I can't decide if I'm okay with this kind of work for the long term -- I miss the danger, the edge -- but it pays the bills, and it gives people closure, and that's important right? Anyway, she was so thankful that she told me I need to come to this charity gala she's throwing tonight at her mansion of a house. 'Simply must' and all that. And sure, I'll go. It's a good time to find new clients. This lady is enamoured with me, and it's nice to get more business by just showing up and letting someone else talk me up. Extra nice when it's the kind of people that would be going to a thing like this.

Jackie's coming with me. She's nervous, I think, but I know she'll be fine -- better than fine. The best thing about this whole thing is going to be showing up with her on my arm.

And I almost forgot -- that's how quiet it's been, how normal -- it's been over a week since a blackout. I'm still avoiding exploring if I have more memories. If I do, I don't think I want to know them anyway, and if I don't, doesn't it mean they're still there? So I'm avoiding that. For now. But for now, this is nice. I like this.

Ben Sullivan

Date: 2012-12-14 11:38 EST
I guess it's been a while, hasn't it? A lot has happened but most of it I'm not going to write about. I'm not going to forget it -- any of it. And it's for me, not for them (if they're still here -- it's been over two weeks).

She makes me feel like I'm thirty years younger. Like I'm a teenager again. If somebody had told me that first night, after the stupid flirting with the cherry stems and me writing my number on her hand without really asking if I could-- If someone had told me that we'd end up like this, I wouldn't have believed it. That girl, with me?

After that many days at home with her, it's been sort of rough trying to get back into working. It's a hard case, too, the one I ended up getting on Friday at Lydia's party. I think it's something I need to do, though. Maybe there's a reason it's me he's asked.

I'm worried like hell about Adam. I'm starting to think that when I go with Jackie to Georgia for Christmas (when, not if -- I will be fine), that I'm going to fly back to Vancouver afterward. Can I really keep telling him to keep waiting if Ella is as bad as he says? I don't know what I'll be able to do when I get there, or how long it will take to get accomplished -- where I'll be living, how long I'll have to be away from here, from Jackie--

It's a lot to think about. It's a good thing I have a little time to figure it out still.

Ben Sullivan

Date: 2012-12-21 11:38 EST
I'm least nervous about meeting Jackie's parents, I think. Sort of anxious about traveling to Georgia -- to Earth, really. The portal thing. What happens if I'm not really ready? I try not to think about it. I just have to hope that if something bad does happen and Adam doesn't hear from me for a while that he calls Jackie. What else can I do? I have to try.

Mostly, though, I'm anxious about going to Vancouver. I have my passport. I bought my ticket. Leaving early on the 26th. I haven't bought a return flight.

I haven't told Jackie. It never seems like the right time. This is the right thing to do, isn't it?

I remember when I saw him for the first time at Carol's, I thought maybe he'd forgotten me. That he didn't remember me. But he hadn't. Of course he hadn't. And of course he knew who I was.

And this isn't like that anyway. I wrote him the letter, Jackie talked to him, we write every week -- this isn't the same. Except it isn't my fault. Not this time, and not last time. I need to remember that, remind myself sometimes. This isn't my fault. And he understands.

This is difficult. I don't feel right. Is this me? The things I didn't have to feel before? It doesn't feel right. How do I

Home. Maybe a nap. That's healthy, right?

Ben Sullivan

Date: 2012-12-23 10:47 EST
This could be it. That might've been my last night.

I don't like to be morbid. I don't like to think about those kinds of things -- prepare for the worst. But Jackie's worried about it too. I can see it in her face.

But I have to believe it'll be fine. Three and a half weeks. Nobody home but me. Everything feels tight inside; it's hard to describe. But maybe it's nothing. It must be nothing.

If you don't want to go to Georgia and Vancouver, tell me now. Please.


I'm trying not to doubt anymore around Jackie. I'm not even mentioning it, the bad possibilities. If something goes wrong, I don't want her to think it's because of something she said to encourage me. This is all me. My choice -- my choice.

I've been waiting months for this moment.

I'm ready. Because if not now, when?

Ben Sullivan

Date: 2012-12-24 10:31 EST
I made it.

Right before we went through, Jackie stopped her truck. Neither of us said anything. I couldn't even look at her. I just held her hand, stared straight ahead, and prayed I wasn't going to die. Prayed that nothing bad would happen, that I'd be with her on the other side. And hoped that if something bad did happen, that she wouldn't blame herself. That she'd know I did it because I had to. That she'd remember the last time I tried to go through, when I told her I loved her. I did then. I still do. But what was I going to say this time? "No pressure to lie and say it back, but in case I die, just wanted you to know I love you"?

So I just squeezed her hand, she drove through, and I'm still here -- the land of the living, I mean. The States. Earth.

We got therebefore anyone else, so meeting her parents was less and more stressful than I thought it'd be. Less because there wasn't a bunch of crazy distraction, but more because there wasn't a bunch of crazy distraction. It seems like they like me just fine. The age thing really is a little bit strange, but it isn't a big deal. Being with Jackie, I barely think about it, but spending time with her parents, who are my age... But it isn't a problem and after a little bit of time, it didn't even seem strange anymore, not to me.

We spent the rest of the day in town. Driving around. She showed me all these places she's gotten into trouble in. So many stories. It was so good, to hear all of them. I like getting to know her, especially the person and place she came from.

She took me to her favorite spot to stargaze. She grabbed every blanket in her parents' house, I think, and we curled up together in her truck bed and watched the stars. They're different in Rhydin. I missed the ones here.

Ben Sullivan

Date: 2012-12-26 14:53 EST
The past couple of days have been great. Spending time with Jackie's family wasn't perfect, but there weren't any real problems, either, and I am really happy with that. I get along with her parents. The Christmas parties were fun. Hell, even church yesterday was fine. I wouldn't change a thing about any of it.

And I finally told Jackie last night -- or I guess really early this morning -- that I was going to Vancouver today. She wasn't surprised. It seemed like she already knew. She knows me as well as I know myself, I think, sometimes.

It was hard to tell her -- to shatter that little bit of total peace we had with each other -- but it almost felt like she knew I was going to tell her. It was the right time. And I stayed with her, in her childhood bed, until the sun came up, and then I kissed her goodbye. Drove her truck to the airport.

I don't know when I'm coming back. The plane lands in about an hour. I'll be home. I'll see Adam. I'll figure out how to get him away from Ella. Will I have to bring her to court again? Will she give him up? Will him just seeing me every other weekend be enough?

I want more than that, though. I don't want to be every other weekend.

Jesus Christ, I am so nervous.

Ben Sullivan

Date: 2013-01-02 19:20 EST
And Jesus Christ, I had good reason to be nervous.

I haven't written for more than one reason. It doesn't seem real, almost. And I guess I also don't want to think about some of it.

They came back. Ella started blaming me, and I felt so helpless and wanted it to stop, and then I woke up back here. Glen Mason -- why is that case coming to mind now?


So is it Ivan? It must have been.

Does it matter? It shouldn't. What matters is that I was wrong. If I'd pushed during the last month, if I'd tried to remember, would I have gone away then, too? Have they just been waiting? Did I get a chance? Or was I just lucky, and life was quiet, the way things had been for a while after Adam was born?

