Topic: Taking a Trip Downtown

Ecstasy Is Revenge

Date: 2008-04-18 23:22 EST
She awoke to the pounding at her door downstairs. With a groan, Bellora rolled out of bed and padded down the steps, wrapping a robe about her body as she went.

She paused mid-step near the door, smelling copious amounts of blood and the stiff, starchy scent of Watch uniforms. Oh crap.

Throwing open the door, feigning indignant anger and sleepiness, "What?! It's the middle of the Gods be damned night. What could you possibly wa...oh. Hello, Officers. What can I do for you?"

She ignored the dripping bag the ME was carrying to the Meat Wagon behind them, ignored the crime scene tape, and pretended not to notice the angry looks on the Watch officers' faces.

"Ma'am, we are here on an anonymous tip. It seems there is this body outside your front door. We'd like you to come down to the headquarters and answer some questions, please." The tallest of them spoke, she nodded and motioned inside. "Can I get dressed first? One of you can accompany me."

"I'm sorry, Miss Vendetta, that won't be possible. Please come with us." Cursing silently, she allowed them to take her by the arm and lead her to a vehicle. Damn, what now? What the hell was this body they were talking about?

"Could you at least tell me what this is all about? A body outside my door? I assure you, I know nothing about it. I have been asleep all night, since 9:30."

"Can anyone verify that, Ma'am?"

"Yes, you can check with my security company. I armed my alarms at 8:00, and went to bed and hour and a half later. The number is on the sign there, in my flower bed." She nodded to the weed infested flower box outside her door as they drug her past. An officer stopped to take down the number, and she overheard the ME talking as she was shoved into a car. "It's a mess. His head was ripped clean off. Been dead about twenty minutes, maybe a bit longer. Not by much, though."

"Watch your head, Ma'am." Bellora sat, grateful she wasn't handcuffed, and knew who was resonsible for this. She knew, also, that Dalia was probably laughing all the way home.

Ecstasy Is Revenge

Date: 2008-04-21 19:39 EST
What a waste of time. She sat, wrapped in her robe and snarling at anyone who looked twice at her. A drunk, thinking she had been picked up for prostitution, leered and tried to get her usual corner location. For when he and she both got out, he said. She gave him one hell of a headache, and, vomiting on his arresting officer, was dumped in a cell and far away from her.

An officer, one appearing to be of higher rank and a detective, approached her next. "Miss Vendetta? Please come with me."

She was led into an interrogation room, in which she barely managed to hide a smirk. Her interrogation rooms were useful. This puke green room with a table and uncomfortable chairs wouldn't get anyone to crack and spill their guts, would it? If so, man, they were weak.

She took a seat, thanked the other officer for the cup of coffee that was placed in front of her, and avoided looking at her rumpled reflection in the two way mirror. She sighed, sipped, and awaited the pitiful onslaught of thier questions.

"Miss Vendetta, do you know this man? A picture of a decapitated head was placed in front of her. Being an excellant actress, she gasped, feigned a gag, and shoved it back. "Yes. That's Jay Simons. He interior designer. He decorated my office and apartment. What happened to him?" Turn on the waterworks, doll. She sniffled and hung her head; they had actually surprised her with that one. How had he ended up dead on her doorstep?

"Any idea how he ended up dead on your doorstep?"

"No. He left my place around 7:30 P.M., I paid him and he left. He was done." His assistant, or friend, the incubus had stayed behind, however, for a little fun in her "rhompus room". No need to bring that up, since she hadn't told him about that alibi before. They'd think she was lying, now.

"Yes, we found the check in his pocket, along with this." He slid the manual for a reciever/monitor across the table. She looked at it, recognizing immediately what it was and what it was for. Damn the little bastard! Good thing he was already dead, or she'd hunt him down and kill him herself! And it wouldn't be quick, either! He had bugged her home and office!

She bit back all responses, blanked her expression, and shook her head. She put on her, "I'm a dumb girl" expression, and smiled. "No, is it some sort of t.v.?"

"No, Ma'am. It's used to recieve the signals from a bug. A recording device. You're property may be under surveilance, Miss Vendetta. Anyone you know of would want that?"

"Noo. Not that I can think of, Officer. I haven't even had a new client yet since I came back. I haven't even officially opened."

