Topic: May 30th: I Got You

Ben Sullivan

Date: 2013-06-13 13:19 EST
Thursday, May 30th, 2013 -- evening

The day had gone pretty normally at the office -- a couple of meetings, a few hours where Ben had to go and track some people down to talk to. Quite a few phone calls for Jackie (and Belle) to field. The end of the day was a little less standard, but not anything bad by any means -- Jackie taking the car to run some errands, and Ben going to meet a client, last minute, at a coffee house several blocks away. He doesn't mind the walk, really -- figures he can sneak in a cigarette without Jackie harping on him -- so instead of Jackie dropping him off (and it would be out of the way for her besides), he goes on foot. It's maybe a half an hour later when her phone goes off -- curious, because he should be in the middle of his meeting by then.

Since her truck had gotten plunged into the waters of the docks Ben and Jackie had been splitting their time with his beater of a car. She was still too uncomfortable to walk on her own, especially when she wasn't sure she was going to get home before dark, and Ben had thankfully obliged her time and time again to take the car while he either got dropped off or walked somewhere. It wasn't that long ago when Jackie preferred walking everywhere as well so there was no fuss from her about it, she just didn't have it in her these days. She had dropped Belle off at home with Adam before she was heading towards the market. Jackie didn't even get a chance to get out of the car for her first stop when the phone went off. Puzzled she answered with a sigh, trying out some of that wife intuition she hoped she had developing. "Hello, sweetheart. Was the client a bust?"

In a way, her intuition was right. "Need to come get me. Now." And if the way his voice was lower, rougher, wasn't enough of a giveaway, "You owe me," should be more than enough. Even for Sam, though, he doesn't sound right, thicktongued and voice tight, breathing heavy, a touch of a wheeze on the inhales. "Seventeenth and Parsons. Now." And the call ends, and nobody picks up if she calls back.

Her playful air instantly vanished when she was given a demand rather than a greeting. It was so uncharacteristic of Ben and with the next statement, you owe me, she figured out why. "Sam, what's goin' on?" The idea of Sam demanding a favor of Jackie, stooping so low as she was positive he viewed the situation, it had to mean something was horribly wrong. No explanation, only crossroads. She didn't hesitate to fumble with the keys to turn the car back on, bringing the engine roaring to life so she could haul tail out of the market. Stupidly, while she was emotional and driving she attempted to call back time and time again but no one ever answered. She finally gave up with a shriek of irritation confined within the beater and tossed the phone into the passenger seat.

It wasn't long before Jackie arrived at the corner that Sam had told her to go to. Now. She brought the car to a quick halt in a horrible park job too far from the curb and angled, but she couldn't be bothered. The keys were ripped out of the ignition and she got out of the car, marching to stand beneath the signs that read Seventeenth and Parsons. Her stomach dropped when there was nothing, no one, there. Had she misunderstood? Did she hear him wrong? What was happening? More importantly, where was Ben? "Sam!" Panic swelled in that one word. "Ben!?"

Right at the corner, there really was nothing and no one there. It was a lot like the rest of that area of town -- apartment buildings, sometimes with small businesses there on the ground floor, but the ones right there seemed to be closed. There's no response at first (at least not one that she can hear), but eventually he's able to call her name loud enough to actually be heard outside the alley that he'd been dragged into, between the building on the corner and the one next to it. It's her name, too, not 'over here' or something less personal, so maybe she was lucky and wouldn't have to deal with Sam at that point.

Her luck ends there, though, unless she considers Ben still being conscious a stroke of luck, because when she heads into the alleyway, she'll find him not far from the mouth of it, slumped against the brick wall of one building, seated on the ground. It's dark, but not so much that the blood wasn't visible on his face, his hands, his shirt, his hair. His nose was obviously broken, both eyes already blackening. When he sees her, though, he puts up one hand toward her, like he's trying to get her to keep her distance? Or maybe it's just to reassure her that he's conscious. "I'm okay, I'm okay," even though nothing could be further from the truth. Hard to breathe, hard to talk, and he can't keep pain out of his voice.

It doesn't matter if it's only seconds ticking by because they feel like forever engulfed in the ever growing silence and the quickly approaching twilight. Jackie uselessly paces just beneath the sign trying to straighten her thoughts out enough to figure out what to do from here, but it all comes to a screeching halt when she heard her name called. She moves so fast and unevenly in the direction of the alley that her ankle threatens to roll under her but she manages to catch herself with a grunt and continue onward. "Ben." There was relief in her tone just to hear him, but in the back of her head she already knew nothing about this was right.

When Jackie finally found Ben her hand covered her mouth and the involuntary gasp that escaped her. The lift of his hand might have made her pause in place at first, but it didn't last long and quick steps brought her closer to him so she could sink down and kneel in front of him. "Ben? Baby? What in the hell happened to you? You're not okay." Did she honestly have to tell him that? Hands reached out like she might touch him but she stopped short, unsure if all she was going to do was hurt him more.

He's kind of shaking his head a little once she asks him what happened, like he's dazed, or maybe in disbelief. Not looking her in the face, though his eyes are on her, as unfocused as he is. "Got jumped," as if he had to tell her that. "That guy that attacked you. Brought friends. But I don't..." Shaking his head again, a little quicker, the motion smaller. "Missing some." He smiles, but it's tight, and it's mostly a wince. "How'd you find me?" Tries to get to his feet then, but even while pushing back against the wall for support, it's too much, and he just sits back down, choking back a pained noise (mostly), wheezing out a frustrated sort-of sigh. "We need to go. In case they come back."

It's bad enough when Ben confirms that he got jumped. It's the additional information, the fact that it was by Lonnie and a group of his buddies, that's what suddenly makes it feel like ice is forming along Jackie's spine and she's unable to catch her breath despite a few tries. It's hard to tell how long she would have stayed frozen like that if it wasn't for him asking her that question, making her think about it and give him a fleeting half smile in return to reassure him more than anything. "Sam called me. He's becomin' more helpful by the day." It reminded her that her cellphone was still in the passenger side of the car. "We need to report Lonnie and them a**holes. An' I need to get you to the hospital." She was moving from a kneeling position to a crouch, all too aware that she needed to be careful while helping him but she couldn't very well do nothing. "C'mon, I can call in the car on the way." And she was already attempting to slide herself beneath his arm. "I got you. It'll be okay." Would it? The amount of blood was shocking and even more worrisome were the injuries that Jackie couldn't see in the dark of the alley. Still, she had to say something positive for him. "It'll be alright." Maybe it was for herself as well.

"Guess he's got some sense," trying to sound amused, trying to joke, but it falls flat. He's shaking his head when she moves to help him up, even telling her, "No, no," but it's not about getting him to his feet, because with her to lean on, he's able to stand. "Jesus," quiet, and he's uselessly, automatic, wiping one hand across his mouth, under his nose. Still bleeding, and there's too much slick red on his hands to clean him up anyway. "You can't call anybody. If the Watch gets involved, I'm f*cked. Sam started this," cuts off a little suddenly with a sharp inhale, a harsh curse under his breath, because he'd tried taking a step then, and his ankle did not feel great. Choosing to lean against the wall instead of putting so much weight on her for the moment he takes to recover from that, "Sam started it, and even though he'd grabbed you, it was too much. Sam went overboard. And I don't know how they work here, if that's gonna get me in trouble or what." A slow, careful inhale, one he can't help grimacing during, and then he starts toward the mouth of the alley with her, leaning heavily on her, obviously limping. "No hospitals. I can deal with this."