Adam. I can barely believe he's here now. I can barely believe Ella said he could stay. It's so good having him around -- so, so good. I knew I missed him -- I've missed him before, and I know how it feels, that deadness inside -- but I couldn't believe how much better I felt when I saw him. When Jackie brought him here.

Jackie. Jesus, God, where would I be without her? I was so angry at her at first, telling me to pull it together, that it'd all be fine... I should know by now to trust her. And she's been so good since, too. She stayed that night until I sobered up, came over for breakfast one day. She helped me figure out how to get Adam enrolled in school here, gave me the name of her agent to help me find a bigger place for Adam and me. We went sledding one day. She picked Adam up from school today for me (after tiring me out so bad I couldn't get out of bed).

The three of us spent New Years together. Are you supposed to make a wish at midnight? Is that how it works? I had nothing to wish for. I had everything I needed right there.

Things aren't perfect. I black out still -- daily. Sometimes a few times a day. I don't know what sets it off, and it's never for very long. Adam hasn't mentioned it at all. I don't know if he hasn't noticed or if he just doesn't know what to say or do.

Jackie said she wants to be there for him -- to wait with him if he needs to wait for me to 'get back,' as she put it.

See what I mean? What more could I really wish for? Sure, I could wish they really were gone, or that I didn't have reason to be goddamn terrified that

He's still here, I'm still here. Before I do anything now, before I check what time it is, how long it's been, what's different -- I make sure he's still here.

I wish for that. I wish that I never hurt him like that again.

Ben Sullivan

Date: 2013-01-07 09:41 EST
It hasn't been all that long since I last wrote in here, but so much has happened. Always how it goes, isn't it?

Adam's already making friends at school. I'm relieved, sort of -- he's just shy a lot of the time, maybe not always very trusting (and I don't blame him for that at all), and he doesn't always make friends easily. Maybe it'll be easier for him here. Fresh start, right? No baggage about his past -- about me, and all that happened.

He stayed over at his friend's house on Friday night, which is great for a few reasons: not only is it good that he's making friends, but the kid and his parents seem like they're good people (even though at least the kid, Louis, is a wolf boy of some kind -- didn't ask for details). Maybe almost as important is that it gave Jackie and me a chance to have some time alone.

I didn't think we were due for any serious conversation, but right away, she's reminding me that we talked about not waiting to talk about things -- not to let them sneak up on us.

I didn't know where she was going with it at first, talking about me having Adam and her not having any kids. I thought maybe it was too much pressure, that me being a single dad with Adam here was more than she wanted. it seemed like she wanted to be involved with Adam -- she really is great with him, and it seems like she genuinely likes to spend time with him -- but maybe it was too fast. And then once I realized she was talking about wanting kids of her own someday, I thought--

But it's the opposite of that, really. She wants it to be me. She wants me to--

If it gets to that point. If nothing happens to split us up. This isn't a definite thing, and we aren't rushing anything. But we're on the same page, and holy hell.

I've loved her since before she broke it off with me (even if I didn't say it until then). It was fast for me, I know. But who else has ever really understood me the way she does? Who has ever been this stubborn and patient with me? I don't think that is going to be easy to find, somebody that can not only deal with all my sh*t but not look at me any differently for it. Somebody that's okay with keeping an eye on me when I need it but never makes a big deal out of it. She knows exactly what to do, a lot of the time -- and when she doesn't, she still tries, and she wants to know.

I want to make her better. She wants to do the same for me. That whole glow thing.

She told me she loves me.

When I went out yesterday to look at bigger places for Adam and me, I told the agent I wasn't interested in apartments anymore. I want a house. More room for the three of us, once I ask Jackie to move in.

Ben Sullivan

Date: 2013-01-07 23:58 EST
So Sunday. Church.

I've never been religious. I've prayed, sure -- for very specific things. Desperate things. But growing up, I never went to church. Ella didn't either. It isn't something I really feel like I'm missing in my life.

But that doesn't mean I don't think about it sometimes -- what if there is something after this. What if there's somebody up there? After ending up where I am now, it's hard to keep doubting that.

But it isn't even like I'm going to save myself from that whole eternal damnation thing. It's more what Jackie and I have talked about. It's not that she's pressuring me to go -- it isn't that at all. But we talked about it -- really vaguely, I guess, because I didn't tell her about what happened to Roland at the end -- and she told me that sometimes you forgive to help yourself, not the person you're forgiving. What hit home the most was this: you just have to look at your way and decide if it makes you happy too, and if it brings you any sort of peace.

If I'm honest with myself, it doesn't bring me peace. It keeps me angry. It keeps me bitter, and angry, and maybe afraid? It isn't peace, whatever it is. It keeps me spiteful, and hateful. But to forgive doesn't feel fair. Even though he's dead (and I know he is, I know this -- he is), even though it probably doesn't make any difference now, except to me and my own soul, my own heart -- it doesn't feel fair. It's like saying, "that's okay, you didn't mean any of that. It was a mistake."

Forgive and forget, right? And I've already forgotten, except I can't forget that hate, because I can't forget the rest of it, because I can't remember it.

I suppose this is my challenge now, isn't it? To remember? Because I don't think I can forgive without remembering. It feels so wrong to even consider it, even though I don't know why. That hate is real, even if I don't know what else is, too.

So do I remember, so I can forgive and let this hate go? Or do I let myself stay angry, stay hateful, but stay shielded from it?

Jackie asked me earlier today how I felt about it, going to church yesterday. She said she hadn't asked yet because she wanted to give me time to process.

I think I'm going to need a long, long time to process this one.

I haven't been working on myself lately. It's been hard to with Adam there, and when he isn't, I'm trying to get things done at work or spend a little time with Jackie. I can't let that fall apart, though. They're back now -- they're staying now. I know this. I had my chance, I failed in Vancouver, and here they are, and here I am. In this together. And I need to figure out how to make it all work together, before something happens to Adam again. I'd like to think it wouldn't -- hope it won't, pray -- but I can never be certain of it, and that's a chance I can't take -- can't leave to God.

Tomorrow. I'll start again tomorrow, and see where we all stand.

Ben Sullivan

Date: 2013-01-16 21:51 EST
Jesus Christ, I've been bad at this lately.

And I'm sorry. I'm supposed to be trying to get to know you, aren't I? That's hard to do if I'm not writing in here. But you all know how busy I am, right? Or some of you do?

I've been working a lot. A lot. I'm getting a lot more work than I ever thought I would. I should thank you for that, shouldn't I? Thank you.

I like being busy. It's a good distraction. So I like that I've got a lot of work to do, and when I'm home, I'm focused on Adam or on Jackie, when she comes over.

That's not good, though. I know that. I know I need to make time for me -- for us. So I'm sorry.

This thing with Richard, that should free up some time. It should make things easier. And I promise I won't just fill it by taking on even more cases, or spending more time with Jackie, or something else -- I will stop avoiding this. --you. Me. I know I need to. Is that why my days are getting worse? Missing lots of pieces here and there?

You can tell me. Am I missing something, or am I just not doing a good enough job?

I will do better. I want to do better.

