Topic: A Home for the Heart

The Poetess

Date: 2007-12-17 18:15 EST
'A Home for the Heart' is a beginning to the story of the The poet, Thea, her friends and her lifestyle in the town of Rhy'Din.

Thea, of late, has informally selected a few people, based upon shared chemistry and the inspiration she derives from them, and them her, to be her Muses. It is with jest and with truth they have received such a title, and these few people are central figures in her life.

First and foremost is her partner, and dearest friend Anastas. This is the man she shares her most secret self with. It is with him she blossoms.

There is her story-teller, confidante, and more, Elseth al Nakada. They have an agreement of sorts, a silent understanding. It is with him her soul, her instincts are sharpened to a fine hone.

Dracos Drasoini, finally, who is her guardian, muse, mentor. He is tutoring her in the magics she has acquired since arriving in Rhy'Din. Though inherently a healer, made so in the recuperating months after her being attacked some months ago, she now has learnt Rhy'Din has altered the energy of her, imbued her with a magic that enables her to understand mind speak, to walk portals and whatever more she comes to develop.

More to be added at a later date, for now, this is an introduction to the relationships reflected in subsequent posts.

The Isles was self-chosen as a place for her to write, to learn, to hide, to wander. It is there she bases herself, when not visiting the Inn, The Twilight Isle, Anastas' home in the Marketplace, and wherever else she invests time and interest and footprints. This is a Home for her Heart, where she can live freely, privately.