"Don't let him hear you say that or his ego is gonna be even bigger than it already is." She was trying just as hard as he was, attempting to crack a small joke even if it made her feel uncomfortable. Briefly she thinks he is denying her help but with his weight put on her she realizes that's not the case and she rises to stand along with him, her arm slung around his torso. He says she can't tell anyone and she gives off a sound of protest but his continued explanation cuts it short. That and her bracing herself to take even more of his weight once he pushed off the wall since it seemed his ankle wasn't in any position to do it. "So Lonnie is just goin' to keep runnin' free." A statement, not a question. Upset, disappointed, worried, angry. It was all rolled onto one overwhelming mash of emotions that she was having an even more difficult time than usual keeping in check. Part of her was a little thankful, too. Obviously that Ben, despite being battered and broken, was alive and well enough to hobble off the scene. But she was also unable to ignore that she wasn't retching at the mess of blood that he was. It wouldn't have surprised her considering everything else she came in contact with lately made her sick to her stomach, but puking now wasn't going to help her Florence Nightingale routine.

Jackie kept pace with Ben, making sure to not rush him even if the idea of Lonnie and company returning did make her want to get them out of there as quickly as possible. "You can deal with this? Why? Your face is busted, your foot is busted, who knows if you got busted ribs. I know I played the part of nurse for y'back in the day, but..." She couldn't even finish the statement before understanding why he was so opposed. "They're goin' to interrogate the hell out of you tryin' to figure out what happened the moment you step foot in the damn door." A few mumbled curses dropped beneath her breath while she moved him to the passenger side of the car and hauled the door open for him.

Ben Sullivan

Date: 2013-06-13 13:27 EST
His breath catches oddly when he inhales before responding to her; it sends him into a fit of coughing, one that he chokes out another curse during, and he has to stop their progress toward the car until he can at least breathe again. He's not sure if he'd been able to taste blood the whole time and just hadn't noticed it before, but he can now; he tries not to think about it, and with a grunt of effort, they're on the move again. "For now, yeah. But I'll figure something out." He wasn't sure about this. Maybe now that Lonnie had had his revenge, this was done with? Eye for an eye, call it even? And maybe Ben could just let it go. But -- maybe not. Maybe it wasn't Ben's call at all.

Jackie is doing her best to keep calm but the longer it takes them to get to the car, the longer they're in the light of a nearby streetlight and she can seem just how horribly bloody Ben is, the more of a chance there is for Lonnie and his goons to return, that's when she threatens to spiral into a panic. This isn't the time though and Ben needs her to keep her head straight since dissolving into a mess won't do either of them any good. "We're almost there, baby. You're doin' real good." She focused more on offering him support, both physical and verbal, rather than simmering on the idea that Lonnie would get away with this and everything else he did.

He pretty much collapses into the passenger seat once Jackie wrenches the door open, waiting until she's in the car too and she's started the engine before saying anything else. "I have a favor I can probably cash in. Client that's an ER doc." Somewhere at the back of his mind, he's amused by his luck. He finds his phone in his jacket pocket without much trouble, but it takes him a moment to clean off a couple of his fingers on his pants well enough to operate the touchscreen. "Can't go home like this, babe. Not with Adam there. My apartment?" He glances aside to her then, but before he can say anything else, somebody was picking up on the other end of the call he'd made. "Thomas? It's Ben. Sulliv-- that obvious? Yeah, I--" Quiet half a moment, and then he's rattling off the address to his apartment building, and after a 'thank you, thank you,' ending the call. "I guess he gets this a lot." Trying to keep the situation light, failing, so he just lapses into quiet, though the wheeze in his breathing sounds so much worse within the small space of the car.

Once he's in the car she waits, making sure he's not going to toss up blood in another coughing fit between now and her reaching the driver's side door. He seemed alright, or as alright as he was going to be for now, and with a slam of his door she was hurrying with a click of heels to reach her door and climb inside. "I'm startin' to wonder if you've ever been to a real doctor in your life." Sure, an ER doctor was obviously more legit than Jackie and a first aid kit in an attic but she was positive that Ben wasn't going to be waltzing into the hospital anytime soon. She shot him a sidelong look when he told her he couldn't go home. "Give me a lil' credit, Ben. You beat to hell and back is the last thing Adam needs to see." The engine roared to life in an uneven wheeze similar to the sound Ben was making. "The apartment works." Her words were tight, only because she was finally genuinely grateful that Ben kept the second apartment after he moved even if it had been kept a secret from her for far too long.

The car was already rolling down the street in the direction of the apartment before Ben hung up the phone. Brows rose and she shifted her gaze between him and the road. "I guess that's a good thing for us, but now I'm gonna question what sort of people you're hangin' 'round with." An attempt to return the humor that fell just as flat as his. Jackie pointed her attention straight ahead, her hands gripping the steering wheel and wringing it so tightly that her knuckles were white. She was trying to stay focused on the drive, to get them there without incident or hitting too many bumps along the way for Ben's sake. It was the quiet, strained breathing of Ben beside her that pushed her across the line of guilt she had simply been tottering near throughout majority of the evening. "I'm sorry, sweetheart." She couldn't bring herself to look at him when she said it. "If I wouldn't have been such a dumbass then this wouldn't have happened. If I would have just waited, not been standin' in the dark like such idiot, Lonnie wouldn't have pulled what he did, Sam wouldn't have done what he done, and you wouldn't be sittin' here like this."

Even if it wasn't a good time for humor, even if Jackie's heart isn't in it, Ben laughs a little anyway, whens he tells him she doubts he's ever been to a real doctor in his life -- regrets it instantly, because it hurts like hell, and it sets off more coughing, but he gets it under control quick enough, swallowing thickly afterward, dropping his head back against the headrest and closing his eyes. He doesn't get defensive when she tells him to give her a little more credit, and he doesn't gloat when she says-without-saying that his keeping the extra place to stay had worked out for the better. Now wasn't the time.

"The kind of people I'm hanging out with? Thankful ones that don't ask questions." It's half-joke too, but any trace of humor leaves him when she apologizes. She can't look at him, but he does open his eyes and turn his head to look at her. "Stop it. This is not your fault." Trying to be stern with her, but it's hard -- hard to focus, hard to keep calm, hard to not let on how bad he hurts. "And if Harry hadn't drowned your truck, you wouldn't've been waiting for me, and if you and I weren't together, none of this would ever have happened to you. See? Stop it. You can't do that." It's a little overemotional, and he sighs, coughs, reins it in. He's not looking at her either anymore, facing front, eyes closed again, quieter when he goes on, slower. "It's not your fault. I should've had my guard up. Insisted we meet at the office. Just... don't blame yourself for this. That's probably what he wants."

His laugh does little to alleviate her worry and suffocating sense of doom over the situation, but when he falls into another coughing fit that gets her attention and has her once again worriedly glancing his way when she can. When he tips his head back she reaches aside to set her hand on his forearm lightly, probably to assure him as much as it was to assure herself. The sort of people he hangs out with only gets a small 'hm' of acknowledgement. It still wasn't her favorite idea in the world, taking him to his apartment to have a doctor look him over rather than an actual hospital or office. Without a doubt Jackie understood Ben's reasoning for it, but it didn't mean that it still sat well with her.