Ben Sullivan

Date: 2013-01-17 16:34 EST
stop apologising. do you think i care if you're sorry?

you've been saying that for months, I'M GOING TO TRY HARDER. try what?

i don't know what you mean by missing things. are you weaker than you know? yeah.

you're not equipped. you admitted that to me at least. now what are you going to do about it? nothing. and you shouldn't.

Ben Sullivan

Date: 2013-01-17 18:59 EST
That's not fair. Listen to you, play by your rules, and I get a chance, I thought? For things to stop being like this -- to be better. I know now, I know, I'll never be normal, but--

Just want to be better. There has to be some way to work on this.

How is it that I can be at your mercy? That isn't fair. I want my own

not ready.

Ben Sullivan

Date: 2013-01-24 17:24 EST
This vacation has been just what I needed.

Just me and Jackie for days. Laying out on the beach together. Drinking together. Swimming together. Lots and lots of being together. Just me and Jackie.

It must be that there's nothing to stress me here. I know Adam's safe with Hayley. Not thinking about work -- not thinking about them, either.

One last night watching the sun go down from our little private paradise. Tomorrow night I'm taking her out on the town here (shopping, dinner, dancing?) and we go home Saturday late morning.

Trying not to think too much about how things will be when I get back. Maybe this will help, though -- help me be more relaxed. Not stress so easy. Maybe I can handle things a little better.

Trying to be optimistic.

Enough of that, though. Time to soak up some more sun.

Ben Sullivan

Date: 2013-01-29 18:56 EST

I can't even start.

I've been trying all day. Hid out in the apartment the entire time Adam was in school -- well, when I was around, anyway. I guess it got to be too much, and somebody decided to go for a drive and lose my car somewhere. Car's still lost.

I'm in the office at home now. Still trying.

I don't know what to say. There are things I want to say, want to ask, but then I start to write them, and they don't feel right. It feels like I'm accusing someone of something they never did. She wouldn't do that to me, would she? Couldn't. Maybe that isn't a memory, maybe it's a dream. Something I invented. Because if

I hate this, I hate this. Not right now. Don't want to right now.

This is when I worry about the drinking in moderation thing. This is when it's a challenge.

Ben Sullivan

Date: 2013-02-01 16:51 EST
It's because you didn't want me, isn't it? You didn't want me but you didn't know what to do about that, so when

Did you know what was happening? You did. You must have. They always know -- I know, I've worked cases like this, like

I don't want to hate. I don't want to hate. I don't want to hate.

You hated me. That I existed. You hated me, and that's why you let

You could have stopped it. You should have. But you

But she was a terrible, horrible bitch. Too weak to influence her own situation, she let others do it for her. She knew it was wrong, but if it remedied her problem, it was right enough.

Don't want to hate. Why

She can't help. She's scared. But I'm not scared. I'm not afraid.

Were you scared? Did you need help too?

Did you miss me when I was gone? Were you relieved?

Is that what you wanted? Did you want

Were you lost too? Were you all alone like

Ben Sullivan

Date: 2013-02-05 09:37 EST
Things have been not great.

I pushed hard on Friday. (Not getting into that, still too raw.) And I knew it was going to be hard. I knew it was going to be bad and that I was going to be in and out.

Didn't count on leaving. (Do I ever, though?) I especially didn't think anybody would end up at the bar. But Harry did. And at least he didn't find too much trouble, but he hit on Peaches, and that's bad enough.

Especially when after she and Jackie come back after a night out, Peaches just lays all that out there in public.

I'm not mad at her. How can I be? I just feel like sh*t about it. Jackie really likes her, and now there's maybe this weird thing between them. I don't want anyone to think I'd ever take advantage of Jackie like that. I never would. She knows that.

I guess that was one upside to it all, if I'm going to find one. Jackie handled it really, really well. She talked things over with Peaches, and I didn't ask exactly what she told her, because I kind of didn't want to know, but she did tell me everything is smoothed over.

I never thought I'd have somebody in my corner like that. Somebody that will fight for me like that, even when it means trying to explain something away that isn't even explainable without getting into a bunch of sh*t that can't be gotten into.

Lucky. I'm lucky. I know that.

I've been taking it easy for the few days since then. Even though it ended up not being me, it still took a lot out of me, because I was still the one pushing to get there.

I don't have any answers. Of course I don't. The only ones I have just

Right, I'm going to focus on work the rest of the day.

Ben Sullivan

Date: 2013-02-20 13:13 EST
I've been avoiding this. Myself. Everything.

If I just go day to day, if I don't think about anything, if I don't focus on it, I'm alright. I'm okay. I make it through. I'm not around all the time, but I

Sometimes when I come back, I'm really shaken up. I don't know why. Sometimes it's like that, where it takes me a minute to get grounded, to feel all there again, but it's worse than usual lately. I don't know.

Sometimes I worry. I worry that I won't come back. I do. You said it first, Doc. And I do worry about that -- I am scared of that. What if I don't?

I haven't really been pushing toward anything, and maybe that's why I feel like there's all this weird unrest. Maybe that's why it's been worse. Maybe I'm failing. Maybe they don't want to let me come back.

Is it really a matter of letting me? Isn't this me? Why don't I

I don't call the shots because I don't know. I know. But I need a chance.

Supposed to meet Jackie for lunch, and I don't know. Part of me wants to get out and try to ignore all this, but I don't think I should. I think I need to

I don't know what I need.

Ben Sullivan

Date: 2013-03-07 19:46 EST
Things have been a little better, I guess. Or I'm just falling back into old habits, getting used to the blackouts again. Maybe that's not better after all.

I talked to Jackie. Told her about-- well, I didn't really tell her much of anything. I told her, no, my mother didn't care. Told her why Ivan exists, I guess -- the way I know he comes around. I couldn't tell her more, but I had her read what I wrote to her.

I couldn't talk to her about it as much as I wanted to. She wanted to know, and I guess I wanted to tell her, but I wasn't able. I lost time, right there -- those weird little blackouts, the short ones where nobody comes around, and I just go away.

'Go away.' Not come back. Didn't tell her that fear yet. I shouldn't. What good would it do?

It ended up okay. I wanted to drink, but I didn't. She didn't get scared after reading all that, didn't pity me. She never pities me. That's important. But she loves me, and she cares, and that's important too. I would say 'more than she knows,' but I think she does know.

It hurts her that I hurt, I think, but she never leaves because of it. Maybe she just holds on tighter.

Been feeling awful today. Sick. Hungover, head cold, something. I lost a lot of time yesterday afternoon, and I spaced a lot in the evening -- didn't feel all there. Sometimes I get that way, like I kind of feel like... I don't know how to put it really. Like a ghost, sort of. Not completely here. It was a weird manic version of that last night. Jackie came over this morning though, took care of me. Even came over after work and made dinner, helped Adam with homework.

I need her here with me. It isn't just that -- that I need the help. I can get by on my own -- have gotten by, for a few years now. But with Adam here -- and maybe even just with me trying to go through therapy, really trying to work things out--

But it's more than just that. I want her here, too. I want to be a family with her.

I'm going to have to talk to Adam about this when she leaves.