The detective sat down, slid the evidence back to his partner, and nodded. The partner sat down, a bit gruff. Oh, here we go. Good cop, bad cop. Yeah. "And what exactly is it you do, Miss Vendetta? Interesting name, by the way."

"Thank you. I am a merc. Sword for hire, bodyguard, sort of a P.I., several things. Depends on what my client needs."

"You wouldn't happen to be a vigilante, would you, Miss Vendetta?"

Crap. Deadpan, she replied with a shake of her head. "No, no I wouldn't. I don't kill people unless they are threatening to kill my client. Typical response of a bodyguard, wouldn't you say?"

She may have stepped too far with that last comment, for he stood up, slammed his hands on the desk before her and shouted in her face,"Isn't it true, Miss Vendetta, that you left town to escape suspicion on a number of horrendous deaths?! You were seen with one of the victims. You just happened to leave town until things calmed down. Too much of a coincidence, if you ask me!" His partner put a hand on his shoulder, he turned away brusquely, feigning taking a moment to regain control of himself. She just laughed inside. Oh, what amatuers.

Having pretended to flinch, her face registered surprise, but innocent naivete. "I have no idea what you are talking about! I left town on business for my Mother!" Truth, at least. She'd had to wipe out an entire clan of rogue vampires on another planet. "If you are trying to incinuate that I murdered that man, then you should really look at your evidence! I was in the house and in bed at the time!"

"Yes, but you said yourself that you were alone. No one to back your story, this time, Miss Vendetta."

A knock at the door, cursing, "Bad Cop" went to answer it, he shouted at the young officer who was obviously a bearer of bad news. Turning, he pulled the "Good Cop" from the room.

She sighed, watching the door close, and avoiding looking into the mirror. Her solid, pupiless eyes of onyx were always off-putting to humans and most other beings. They may read things into her expression that were not there, due to thier fear of her.

After a few moments, the two returned. "Bad Cop" looking defeated, and extremely pissed off. "You're free to go, Miss Vendetta." With that, he stormed out of the room. "Good Cop" reached out a hand to help her stand, and explained.

"We contacted your alarm company, Miss Vendetta. Your story checked out. Also, the gentleman who claims to be your boyfriend is here to take you home. He...ahem...brought in a peeping tom who has time stamped pictures of the two of you in your bedroom...erm...being intimate at the time of the murder. I apologize for my partner, Ma'am. Let us know if you think of anyone that may have paid Mr. Simons to spy on you?"

She blushed, and nodded. Whispering conspiratorally, "I am sorry I didn't mention it earlier, Officer. You understand...he's married. I didn't want to cause problems for his divorce. He's leaving her for me, you know." Ugh, acting like a simpering, love sick and stupid woman was sooo nauseating. She flirtied, cooed, blushed, and made an ass of herself, as he expected her to. What a joke.

Taking her new boy toy by the hand, she led him to the street. "Hey, thanks for covering for me, but...why? Aren't you in on all this?" Hands on hips, she glared at him. He glared back, not backing down. "Nope. Had no clue what Jay was up to till I did a little investigating of your place on my own. Found these and knew what had happened. He'd been sniffing around this old hag, some Necromancer chick. I asked around in the demon population and got the dirt on her. She wants your ass bad, honey buns."

Nodding, she took the bugs from him and tossed them to the ground, pointing at his boots and inferring that he should crush them. "Well, thanks. I could have handled them though, you know." He just grinned at her and walked away, whistling.

Dalia Blackthorne

Date: 2008-04-24 16:20 EST
Dalia had been under a glamourie spell, lurking about unnoticed in the offices. She'd SO wanted to watch the woman squirm!

Laughing, she snuck out of the observation booth, where she had been watching the interrogation take place. Sighing as Bellora was being sent home, she shrugged and followed her out, again unnoticed.

Once outside, she hid in some bushes to watch the little tete a tete with what was obviously a minor demon, ah. She could see him better now, what's this? An incubus? What was goody two shoes doing with an incubus, and why the hell did he just bail her ass out, when he didn't have to? What deal did these two have?

Frowning, Dalia made a mental not to find out more. She'd have to report this to Bill, as well. Might give her a way in to Bellora's soul, might give Dalia some options.

For now, she was simply pleased with herself for causing the woman some trouble. She had not intended on the cops really being able to do much, but it was amusing to watch the vigilante squirm.

Dalia slipped into the shadows and headed for home. She had a new friend to settle in, and Lyric was in need of another dose of that drug.