When he first tells her to stop it she's still not looking aside at him even if the purse of her lips shows she had heard him. When he talks about Harry and her truck it doesn't get much more out of her, but when he tosses out the hypothetical of them not being together? She waits until she rolls to a stop at an intersection before looking at him pointedly. "Don't even say that. I mean, I know what you're sayin', but I don't even like the idea of hearin' it." She had been a mess of emotions the last couple weeks and her unfortunate default was tears, though this time around she just seemed to get unnecessarily heated. "I know it was just a what-if and you were makin' a point, but... I don't know what I would do without you." The heat had given way to something much softer and she slumped into her seat when she looked ahead to continue on. The apartment wasn't too far off and she wanted to get out from behind the wheel as quickly as she could. She knew she didn't have her wits about her right now even if she was managing to play the part rather well for Ben's sake. The hint that she was a mess beneath her calm exterior was a solemn confession. "I wanna kill that sonofabitch." And maybe it was how quietly and matter-of-fact she said it that made it that much more frightening.

Ben Sullivan

Date: 2013-06-13 13:34 EST
He isn't looking at her so he can't see the heat in her expression or the way it softens quickly, but he can hear it in her voice, and he moves to take her hand in his, tangle his bloodied fingers with hers. If he'd been thinking, maybe he wouldn't have touched her, wouldn't have made more of a mess of her -- but he wasn't thinking, and this was more important. The touch was what she'd want anyway. If he'd really been thinking, maybe he'd realize that that very thought process was the one that had driven their entire relationship together. They should know better, but it was what they wanted, and isn't that more important? But he's not thinking, not really, and he just murmurs, "I'm not going anywhere," too much strain in his voice for it to be absolutely reassuring, but it's all he can do, and he means every word.

He doesn't say anything for a long time after she confesses to him, doesn't do anything to acknowledge he'd heard her. Just a slight hitch in the slow, laboured sound of his breathing. But after a long moment, a few of those terrible sounding inhale-exhales, "No, you don't. You might think you do, but you don't really want that kind of revenge." If breathing didn't hurt so badly, talking even worse, he might've pointed out that not even Lonnie stooped to kill Ben. Maybe he'd point out that killing someone for revenge, that's something Sam would do -- has done. But it does hurt, and his head is swimming on top of it all, so he just barely tightens his hold on her hand, tells her, "You're better than that."

If Jackie was bothered by her hand getting dirty, she didn't show it. Her fingers slid against his skin because of the slick coat of blood that coated them, but it only made her grasp onto him that much tighter. Through the rough times that have and will undoubtedly continue to follow them, this was what it all came back to. Him and her, a touch, building an entire family and life off of that. "I know." It was the only thing she could think to say right now to assure him she was okay and to not fret about her worries.

She probably would have been satisfied to let her confession linger between them before fading away into nothingness. It wasn't like Jackie was looking for Ben to say anything in particular. What do you say to something like that? Jackie had released the thought into the wild and at the same time she wasn't even sure. It's when he actually voices his opinion on it all that her jaw clicks a few times, her emotions once again an ongoing wave between solemn worrying and quiet blood thirsty rage. He tells her that she's better than that and she's not spitting out an automatic response in return.

The words get chewed over for the rest of the car ride until she's pulling into that old familiar parking spot she used to take up when Ben lived here. The car is put into park and the engine is killed, but she doesn't make a move to get out of the car. "No, I might be better than that and maybe I would never have the grit to be able to pull that off without destroyin' myself, but it doesn't mean I don't want it and it doesn't mean I don't regret that I'm above it." The keys are pulled from the ignition without waiting for a response from him. "Don't get out until I can make it around to help you, please." She was already making her way out of the car and to his door.

"But you are," above it, right as she's getting out of the car, shutting the door behind her. It's important to him to hammer that point home for some reason, but once she's opened up his door, he doesn't continue that line of thought, letting it go. Not resistant to any kind of assistance, he slings one arm across her shoulders, his other hand on the car's doorframe to help support him on his way to his feet. "Once Thomas gets here, you need to do something for me." Covering ground even more slowly on the way to the door than he had been on his way from the alley to the car. The adrenaline is wearing off, and he can't keep the pain out of his expression anymore; it keeps his voice tight, and he lowers it to keep it as steady as he can, to keep any waver out of it. "I need you to go home, get me a change of clothes, and tell Adam I got hurt but that I'll be okay. Can you do that for me?" Already going for his set of keys, and once he finds them in his jacket pocket, he picks out the key to his apartment, but he gives them up to Jackie. There's a tremor in his hands, and he doesn't want to find out if it's so bad that he'll have trouble with the lock.

She had undoubtedly heard him but she was more than happy to go the same route he was and ignore the conversation once she was helping heft him out of the car. It was better that he was so inclined to go slower, easier for her to help him along. At the same time the slow pace only manages to worry her. Either he was more relaxed now that they were somewhere familiar or he was getting worse the longer they went, she couldn't decide. Jackie is all ears when Ben says he needs her to do something for him and she's nodding along with his instructions. The only thing that makes her pause is when he says to tell Adam he got hurt. "Oh Lord, I don't even know what to tell him happened. Maybe you... fell down some stairs?" She looked him over briefly, wondering if the explanation would go along with his injuries, but she had to stop short because all of the blood was making her nauseous.

"That's fine, I got it handled. But if Thomas finishes before I get back you don't let him leave an' I mean it. That's my demand. I don't want you bein' alone. I promise I won't be long." She was doing her best to sound stern with him just as he had tried to do with her earlier, except it was ruined by an uneasy waver in her breathing as she took the keys from him and unlocked the door. He was ushered inside, a foot swinging back to close the door behind them, and she was moving him towards the bedroom. "If I remember correctly you got some pillows an' blankets in the bedroom. I just want you to take it easy, okay? Everything is gonna be alright now, we're good. Somehow, someway, no matter what happens to us we manage, don't we?"

"You can't lie to Adam." He doesn't even hesitate to tell her that. Hobbling along with her, he doesn't even give the rest of the bare apartment a glance. "Tell him what happened. Sam hurt somebody, so they hurt me." Sighing a little, and at least the coughing is short-lived this time. "He's not going to believe you if you lie. And he needs to know. I don't keep secrets from him." Not since finding Adam alive after two years of not knowing what had happened to him -- not since figuring out that it was all because of his past and the disorder it had created that Adam had been missing to begin with.

He goes along with her a little ways, turning down the short hallway that led to the bedroom, but he lists toward the bathroom instead. "I don't want Thomas in there." Asking the man for a favor like this, trusting him to not ask questions about injuries of this degree is one thing. The amount of trust needed to let somebody into that bedroom is something else entirely. "And I want to clean up what I can." He's heading into the bathroom, and if that means he has to let her go, he lets go. "Grab a couple blankets for me and shut the bedroom door when you leave it, yeah?"