Ben Sullivan

Date: 2013-03-09 12:30 EST
Didn't really sleep. Passing out drunk doesn't count as sleeping, does it?

Adam knows something is wrong. Knows better than to ask, though. I hate that, that my son knows the answer to asking his father "are you alright" is always going to be "no."

I sent him to his friend's. I am miserable. I am still really angry. And I am weak enough to deal with that by drinking all day.

Should I feel guilty? Should I have known all this bothered her? Should I have talked to her about it more?

She doesn't get it. Maybe she hates me now, thinking I'm 'one of them.' Thinking I'm just having her tag along like a trophy. Thinking I'm expecting her to be someone different -- that I want her to be someone different. Who does she think I am?

I am so, so angry about so much of this. Angry and hurt. Maybe she's too goddamn immature to understand.

I miss her like hell, and my hands keep shaking, and I'm just going to drink myself into oblivion for the day.

Yeah, because that's real mature, Sullivan.

Ben Sullivan

Date: 2013-03-20 11:34 EST
Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Things are better.

I never ended up calling her. I never texted her. I sulked a lot. Adam and I avoided each other a lot. He wanted to ask, never did. That still kills me, that isn't any better.

I started to be a little less angry, but a lot more hurt. More worried. Maybe she just wasn't going to call me, right? Maybe she was just angry. I shouldn't have left like I did. She's got a temper, and maybe that was too much.

But she showed up at my office yesterday. Right away, I knew she at least wasn't mad at me. 'How much do you hate me?'

It took some time to figure everything out with her. Sometimes I forget -- she's twenty-three. When I was twenty-three--

Well, when I was twenty-three, I was getting out of the military, doing everything I had to do to become a cop. In a way, I think I had it easier than she does, because I knew what I absolutely did not want to be. I wanted to be something different. I wanted to turn my back on who I was, on where I came from. I wanted life to start over.

Jackie's got it different. Her family is so important to her. Her roots are important to her. She wants to stay true to that -- and I never want her to feel like she can't, or like I'm asking her to not do that. I'm not -- I never did, never would. That was what hurt so much, was that she thought I wanted her to be someone new, to abandon all that.

She said she understands now. She says she gets it, that I'm not asking her to change -- that I fell in love with her, all of her, and that if she tries to put on a complete act, then that's completely defeating the purpose of bringing her along.

It isn't going to be easy, I don't think. She understands it in general -- she knows she's not the same crazy drunk loudmouth when we're on dates, or around Adam, or whatever, and that's fine -- but it's going to take time to convince her that she really can be herself at these elite things.

It's harder for her because she already knows who she is, I guess. It was easy for me -- still is easy for me -- because I make it up as I go anyway. I've been doing that for so long, it's almost like making it up, being who I need to be for what the situation calls for-- that is a big part of who I am.

I didn't get into that with her. I am sort of regretting even getting into it here.

Maybe I'm just a little distracted today.

We're supposed to have a redo of last Saturday night -- when I was going to give her the locket charm and ask her to move in -- this Saturday. I'm still debating if this changed things. I don't think it did -- I know I still want her in my life. I want to go forward. I think being skittish about it, this hesitance, is only temporary. We've fought before, but it doesn't usually go like this -- days and days without talking.

Maybe I should look on the bright side, though -- we got through it, and it's fine now. It's fine.

She came over last night after work because she missed Adam. She missed spending time with us.

I do still need to ask her.

Ben Sullivan

Date: 2013-03-31 00:24 EST
It's been a really, really good couple of weeks.

Well, mostly. Pretending the other parts ddint happen, because... they didn't. Must just be losing it. A sign of the illness. Because things like that don't happen.

It feels right with Jackie here. She gets along with Adam (though sometimes I wonder if she realizes that he's twelve, and getting to that age where he's going to notice she's attractive). Of course I'm happy she's here, for me.

I probably need the help sometimes. The extra set of eyes. I can admit that here (not to her, though, even though I'm sure she knows too). And just knowing that she's here in case I'm not, that by itself stresses me less, and that makes me better overall. Nice, how that works.

She stayed over at Hayley's (her old place!) last night, left for Georgia today for Easter. That conversation was a little difficult. I wish I could go back with her. I really do. I wish I could take Adam, let him see Thomaston, meet Jackie's parents.

Someday. I hope. God, I hope.

It's just got to be hard for her. I worry, right? That her parents or the rest of her family will think I don't want to spend time with them. And I do, really. But how can I explain it? No way to, not that I can think of. "He's busy with work" will work for a little while longer, I guess. It'll have to.

I'll have to work on it. It's important to her. That makes it important to me.

Ben Sullivan

Date: 2013-04-09 23:56 EST
April 7th, 2013

for?give - verb \fər-giv, fȯr-\

for?gave for?giv?en for?giv?ing

Definition of FORGIVE

transitive verb

a : to give up resentment of or claim to requital for <forgive an insult>
b : to grant relief from payment of <forgive a debt>

: to cease to feel resentment against (an offender) : pardon <forgive one's enemies>

Ben Sullivan

Date: 2013-04-17 18:43 EST
Jesus Christ, I've been so busy, I haven't even had time to write.

Maybe I needed the time to let it sink in, too.

Jackie and I are getting married.

I asked her. It probably was dumb -- we'd never talked about marriage, not really, and she even said she wasn't expecting it at all, when I asked her -- but I did it anyway.

See, and I tell myself it was dumb, but it doesn't actually feel dumb. Not the least bit.

We've been together six months, give or take. I sort of count some of the time we were broken up as being together, because, let's be honest -- I never so much as even looked at another girl since that first night. Cherry stems, when I got ballsy and wrote my number on her hand.

She told me the other night that the reason she took so long to call back is because she was nervous. Nervous! About me. I never would have guessed. I never knew. I thought she was playing hard to get, or just was a natural flirt (which she is) and was never even planning on calling me. But no. Nervous.

Anyway, I know this is right. I'm not getting any younger. She's not going anywhere. Why not make it official? Adam loves her.

The rest, I'm not going to write yet. It's going to be a long road, I think, and I don't want to jinx it.

In other news? She talked to Sam, and neither of them hit each other. That's a first (except the first time, but he was busy cutting me up, that time). But they just talked, and somehow, she convinced him to let me go to Georgia for the wedding -- and for two weeks of honeymoon. We're going to Italy, maybe to France, too? Just renting little apartments, farmhouses out in the countryside, a few days at a time. Peace and quiet, beautiful scenery, and lots of time for each other. Lots of time.

In my more morbid moments, I don't always think I have much left, so I want these two weeks to be perfect and feel like forever.

Ben Sullivan

Date: 2013-04-26 08:44 EST
It all came up so fast.

I just got back from a run. Jackie's still sleeping. Adam is too. We're leaving for Georgia in a couple of hours. Probably should wake both of them up, make breakfast.

Part of me doesn't believe this is happening. It almost doesn't seem real. How did I trick a girl like this into thinking I'm good for her?

And then I realize, there wasn't any trick. I've been honest with her -- more honest than I am with almost anyone. She's seen it all, everything, and she's never afraid. She never wants to leave. Even when she did leave me, she didn't want to.

Sometimes I wonder if it's only because the two of us are stubborn that we got to this point. Stupidly stubborn? Maybe. She's young and headstrong and it's hard to talk her out of something once she's made up her mind. I think the only thing capable of doing that, convincing her she's wrong? Is her heart. And through it all, I'm pretty sure hers always told her the same thing about me -- the same thing mine always told me about her.

We always came back together, no matter how hard we tried to stay apart. I need her. She said it herself, that even though maybe I'll never be whole again -- maybe will always have missing pieces --she just wants to make those pieces of me shine. Anybody else would want me fixed. That she understands that, that that may never happen, and she's okay with it-- that means everything.

And all I've ever wanted, from the very beginning, was to make her shine, too. Make her glow. Try to repay her for everything she's done for me, even though I never could.

We're good together. I know a lot of people don't think that, don't see it, can't get past the age, or the divorces, or whatever -- hell, we doubted it ourselves, tried to talk each other and ourselves out of it, because there were so many strikes against us, right? So many reasons why it shouldn't work, could never work.

But it does work -- incredibly, amazingly, as close to perfectly as I could ever ask for -- and even though I'm nervous as hell, I'm excited, too. I want to make her my wife.

I need to get on with this day. Please stay quiet, all of you? Please let me enjoy these couple of days. Let her enjoy them.

Ben Sullivan

Date: 2013-05-14 16:39 EST
Not even sure where to start.

Our wedding went off without a hitch. I couldn't have wanted a better day. Most of her family really likes me, some people from Vancouver actually came. Could not believe that. Amy, Pam, Terry, Doc DiSilvio. Ella. Ella was there. She looks good-- better, she looks better. She looked better enough that instead of Hayley watching Adam while Jackie and I were on the honeymoon, he stayed with Ella in Vancouver. He wanted to. She really wanted him to.

Was it weird to see her? Yes and no. Am I over her? Mostly. I don't want to be with her anymore, I know that much, but sometimes I do miss the life we had, before Adam went missing. I even miss it after that, sometimes, on our better days. Even the worse days. I do miss her. But I know -- and she knows too -- that we don't work together. She can't be there the way I need, and I can't be there the way she needs. Maybe that's the biggest part of it, that I can't be there, and she understands, but she can't accept it. Not for her partner. And that's okay. I can't say I blame her.

She's trying to forgive me for what happened to Adam. She's trying to understand that how she treated me afterward wasn't right. I forgive her. I told her so, that I forgive her. I don't want her to hurt, or to feel guilty --not over me. I want her to move on, I guess. She asked for the divorce, she got it, and I want to be out of her head the ways she wants. Needs, maybe.


So the wedding. Perfect. The honeymoon, perfect. (The wedding night -- can something be more thn perfect?) Jackie loved Provence, loved Florence. The flying, not so much. She's still feeling the jet lag, I think. Tired, kind of sick. But it was a lot for her, for both of us, so it's understandable. (And a little part of me feels a little smug about it -- she deserves to be tired all the time after two weeks of 'Ben, play with me!' at all hours. Not that I'm complaining too, too much about that, but I do feel the age difference there sometimes. Hard to keep up.)

She liked Vancouver, I think, too. Better this time that I was there than the first time she went alone.

I miss it. Like crazy. I wanted to stay. I almost did. But the headache that started up when I thought about it was killer, and I knew--

So I didn't stay. Maybe someday. Maybe I can go home.

Then back to Georgia for the night and part of the next day, and... now back here. Home, rhydin home.

And the calm didn't last. Of course not, right?

Harry drove Jackie's truck into the water at the docks. He got out okay (haven't let myself think too much about that), but the truck is done for. At the bottom of the water now. Jackie's depressed about it, but she's not taking it out on me, which is nice. I fear for my pain-free existence continuing the next time she sees Harry, though. Wouldn't be the first time she's hit one of them. Or the second.

So I've been having to drive her to work, but it's not a big deal. I've been looking for a truck to buy her, but haven't really made a decision yet (and I don't know if she's going to be pissed if I buy it for her -- no, I know she will, but just not HOW pissed).

Just hoping that's all the excitement for a while. Major damage to expensive property is enough trouble for at least a month.

Ben Sullivan

Date: 2013-05-15 17:05 EST
Hilarious. The last bit I wrote in here. Really funny.

It isn't enough, that Jackie's falling apart after last night. I'm trying to be there for her. I'm trying to make it better. I stayed home from work -- and thank god, the first thing she said to me this morning when I woke up, with this sad, broken look on her face, was, "Stay home with me, sweetheart." Thank f*cking god. Because I wasn't about to leave anyway, and I didn't want to have to fight with her over that. Didn't want her to insist that she's fine, that I can go, that I can leave her alone for the day. Because she's not fine, and I can't leave her alone for the day.

I made breakfast for me and Adam. He knows something is up, asked if she was sick. I half-lied and told him sort of. He didn't press it, even though I know he can tell I wasn't telling the whole truth. I don't know what to say to him half the time these days. I don't know if it's okay to keep sheltering him, or if I need to just start telling him everything. I tell him a lot, because he deserves that from me, but he's twelve. He's a child. I don't want him to grow up too fast.

Christ, like I haven't forced him to do that already?

Jackie's not really eating. She does this when she's stressed. But I got her out of bed eventually, told her we should go outside and plant those flowers we bought over the weekend, the ones that remind her of the terrace we had in Italy. It's probably the best thing I did all day, getting her outside for a little while, letting her do something physical and a little monotonous, and something we could do together that made it a little less obvious I just didn't want to take my eyes off of her.

She took the world's longest shower last night when we got home. I thought I heard her crying, but I'm not sure. I just sat outside the door, in the hallway, feeling useless.

So then there's that -- useless. Yes, yeah, go for it, Sam. You want to write it down instead? Maybe then you can stop repeating it over, and over, and over, and over--

No? Right, you'd probably rather I stay here, because you can't keep at me if I go, right. Right.

So Sam tells me-- well, he tells me a lot. But the things I'm on the verge of believing--

Coward, useless. Weak. F*ckup. What does she see in me, right? Because I didn't even do anything. Couldn't do anything. Didn't want to? I did want to, just didn't let me. Can't handle it, the pressure. Too weak.

There's other things too -- worse things. More dangerous.

I'm trying not to think about it. I'm trying not to believe him, that she's glad he took over, because I wouldn't have done it right. I wouldn't've saved her. I'm trying not to think about it because it's going to drive me crazy. Because I don't want to be a danger to myself, so if I just ignore it--

I need to stay strong for Jackie. Need to stay sane. Not talk to the walls. The voices in my head.

Where his thoughts end and yours begin, right? Where's the line?

She's fine. I'm fine. Everybody's safe and fine. It's all fine.

Ben Sullivan

Date: 2013-06-12 16:07 EST
May 16th, 2013

This isn't easy.

Jesus Christ, it's the opposite of easy. It's so f*cking hard.

It's better. It's quiet. That's nice, quiet is nice.

I can focus on Jackie instead of on all the noise and my own fight. That's nice.

I'm just trying to take it slow with her. (That's our thing, right?) Not push. Just let her take it easy, be a distraction when she needs it. Be there for her.

I can do that now.