This time it's Jackie who comes to an awkward halt when Ben says she can't lie to Adam. It doesn't last long since she needs to keep up with Ben to continue offering him support, but she's having a hard time giving into his demand otherwise. While Jackie was aware that Ben kept Adam further in the loop than most parents would, this was the first time when she would be the one having to lay it out for him. Having to discuss Sam with Adam. "Fine." Quiet, reluctant acceptance even if she didn't have the first clue how she was going to go about that. "I've never talked to him about this sort of stuff." The worry in her tone was because she was somehow convinced she was going to do it wrong, though she didn't want to ask him for advice since he had enough to dwell on.

She's already working out a worst case scenario in her head but her concentration is broken when he starts into the bathroom. Jackie looks between there and the bedroom then curses beneath her breath. "Right, of course. F*ck, I'm sorry." It was something she should have known, of course he wouldn't want the doctor going in there. She gets him into the bathroom to the point where he can support himself on the counter before she's carefully sliding out from underneath him. "Just take a seat, don't move, I got it all." She said it, but the confidence in her tone was rather lacking. Stupid little mistakes and missteps were being made and while they might not matter in the long run, she was upset she wasn't as well versed in emergency situations with Ben as she would like to imagine. She walks with purpose to the bedroom as asked and gathers up the blankets by the armful. Once outside the bedroom she closes the door with a sharp snap and drops the blankets in the hall just outside the bathroom door. "Did you leave anything in this apartment?" She was on a mission to for anything they could use to get some of the blood off him.

Somehow, under all the other emotion he's feeling -- pain, dread, anger, disbelief, fear -- he actually feels relieved that Jackie agrees to tell Adam the truth. He can tell she's reluctant and that she's concerned about it, but she doesn't ask, and he doesn't offer anything more than a quiet repetition, "He needs to know." Ben's not even sure why his son needs the truth of something like this, but thinking about deflecting questions about what happened or making up some story make the already building panic worse. Telling the truth, somehow, as complicated and not-good as it was, was easier -- even if it wasn't him that was doing the telling.

"No, it's okay," just a murmur in response to her apology. Maybe she should have known, but Ben doesn't seem offended that she didn't think of it. He doesn't exactly listen to her parting instructions; once she leaves him, he turns on the sink, and while he waits for the water to warm up, he struggles out of his suit jacket. Meaning to unbutton his shirt so he can take that off too -- it's bloodied beyond saving -- but his fingers fumble with the buttons too badly to get them undone, so he swears under his breath, gives up, and just starts to rinse his hands instead. The watered down red in the sink is hard to look at, but easier that than his almost unrecognizable reflection in the mirror. Once most of the blood there is washed away, he notices his knuckles are bruised black and blue already; somebody had put up a hell of a fight, but it's one he doesn't remember. "Yeah, there, uh..." Flexing his fingers absently, and then he's looking over toward the open door. "Should be a couple of dishtowels in the kitchen. Top drawer next to the stove." He waits until she's left to go to the kitchen, and then he turns off the water, sits down on the floor, leans back against the cabinet under the sink.

He didn't listen to her, but what was she going to do about it? She felt so out of step, out of whack, and unhelpful that if he was doing it against her suggestion then it was probably the right way to go. Jackie lingers in the doorway even after he tells her where to find the towels, pushing down the urge to want to simply sit at his feet and fret. It wasn't what he needed from her. Shoving out of the doorway she moved into the kitchen and wasted little time grabbing the dishtowels. One was ran under warm water while the other was left dry then she made her way back to the bathroom. Her gaze sank to meet him on the floor and the corners of her lips went along with it. Was this the look of a man giving up? It didn't seem like something Ben would do, but it was such a defeated position. Maybe, hopefully, she was simply reading too far into it.

"Let's get your shirt off, okay, baby?" It was soaked through with blood and she could smell the metallic aroma in the air which wasn't agreeing with her stomach at all. She needed to get as much of it off him as possible for his sake and maybe hers as well. Jackie sank down to her knees beside him setting the dishtowels across his leg. Without an invitation she was already reaching out to fumble with the slick buttons of his shirt. It made her notice the blood already coating her hand, the smudges of it running up and down her arms from helping him. Part of her had to be running on auto-pilot for any of this to be sane and acceptable, but when were they ever entirely sane and acceptable? "You doin' okay, baby? You still with me? Thomas should be here soon."

He really did seem defeated, the inaction, that he was just waiting for her to come back. Typically he was so take-charge, even moreso in a crisis situation. This wasn't like him at all. He doesn't respond when she talks to him, but his eyes do track her movements -- the red smeared along her arms, and then he looks down to the motion of her fingers at the buttons of his shirt. She'd started at the top, and he tries again, the bottom-most one. It's not long before he gives up on it again, annoyed; the wheeze of a sigh leads to a rasp of a cough -- and then a frustrated sound, though it almost, almost edges into something like a whimper. "I'm still here, yeah. With you. But I..." His gaze shifts to her face, and he's not all there, a little distant -- but maybe that's for the better-- "I'm sorry." One hand lifts, and his fingertips barely touch her cheek, then her hair. "I'm sorry." Maybe he would've said more, but only a few seconds later, there's a knock at the door.

It's unnatural to see Ben like this, but Jackie couldn't blame him. He was holding it together better than she was when she had her run in with Lonnie and her wounds from that weren't even physical like his, only mental. She manages to make quick work out of the buttons and doesn't stop him when he attempts to help. It's only when he gets frustrated that she tsks. "They're slippery and hard to get hold of," it's not his fault. He confirms he's still with her, "Good, sweetheart. You're doin' good." Though he tosses in a 'but' and it makes her brows rise as she finishes undoing the buttons of his cuffs. "But what?" And maybe that was it, that he was sorry. Automatically she's shaking her head, reacting in much of the same way he did when she said she was sorry. "Stop that, if I can't do it then neither can you. There's nothin' for you to be sorry in all of this so don't even say that." After that she's that much more determined to hold it together for him. He was always so strong for her when she needed it, he was strong weeks ago and took such good care of her when she felt like her world was falling apart after Lonnie had made her feel like less of a person. She eased him up and away from the cabinet enough to slide his shirt down off of him and toss it aside.

Before she could start wiping him down with the dishtowels there was a knock at the door. "Hang on one second!" Called over her shoulder then Jackie looked back to Ben. "Thomas is here. See? It's gonna be alright now. He knows what he's doing and you're gonna be just fine." A little more confidence managed to find its way into her tone even if it was all for show.

Even if he'd been more put together right now, Ben wouldn't be able to say what exactly he's even apologizing for. The situation? Truthfully, it's more than that. He'd intended on it being a ridiculous point, the dumb irrational end to the slippery slope of 'if only I hadn't...' but for some reason, it was sticking with him. It's worse, maybe, because even through the shocky daze he's settling into, he can sense the tension in her, how hard she's working to be strong for him, and more than anything, that hits him. It's moments like this, when her age doesn't show, when it isn't obvious how young she is -- when she shouldn't have to be dealing with things like this, when she shoulders so much responsibility -- those are the moments that he rethinks their decision to be together. Not because he doubts her ability to handle it, not anymore -- but because it isn't fair to her. She shouldn't have to.