I don't know what to think about the rest of it (I mean, it's true, I know that deep down), but I feel a little more real now. A little less here-and-gone. More solid. More real, whatever that means. Because I am.

I'm going to stop writing before I have a self-induced existential crisis.

Ben Sullivan

Date: 2013-06-12 16:21 EST
May 18th, 2013

I've never liked roller coasters.

I don't know what got into Jackie last night. It was just a damn picture. Yes, sure, I'm sure she wasn't expecting to see it, how happy the three of us looked, but--

Just a picture. It doesn't mean anything.

She lost it. I know it's just because she's traumatised, getting over what happened. It's okay. I mean, it's not really okay -- it actually really bothers me, the sh*t she said about Ella; I've never seen her be vicious like that, and especially not about someone that is so important to me -- but I understand. I forgive her. She's not in a normal headspace. I get it.

And she pulled back when I started to leave -- not when I started to leave, but when somebody else started trying to come out. When I started to leave, she just freaked out more.

I'm trying to just let it go. I'm hoping she realizes that she overreacted. I'm hoping she feels guilty about what she said about Ella and is just too proud to apologise to me. I can be okay with that.

Either way, I'm not going to bring it up. I made it clear that I wasn't going to tolerate sh*t like that from her. I'm not going to stick around while she says things like that. Yeah, we got divorced, but that doesn't mean I don't love her. It doesn't mean I don't feel for her still. I do. All the struggles she has, the setbacks and relapses -- I feel for her. I feel guilty about them. I don't blame her for them. It would be hypocritical of me if I did.

Maybe some day Jackie will get that. Maybe someday I'll talk to her about it. If I'm lucky, it just won't come up again.

Who am I trying to kid, though -- everybody knows I'm not that lucky.

Ben Sullivan

Date: 2013-06-12 16:34 EST
May 23rd, 2013

I still am having a hard time believing it. Didn't I just say I'm not lucky? I take it all back.

Jackie's pregnant.

It must've happened on the honeymoon. I can't believe it was that fast. I figured, how old I am, it'd take some trying.

I'd be lying if I wasn't alpha male proud about it on some level.

It explains a lot, though. Why she's been tired all the time. That fight on Friday. Hell, it probably explains partly why Lonnie got the better of her. She hasn't been completely herself, and now we know why.

We told Adam, and he's okay with it, thank god. I figured I'd have time to talk to him about it before anything happened, kind of feel out if he'd be alright with it. If that's the worst thing that happens in all of this, I'll take it.

I just still can hardly believe it. My beautiful wife -- my smart, strong, understanding, gorgeous wife -- she's carrying my child. She's going to be an amazing mother. I know already.

She's going to be a great secretary, too. I offered her the job full time, and after some convincing, she took it. I wouldn't trust anyone else to do it, and it's perfect timing -- I need a secretary, and she needs a different job.

Maybe I'm lucky after all.

Ben Sullivan

Date: 2013-07-31 23:55 EST
I've been so bad about keeping up with this lately. I'd like to say it's because I've been so busy but... that's a bad excuse. I should always find time.

Jackie and I went through a little bit of a rough patch. Nothing horrible, nothing we didn't handle, but she's never told me to sleep on the couch before (even if she took it back -- for Adam's sake, she said, but who knows if that's really why).

I think it's hard for her to understand how Ella still fits into my life. Hell, sometimes it's hard for me to understand completely, so I guess I can't completely blame her? But still -- it wasn't like she didn't trust me; I know she trusts me. But it's something like it.

I think it's a sign of her age, maybe, that it was hard for her to understand how Ella and I could not work as a couple but could still have some kind of positive relationship. She gets it now, though, I think. It was sort of a jerk move for me to pull, giving her sh*t over texts for hanging out with a guy she used to date while she was visiting her parents in Georgia, but it got my point across. We haven't brought it up since, but maybe we don't need to. She gets it.

Other than that? Things have been...

There's nothing new.

Adam is with Ella for about another month. I miss him like crazy, but it's not as bad as it was before. It's easier, knowing he'll be back, and be back pretty soon. Ella gets him for his birthday, but that's alright. We already talked about it, and he'll be here for his next one.

So that means Jackie and I have had a lot of time together.

Is it healthy, what we're doing? I think it is. I'm pretty sure it is.

And like either of us would want to stop, even if it wasn't?

Some other things are lingering, but I'm just trying to ignore him. Them, ignore them. It's getting harder to do, but I'll manage. I will. I always do.

Ben Sullivan

Date: 2013-08-06 17:39 EST
Jackie left today to visit her parents in Georgia. It's not a big deal -- she was there a few weeks ago, too, when she told them she was pregnant -- but it is.

It isn't just that I miss her. I do miss her, very, very much. Of course I do -- she's my wife.

But it's more than that. I worry, now. What's going to happen if someone takes over and I need help after I come back? Who's going to look out for me?

For so long, I just did it all on my own. No one really looked out for me

Yes, okay, you did. You do.

But who cleans up the aftermath?

For so long, I ignored it all. Then Jackie came into my life, made me more attentive. I cared more. I do care more about what happens to me. A lot of that is because I have someone to help me through it now. I can be a little weak. I can confront it, let it beat me down a little, because I have someone on my side to help get me on my feet again.

Which is all great. It's fantastic.

But what happens when she isn't around?

It's only a week, Sullivan. Stop being such a baby about it.

Ben Sullivan

Date: 2013-08-09 23:49 EST
Losing it a little. A lot.

I slept in the apartment the past two nights. Shadow came with me. It's like he knows something is wrong, somehow, like he's more a shadow than usual. Like he's patiently waiting for me to... I don't know what. To come back to myself a little more or to totally lose it.

I'm already unstable. Being told I'm stalked doesn't help. Normally I'd probably tell Jackie, but not this time, not while she's away. I don't want her to rush home for.. what? Maybe nothing? Or will she become my shadow too?

I have too many of those already.

Ben Sullivan

Date: 2013-09-02 00:32 EST
I'm just going to skip around some, because there are things I don't want to remember right now, or to really remind myself of or process, so... I won't. Which sort of defeats the purpose of this, I know, but it is what it is.

It's Adam's birthday today. He's thirteen. This sort of terrifies me, sort of makes me overwhelmed with happiness, sort of makes me incredibly sad. He came home today -- Hayley picked him up from the airport -- and we just had a quiet night here. Ate dinner together, gave him his presents, caught up on how it was in Vancouver the past couple of months.

I talked to him when he was there every few days (probably more than I needed to), so it wasn't like before. It wasn't like he was gone, or like I thought I would never see him again. But it was still hard. I still missed him. It's nice that he's home.

It was me and Jackie's anniversary, sort of, too, last night -- the anniversary of the night we first got together, anyway. Watching those movies, me winning that dumb bet that I knew all the lines in Nosferatu and asking to go to bed with her. Her telling me she didn't want me there because of a dumb bet -- that she wanted me there because I wanted to be there. She kissed my palm, and I kissed her mouth, and we finally gave in, decided to give it a try.

It hasn't been easy. It hasn't been easy at all. But it's been worth it. God, has it been worth it.

I tried going to a shrink yesterday. He blew me off, told me he didn't believe in DID, that I was just avoiding responsibility for giving in to my worse impulses. I went home after that, watched Beauty and the Beast and Bride of Frankenstein with Jackie. I didn't really tell her about what happened -- she knew I was going, and probably knew it didn't go well, considering I didn't talk to her about it at all after I got home -- but she didn't push. Just let me lay there with my head in her lap and her fingers in my hair while we watched movies about monsters, about what it is to be one.

I know that I need to find someone to talk to. I know that I can't keep avoiding what's going on. I know it's tearing me apart to not do anything about it, to not make him go back to hell where he belongs.

It's just been hard. Really hard. I don't know what I'd do without her here.

I think about it, every day, how lucky I am that I don't have to worry about that anymore.

Ben Sullivan

Date: 2013-09-16 09:08 EST
This is my favorite time of year, when it cools off a little, gets kind of crisp in the morning and the evening but it's still warm if it's sunny during the day. Reminds me a lot of home.

I haven't been good about finding a shrink. I've been busy -- with work, with family, with getting Jackie to relax -- and being busy means it's easier to ignore the things I shouldn't ignore. It's not that I don't see him -- I do -- but he hasn't done anything more than be there when other people are around. I wonder if that means only I can see him. I wonder if that means it's all in m

I know. He's real, I know. Stop lying to yourself, Ben.

We have a name for the baby, and it's perfect. She's perfect -- the version of her we met is perfect, anyway. And they're all still here, but it's fine. It works. It isn't a problem.

I want to get there. I need to get there. Not for me, but for my children. I don't want them to grow up scared or worrying all the time like Adam is now. And I know I can't go back and fix things with Adam, but maybe this will help. It can't hurt, right?

I bet it can. I bet it will. But it's something I have to do.

Ben Sullivan

Date: 2013-09-16 18:39 EST
I try not to feel guilty about it. I do. But I still feel guilty, even if I don't think about it. It's always there, an undercurrent.

I didn't really realize I thought that way, maybe, until I said it to Jackie. Yes, we need the nanny, not because of her, not because she can't handle children or a family, not because she's weak -- but because she's a single mom, half the time.

I know she doesn't think of it that way. I knew it before she even told me not to say that, not to think it. It isn't like that at all, she says. And I know she's kind of right.

But I know she's kind of wrong, too.

I didn't need extra motivation, but if I did -- there it is.

Ben Sullivan

Date: 2013-10-01 08:58 EST
Extra switchy lately. Not for long amounts of time, either, but in ways, that's worse . More disorienting.

Sometimes I miss the days when I was resolved to just ignore this when it happened. I noticed it, of course I did, but I just went on the best I could. Everything started to fall apart when I started seeing DiSilvio.

Maybe it didn't. Maybe it was always this bad but I was just better at lying to myself.

I wonder, sometimes, how obvious it is to others. My excuses -- they aren't usually good ones. People don't push, but they must know there's something not right. Something wrong.

Some days are worse than others. The good ones are when I can forget what I am -- only part here. Part ghost. Part dead. When I can forget all that, when I'm with Jackie or Adam, when I'm preoccupied, when he isn't here, it's better. I can forget. Things can be good.

Today's not one of those days. I have a feeling.

I think it'd be alright if I stayed home with Jackie all day. We have more decorating to do.

Ben Sullivan

Date: 2013-10-09 19:19 EST
Persons suffering from DID usually have a main personality that psychiatrists refer to as the "host." This is generally not the person's original personality, but is rather one developed in response to childhood trauma.

As real as you are, Roland said. I told the same to Sam. Was I more right than I knew?

Generally. Generally. Not always. Not this time. Because otherwise that means

Ben Sullivan

Date: 2013-10-10 09:16 EST
I'm going to pretend like I don't know. What good is it to know? To know I'm not

Tonight's an important anniversary for Jackie and me. The night I thought maybe she felt it too -- really felt it. That she understood, no matter how hard we tried to stay away from each other, we'd just keep coming together, one way or another. Like it was fate. Meant to be. I don't know what she was thinking that night, if she realized it then, but I did. And I thin, at the very least, it made her think that maybe--

I need to get some work done at the office before I get some work done at the apartment before I go home and spend the night with her.

Ben Sullivan

Date: 2013-10-22 09:04 EST
Is this how it is for her when I go away? When I'm someone else? Standing right there, same body, same face, but not the same at all?

Maybe I'm expecting too much too soon. I never feel like my background means I don't have compassion or that it means I can't experience grief after a loss -- I do have things to lose, I always have, even if I didn't have the usual things -- but maybe I can't quite understand this.

That's not what my gut tells me, though. My gut says this is too much too long. Tells me that I should be worried. That this could be Ella, all over again. That I could fail twice.

When she thought she lost her brother, I failed her. I did what I could (don't I always) but it wasn't enough. What if that really had been him? What if he'd really died? Would it have been enough, what little I can give her? Or would she stay lost like this? Stay broken?

I'm overthinking it. It's a process, she's grieving. I can wait with her until she's through it -- and she will get through it. She will. She has to.

I feel like she's getting worse instead of better. I feel like I'm failing her. I haven't wanted a drink this badly in a long time.

I want her back. Not for me. For her.

Ben Sullivan

Date: 2013-10-25 09:11 EST
Keep going.

I've not been writing much lately, and it means I'm falling back into old patterns. Lots of lost time. Working maybe more than I should.

Even at home -- her grief, I don't handle it well. What I mean by that is, I lose time around her. It shouldn't surprise me. The same thing happened with Ella and me. And them. Somebody doesn't like women like this.

I do what I can, and the losses could be worse. Could be longer. I don't even think they talk to her. Maybe there is a god.

She feels well enough to commit to dinner Sunday for our six month anniversary. Little victories.

Her family has been really present during this, and it's helped incredibly. I don't

It was nice to have everyone over the other night. Coming home to that scene, Jackie and so much of her family in the great room playing Monopoly or whatever it was -- I'm glad she has that. Maybe that's the bright side to all of this -- I'm starting to believe that I have some of that too.

Ben Sullivan

Date: 2013-10-30 09:18 EST
"Have you destroyed your own soul or do you just think you have?"

What if someone's already done it for me?

Ben Sullivan

Date: 2013-11-06 01:21 EST
It was a joke. I don't have wings at all.

Jackie's stuck at home for the next couple of weeks while her ankle heals. I'm torn between staying at home and babying her, just really doting on her, and holing up in my apartment to work. I've been choosing a lot of the former. Part of me is glad for that. It's what I should do. I've always been good at taking care of her. I should be even better at it now. Giving me a princess.

But part of me is disappointed in myself, too. I promised. I promised. And I'm sorry.

If I live like this, is it okay? Maybe that's what I should be sorry for -- for thinking that it could be. For letting it go on like it is.

Ben Sullivan

Date: 2014-01-09 09:12 EST
Maybe it's not okay. Maybe I should be working harder. But I'm not -- I'm letting it go on like it's okay, like I'm okay, and it's... okay. It's okay.

It's better than okay, really. I still lose time, but when I come back, things are less... chaotic? Less disturbed, less disrupted. I don't know why, but I'm not questioning it either -- I'm taking these good days as they come.