It's really for the best that Ben was unable to voice the thoughts rambling through his mind, the idea that she shouldn't have to deal with the sorts of things that come along with being married to him. Or that maybe it would have been better if they held their ground last year when they said this was something that couldn't and shouldn't be. Unfortunately for them both, even if that was the case it was far too late now. The hypothetical "if we weren't together" was enough to make Jackie fit, so if he really did try to push the idea on her like it was sensible there would more than likely be a lotta hell to pay.

He keeps his hand lifted, moving to the side of her face again, ignoring the shake in his fingers, brushing his thumb along her cheek. "Got me. I'm only good 'cause you got me." It's not too much of a struggle to get the shirt off with her help (though he still grimaces, stifles a noise in his throat). His torso is already a mess of purple-black bruising, but if Jackie needed a bright spot, there was one to be had; it didn't seem like any of the blood came from injuries there. Must've all been from his nose, his mouth, head wounds -- and maybe his attackers. With Sam involved, it was likely.

She stayed on her knees beside him just a little while longer to make sure he was going to be alright while she ran to let Thomas in. While she pauses there for that moment after the knock at the door, he actually gives her a small, fleeting smile, picks up the damp towel she'd laid across his leg, and starts gingerly wiping some of the blood away from his face, one of his cheeks. "Gonna be fine here for a minute. Go." He watches her leave the room, but maybe some of her confidence had helped, because he doesn't give up on cleaning up in her absence.

Once she was satisfied she rose to her feet and moved to the door. It was opened just a crack at first, a squint given to the man on the other side. She didn't know what Thomas looked like, but since the odds of anyone else showing up here were next to impossible she eased back a few steps to open the door for him. "Thank you for comin', Dr. Thomas."

Ben Sullivan

Date: 2013-06-13 13:49 EST
Thomas might not have looked quite like Jackie expected, in his mid-30s, brown-haired, blue-eyed. Doesn't look all that professional, in jeans and a tee, Converse high tops and a messenger bag -- but Ben didn't look professional on his off days either. Maybe it was part of why the two got along well enough for Ben to call in a favor like this. "Jackie? He's mentioned you a few times," explaining, while he steps into the apartment, shuts the door behind him. He makes a face, "Just Thomas. Doctor Kildaire, but... Thomas is fine. How's he doing?" With a glance past her, into the apartment, though he's waiting for her to lead the way, it seems. "And no, I don't do this all the time. Me and him joked about it recently, though. Must've been a jinx."

It's only after Jackie pulls the door open to let Thomas in that she can get a good look at him. This was who she was trusting her husband with? He might have been older than Jackie but it still look like he learned his trade from a game of Operation with the way he was dressed. "Yeah, that's me. Sorry, Thomas, sure." She couldn't pull herself together enough to get a full sentence out for him. Jackie thought she was going to feel a weight lifted once the doctor had arrived, but the knots in her stomach barely budged. "He's still conscious. Able to hold a conversation. Seems to be perfectly aware." She's fiddling with her fingers when she nods her head aside indicating for him to follow to the bathroom.

"His nose is broken and his torso is so battered he might have a broken rib or three, but I'll let you figure it all out. It's..." She hesitates, not sure what to say to describe it. Bad is an understatement. She doesn't want to say they did a number on Ben, because who knows what Ben was going to tell Thomas? Instead she lets it go and fade off between them. Jackie stops by the bathroom doorway and leans against the wall just outside of it so she can still see Ben but giving Thomas more than enough room to go inside. When Thomas assured her he didn't do this all the time she gave a little shrug. It wouldn't be the first time she witnessed or participated in first aid being passed out in an unorthodox setting. "If this is somethin' y'all were jokin' about before, I think it's safe to say you boys are banned from tossin' jokes back and forth."

"Wish it was better circumstances," Thomas tells her, and then he's listening to her description. "That's good, those are good signs." He gives her a little smile, and then follows after her. He doesn't push Jackie to finish her sentence. Situations like this aren't easy, and he's not about to make it harder on her. "You did good," a murmur aside to her while he pats her on the shoulder, moves into the bathroom, sitting down on the edge of the tub, facing Ben. "That's gonna hurt like a bitch when I put it back in place, you know," with a little gesture at Ben's face.

Ben stops his task of cleaning up -- about half of his face is clean now, at least -- coughs a little as he sets the towel down. "Thanks for the warning," and in spite of everything, his tone is dry. His attention shifts to Jackie, and he tries another smile for her, though it's tight and more crooked than usual -- the split in his lower lip forces it that way. "I'll be okay. Go home, do that stuff I asked you?"

Jackie nods in reply to Thomas telling her it would have been better to meet when Ben wasn't battered and bloody, but she could give him little more than that. She was grateful he was there to help, but at the same time a new face in a situation like this had her on edge. Ben obviously trusted Thomas well enough, but it was taking Jackie longer to have her emotions match up with the logic of the situation. "Thank you." The reply was mumbled when he patted her on the shoulder and her gaze turned down to Ben. She returns the smile for him, all of the worry that had settled so firmly on her features softening somewhat for him. Or it did until he told her to go home. She had made a promise, but it didn't stop her from flashing a look up at Thomas then back to Ben. "You're positive? If y'all need my help with anything here I can do it before I go." Just as Ben was so often protective of Jackie, that streak of abundantly clear in her right now. Thomas meant Ben no harm, but the idea of leaving them both alone with Ben in this state had her wanting to play guard dog through the whole ordeal.

Thomas doesn't get in the middle of that. Ben just nods a little. Able to keep the smile in place, but he can't make it any more reassuring like he wanted. "Positive. I'll be okay. And we'll both be here when you get back." Ben just hoped that Thomas could finish up with everything he needed to before Jackie got back -- he knew some of this was going to hurt worse than it already did, and he didn't want her to be here for that. Hesitating a second, but he gives in, reaches one hand out for her. "Just c'mere a second first." Not usually the type to openly ask for affection, but this situation wasn't exactly normal.

That meant something to her, the fact Ben remembered her demand in the deal was that the doctor couldn't leave before she got back. Jackie did promise to do this and it had been extremely important to Ben when he asked it of her. At first there was no reply from her, no acknowledging he was right or that she was leaving. Her bottom lip was chewed at until she was beckoned closer and that was a demand Jackie could easily give into. Her hand was placed in his and she moved forward, sinking down into a crouch beside him. Her free hand lifted to ghost fingertips across his cheek, trying to not touch him in fear of hurting him rather than getting blood on herself since that was a lost cause. "I won't be gone long at all, okay? I'll let Adam know what happened, I won't leave him 'til I know he's alright, and I'll make sure everything is okay at home before I come back. I promise. You just focus on here an' now, helpin' Thomas help you. You take care of yourself and I'll take care of the rest. Okay, sweetheart?" The smile she gave him was weak, but encouraging.

Ben mirrors her position, his free hand lifting to press against her cheek. He even ducks his head a little to come in closer. "I can do that. Just... focus on now." His forehead almost touches hers, and for a split second, he thinks about kissing her, but then he pulls away, drops his hand from her face. "Love you. Now go, peaches." A hint of a smile, but then he just leans back against the cabinet, shuts his eyes.

Thomas moves his attention to Jackie then. "I'll stay until you get back." He'd picked up on it when Ben said it, noted Jackie's hesitance to leave. "You and me need to talk aftercare, anyway." His smile is more reassuring than either Ben's or Jackie's had been.

"That's all I ask for," that he focus on the now. Part of her wants so badly to kiss him but another side of her is well aware it would probably hurt like hell with the way his lip was split. Having Doctor Audience sitting on the bathtub wasn't helpful either. "Love you, too, Bossy." The nickname was delivered endearingly before she released him and allowed him this moment of quiet before Thomas got to work. She rose to her feet and the smile she gave to Thomas this time around was somewhat more relaxed and even grateful. "Thank you, Thomas. I'll be all ears when I get back." She was doing better, but she still lingered a little while longer before she had to push off the doorframe of the bathroom and make way to the front door. If she didn't leave now, she would find another reason to stay. "I'll be back!" It was the last thing she called before the door was closed behind her.

"We'll be here!" Thomas, calling after her, and after he hears the door open and close, he's starting to go through his bag for supplies he'll need. "Bossy?" He can't help it, he's giving Ben an amused look, though it's brief. He really is mostly business when he needs to be.

"I just asked her to come work with me, be my secretary." Ben opens his eyes, and somehow, he manages to look smug, just the tiniest bit. Maybe it was good, though -- gave him a momentary distraction. "I get it if you're jealous."

"Not gonna be jealous of your ruined boyish good looks. C'mon," and Thomas gets off of the edge of the tub, sitting on the floor next to Ben. "Like I said, gonna hurt like a bitch, but I can't keep talking to you with your nose on sideways like that. After that, we'll try to figure out if you're internally bleeding, then if you're concussed. Plan?"

"Right ankle's f*cked too."

Thomas sighs. "I've got a feeling this is going to become a regular thing, isn't it?"

Ben laughs a little, and it turns into a cough. "No," and he's kind of smiling, but it's off. "I hope I've never got to call you again."

Thomas doesn't take any offense, makes an 'mhm' of agreement, and gets to work.

Ben Sullivan

Date: 2013-06-13 14:01 EST
Jackie wanted to get home, get a change of clothes for Ben, get Adam up to speed and settled in for the night, then get back to Ben as quickly as she could. In her head the trip was going to take a half hour, tops. In true Sullivan fashion with the way their luck had been going lately, this wasn't the case. She had been gone for just under two hours when Jackie finally shoved her way through the front door of the apartment again. In addition to the duffel bag clutched in her hand at her side, Jackie had also changed into a pair of jean shorts, a black t-shirt, and a pair of boots. All traces of blood she had been sporting earlier on her hands, arms, face, and even in her hair had been washed away as well. The only thing that was still remained from earlier was her pinched brows and worried expression. "I'm back." It was the only sort of warning they got before Jackie continued on to find the pair.

The apartment is quiet when Jackie returns. The light was still on in the bathroom, but dimmed, and the pile of blankets Jackie had gotten from the bedroom and left in the hallway was gone -- pulled into the bathroom, where Ben is curled up in them, on the floor, dozing. Thomas is back to sitting on the side of the bathtub, brows pinched together in thought, almost worry, though when he hears Jackie, he leaves the room, goes to meet her in the hallway. "He's okay. Sleeping." He catches her by the elbow, steers her a couple of steps back toward the near-empty living room so he doesn't have to worry so much about keeping his voice down. "I was able to straighten out his nose, stop the bleeding. Ankle's just a bad sprain, so he needs to keep off of it for a few weeks. His ribs are pretty messed up, but there's not a lot I can do about those. He should relax as much as he can. Anything more than laying around doing nothing will probably hurt. Tylenol for now, until it's clear there isn't a concussion. I wrote him a script for vicodin after that's a little more sure." He hesitates, and it's obvious, but for now, he doesn't say whatever it is he's thinking.

Her pace slows when she sees Thomas and she wants to be relieved when he says Ben's okay, but the fact she was being turned around and shuffled into the living room managed to diminish that feeling. Jackie nods as Thomas explains and she really is listening to everything he says, but her attention keeps drifting over in the general direction of where Ben was on the other side of the wall. "That's fine so long as you told him that. He's horrible at sittin' around but if it's doctor's orders I'll have a better chance of makin' it stick." She looks back to Thomas in time to catch the verbal and visual cues of his hesitation and she can't let it slide by. Was there something he was keeping from her? Worried she couldn't handle it? "Whatever else is on your mind, Thomas, I would appreciate you tellin' me. He's goin' to be alright, isn't he? If he catches his rest, lets everything heal properly, he'll be okay?" Somehow she managed to sound scared and ready to shake him at a moment's notice if he didn't answer her all at the same time.

"Yeah, I tried telling him. Good luck making it stick." Thomas hasn't known Ben for long, but he can tell, already, that he isn't the sit-still-and-take-it-easy type. Right away, when Jackie pushes him on his hesitation, he looks a little sorry. "One of the first things I learned in med school is not to make promises, but... he should be okay as long as he takes it easy. There can always be complications after something like this, but it's rare. I think he'll be fine." That doesn't explain the hesitation, though, and after a few more seconds, "Have you ever noticed him... not being himself, kind of?" His voice drops a little lower. "He didn't have any concussion symptoms at first. No short term memory loss, could hold a conversation okay, no vomiting. Eyes were fine, wasn't dizzy, wasn't any more irritable than he always is. But then he just... changed. And yeah, unstable mood or personality change is a concussion symptom, but this wasn't like anything I've ever seen before. It was like he was a different person entirely." He sighs a little, rubs his forehead, just above the bridge of his nose, eyes shut, before opening them and dropping his hand. "I'm not trying to pry, and I don't need to know details. Just need to know if that sounds familiar to you, so I can rule it out as a symptom of something related to what happened to him tonight."

"I'm gonna need it." It had been the theme for the night, dropping jokes without actually meaning them and putting no effort into the delivery. The words were flat and she was still trying to figure out what was bothering him. "I understand nothin' comes with guarantees and I appreciate you bein' honest with me at least." Was that it? It made absolutely no sense to Jackie why that would cause the reaction Thomas had, but it only takes that first question for it to sink in. Her brows rose but she somehow managed to keep her eyes from widening with shock so her expression came across more as interested rather than unpleasantly surprised.

"Changed?" There was disbelief in her tone and if Ben could have heard her (was that even him in the bathroom?) he would have been proud. "What happened leadin' up to him actin' off? What was he actin' like?" Already she was mentally kicking herself, convinced that leaving had been the worst idea ever. Maybe, somehow, if she had been here she could have stopped whatever happened in her absence from occurring. It was probably a long shot, but it was another 'if I hadn't...' to add to the growing list of the evening. "I mean, if he didn't have all them symptoms of being concussed then maybe you just got to see a side of Ben he doesn't like showin' off much? He's been through a lot today and he's handlin' it with a lot more grace than I ever could. I don't want to add nothin' to his list of symptoms or my list of worries if it was only him realizin' what a sh*t situation this is, y'know?"

He wasn't expecting the questions from her, but he answers them anyway. "I was just checking out his ribs. We were talking, I was trying to keep his mind off of the pain when I could. And he just sort of... stopped. And then he was completely different. Afraid -- not just hurting or overwhelmed, but... afraid. Inconsolable. Like a kid or something, and out of nowhere." He sighs again. "It didn't last long. He even picked up our conversation once he was... normal again." Putting one hand on her shoulder, "Anything you tell me doesn't get out to anyone, you know that? You're his wife, doctor-patient privilege. So I'll tell you this, too -- if that doesn't sound normal, he really needs to come to the hospital. It could be something really, really wrong, Jackie. Like life-threatening wrong." His voice stays low, gentle, but he keeps his eyes on her.