It's not all fixed. Roland, still. But even he has faded, a little -- into the background, not so imposing. I want to overcome that, I do -- sleep is sometimes the worst part of the day, when he gets in my head the most -- but I want to ride this piece of happiness, of calm, just a little longer. Just a little more.

Things are quiet at home, too -- a good kind of quiet, settled, soft excitement. Lily will be here any day now. I can't wait to hold her, but even more, I can't wait for Jackie to hold her. She's been through a lot during the pregnancy, but I know the second they put our daughter in her arms, she'll know it was all worth it.

Ben Sullivan

Date: 2014-01-23 15:51 EST
She's perfect.

During hard days, bad days, I need to remember this.

Jackie did so well -- is doing so well. She got through a really long labour and only yelled at me a few times during. Didn't take it personally -- if she wasn't hurting so bad, her bratty sarcasm when I was being encouraging would've been pretty funny. (Okay, it still was funny.)

But now that we're home, everything is just... It's like a dream. It's like some dumb perfect dream. Lily is beautiful, Jackie is a natural, really -- and she's beautiful too, beautiful to watch her be a mother to our daughter. I love her even more now. Didn't think that was possible. Even Adam is more cheery than he's been in weeks. Miracle.

I usually am pessimistic about things like this. I don't let myself get too comfortable. Things get taken away from me so easily, so quickly. But I'm letting myself want this. I'm letting myself believe it could stay like this. Maybe I get a happily ever after after all.

It could be. Things are so quiet in my head -- it could be.

Is this all it takes? Being at peace with myself? The pieces I've found might never go back together, but that's okay. If there's one thing Jackie's taught me about myself, it's that it's okay to be broken. It's okay to not be whole. I'm here and real -- and I'm good. I am good. I deserve this, and I can have this -- a family, a wonderful son, a beautiful daughter, a wife I never thought I'd find.

It's too good to be true, but it is. It's real.

And I don't question that anymore.

Ben Sullivan

Date: 2014-02-01 05:55 EST
Waking up hungover, sleeping in a car that is not mine in the driveway of the house I used to be renting here -- not good.

Waking up alone -- good.

Waking up before anyone noticed I was there -- even better.

Not making it home last night...

Can't win them all.

Ben Sullivan

Date: 2014-02-04 01:21 EST
Lily is almost two weeks old. Every day, I'm thankful for her. Every day.

I'm going to miss her, when I go back to work. I'll just have to make the effort to be here when I'm here. I don't want to miss this, my little girl growing up.

Ben Sullivan

Date: 2014-02-16 11:39 EST
I tend to do that a lot, don't I? Predict my own problems?

Not that it's been a real problem so far. Being switchy continues. More at home than at work or anywhere else, which is... it's not really normal for me. Not how it usually goes. Home is usually where I'm calmest, where I feel safest, so if there's anywhere I can stay me, it's there.

And it isn't like home isn't still my safe place. I don't feel triggered after, I don't have the headaches or other signs. Don't feel slow to be all here again. Just little moments I'm losing. Jackie hasn't mentioned it at all, even though it happens around her sometimes -- maybe it's been so subtle she hasn't noticed. Probably that's it -- which is good. Maybe that's what this will be for me now -- just little lost moments, so short and unimportant that no one will catch on. Would be nice. Wouldn't be what Lily (grown Lily, from the other universe) described everything to be like, but like she said, there are infinite possibilities. Maybe in this one, they just go away again and I'm better.

Makes me wonder, though -- if they all truly go away, wouldn't I go too? As real as I am -- and I believe her, I do, that I'm real, real enough to be really real--

It just makes me wonder. Maybe I shouldn't wonder those things, though. Like she said -- brings us down paths maybe we shouldn't go down, at least not now.

Church soon. I'm still glad Jackie picked the one she did -- nobody ever minds if Lily gets a little fussy, and everyone just smiles when they see the four of us show up. It's not something I ever expected, to feel accepted there, to really appreciate that sense of community... but I really do.

Ben Sullivan

Date: 2014-02-18 00:16 EST
I want to be a better husband to Jackie than I was to Ella. To be a better father to Lily than I was to Adam.

Don't we all want that, though? To be better, to make less mistakes, to fix our flaws as we move along?

It might not even be completely accurate, what I first wrote. It isn't that I want to be better to Jackie than to Ella, or better to Lily than I was to Adam. I just want to be better, completely. I got this second chance (in more ways than one) -- I want it to be worth it. I want to prove I deserve it. I do deserve it. I deserve to be happy too.

I sort of invited Ella here to Rhydin to visit. Nothing set, nothing even close to concrete -- good thing, because I haven't mentioned this at all to Jackie yet. The last time I tried to talk to her about Ella, it turned into one of the worse fights we've had. I almost ended up sleeping on the couch. (Didn't, because we never do that, but it came damn close.)

Maybe I should wait to mention it until I hear back from Ella. If she isn't interested in visiting, then I can just avoid that conversation altogether, can't I?

And god knows I'm a master at avoiding.

Ben Sullivan

Date: 2014-12-27 01:04 EST
So much has happened.

The house is either wonderful chaos or blissfully quiet. There's not much in between these days, and that's alright. I like it.

In the face of all these changes at home, so much else has stayed the same. Stasis. Routine.

That, I don't welcome as much.

At least it hasn't gotten worse.

My family is perfect. My children are perfect. My wife -- beyond perfect.

Now if only I could fit in a little better with everything I've been lucky enough to fall into. If I could be as good for them -- as good a father, as good a husband -- as they are for me.

New year around the corner.

Nothing stays the same.

Ben Sullivan

Date: 2015-02-04 01:23 EST
I don't know what's worse -- when I can hear them or when I can't.

Not that I ever hear them. It's never really like that, like schizophrenia, like auditory, like a hallucination.

Your thoughts end and his begin. Like that.

I went years without them. Years and years. Never heard a thing - never thought a thing.

Maybe that was why, when they came back, I could deny it so easily. Just blackouts. It had gotten so bad at the end of it the first time, hearing them all the time, that it couldn't come back so silently, right?

And then there's


I never know if it's paranoia or if it's true or if maybe, just maybe, I'm finally winning. Maybe it's a part of the process. Maybe. Maybe. If there's even a process at all. As if I haven't abandoned it completely.

Hunter and Knox are both up. Good distraction.

Ben Sullivan

Date: 2015-04-13 10:35 EST

Ben Sullivan

Date: 2015-04-17 21:44 EST
A name is just a name.

Things only mean what you make them mean.

Except for what they really mean.


I wish it was different. Wish I was. Wish I was.

But I am, aren't I? I am.

As real as you are. And he is. I had proof.

But at the same time, it's all in my head. Everything is. Even

I've been in the apartment more and more lately. Waking up there in the middle if the day.

I just need

Ben Sullivan

Date: 2015-04-27 00:14 EST
Two years ago, it was my last night as a single man. I was in Georgia. My last trip outside of Rhydin - the wedding, the honeymoon, my last day in Vancouver.

I couldn't imagine how my life would be two years later.

I'm luckiest. No matter what else is happening - I'm luckiest.

Gonna make sure Jackie knows that tomorrow. Every day, but especially tomorrow.