Jackie is giving a slow nod as Thomas explains, biting her bottom lip to force her facial features into one position and keep them there so her realization doesn't shine through. Ted, the scared little boy taking up space in Ben's brain. Hard to explain, but weren't they all? Maybe it was the best in a worst case scenario if she had to choose amongst the boys. She would take Ted over Sam cussing and spitting at Thomas, Harry saying the best way to heal ribs was the strip club, or Ivan waxing poetic about how mending a man's body was useless since it was constantly decaying as is. Ted being a scared mess? She could deal with that. Her gaze swept aside at his hand on her shoulder then moved to his face again. Her volume was low, but it was hard to tell if she was doing that so she didn't wake Ben in the other room or it was the only way to control her irritation. "I don't know if he explained to you what happened, Thomas, but Ben has been to hell and back today. He could have very well died. I mean, he isn't even out of the woods yet and somethin' could still go wrong. The man had one moment of lettin' the weight of all that sink in on him then bounced right back, it ain't nothin' to hold over his head."

She realized too late in her little speech she was getting far too heated by the end and it wasn't needed, especially considering Thomas had done them a huge favor tonight. "I'm sorry, I don't mean to be outta line and there is honestly nothin' I can say or do to properly repay you for everything you've done for us tonight. On the other hand, I am his wife an' if anything came across as odd to me in this I would be tellin' you." No, it wasn't odd at all. This was just another day in the life. "But I promise you I'll keep an eye on him in the next couple of weeks and if it seems like somethin' is wrong you'll be the first to know. I swear it, Thomas. I wouldn't do anything or withhold anythin' from you that could hurt him." But withholding Ben's DID, the fact that Thomas just had a brush with another personality, none of that seemed to sway the situation at hand so this was not the time for sharing.

Thomas deals with upset reactions of all sorts every day at work, so Jackie's moment of being heated doesn't faze him. What she says, though, and how she reacts, what she promises him -- it confirms his guess, as vague as it is. "Alright, Jackie. I just wanted to make sure you understood. We're on the same team, y'know?" He finally turns away to head back to the bathroom again. "I just need to get my stuff. If you can wait to get him home, let him sleep a little longer." Ben's still sleeping when Thomas ducks into the room to grab his bag, and slinging it over his shoulder, he's not really lingering in there, though he does pause in the hallway. "Getting in and out of the car is probably gonna be the worst for him right now. When you get him home, make him lay down, try to get him to stay there. Call me if you need anything, or if he starts showing any of those concussion symptoms or starts acting off." One step toward the front door. "You good? Questions?"

"I completely understand, Thomas. I know we are. You might not know Ben all that well or nothin', but you're a guy dedicated to helpin' people and you just helped the most important person I got in my life. That means a lot." She trails along after him to the hallway. Why? She wasn't sure. If Ben was asleep then nothing more could go wrong this evening, but letting Thomas out of her sight in the first place is what made her have to come up with a blatant lie on the fly, not something she wanted to repeat tonight.

"Sure, we got a lil' time. I'll wait as long as I can before we gotta get back home to my step-son." She followed him towards the door, her attention still shifting between the sleeping Ben and Thomas. Finally, she looked to Thomas and shook her head. "No, no questions, I think I got it all. But I'll call you to check in on everything, even if all's well I'll give you a ring in a few days so y'know what's going on." Because she wasn't hiding anything. "Like I said, I can't repay y'for what you did tonight an' I know Ben is thankful as hell, too, but I can at least start by invitin' you to dinner sometime in the future when Ben's feelin' a lil' more himself. You don't have to answer now, but just keep it in mind and know we would be real pleased to have you over."

"He's a good guy, Jackie. --you already know that. I couldn't say no." He shrugs a little. Doesn't get into what he'd hired Ben to help him with, but apparently it had been major. "So there's nothing to even think about repaying me for... but I won't say no to dinner. When he's feeling up to it. Thank you." One more smile, a little easier this time around. "Day or night. Any reason. You can call." He's at the door then, and he throws a, "G'night, Jackie," over his shoulder on his way out before closing the door behind him.

Her expression goes just a little smug, similar to Ben earlier when he was talking to Thomas about Jackie. He didn't have to tell her what a good guy Ben was, but she was always pleased when people knew like she did. "And thank you, Thomas. For everything." She didn't feel like she could say it enough but she didn't want to keep the man. More importantly, she wanted to get back to Ben. "Goodnight, Thomas. Drive safe." The door closed behind him and she twisted the locks into place before making her way to the bathroom. Jackie paused by the door to look over Ben, fast asleep in the mess of blankets.

Ben Sullivan

Date: 2013-06-13 14:20 EST
You could almost paint Ben in different, much less dire circumstances, the way he looked now. All traces of blood had been washed away (though it still smells metallic in the air), and in the dim light, the twin black eyes and the bruising scattered across the rest of his face is harder to discern, the rest of his battered body covered up by blanket. The wheeze is still there in his breathing, but it's part hidden by a very quiet snoring. Almost peaceful, almost normal -- though maybe not so much that it makes forgetting the very different situation a few hours ago any less impossible.

He was sleeping and he looked peaceful despite his condition. It was more than she could have hoped for. The duffel bag was released to sink down to the floor at her feet then with great care she was stepping further into the bathroom without disturbing Ben. Jackie sank down to the floor nearby his head, folding her legs indian style beneath her. As she told Thomas, she was alright with the idea of allowing Ben to sleep a little longer in the apartment before making him get up so he could be carted off to the house. That didn't mean that Jackie had any intentions of relaxing. The apartment was locked, barely anyone knew about it, and they were safe. Still, she was rather set on staying perched nearby him and keeping watch.

It hadn't escaped Jackie that if Lonnie had been a little more out of control, if one of his boys had gone too far, telling Ben she would see him after her errands could have been the last time she saw him. It was too frightening to think of a life without Ben and now that she had him here? Mended and on the road to recovery thanks to Thomas? It would going to be hard to let him out of her sight. Fingers reach out to carefully brush through his hair, not actually putting pressure anywhere on him because she didn't want to cause him any pain but at the same time she needed the contact. "Love you, sweetheart."

Ben's often a light sleeper, especially in strange places (and the bathroom floor of an apartment he doesn't live in anymore would qualify as 'strange'), but Jackie's movement in the bathroom doesn't wake him. When her hand moves to his hair (and it's a little damp still, from washing the blood out of it), he stirs, and already, his eyes shut tighter, brows draw together, because his first conscious thought is the pain, but he manages to smooth out his expression pretty quickly, though his eyes stay closed. "Love you, sunshine. Glad you're back." Especially because she'd missed the worst of Thomas being here. "Thomas gone? He stuck around until you got here, right?" One hand sneaks out from under the blanket, and he reaches up past his head -- really, he's reaching for her hand, but he'll just leave his hand on her knee if she doesn't take his. "How'd Adam take it? We should get back, shouldn't we?" But he doesn't make any move to get up yet.

Part of Jackie wants to feel guilty for waking him up, but majority of her reaction is simply happy to hear him and be able to look at him without the coating of blood getting in the way. "Glad to be back. Thomas stayed until I got here, true to his word, even if it took me longer than I thought it would." Her hand slipped from his hair to carefully capture his hand and curl her fingers around it. How she touched him, how the pad of her thumb brushed his fingers, it was all gentle to make sure she didn't cause him more pain than she was sure he was feeling.

"It was... hard." Putting it plainly even if the word didn't quite cover it. "He's upset, worried as all hell, which I can understand. It took a while to get him to calm down and he kept sayin' he wanted to come here with me. I set him up in the living room, told him to watch a movie and wait for us to get back, that he didn't have to go to bed until he saw you. I don't know if I'm bein' too much of a worry wart and if I am you can call me on it, but maybe we can keep him home from school tomorrow so all three of us can spend a quiet day together. You're goin' to be sleepin' for most of it, but I don't want to make him sit in class worryin'. 'Sides, he only has a week left." She glanced around the bathroom and nodded slowly. "I don't want to leave him too long by himself, but I'm not rushin' you either. You relax a lil' longer then we can get your clothes changed and get you to your own bed. How's that sound, baby?"

"No, I think that's a good idea, sweets. Keeping him home tomorrow, I mean." His fingers curl around her hand; the contact helps, keeps him calmer. "He won't be able to concentrate at school anyway. I couldn't make him go. We can just watch movies or something -- or I can sleep through them, anyway." Sure, Ben wasn't the type to rest when he was supposed to, wasn't the type to get proper medical attention when he needs it -- but this situation was so much worse than most of the other times he's gotten injured and just brushed it off and ignored it. "That sounds good, babe. Just a little while longer here. I just got comfortable, yeah?" Really, he's been sleeping for close to an hour, but who's counting?

Her smile widened briefly, pleased she had made the correct call on keeping Adam home from school tomorrow. "I'll give 'em a ring in the morning to to them he won't be in. And look at you, already set on sleepin' through movies. I hope this means you're not going to give me a hard time when I insist you stick to the house and bed in the upcomin' week." Trying to make light of it even if that was definitely in Ben's near future. "I'll also be goin' through your schedule tomorrow to move everything around that I can." It wasn't a question, Nurse Jackie was telling him what was going to happen. Her torso curled forward, elbows resting on her knees to bring her closer to him. "That's fine, I don't want to move you too soon. I'm sure Thomas did a number on you while I was gone and I don't want to rush you off after that."

His thumb idly brushes along the back of her hand a few times, and it takes him a couple attempts to speak to actually say what he wants to. "I blacked out while Thomas was here. Did he say anything? I don't know what happened, don't know why or... who." Part of Ben doesn't even want to bring it up, wants to just ignore it (like he usually does) -- but he's supposed to be figuring all this out, right? If he just keeps avoiding it, things will never get less chaotic for him.

She's content to keep her hand in his and to be quiet, unaware that he's piecing together something to say. When it comes to light, Ben telling her about how he blacked out, the corners of her lips sank. "I know, he told me. I wasn't goin' to keep it from you, but I didn't want to burden you with it tonight if I didn't have to." Her gaze shifted aside, piecing her exchange with Thomas back together so she could properly relay it to Ben. "He asked me if you had instances of not actin' yourself, worried it could be a sign of somethin' bein' seriously wrong. He said he was checkin' your ribs and you were holdin' a conversation with him, next thing he knows you're actin' like an inconsolable child." Looking to him, the silent exchange of Ted between them. "After a while you were fine again, picked up the conversation like it never happened."

When she leans in a little closer to him, he opens his eyes and pulls his other hand out from under the blanket, reaches up to rest it at the back of her head, curling his fingers briefly into her hair before letting his fingertips trace lightly along her cheek. He gives her a little smile, then lets that hand rest on his chest, his captured fingers absently fidgeting with hers. The smile fades when she goes on from talking about keeping him resting to confirming that his blackout hadn't been head injury related. "Yeah, I... it just really hurt, what he was doing. Got kind of overwhelming, I guess." Sighing a little, and at least it only brings a hint of a cough this time, a little hitch in his breathing. "So what... what did you tell him?"

Her sour expression manages to break just a little when he brushes his fingers through her hair and along her cheek, but when he returns to the subject at hand her features sink as well. "I told him that you had a rough day, one that could have gone a whole lot worse, and it wasn't right to hold it over a man's head for him to have one breakdown that he bounced right back from. Made it out like you might've just had an emotional moment before pullin' yourself together. Told him it didn't sound like somethin' to be worried about to me but I would keep an eye on you for the weeks to come and call him if the problem persists." That caused her to smirk. "He didn't push much more after that. Said we're all on the same team." His hand was brought up to her mouth, a few kisses brushed along his fingers and knuckles before she continued. "He seems like a good guy and he did a real upstanding thing tonight. I told him when you were feelin' better we would have him over for dinner."

Under normal circumstances, Ben would probably make a face, have some comment ready about the idea of him having an 'emotional moment' -- but not tonight. He's actually worried at first, because he doesn't think Jackie's ever been comfortable with covering up his disorder, not like he is, not the way it's second nature to him -- but he's surprised at her eventual answer, and it shows (if only barely; the black eyes make surprise a difficult expression to show). "Good answer, peaches. Thank you," for backing him up -- for covering for him and for the boys.

His eyes close when she lifts his hand to press kisses to it -- his left one, bruised up from fighting back (from Sam fighting back). The bruises aren't his, but the wedding band is. "He's a good guy, yeah," quiet, agreeing. Just trying to relax, a hint of a smile at his mouth. "Dinner? It'll be a few weeks, probably, but... that'll be nice." A pause, then, "I hurt like hell, babe. Kinda want to just stay here for the next month," and he means in this pile of blankets on the bathroom floor, not just the apartment. "Think Adam'll be okay another half an hour? Just want a little more sleep before we go home and I sleep some more." At least he's got his sense of humor back.

Jackie might have always had a hard time lying to her family or to her close friends about Ben's situation, uncomfortable with the idea of telling such bold faced lies to the people she cared about, but in the end she always knew it came down to the fact that it wasn't her secret to tell. Now that she was married to Ben? Him, his boys, and their secret was hers to protect just as much as they did. "You know I got your back, but you're welcome." She would have tossed out her usual line, told him to not mention it and there was no need to thank her, but considering it was that important to him she couldn't bring herself to brush it off.

"I know it'll be a few weeks considerin' you're going to be on bed rest for a while here, but I had to at least toss it out to him. All the same, that isn't somethin' we gotta worry about. All I'm worried about is you and makin' sure you relax so you can heal." She's thankful his eyes are closed so he can't see her frowning, how she's still obviously fretting. "Adam will be okay for a half hour, though I think he's gonna want to spend just a little time with you when you get home before you go back to bed, proper warning. I'll text him to let him know everything is going to be okay and we'll be home soon enough. For now you go back to sleep, alright? That's all you gotta do. Sleep and I'll watch over you." He had done the same thing for her when she had her run in with Lonnie. He didn't let her out of his sight, stood by her side, helped her heal while allowing her to do it at her own pace and in her own time. Now she would repay it all. Another kiss was pressed to his fingers. "I got you, sweetheart."